
Quantum Rip: Welcome to Ethos

A special day has come, a day that Earth has awaited for oh so long. The day where they are finally going to try and run the reactor. This had been long-awaited and everyone dropped off their kids with a hint of dread. Hoping that nothing would go wrong, we know it did. Since, else, there would not be a story. I won't go into too much detail, but only simply explain what happened. Due to some malfunctioning and incorrect assumptions, the reactor overproduced energy. Something which should have been impossible according to all the known knowledge of a really advanced Earth. I mean, they have even started colonizing planets. Have done countless simulations and even built test stations in space. Yet now, something had gone when they did the same on earth. Bizarre, right? This malfunctioning and imploding of the reactor caused a massive explosion due to the instability of space itself. This is also what allowed the story to exist, as our main characters were all transported. The method is not known, nor why they survived. We can say it is for the story, for now... They all now find themselves on Ethos, eating a mouthful of dirt as they struggled for breath. Some find their situation horrible, others find it relaxing and peaceful. Some see death, others see life. Despair and hope, madness and sanity on an edge. What has fate given you? Welcome to Ethos, a planet of magic. Welcome to Ethos, a planet orbiting an exotic star. Ethos wishes you luck in surviving. Maybe, just maybe... You can someday go back, or not. ----------------- Release rate: 3 chapters(1200-1400 words) a week. Discord: DAM4jsa patr eon.com/Breuno (Naturally ignore the space) PayPal: https://paypal.me/Breuno -------- *Will not be updating past chapter 40 on Webnovel; however, I am still writing it. You can read it either on my patr-eon (the word is censored), or on goodnovel. For patreon, simply search for Breuno and you should find it quite easily, or /breuno. All posts unlocked at the minimum Tier of 1 dollar per month.

Breuno · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Kirkwall (Part 2 - Negotiations)

"Because if you do not, I will not stay mine." Said a man with bright blue hair as he stepped through the crowd. His hair threw Edvard off for a moment, Edvard was certain that hair dying shouldn't be a thing, so it must be this man's natural hair.

On his back, the young man had a greatsword and while he was not in armor his clothing was heaps and bounds better than those around. Yet, the design choice was just as terrible. A bloody rose atop orange clothing, a sight that made Edvard nearly puke.

"And who are you? Did you see the entire escapade? These guards first asked for a bribe to let me in. Then, when I brought what I could, they declared me a thief." Edvard replied.

His blade was on the slouched guard's neck who was still shivering in pain from the kick. But dared not move thanks to the blade.

"I give you my word I will reprimand him, and of course you will be allowed to keep your catch."

"I don't care, who are you to make such promises?" Edvard replied, placing pressure onto his sword and causing the guard to tremble in fear.

"Boris Stojakovic, the son of the lord of Kirkwall. Now please, stay your hand!" The noble replied.

"How do I know you will keep your promise? I already killed one, why should I not just kill this one and run?" Edvard replied, ready to do just that.

He did not think that they would forgive one death, he also saw no reason to try and stay here any longer. Things had already gone South.

Yet, he still wanted to learn more about this world and this was a unique case he would not be able to gather data on as easily later on. He felt confident he would be able to escape from the village no matter what, hence he felt confident to push this supposed noble.

Boris was clearly trained. Not well trained, but trained. If he had the experience to back up his training was left to be seen.

While Edvard had no training, he had years and years of experience fighting against fully armored orcs. His technique was basic, barbaric even. But his prowess was great regardless.

"I will hunt you down if you do," Boris replied, shocked that this stranger was still not backing down.

It was expected from someone who would kill a guard without hesitation, however, the young noble had never had someone defy him before.

"Do you think you are capable?" Edvard asked, kicking the kneeling guard who had tried to move his hand to a hidden dagger at his back.

"See this! He still thinking of attacking me even though I am in the right!" Edvard shouted, making sure everyone realized what was going on.

"Vinko, stop that! I know you are angry, but I am trying to save your life!" Boris shouted as he realized why the stranger had suddenly kicked the guard.

The blade now lay by the guard's side for all to see.

The subtle movement had been missed by most, but not the knife suddenly appearing in vision. Having failed to realize the implication of Vinko's subtle movements, Boris realized he might not be the strange man's equal.

"So then, I ask again. How can I confirm you will keep your word? Your guards clearly do not keep theirs!" Edvard repeated without any shame, turning Boris red in embarrassment and rage.

"I'll swear in the name of our god. Is that good enough?" Boris replied as he did his best to hide his fury.

Raising an eye in surprise Edvard relented, "If you are willing to go that far, I will accept. No need to actually do so." Edvard knew how serious this was to the people of Eskrat, the promise itself was assurance enough.

Someone swearing in the name of their god, in public or private, was even stronger than the bond of blood. If they broke such a promise they would be cast down as a heretic and hunted by the church. Branded forever as one not to be trusted.

The brand was not something they could escape. If the rumors that the villagers of Zaselak had shared were to be believed, then an upside-down gray laurel would appear on the heretic's forehead. Showing to all that the person is a heretic.

"Thank you," Boris replied as he saw Edvard withdraw his sword.

Taking note of its quality as Edvard wiped it clean on his cloak. Boris assumed that it is just a noble blade as he was but a poor lord of a poor village. Few would be able to tell that it was a blade forged by the Vespes.

"Why would you go so far for a commoner?" Edvard asked after storing his blade, but still keeping an eye on everyone and ready to act should the need arise.

Vinko, the guard, grasped the ground in anger. Wishing to strike at Edvard. He did not, only because Lord Boris had given his word, if he did anything now then he would likely die even if he succeeded.

"Because, I would prefer to give out just punishment and not let a stranger declare what they feel the punishment should be," Boris replied.

"Alright then, can I leave now?" Edvard found the answer a typical one, not expecting that the guard would actually be punished later.

"What about your catch?" Boris asked, though he already knew it didn't matter to this stranger seeing his blade and skill.

The deer was not even of that great quality, it was too small, yet too big. Not the soft meat of a fawn, nor the size of a proper doe.

"I only killed it for the extortion, I don't care." Edvard replied in spite, making sure his voice was loud enough to let all those spectating hear.

His words and how he said it caused flew of whispers to ensue. Causing Boris's face twitched as he realized the stranger was not going to let that go.

"Why don't I show you around?" Boris offered, but Edvard quickly shook his head in denial.

"I do not wish to be monitored." With that he started walking, the crowd around them parting in fear as they saw the blood staining his cloak and face.

Upon entering the town Edvard realized that it was truly not a well-kept place. The entire area stank of sewage, most of the people in the town were dirty and the roads were mostly mud roads.

He did not even pass the first building before Boris caught up to Edvard.

"I am sorry, you said you did not want to be monitored, but you have to be," Boris said as soon as he saw Edvard glancing at him.

"Fine… Tell me why the condition of this town is so terrible." Edvard asked, causing Boris to sigh.

"It is common, only towns and cities have the financial capital to clean their streets regularly. Other than my family, no nobles are in this village."

"We see little trade, are often troubled by monsters, and we have to pay war taxes. Honestly, most of our coin goes to the Viscount to support the war effort. Or to get monster hunters to clear a part of the forest."

AN: Remember to show your support for the story by adding it to your library, voting, and commenting.

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Discord: DAM4jsa

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