
8. Reclaimed Sun

Good evening, afternoon, morning, or after morning my dear readers. I'm back with a new chapter of Q.T.Q. For those who're wondering. Yes, I'm okay. I hope you guys are doing okay during this pandemic and quarantine. So I made this chapter extra long to satisfy your fanfiction desires.

I officially became a competent writer as I got some flamers. Their flames and anger sustain me. Besides, I'm having too much fun with this story. Now the reviews.

But first. R.I.P. Fred Willard the voice actor for Pop-Pop/Albert

Looneytyne22: The Loud sisters had done this before when they thought Lincoln was being bullied. This time it's personal as Cristina broke their only brother's heart.

RawToonage press: I was thinking more on the lines of Pokemon Black/White Elite four battle music.

SirRavenMacbeth: Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter too.

Tristen: Not again.

AC20: No, that's a different Chole. Hence she preferred to be called Cookie

Wolvenstrom: All dads were heartbreakers. Calculate that statement. Lincoln has ten sisters. The Q.T.s plus Haiku, Mollie, and Girl Jordan make 8. Maybe nine if you count Cristina. Lincoln is getting there. Lincoln x one of his sisters is like 88% of the stories here. The Q.T.s, SHD's, and other named female characters are helping to add variety, but we got all way to go.

I like slapstick as much as the next guy but throw Lincoln a bone a few times. Especially given … certain episodes.

J. Buchanan: Glad to hear that you're enjoying the story. I tried to edit it, but it won't like me for some reason.

Pirohiko-Baltazar: I know that's why she likes to be called Cookie.

Guest: Cristina has a lot of work to do. Lincoln went through a lot of crap at this point in the show making his self-esteem issues easy to write in. I'm trying to give Lynn Sr. more screen time compared to the show he gives him. Same with Cookie Q.T. and Cristina. Cookie QT is his classmate, while Cristina hasn't been since season 2 while making an appearance in one of the books.

Thicc QT and Cristina look too similar that cannot think that they're related. I think Thicc QT is an older cousin, probably in her twenties. Lincoln isn't as violent or confrontational as his sisters. He's more subtle, possibly using the cold shoulder method from Lori. Of course, the Q.T.s are going to be on this. I just need to figure out how.

Mr. Haziq: Lincoln has consistently got excellent grades described as brilliant by Hugh, who's a college student and right behind Lisa in terms of sheer intelligence. The only issue was in Study Muffin. He got an A+ on that test.

I've seen a lot of fan art with Evelynn having a distaste for Cristina; thus, I brought it to life. I initially wanted it to be Cookie, but she already had her spotlight.

CharacterOne: All in due time.

NiteOwl18: The miracles of cartoon logic

TheFreezerStreets: Probably one of his sisters would fit better.

Kitehaseo: If they added Lincoln up, then it'll be fine. Loudcest will probably be used more for comedy, not an actual story device.

IAmFallenAngel: Love to hear that. I think you'll enjoy this chapter.

"A simple 'I'm sorry' isn't going to cut it, Cristina" Belle spoke sternly, setting the car in drive. Cristina tucked her knees in the fetal position with watery eyes. The pair sat without uttering a word while the radio played a Mick Swagger song stopping at a red light.

"Am I in trouble," Cristina whispered in a meek voice. Belle glanced over to her as the light turned green.

"Yes, I'm telling your mom about this," Belle ordered. Cristina tucked her knees in tighter. Belle's face softened. "Although you weren't technically in the wrong," The young girl looked at her moist red eyes.

"What" Cristina sniffed.

"The lying was the messed up part," Belle affirmed. "Distancing yourself from someone that makes you uncomfortable is a vital skill, especially when you get older" She turned left. "There are some messed up people in this world, Cristina."

"But Lincoln is a nice guy."

"That's why they're pissed at you" Belle said. "Leni always talks about what a helpful and cute brother Lincoln is. Also, next time, please choose your words carefully" Cristina raised an eyebrow. "What you did could've landed him in jail or, at the very least, ruined his life." Cristina's heart sank, and her stomach churned. Jail?!

"No! I was just weirded out by that video," Cristina confessed. Belle glanced back at her.

"Remember that I said there are some sick people in this world," Belle recanted. Cristina nodded. "All it takes is one false accusation, Cristina just 1. The girls do it for petty revenge or simply because they can get away with it."

"Is this a game to you."

"Are you that heartless."

"Do you know much he cried over you."

The younger red hair recalled the jokester's harsh words. Her lips quivered as her resolve dwindle each second. "Get over here, Tina" Bell reached over, wrapping her arm around her cousin, drawing Cristina close into her side.

"Will he forgive me," Cristina muttered, wiping her face.

"No," Belle bluntly stated. "Rejection is one thing, but you pour salt into the wound" Cristina gazed down to the floor. "Hey, Leni says he never holds a grudge plus middle school is a new star" A BMW suddenly cuts them off. "HEY LEARN HOW TO DRIVE YOU ASSHAT!"

"I don't want to wait until middle school," Cristina demanded.

"Get used to the cold shoulder then," Belle calmed down to answer. She smirked. "I can give some tips, but you lack certain … assets," Cristina blankly stares at her cousin's figure. First things first. She THICC. "Lincoln has a thing for redheads, right?" Cristina slowly nodded. "Nice. I could get him to talk to you, but I'm more of an auburn." Cristina gave her an annoyed glare. Belle chuckled. "I'm kidding … mostly. Wanna get a Flipee before we head home."

"Orange peach pineapple splash please," Cristina cheerfully asked.

"You got it, Tina," Belle complied. The two drove in a comfortable silence

"Hey Belle, can I ask you something" Cristina shyly asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind."

"When Lincoln looked at me when he got home. It felt… weird," Cristina confessed.

"You mean that weird chill everyone got," Belle acknowledged.

"Kinda, but it was something else," The elementary schoolgirl mumbled. Belle gazed over, noticing Cristina staring down at her lap, twiddling her thumbs with a blush marked across her face.

"Oh, boy," Belle whispered to herself. She knew this day would come. Will she need some puppets?

"I'm very disappointed in all of you girls," Rita scolded her daughters on what just occurred. All of them lined up from oldest to youngest. "Especially you, young lady," She pointed at Lynn. "We talked about the last time you threaten someone with your bat."

"But…" Lynn attempted to counter. Rita raised her hand to quiet the athlete

"But nothing," The matriarch ordered. Lynn grumbly folded her arms.

"Hey, she walked in here like everything's sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns after she did to Linky," Lola attempted to defend their actions. Rita glared at her. She flinches.

"First of all." Rita marched towards getting down to her level. "I let her inside."

"Are we bad sisters" Leni meekly spoke up. Rita turned her attention to the fashionista with a concerned look.

"Leni?" Rita wondered what her second child was meaning.

"Are … we bad sisters?" Leni repeated her statement looking down at the floor. "Linky hates it when we meddle, and we already messed with up Lucy" Her body slightly shook. "I don't want him to hate us."

"Leni, honey, no." Rita walked up and hugged her. "You're not a bad sister. I can completely relate."

"You have a brother we don't know about?" Lisa pointed out.

"No, but I have a cousin, Alex, that I love like a brother." Rita smiled. "There was this one nasty chick that toyed with his feelings like play-doh when we were in high school." Rita frowned upon recalling the nights her cousin over a heartbreak. "So I went to her, and her friends made them lost a couple of teeth."

"You had help or something," Luna asked.

"Help?" Rita laughed, scoffing at the idea. "I was all the help I needed."

"Go, mom," Lynn cheered at the mom's achievement.

"It certainly helps when your dad was in the military," Rita grinned.

"But it had to be tough, right?!" Luan asked concerned about that event

"Tough?" Rita scoffed. "I had a tougher time carrying my textbooks than fighting them. They had more air in their head than a bag of Lay's chips."

"This would explain the aggressive nature displayed by some of our siblings," Lisa acknowledged.

"Key reason why I wear the pants between your father and me," Rita widely smirked. "He never could resist when I apply a little pressure."

"I knew it!" Lisa shouted. Everyone stared at the scientist. Knew what? "I theorized why Lori has an attraction to submissive men and Lincoln's attraction to dominant women" She placed her hands on her head. "It makes so much sense now."

"Hold up is that why there's so many of us," Luna pointed out. The daughters stared at their mother, whose sipping a cup of frozen lemonade avoided their gaze.

"Oh, what you look at the time," Rita said with a faux surprise gasp. "Your father should be home soon. I'll help get dinner started. Later" She walked into the kitchen, ignoring further questions.

Lincoln lay there on his bed blankly, staring at the ceiling with music blasting in his room. It's the weekend. He should be ecstatic. Right?

Well, well, well. Look who FINALLY got a spine. It sure took you long enough Loud. It only took you like what a few months, a black eye, several public humiliations, Ronnie Anne moving away, and Cristina avoiding like socks and sandals. Red got a taste of your medicine. Isn't equivalent exchange great?

Lincoln sighed, recalling his earlier treatment towards Cristina. Was that the right choice? Is there something else he could've done?Good grief, Loud! Don't tell me you're feeling guilty?! No wonder Ronnie calls you Lame-o. You're standing up for yourself—nothing more, nothing less. Or you'll be one of those SIMPs you heard Lori talking about. Besides, you said yourself that you're over Cristina. So stop being a whiny little bitch and do it.

"Hey, can one of you girls get Lincoln. Dinner is almost ready," Rita asked.

"Got it," Luna answered, placing down her guitar and going up the stairs. The rocker approached her brother's door. She can hear the muffled music blaring through the thin oak door. Luna recalled hearing songs from Simple Plan, Linkin Park(Nice), and Neffex for the past hour.

"Is Lincoln ready yet" Lori questioned, looking up from her phone.

"Can you let me knock on his door first?" Luna replied, slightly annoyed, knocking on Lincoln's door as California girls played out. "He's vibing right now" The soundtrack stops with the door opening revealing Lincoln holding a blank expression that would make Lucy impressed. "H-h-hey bro. Mom said dinner almost ready" Luna is still feeling the chill from earlier. Lincoln grunted in acknowledgment, walking past them to get to the dining room. The two elder sisters glanced at each other.

"We need to talk Lincoln soon," Lori told Luna, who nodded in agreement and followed their brother.

"Hey sport," Lynn Sr. greeted, grabbing a pan of Lynn-sana. He shivered when his only son walked past him. "Okay! Who touched the thermostat? Lisa, are you doing another cold theme experiment again?!"

"Not this time, my patriarchal figure," Lisa responded as she scuttles passed to get the kids table. The rest of the Loud clan went to their respective tables. Dinner is served. They chattered about events that occurred throughout the week. The girls occasionally sneak glances towards the white-haired sibling who's mechanically eating his dinner amidst the chaos. Lynn is going to change that.

"Linc. Think fast," Lynn shouted swiftly launched a piece of cheese goodness at her brother. He casually leaned back avoiding the attack striking Lisa instead who was having a debate with Lucy

"Why do you detest me, Lynn" Lisa blankly replied with a piece of lasagna stuck to her face. She cleaned the bits of beef and sauce off her glasses before launching a counterattack with the same slice. Lynn turned the side as the lasagna flew past her head, landing itself into Luan's mouth after cracking a cheesy joke. Her laugh was quickly cut short. Tomato sauce, ricotta, parmesan, mozzarella, and Italian sausage filled her mouth.

"Still warm," Luan spoke up mouth filled with the Italian dish. She chewed for a bit before swallowing. Luan grew a mischievous look on her face ignored her burning tongue. She raised her hand, ready to begin her assault. Lincoln stood up, stopping the prankster's plan.

"May I please be excused?" Lincoln quietly asked after finishing his food.

"Okay, honey," Rita responded. Lincoln grabbed his plate and went to the kitchen sink to wash his plate.

"Can I be excused, too, please?" Lori said, getting up from her seat.

"Just be back before Lynn takes your food again," Rita replied, smacking the athlete's hand.

"Lincoln," Lori called out. He paused and turned towards his eldest sibling. His frigid eyes unnerved her. It was unnatural remembering her of those serial killer documentaries. No eleven-year-old should have those eyes. Lori pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She tightly embraced Lincoln. Lincoln was taken by surprise at this action. Lori, like Lynn, isn't the most open with her siblings. It reminded him of Coo-Chole. Often harsh but sometimes sweet. "If you want to talk about anything. I'll be here okay" She handled Lincoln a bit tighter before releasing him. Lori watched her brother re-enter his room, looking concerned. She turned around to return to the dining room. She's not going to let Lynn eat her dinner. Again!

Lincoln changed into his pajamas and laid down on his bed, reminiscing on the day's events. Man, it was exhausting to deal with Cristina.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Cristina shrieked wildly in horror, furiously scrubbing her eyes with soap. "Belle, help me! No matter much I freaking scrub, I can't unsee it! WHY DID YOU SHOW ME THAT?!" Her eyes are a stinging scarlet after minutes of intense cleansing. Belle was outside the bathroom door in her nightclothes nonchalantly scrolling through her phone as her cousin screamed bloody murder

"Sorry, Tina, but you had to learn someday," Belle spoke as the young redhead continued to yell. Ah, she remembers the days of learning the Bees and the Birds. The countless nightmares of unholy images of diseases. Their colored printer and google images without the safety search made it even worse. She shuddered at what she found. She knew the human body could be disgusting without proper care but not that disgusting. Belle held back her barf. Still better than the crap taught her school. However, she can never eat blueberry waffles ever again.

The next day came sooner than later. It's Saturday! Let's party buuuuttttt it's a chill Saturday. A time to unwind and relieve stress from earlier in the week. Nothing can be said more. Lincoln took his time reading his manga in his undies during this bright afternoon. Most of his sisters had personal errands to run, leaving their home in a rare state of silence. He placed his finished manga in an orderly pile. Lincoln looked outside his window, basking in what a great day it is to be outside. The sun shone gently, breeze providing crisp air and clouds providing adequate shade. He went to his room and put back on his clothes.

"Hey mom, I'm going to ride my bike for a bit," Lincoln yelled from his room.

"Okay, sweetie, just be back home safe," Rita agreed, reading her novel in the dining room before letting out a tiny gasp on the next page. Lincoln grabbed his helmet, walking towards the garage and hopped on his yellow bike. He pedaled down along the street with no real destination enjoying the sun on his face. Lincoln passed through Royal Woods park. The birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. He wasn't the only one taking in the afternoon. Families were having picnics or playing sports with their friends. Lincoln did a few laps around the park dodging stray frisbees and footballs along the way. He stopped to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Man, it's hot today," Lincoln acknowledged. Dude, you're wearing a polo shirt and jeans in the middle of the afternoon. " I can go for a Flipee right now" The young loud journeyed towards Flip's Food and Fuel parking his bike near the entrance removing his helmet and placed it on the bike seat. Lincoln entered the store, disappointed at the lack of air conditioning. He thought was a cheapskate. "Hey, Flip, can I get a large watermelon-lime, please" Flip grunted as he turned on the slapdash device. Seriously Flip just call a maintenance specialist. It's smoking and making unsettling mechanical sounds. The icy pink-green substance smoothly landed into the cup. The elderly cheapskate handed it over to the young Loud as Lincoln gave him the money.

"Ahhhhhh, that's better," Lincoln sipped his Flipee enjoying it as he stepped outside.

"Oh, hey Larry" A cocky voice called to him. Goddamnit, it's Chandler. There goes Lincoln's chipper mood. Lincoln simply ignored the redhead brushing him aside. "Sooooooo… I heard about what happened with Cristina." Chandler founded himself against the wall. Lincoln tightly held him by his vibrant green shirt. Sweat formed on Chandler's brow, futilely struggling to push his schoolmate off him. When did he get so strong?! Lincoln ignored the attempts while sipping his drink in his other arm. He turned with a blank stare

"Choose your next words very carefully," Lincoln chillingly spoke, raising him to his tip-toes. "Or you'll be on the menu for Mystery Meat Monday," Chandler stared into Lincoln glaciers. "Got it?"

"What I was going to say was…" Chandler hesitated feeling Lincoln's grip getting tighter. "Good job" He offered a shaky grin with nervous chuckles. Lincoln released him, letting Chandler fall on his rear. Chandler watched Lincoln remove his Flipee cover and chugged its entire content. Several audible gulps can be heard. He let out a satisfied sigh tossing the cup into a nearby waste bin. Lincoln gave Chandler one last glance flinching at the gaze before riding off on his bike.

"How the hell didn't he get a brain freeze?!" Chandler wondered.

Mr. Grouse wiped his brow, viewing the condition of his freshly mowed lawn with approval. The older man scanned the street. A Sold sign was in front of one of the houses. About time someone bought that house. The young Loud arrived home. His face held an irritated expression.

"Sheesh, Loud. Are your knickers still in a twist from what happened yesterday" Grouse chimed in. Lincoln froze in place. Were they that loud? "I know you probably heard this already, but take it from this old geezer. Don't lose your hair over some skirt. Believe me. There are more things to worry about. You've already got the white hair. You don't need wrinkles at your age." He gestured towards the vacant house. "We got new neighbors coming in. Do this old man a favor and stop your pity party and do what you kids call it nowadays 'Shoot your shot' or whatever.' The senior turned around to rake his yard. Lincoln entered his home with his mother's nose deep into her novel, muttering how many characters are going to die in this single book. He opened his room door when his phone buzzed.

"Hey, Lame-o, come online."

Ronnie Anne?! He immediately activated his laptop and clicked on the Skype icon. His favorite Latina appeared on screen after a few seconds. " What's good, Lame-O? Jeez, who pissed in your Cheerios?" Ronnie Anne called out upon his dour demeanor.

"It's a bit of a long story, Ronnie" Lincoln scratched his head.

"I got time so spill," Ronnie ordered, cracking open a can of . Lincoln recanted the events after that fateful weekend. His friends supported him. Him defeating Girl Jordan at dodgeball.

"Hold up. Hold up. Hoolllldddddd up," Ronnie Anne raised her palm, stopping Lincoln mid-sentence. "You? Beat Jordan...in dodgeball?" Lincoln nodded. "How the hell didn't I hear about this?!"

"Didn't you see the video?" Lincoln asked. The Latina shook her head. He grabbed his phone and searched through his gallery. "I just sent it to you" Ronnie picked her up while taking a sip before her eyes widened, spitting out the liquid in shock.

"Why does cool stuff happen when you miss school?!" Ronnie Anne shouted. Lincoln chuckled.

"That was the highlight of my day until…"Lincoln cast his head down. Her face softened upon viewing his action. "...Cristina"

"AhAHAHAHAHA!" Ronnie Anne wagged her finger in disapproval. "We're having none of that." She helped Lincoln through some of his darkest moments. Ronnie never wanted to punch someone so hard, yet she begrudgingly held her tongue for Lincoln's sake. The last thing she needed was Lori getting her prissy claws on her Lincoln, blaming him for what she did. "Lincoln. What happened?"

"Oh, the usual. Avoiding me like pineapple on pizza," Lincoln sadly recalled. Ronnie angrily blew hot air through her nose. "Until yesterday" Her eyebrows arched in interest. "She came by to return my textbook after we bumped into each other, and I gave her the cold shoulder." Lincoln? The cold shoulder? Man, things have changed since she left.

"I take it that your sisters didn't like that she showed up," Ronnie Anne predicted. Lincoln nodded, confirming it. "Pull up like the Power Rangers so they can give her a major beatdown" He nodded again. "What happened next?"

"I heard yelling when I got home," Lincoln continued."I saw her. We gave each other our books back, and I told her to leave and went to my room." Ronnie Anne gathered her thoughts for a few moments.

"How are you feeling" Ronnie Anne gently asked

"To be honest, Ronnie. I don't know right now," He quietly confessed with downcast eyes.

"Lincoln. Lincoln. Look at me," Ronnie comforted. He complied with her orders. "It's going to be okay. Come on, let's see that smile. At least for me, please?" She gave him the infamous and probably illegal puppy dog pout. No, not with the eye flutter too. Unable to resist, his lips slightly curved up, giving her a shy yet grateful smile. Ronnie smiled back. There you go. There's the smile she loved. "Enough with all that mushy stuff." She clapped her hands together. "So let me tell you what Carlota tried to do" The two converse for a few hours, laughing and sharing stories on their family adventures. Lincoln offered support on dealing with a large family. He emphasized getting to the bathroom on time.

"Rondola, come down. Dinner is almost ready." The young Santiago glanced at her clock then at her window. The sky was a gentle orange with a smooth tide of indigo taking over, signaling the day's end.

"Geez, we've been talking for that long ?!" Ronnie Anne commented. Time flies when you're having fun. "Hey, I ordered a package, but it went to my old address. Can you check if it arrived yet? It should be there by this week"

"Sure. I'll swing around there," Lincoln agreed.

"Hurry up, everyone. I made Mexican Pizza," Rosa shouted from the kitchen. Ronnie's eyes widen upon hearing 'Pizza.'

"Gots to go," Ronnie stated, standing up.

"Before you go, can I ask you something" Lincoln requested. She shrugged, telling him to hurry up. "Have you ever heard of the Q.T.s." Ronnie shook her head, confused. "Not even a little bit."

"Lincoln. I mind my own business if it doesn't affect me in some way. I don't care," She replied.

"Okay, thanks, Ronnie. I'll see you later," Lincoln bid his farewell to the Latina.

"Smell you later, Lame-o" Ronnie Anne smiled before shutting off her computer. The smile soon left her face. The Q.T.s. "So, they finally made their move."

The weekend left as soon as it came. The week was smooth without fault until… dodgeball day in the gym. Today it was free for all. No teams. No friends. No mercy. Everyone was scrambling for cover with no avail.

"Come on, guys, let's get into Snake formation," Rusty requested. They lined up listening to instructions as they discussed their plans for the week.

"Sorry I can't go today. I got something to do. GIRL JORDAN 3 o'clock!" Lincoln quickly replied before shouting out the warning.

"Scatter!" Clyde screeched. Each of them ran off in different directions attempting to avoid her gaze. Girl Jordan was manically cackling having the time of her life. Oh, she loved free-for-alls. The free reign and total domination of it all as she unless volley after volley. It's so … exhilarating. A flash of white appeared out of the corner eye. She smiled. A cute little bunny is trying to flee? How adorable.

"Oh, Lincoln" An elegant sing-song voice called out to him, freezing him in tracks. Shivers spread throughout his body as he shakingly turned his head around. Girl Jordan was playfully tossing one of those crimson balls of pain in her hand. Shadows covered her face leaving only a Cheshire grin as she casually walked towards her next victim. A fierce yellow outlined her form.


Jordan cheerfully smiled directly at him. "I'm gonna getcha" Lincoln sweated with widen eyes as his heart thundered

"NOPE!" Lincoln blurred out upon hearing those words. Girl Jordan gave chase with a dodgeball in her grasp. Lincoln slid, jumped, ducked, tumbled, and rolled to avoid this madwoman. He resorted to using human shields.

"That's right; keep running my little bunny. You're making so much more fun for me."

Girl Jordan was at Lincoln's heels ready to launch one at him. He kept his eye on her as she continued to chase him, praying for the coach to BLOW THE DAMN WHISTLE ALREADY.


Oh, thank God. Lincoln thought to himself, sprinting towards the doors. "I'll see you guys later" Girl Jordan threw a cheap shot at Lincoln, striking him in the face. "Yo, Girl Jordan, the whistle blew!" She whistled in innocence

"Has anyone else noticed that Lincoln has been acting weird lately" Clyde spoke up.

"Yeah. He's been bailing out on us for the past week," Zach added on. "You think an alien got to him."

"That would explain the white hair," Rusty acknowledged. All his siblings are either brunette or blonde, adding to his answer.

"Nope. We have a signal for that," Clyde answered. A dodgeball smacked him in the back of the head. "Hey, the whistle blew." Jordan just shrugged, attempting to maintain her innocence. The boys followed Lincoln after school. They found him at Ronnie Annie's old house. "Oh, no. I was afraid that this was going to happen."

"What are you dorks doing here?" Cookie spoke up, startling the boys with Jenny right beside her. "Why's Lincoln standing around Ronnie's house."

"I was getting to that," Clyde responded. "I'm afraid that Lincoln has P.B.B."

"Peanut Butter Breath," Zach said. Cookie subtly checked her breath. She had a ton of peanut butter cookies this morning.

"No," Clyde shot down.

"Pale Boy Bangs," Jenny offered up.

"No" Clyde denied

"Polybrominated Biphenyls," Liam answered.

"I have no idea what that is, so no," Clyde started pulling out a bunch of pamphlets. "Lincoln has Post Break-Up Blues. He misses Ronnie Anne, along with his recent encounter with Cristina caused him into a downward spiral pining for Ronnie's presence.

"You guys going to talk to him about it" Jenny questioned

"Not under these circumstances," Clyde replied. "It'll cause him to go into the Denial Phase" They recalled how he acted when Ronnie Anne moved away. "He needs the three-step of B.B.P." He examined a pamphlet and smiled. "The first B is Boys Night Out."

"Boys Night Out!" The boys cheered and ran off. The girl duo started the retreating boys.

"Their plan is going to fail, isn't it?" Cookie stated before picking up a dropped pamphlet.

"Oh, big time," Jenny replied. "We need to talk about the aftermath at the meeting," Cookie nodded as the pair walked off.

"Alright, Boys Night Out," Lincoln cheered as he walked with the boyz.

"We'll need some killer threads for this to be a success. My pops is going to hook us up," Rusty chimed in. They got cleaned, pressed, and fitted identical white suits. Mr. Spokes whistled in approval, taking a quick photo as they walked out.

"Bring those back just as you got them, or YOU'LL BE GROUNDED FOR A MONTH," demanded of his eldest child. "Okay, y'all have fun now," Rusty nodded in fear only to overheard his friends suggesting sloppy and stain dense foods.

"Oh, man," Rusty groaned. They arrived at Games and Grubs. Rusty is frantically trying to keep those suits clean and pristine.

"Man I love this song," Liam said

"I think this one of Ronnie Anne's favorites too," Lincoln smiled while eating a buffalo wing. The rest of them gasped at his reply.

"Nevermind, I hated this song," Liam turned off the jukebox. A mocha skinned waitress with an inviting grin arrived at their table

"I hope you boys are ready for dessert. We got a few specials lined up," The waitress giggled. Dessert is always lovely. Until she listed the romance-themed specials.

"No, thanks, ma'am, we're good. How about some games, guys?" Clyde frantically pushes the waitress away. "Dance Dance Revolution, anyone?" A love-struck couple was on the device.

"Maybe some Tv," Zach suggested only for Ronnie's wrestling tag team to appear.

"You know what this place blows?" Liam commented as they ushered Lincoln out the door. "How about we sped this with a music montage so the author can get to the next scene" Wait, author?

They continued their day by getting stylish haircuts, riding in style in a limo, going rock climbing, go-karting, pottery even though Rusty would instead do anything else besides being a human shield again. They were finally ending the day at the docks getting their portraits sketched.

"Guys, this day was awesome," Lincoln celebrated.

"Do you feel.." Clyde checked his pamphlet. "Closure and more optimistic about the future"

"Oddly specific, but yeah, I do," Lincoln acknowledged. Misson: Boy Night Out was a success. Respect 10+. Lincoln's watch beeped. "Sorry, guys, I got to go." Worried glances were exchanged amongst them.

"He's here again," Liam announced, seeing the same situation. "Man, she must've laid a sweet spell on him."

"She was his girlfriend," Rusty added on feeling a little salty.

"Okay, step two of B.B.P," Clyde addressed. "Beautiful ladies."

"Giggity, my favorite B," Rusty smiled. A bus horn can be heard. He gasped in horror. They were in front of a massive mud puddle from this morning's shower "Snake formation" He pulled out an umbrella shielding them. "Hah, another point for the Rust-man," Only for a flock of birds to rain on their parade. He fell to his knees in frustration, "GODDAMNIT!"

They arrived at the Royal Woods Mall, waiting for Lincoln. "Is everything ready, Zach" Clyde spoke.

"This beautiful babe should help Lincoln get Ronnie off his mind," Zach said confidently. Lincoln soon appeared walking with the group.

"Hey, Is that your friend Renee in the comic book store" Liam pointed out. Lincoln stopped to look into the store window. A brunette girl around his age with a round face and several freckles marked her cheeks wearing a red Ace Savvy shirt. She was looking around the store, sipping on her smoothie.

"She's a huge Ace Savvy fan," Zach replied, following their script. Rusty placed his arm around Lincoln's neck.

"Lincoln, you're a huge Ace Savvy too, so you should go talk to her," Rusty suggested. Clyde pushed the white-haired lad into the store before he could answer.

"Okay, so far so good," Zach spoke, seeing the pair laughing and smiling. "Oh no," The pair stopped exchanging glances between themselves and at a comic. They power struggled over the valuable piece of stylized literature.

"We need another beautiful lady," Clyde stated before a smack was heard, causing them to wince. "And an ice pack." They grabbed Lincoln and escorted him out of the store and went to the cinema. "Hey, Liam, is that your cousin Hattie."

"Wellll darn. I didn't see her coming along," Liam played along. "You should sit next to her, Lincoln. She's a bigger sci-fi fan than you" They placed him next to Hattie. She was slightly older than him with caramel hair, fair skin, and braces similar to Luan.

"Ooooh! My, my, how do? I'm Hattie," Hattie formally greeted with a dense country accent reaching out her hand for a handshake. She's polite. Lincoln thought to himself.

"Hi, I'm Lincoln," He replied before someone shushed them. Maybe this won't be so bad. Hooowwwwever, Hattie had to open her mouth, not one but two significant massive spoilers causing the other movie attendants to toss their food at them in frustration.

"Rusty, it's your turn," Clyde remarked. Rusty scratched them back of his head. "You know some beautiful ladies, right."


"Yeah, you're always going on how you're such a ladies man, my dude," Zach added on. Rusty's brow started to become moist.

"Come on, guys, it's kind of short notice," Rusty chuckled nervously.

"If Zach and I can find some lovely ladies. Surely you can," Liam contributed. Zach and Clyde nodded in agreement.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do. Just give me a few minutes," Rusty reached for his cell phone and dialed a number. A gentle elderly lady appeared a few minutes later.

"Rusty. Who's this," Clyde addressed. Rusty sheepishly revealed that it was his piano teacher. They vetoed on her participation. A lightbulb illuminated in Clyde's mind," Guys, we've gone at it all wrong."

"Uh. What's up the guys lately," Lincoln muttered to himself as he exited the washroom.

"Hey Lincoln, how about some group karate?" Clyde asked, bringing him into a dojo by himself.

"Hold you said that this was group karate," Lincoln brought before a girl noticed him. She had tan skin with thick charcoal hair tied in a puffy bun. He knew that she goes to his school but can't remember her name for the life of him.

"Hey, are you here to spar?" She approached, giving a bow before he could explain himself and launching a flying kick.

"We need to go to P," Clyde said, seeing his best friend getting a beatdown only to figure that the pamphlet's recommended Paradise is far beyond the budget of a fifth-grader. The girl let out a battle cry. This kid must be a rookie. He hasn't struck once but seems proficient in dodging and evading. Whatever she needed, the practice to get her next belt. She unleashed a flurry of palm strikes and chops. He parried and avoided each one. Hmmm. He may be better than she thought. Was this a new style or form? Allowing your opponent to dominate the fight so you can adapt and find weaknesses in their form? Clever but not clever enough. She got in close, launching a roundhouse at his head. Lincoln crouched, narrowly missing the attack. He quickly pulled his leg and twisted his body around, performing a leg sweep knocking the student off balance and on to the mat. She smiled, getting back up, preparing another stance. Now, this is getting good. Lincoln was squared in her face causing her to jump back as sapphire sharps glanced into her ebony ones. He grabbed her gi using his momentum and her slight hesitation to toss her to the ground with a thud. She stared at him. Does he do Judo?

"I'm not... here to spar," Lincoln breathed heavily. Her eyes expanded in shock and shame. She broke one of the fundamental rules. She was fighting someone that never wanted to in the first place.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," She apologized. Lincoln reached out his hand.

"It's alright," Lincoln smiled. She blushed slightly grabbing his hand to pull herself up

"At least let me patch you up," She offered up. Lincoln agreed to it. He needs an ice pack for his eye. The karate girl led him to a bench so she could get the medical kit unaware someone was observing them and taking pictures. Few minutes passed. Lincoln exited, looking like a rejected mummy. She watched him leave only for something to catch her attention. A girl? A flash blurred her vision. The karate practitioner regained her sight. Something was in her gi. A card? She read it. "What's a Q.T."

The boys were at the bus stop with a battered and bruised Lincoln carrying his suitcase as he held a brochure.

"Guys, I appreciate what you're doing right but what's going on?" Lincoln questioned what was the situation with his companions. Guilty and nervous glances were exchanged amongst them

"We wanted to cure your P.B.B," Clyde solemnly confessed.

"I had Peanut Butter Breathe?" Lincoln shockingly whispered. Cookie was right. He needed to lay off those Peanut Butter and Sauerkraut sandwiches.

"No Post Break-up Blues," Clyde admitted placing his hands on Lincoln's shoulders with a sympathetic look. "We know how hard you took leaving, so we wanted to help," Lincoln laughed at their reasoning.

"Guys. I'm fine" Lincoln tried to convince his friends. A bus arrived. They pushed on to prevent from drowning a sea of denial. The boys congratulated themselves on doing a good job. Someone's phone was ringing. Each checked their pockets, but the ringing continued. Clyde looked on the ground. Lincoln must've dropped his phone. He frowned upon seeing the Caller I.D. Ronnie Anne Santiago.

"Good evening Ronnie Anne. This is Clyde McBride. Lincoln's best friend," Clyde blankly greeted.

"I know who you are, dork" Ronnie rolled her eyes. "Where's Lincoln? I've been trying to call him," They yelled at Ronnie tormenting for Lincoln and how he's been at her house all week. She reached into her phone and smacked the hell out of all of them. "First of all, you scrubs remember who you're talking to. Second of all, I asked him to get a package for me" silence was heard over the phone. She gripped the bridge of her nose. "Don't tell me you guys did something stupid," Ronnie heard yelling and shuffling. "They did, didn't they," She asked the viewers.

An hour passed. Lincoln was back in his room, sitting at his desk, holding a medium-sized brown package. He was telling Ronnie about who his friends tried to do to cure his P.B.B.

"Damn, you must have been pissed after what they've put you through," Ronnie whistled at Lincoln's day.

"They were just trying to help a guy out," Lincoln waved off. "I think they're suffering enough right now."

"Come on, why isn't this bird poop coming out" Rusty and co groaned. They've scrubbed these suits for several minutes. Not a single stain came out. "Why isn't Lincoln here."

"Because he returned his suit just how he got it," sternly replied, standing over the boys. "Plus, he paid the dry cleaning fee," Rusty grumbled over his breath, frustrated at his situation.

"Ewwwwww," Ronnie Annie winced, knowing how tough bird poop stains are. "You got the package right" Lincoln lifted it for her to see. "Nice, can you open it for me, please? I hope U.P.S. didn't damage it." Lincoln opened it. A spring-loaded banana cream pie slammed into his face. Ronnie Annie chortled, wiping a tear. Lincoln wasn't amused. "Best $25 bucks I've spent. Smell you later, Lame-o" She left the chat.

Lincoln wiped his face clean, annoyed but warmly smiled. The guys were right. He does miss Ronnie Anne. Night soon came. He laid on his bed in a much better mood. Lincoln noticed the time. He needs to get to sleep. Not before taking one quick look at his gallery—a picture of him and Ronnie Anne.

"Good Night, Ronnie," Lincoln yawned, drifting into slumber. Ronnie did the same over in Great Lake City.

A mysterious figure was wearing gear centuries beyond what humans can craft observed and recorded the day's events taking notes on a particular individual. A message popped. The character pressed their forearm to relay their report "Yes. Yes. Everything went according to the timeline" The figure entered a sequence of codes. A cyan portal opened, creating a slight tear in reality and stepped in, closing the portal behind them. The seeds have been planted. Now to see what'll bloom.

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's getting wild over here. We Cristina, Ronnie Anne is back, The Q.T.s are making their move, and more characters are about to show up. Who's this Sci-Fi guy? Well, I know, but where's the fun in telling.

Thanks for reading. Follow & Favorite if you liked the story. Leave a review to voice an opinion or any questions, concerns, queries, or theories. Have an awesome day, and stay safe, everyone.

Fun fact: Polybrominated Biphenyls are used in plastics or other commercial goods to make them difficult to burn.