
6. Dreams and Doubts

Happy Valentine's day my wonderful viewers. I hope you had an awesome. I'm back with another chapter after seeing the MASSIVE support from the previous chapter. 1000 views on the first day alone. You knew I had to something special for you guys. Now time to answer some reviews.

RawToonage press: OOOOHHHHHH you know it. It's going to be fun.

Mr. Haziq: Key reason why they hooked Lincoln up with dates. Being around his sisters allowed him to have better hygiene and style relatively speaking. Leni got him a season set of colognes for his birthday last year. His favorites were Mint, Sandalwood, Jasmine and Orange Blossom. It helps since he's either a spring/summer.

Tristen: Yep and this won't be the last we see of her.

Sheepsquatch: There's tons of QTs over the 4 seasons of the show. These are just the popular ones. The show's been around for almost 4 years now, yet no one has done stories on them besides few persons. Also, I love your story 'Cookie for your thoughts". I know that the common fan interpretation of Cookie is a harsh Tsundere. This helped me get a feel for writing her character.

Wolvenstrom: A bad smell would be an understatement. Being rejected still hurts even if you have hordes of girls beating down your door.

Guest: Cristina hasn't been since the 2nd season but 'Loud and Proud' takes place in season 3. She's like Kai from Ben 10 before her return in OV. Hated by the fandom and barely making in fan works. Lincoln tried to apologize but Cristina wouldn't let him even spoke to her. Yes they did in the 2nd chapter. Lincoln is on friendly terms with all 3 of those girls. Haiku has immediate access to him through Lucy. He and Mollie are rivals in creating cannonballs. Lincoln and Girl Jordan seems more natural.

Glad you enjoyed the references. Speaking of Kaguya. WHERE THE FUCK DID, SHE COME FROM?! You would think the Mother of Charka would've referenced at least once in the story at least. Lucy & Haiku are friends. Lincoln and Haiku are friends. Friends help friends. Yes. Yes they do.

SirRavenMacbeth: The weirdest stories tend to be the best ones

NiteOwl18: All in due time. I have something planned for Cristina in the next chapter.

Lincoln enters his dark room and locks the door. He puts his back against it as he slowly slides down. He stares into space as his thoughts drifted to Cristina from earlier. What was wrong with him? He wondered. Why did she hate him? Why was she so adamant in avoiding him? Hell, even touching him! If it was someone else, someone better? Would she react differently?

It's because you're a freak, Lincoln. It's clear as a summer day. Nothing more. Nothing less. Hell, even your relationship with Ronnie Anne Santiago was due to Lori dating Bobby. Why do you think she gave the black eye when you first kissed her? The second time was to appease Lori to save your sorry butt. Did you think she actually liked a freak like you? Even the QTs. Five girls revealing that they have a crush on just when Ronnie Annie moved. 3 of them you've barely interacted up until now. Impossible right? You said it yourself. Get real Loud. It's that same idiotic optimism is why Ronnie Anne punched you in the first place. Don't get me started on Sadie Hawkins dates. It's a miracle that they said yes to going out with screw up like you, especially Haiku. If she wasn't Lucy's best friend, would she even talk to you?

You fucking idiot.

Lincoln's inner thoughts spared him no mercy as each word devastated his already fragile heart bit by bit. He grabbed his chest to ease the pain but to no avail. Lincoln breathes heavily in a futile attempt to stop his tears. His stomach ached as if someone punched him. The sole son of the Loud family struggled to arise and went to his bed muffling his cries facing the wall. He didn't need to give his sister more ammunition

"What" Lynn questioned, annoyed at the stares she's been receiving. "I can't hug my brother or something."

"Hugging isn't really your style dude" Luna spoke the mind of the other Loud sisters

"So, what's your point?" Lynn raised an eyebrow messing around with a tennis ball. "I'm an all-star athlete. I got to adapt to different games. This is no different."

"Okay, besides the fact Lynn suddenly gained a heart," Lori casually spoke before ducking Lynn attack. "Anything else to discuss," Lucy raised her hand. "The floor acknowledges Lucy."

"Lincoln wasn't 100% honest about what happened at lunch today," Lucy confessed. "He sensed me in a state of distress while Haiku was comforting me."

"It had to be bad if it got you bummed out," Luna replied.

"Bad Luck," Lucy stated. The group gasped in shock with a lingering sense of fear and remorse. The Sweet Spot, Sister Fight Protocol and Bad Luck were among the infamous events in the Louds life so far. The first two can be summarized as an intense sibling quarrel. Not the Bad Luck. What they did was illegal. Very Illegal.

"You didn't say anything, did you," Lynn urged as she was the catalyst for the whole ordeal.

"Of course, I said something. It was the first time I've seen Haiku angry. We betrayed our only brother because you can't handle failure," Lucy growled.

"Before you open your mouth, Lynn. I must agree with Lucy," Lisa interrupted. "Countless great people have lost far more than they've won." Lisa cleaned her glasses."It's an utter mystery Lincoln forgave us so easily when he had the right and evidence to call law enforcement" The sisters continued to listen shifting and fidgeting attempting to ease their guilt.

"He loved us, that's why. And what do we do? We toss it in his face," Lucy sniffed as she continued. "That's why I'm hoping for the day Haiku and Lincoln are joined together in matrimony. I'll finally have a true sister, and Lincoln would have someone that wouldn't belittle him for his interest."

"Harsh," Leni whimpered. Lucy stood by her statement.

"Wait, did you just say matrimony? Isn't she with Clyde or something" Lana questioned? Lincoln told them that he was able to set his 'dates' up with his friends.

"Haiku said she and Clyde were kindred spirits in unrequited love. She never said that they were a couple even Clyde is trying to get over Lori," Lucy explained before smiling. "Haiku said they had a moment during the match. She even hugged and complimented him after Lunch" Lucy fangirled joyfully "EEEEEEEEEEE Linku is the OTP" The sisters never saw anything more disturbing in their entire lives.

"Okay, elephant in the room," Lola spoke up. "No one is going to ask about girls suddenly getting interested in Lincoln after Ronnie Anne left. It's pretty fishy."

"She's right, you know," Luna agreed. It's usually the other way around. Girls are interested in a guy after the guy gets into a relationship. "Maybe this is what little bro needs to get out of his funk. You know see what else the world has to offer."

"As if. The Loud-Santiago romance will last," Lori scoffed at such an idea.

"Obviously, since you often prioritize your relationship with Bobby and your fantasy over reality," Lisa declared. They gasped at Lisa's statement.

"Excuse me?!" Lori hissed at the accusation marching up to the brainiac.

"I believe I made myself clear," Lisa replied pulling out a mini projector and projector screen. "Emotions are a fickle thing but can explain with basic math. Whenever you and Bobby are in a good streak. Everyone benefits. Whenever you two have a disagreement. We, your siblings, suffered for instance, when Bobby didn't want to wear a certain color. You acted like a toddler having a tantrum. If it wasn't for Lincoln. We would've been late to school on numerous occasions. I don't think they'll accept our eldest sister freaking out over a color is a valid excuse."

"I'm not that bad" Lori denies it after all.

"You kinda are," Lola retorted and she's the queen of temper tantrums.

"You nearly ripped Linc apart when he got home from school," Luan added.

"He made Ronnie Anne cry, making Bobby break up with me," Lori countered.

"Not according to Ronnie Anne. She was hurt, yes, but she didn't cry," Lynn said. "What? She hangs out at the skatepark. I teach her a few tips and tricks."

"Our male sibling was frequently teased by his male peers about his platonic feelings for Ronnie Anne," Lisa continued. "If he did have any romantic feelings. They were most likely forced to avoid your ire, such as the double date."

"They went on dates after that," Lori humphed. She's really pushing on this narrative.

"A guy and a girl can hang out without it being a date," Luan replied. "Last time you forced him and the other time she gave him a black eye due to our meddling."

"That was just her showing affection." Lori defended.

"Lori, that's a double standard at its finest. If anyone with an XY chromosome did it. They'll be sent to prison," Lisa groaned. Is Lori so adamant about this Loud-Santiago romance that she didn't care that Ronnie Annie gave him a black eye?

"She apologized," Lori boldly retorted.

"A black eye is still a black eye," Lynn spoke.

"Oh, you're one to talk," Lori said.

"At least I didn't my crushes a black eye," Lynn shot back.

"Oh, you also keep Clyde around for your huge ego," Leni argued in the support Lynn. Oh, burn from the Fashionista.

"No, I don't" Lori stammered at Leni despite it being the truth.

"Yes, you do as seen here," Lisa declared moving on to the next slide. "Your type seems to be fairly submissive men who have an immense infatuation with you" Lisa continued with the presentation."I can't believe saying this. In support of Leni's statement. You are at times egotistical with dressing up as Leni when you thought Clyde's affections moved onto her. The most prominent example is when you sabotage Leni's driving test allowing you to be our most immediate driver in exchange for favors."

"That's the pot calling the kettle black" Lori growled

"While this kettle is a scientist, thus has to be right," Lisa answered.

"Before you toss me under the bus," Lynn spoke up. "Yes, I have an ego. I'm a star player of course. What I did to Lincoln was totally messed up. At least I don't try to sabotage our family whenever they did to do anything with sports," Lori attempted to speak.

"Don't try to say they're destined to be together," Lucy interrupted. "I've read enough novels to know there's no glory in being a love martyr if it means ruins our brother's chances in finding his real true love for your selfish desires."

"Let's end the meeting for the day," Lori whispered as she tapped the table and sat on the edge of her bed, avoiding the gaze of her sisters with a melancholy look.

"Whatcha Luan doing" Luna questioned seeing the comedian outside Lincoln's door

"I'm going to help our brother what else," Luan answered nonchalantly.

"I don't think jokes are going to help right now" Luna walked to her side.

"It's not going to stop me," Luan stepped forward with determination. Luna wished her luck and went back to their shared room. Luan entered the darkroom. The light from the hallway highlighted Lincoln's figure. His back was facing her as his body barely holding back his laments. Luan quietly walked towards him closing the door behind him. She often tried to find humor in most things but there's nothing humorous seeing a loved one cry.

Lincoln felt a presence. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the family jokester. He glared at her. Oh great, what does she want? He can smell the puns

"If you're going to laugh at me, then leave. I already heard the stupid jokes," Lincoln growled turning to the wall. She was still there looking over him with a gloomy expression. Does he have such little faith in Luan that her making jokes about his plight were the first thing on his mind? Lincoln grew annoyed. Why is she still there?! He grabbed a pillow and started to hit her with it. "You got pie in your ears?! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!"

Luan didn't react or made a sound as each blow grew weaker and slower. She grasped his arm to stop his attack. Lincoln's tears were staining his bed while covering his mouth. Luan gently grabbed his head and pushed him into her chest. She sat down on the bed, keeping him in her embrace. The vibrations of his wails rumbled throughout her torso as he hugged her back plunging himself deeper(Not like that). Luan got herself in a comfortable position and laid down with Lincoln on top of her(Get your mind out of the gutter). She smoothly rubbed the back of his head as he released his emotions.

What else can she do at the moment? Lucy, Luna & Leni were the sensitive ones. Lori had a break-up care kit. Lynn would use sports to let out his frustrations. Lisa would have a multi-layer step by step to overcome his grief. The twins & Lily were too young to understand heartbreak. Luan's the comedian. Her jokes won't help at least not now. Maybe give Cristina an early April Fools but Lincoln needs her support. The siblings laid there as Lincoln grew quieter by the minute. Luan looked down. She smiled upon hearing him snore. The room cracked slightly open revealing Luna. She gestured to the staircase. Dinner is ready. Luan slowly as she could remove herself from the bed.

"I love you, Linc," Luan whispered lovely smooching his head as she quietly exited the room.

Dinner was quiet that evening

Lori laid up in her bed, staring at the ceiling whereas Leni was sleeping soundly listening to nature sounds. The eldest reflected on her sister's words. Of course, she loved Lincoln and wanted to see him happy. Even if he doesn't end up with Ronnie Anne. ...Right? She decided to get some rest so she can deal with her problem later.

"Where the hell am I?" Lori asked herself upon survey the black void of a landscape. Is this one of those lucid dreams Lisa was talking about? She walked around for a while to see what this world has to offer. Lori's gaze landed on a familiar figure whose back was facing her. "Lincoln?" She knew that white hair anywhere. However, he looked older than her and a few inches above her head. "Is that you" Lori reached out to touch her big baby brother.

"Don't touch me," Lincoln spoke coldly causing her to freeze in place. Her hand was covered in permafrost. She shivered either at his tone of voice or the ice sculpture that was her hand.

"Linky," Lori whispered softly at him. What caused such a reaction? His back still towards her

"I was right all those years. You are the worst sister ever," Lincoln glared over his shoulder. He turned to face her. He was an adult now appearing in his early twenties still wearing his signature orange with an open shirt style revealing a crimson Ace Savvy t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His hair went to the nape of his neck. The bags under his eyes were more profound. Life hasn't been kind to him.

"Lincoln, what happened to you," Lori questioned.

"Don't play dumb that's Leni's job, but even she isn't that stupid." Lincoln scoffed at Lori. "You damn well know what you did. For the last ten years, you've forced me to maintain a romantic relationship with Ronnie Anne. Despite numerous times, we've told you numerous times that we're JUST FRIENDS. Whenever I found a girl I liked or girl liked me. You find some way to sabotage it. Hell, you even went as far as bullying them, targeting their insecurities. You made them cry. All my friends either have or had a girlfriend while I have no because no girl wants to approach me. Let alone talk to me thanks to you."

"I was… I was only thinking of your self-interest," Lori struggled to get her words out. Was she really that horrible?

"It's hard to say you're acting in someone's 'best interest' when you only benefit from it," Ronnie spoke appearing from the void. Ronnie has developed a fuller figure and placed her in a simple ponytail. She ditched her purple hoodie opting for a black Overwatch t-shirt with purple calaca with a pair of ripped jeans.

"Don't you like Lincoln?" Lori asked.

"Yeah, he's an awesome guy but we're better off as friends," Ronnie Annie stated."If I haven't moved and you didn't force it. I'll actually consider it. Although there are some cute girls at my school."

"You two are destined to be toget-"

"I'll stop you right there, Lori" Bobby interrupted appearing on the other side of Lincoln.

"Bobby Boo-Boo Bear," Lori said. He was still as handsome as ever rocking that beard. Wait, did he just call her Lori? Not babe or honey anymore.

"It's Roberto to you now because we're done," Bobby declared. Lori hearted shattered at his words

"You can't break up with me!" Lori ordered with watery eyes. Bobby folded his arms in defiance.

"Would. Could. Did. What you're going to him into a human pretzel," Carol mocked leaning on the male Santiago's shoulder. Bobby kissed her forehead.

"CAROL PINGREY!" Lori utterly outraged at this revelation. Out of all people. Her eternal rival. Leni could've been a better option.

"The one and only." Carol taunted, strutting directly towards Lori. Lori attempted to strike only to find herself chained up. She moved and struggled to set herself free. The chain grew stronger and tighter; each movement made forcing Lori on her knees. Carol lifted Lori's face staring directly into Lori's eyes with a cruel grin enjoying her displeasure." Bobby told me that I'm an improved and better version of you. In. Single. Possible. Way" Carol emphasized.

"I wonder if you two were swapped at birth because I can't believe someone so horrible is related to an awesome bro like Lincoln," Bobby questioned. Hot tears rapidly slid down Lori's face. She can handle any insults from Carol but from Bobby. It's too much.

"We often wonder the same thing" More voices and figures appeared. Her family and friends are looking at her in shame, disgust, and anger.

"I warned you, didn't I? Like always, you didn't listen," Lucy told Lori. Lucy kept the goth aesthetic with one eye covered by her long charcoal hair.

"Your father and I are very disappointed in you, young lady," Rita ordered with Lynn Sr. nodded in agreement.

"I have no idea what the hell I ever saw in you" Clyde grumbled embarrassed at his former crush

"Leni…" Lori whispered, pleading with her closest sister.

"I'm sorry. I … just can't. You made Linky so sad, but you didn't care. AT ALL! I can't forgive a meanie like you!" Leni yelled. She still loved Lori despite what she did. Leni told the truth about how she felt no matter how much it hurt her.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. It's okay, babe" Carol walked over and kissed the fashionista on the cheek. Lori's eyes darted from Leni, Carol and Bobby repeatedly. "Yep, I got Bobby and Leni so they can get away from you." Carol wrapped her arms around their waist drawing them in close.

"We finally got a really awesome older sister in exchange instead of another bitch like you," Lynn grumbled stomping towards Lori harshly, poking her in the forehead. Sweet lord Lynn has an 8 pack and her thighs are thicker than Lori's torso.

"Welp, I had my fun. Let's get some food everyone" Carol spoke with murmurs of agreement and relief. Each was disappearing one by one slowly leaving Lori alone

"Linky," Lori pleaded softly as he was all that remained of the group. Lincoln had his hands in his pockets avoiding her gaze.

"Linc, you are coming, or what?" Carol shouted. She grabbed his arm. "Come on, let big sis Carol find you a cute girl." Lincoln too turned his back on. Carol looked back and blew Lori a kiss goodbye.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'M SORRY!" Lori loudly wept as the chain slowly dragged her into the ground. She startled herself back into reality in cold sweat. Lori was breathing heavily, attempting ease to her rapid heartbeat. She checked her phone. It was 3:35am. Leni was still asleep. Lori got out of her bed and quietly stepped into the hallway making her journey to Lincoln's room. She gently opened his room. There he was sleeping soundly without a care in the world. Lori approached the bed tenderly looking at her baby brother? Was she really going to destroy this in the name of Ronniecoln? No. No, she wasn't. It isn't worth it. Luna was right about those girls. Maybe this is what he needed. They must meet her approval first if any of them is going to date her Linky. Lori bent down and kissed his forehead. "I love you Lincoln" She walked out and closed his door.

"Mmmmm Lori, what happened" Leni yawned as Lori reentered the room.

"I...just had a bad dream," Lori replied.

"You want to talk about it," Leni comforted. Lori shook her head. Leni padded a spot on her bed. Lori smiled as that's how they used to comfort each other whenever they had nightmares. She laid down next to Leni. Leni slid closer to her big sister giving her a hug. "Goodnight Lori"

"Goodnight, Leni" Lori replied as the pair went back to sleep.

Damn that got a bit personal with Lincoln. This concludes part 2. Now what we need is part 3. I already have it planned.

Anyways thanks for reading. Follow, Favorite and leave a review if you liked the chapter.