
5. Spoils of war

Happy New Year everyone(even I'm a month late). I'm back with a new chapter. Now sit back and enjoy. On to the reviews.

RawToonage press: I'm glad to agree

Mr. Haziq: He knows the struggle and excitement of dead or dormant fanfic being updated. Lincoln already has the hair for it. Jordan is slowly but surely gaining momentum in the fandom.

Tristen: I got some more planned. I'm always ready for Christmas. I hoped yours was excellent.

Sunblast X: Perhaps… especially when someone is threatening or harming his sisters. I also added a Jojo reference.

agui972: I try to keep a decent comedy to drama ratio.

Guest: If it isn't Ultra Instinct, then it's Kaneki. Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well. Lynn has been trying to get Lincoln into sports for years. Of course, she's going to sense it. Haiku is the best friend of his closest(arguably) sister, thus having more chances than others as you'll see in this chapter. Oh, there's a lot of QT and named characters that Lincoln has been shipped with.

NiteOwl18: After being a Butt-Monkey for so long. He deserves it. Just those two? You underestimate my power.

The battle was won. The victors were battered, bruised, and bloodied(slightly). But to the victors go the spoils after hard-fought and deserved victory. They exited the changing room triumphant. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of their labor, making their way to the cafeteria.

"Awesome skills out there, Loud," A student praised.

"Yeah, you totally rocked," Another added on. The rest of the team offered their praise and congratulations to their white-haired champion. Lincoln attempted to wave it off claiming it wasn't that impressive. Jenny came to Lincoln's side wrapping her arm around his neck, drawing him close to her face.

"Yeah, it was, hero" Jenny smiled, enjoying the contact and the victory. Lincoln blushed at the proximity feeling the warmth of Jenny's cheek.

"Come on, you guys. It's no different from I do when I'm home, dodging all types of crap," Lincoln stated.

"Still impressive, Loud," Mollie replied, showing her gratitude.


"Lincoln just savor your victory," Haiku interrupted, placing a hand on his shoulder, appearing on the other side of him. She gave him a quick smile. "You've earned it."

"Great now, he got cute girls on each arm too," Rusty grumbled in slight envy of his friend's fortune. This feeling is mutual among some of the boys in the class. Jenny gave the goth an intense glare daring her if she wanted to meet the spirits in person. Haiku stared back raising an eyebrow at Jenny's sudden hostility but complied

"Think you can do that again, my man," Zach questioned. The class stared at Lincoln. He pondered for a moment. Can he do it again?

"I don't think so," Lincoln revealed. His team groaned at this information." I think it's one of those totally epic one-time things that comes out of nowhere. I might be able to do it again, but not soon" He placed a hand on his lower back. "My back is killing me right now."

"But you good, right?" Jenny asked. Lincoln nodded as they entered the lunchroom. A batch of food came out hot and ready. They rushed to get first pickings.

"Jenny… we're here," Lincoln said. Jenny was still holding on to him. Their faces had matching shades of pink. She removed her arm and created some distance.

"Awesome work on the court" Jenny coughed to clear the atmosphere still blushing

"Yeah, you too Jenny," Lincoln spoke softly, recalling their moment in the final round. "I'll...I'll see you later."

"Yeah…" Jenny dreamily whispered, watching him sit down at a table with his friends. Cookie walked over, placing her elbow on Jenny's shoulder.

"You're drooling again," Cookie told her ebony companion. She snapped out of her daze, quickly wiping her mouth."I think you're in the lead."

"Sweet, who's next?" Jenny asked feeling confident. The pair walked to an empty table, placing their bags down.

"Serena," Cookie replied. "She has lunch with us next period. We need to talk to her about Haiku," Jenny nodded. Shadowalker is casting her spells on Paladian.

"Okay, so nobody is going to ask about the music during gym," Mollie complained, holding her tray wondering about the music. Several students shook their heads. "Seriously? No one?!" More just shrugged. " Am I bugging or something? UUUUHHHHHHH!" She faces planted on the table taking a sip of her cranberry juice.

The bell rung minutes later. Serena enters, smiling as she sees her target. She approaches their table. Rusty spits out his soda. A girl is approaching them. Willingly. He gave a signal to Liam and Zach. It's their time to shine. Each struck a pose to impress the ladies well lady in this case. Lincoln and Clyde turned around to see what in the world their friends are looking. It's Panda QT. Lincoln calmed himself. Standing his ground. No more running.

"Hey Serena," Lincoln spoke, turning to face her while his friends are … flexing.

"What's up, bunny boy," Serena cheerfully replied, ignoring his friends attempting at attracting a female. Lincoln screwed up his face in confusion. "You heard me," She said with a smile.

"Nobody calls me Bunny boy," Lincoln responded, annoyed at the nickname.

"Yes, we do," Everyone in the cafeteria said in unison, even the principal on the PA system. Lincoln facepalmed at this revelation.

"You got the white hair, buck teeth, and you're eating carrot sticks," Liam answered. "You're basically Bugs Bunny with your plans," Lincoln paused, analyzing himself. He was able to reply, raising his finger but continued to munch on his carrot sticks.

"I heard about what you did in dodgeball today" Serena sat next to him. "I guess today was your lucky day bunny boy" Lincoln's mood turned somber with silent rage upon hearing that word. Luck. That four-letter made him into an omen amongst his own family when all he wanted was me-time. She looked down at him tightly, gripping the fabric of his pants. Was it something she said

"Lincoln doesn't like the word 'luck,'" Clyde clarified, seeing his best friend upset. "You see his sister, Lynn gets … how do I say this in the nicest way possible when it comes to luck."

"Obsessed," Rusty bluntly said.

"Psychotic," Zach added.

"Nuttier than squirrel poop after raiding a peanut factory," Liam continued.

"I was going with passionate but let's go with that," Clyde retorted. Lincoln sighed.

"Is she that bad?" She turned towards Lincoln with a gentle look. "Rabbit feet are supposed to be lucky."

"She'll probably offer up my feet as a sacrifice to the softball gods or whatever," Lincoln scoffed irritably. Clyde patted his back in support. What the hell are softball gods? Serena thought. She reconsidered, asking, seeing how upset it made Lincoln, although it would explain the squirrel suit. What else are rabbits known for Serena thought to herself?

"What about Lunar based abilities" Serena spoke. Lincoln turned and raised an eyebrow. Moon powers? Sounds interesting. "There are tons of stories about moon rabbits. Chang'e a Chinese moon goddess had a rabbit companion who makes her an elixir of life."

"Kinda sounds like Kaguya," Zach whispered to his friends, who nodded in agreement.

"I still felt that was a cop-out," Serena replied. "I enjoyed the Buddist and Shinto aspects, but she just came out of nowhere" NANI INTENSIFIES! A girl around their age group who loves and understands the cultural significance of an anime. Thank you, God(You're welcome)

"You like Asian culture," Lincoln faced her. Her knowledge of said subjects isn't common. You have to research these things.

"Of course. It's how my parents met," Serena smiled. She talked about how her parents met each other while staying abroad in China and fell in love. Serena gently touched her panda cap. "My mom said I kicked when they were at a panda exhibit and named me Serena as pandas often represent peace and tranquility."

"At least you're named due to an important event while I'm named after a president." Lincoln chuckled. He slid closer to her. She lightly blushed at this act. "Can you tell me about more animal symbolism. It sounds awesome," Serena grinned. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "Plus, I'm in a bit of a rut with my art and this can help a lot" She forced herself not to make a sound upon feeling his warm breath on her ears.

"Ooooookkkkkayyyyy," Serena stuttered as her face heats up."What about the Chinese Zodiac. I know that Pokemon does with that the Firestarters. The most recent is Scorbunny" The conversation continued from there comparing and learning various mythological creatures and how they can be adapted into a comic besides the generic Greco-Roman creatures. His friends watched in shared envy.

"As much as I love him like a brother. Sometimes I hate his fortune" Clyde declared watching his bro bond with a QT

"Mmhhhhmmm" They all took a sip of their drinks.

"Haiku, you've been staring at my brother for a while now," Lucy told her living companion. Haiku quickly composed herself, removing her hand from her chin, clearing her throat, straightening her hair and dress. "I know something happened between you two within the last hour. Your energy is brighter."

"Yes, we did," Haiku admitted. "I felt a connection between us. It was similar to what I had with Clyde at the dance yet different."

"How did it feel," Lucy asked. Is her ship finally coming true?

"It felt … warm," Haiku smiled at her confession. "When you asked me to be Lincoln's date. I took it as a little sister's admiration for her older brother," Lucy shifted a bit. "Now, I understand why you spoke highly of him. He is a wonderful person," Haiku shyly blushed, looking at Lincoln with longing.

"He and I always had a special connection being the black sheep among our siblings," Lucy sadly recalled. Haiku wrapped her arm around her gothic gal pal. "We're easy targets among a sea of gold and brown. Lana and Luna share similar interests being music and animals, but … Lincoln is the only one that truly understands and appreciates me." Her throat burns as the breaking words flowed out. "No judgment. No insults. No desire to change who I am. He completely accepts me." She began to whimper, "I hated myself for betraying him at the 'Bad Luck' incident. All the time, he was there for me. I wasn't there for him," Haiku embraced her tightly, ignoring the snot and tears on her dress. She needed support that took priority.

Lincoln's big brother instincts were tingling, causing him to halt his conversation with Panda QT. His vision scanned the area. Lucy grasping onto Haiku in one of the dark corners of the lunchroom, giving them some privacy.

"Sorry, Serena can you excuse me for a bit" He quickly stood with a worried face. She glanced at where he was looking and saw one of his younger sisters with Haiku. She agreed, knowing that he loves his family. He thanked her and sprinted to the dark duo. Rusty saw his chance. He jumped over the table to take Lincoln's spot

"Say Serena if you ever wanted too…" Rusty attempted to charm the Panda

"Hey, I'm borrowing her for a sec. Thanks," Cookie interrupted, dragging Serena with her.

"Dang it," Rusty facepalmed.

"Lucy, are you okay," Lincoln asked worriedly. The two looked at him in surprise. How did he know? "Did your favorite character die or one of your shows or books got again" He gently hugged Lucy. She hugged back. Haiku observed the interaction keeping a hand on Lucy's back. They do have a unique bond. "You want to talk about it, Luce."

"It's a rather private matter. She'll tell you when she's ready," Haiku answered for her blubbering friend. Lincoln decided not to pry any further.

"You want anything to drink?" Lincoln softly asked. Lucy nodded. "A Blackberry iced tea for Lucy and a Straw-Raspberry for you, Haiku?"

"Oh no, Lincoln, do you don't have to," Haiku said as it was Lucy who needed support, not her yet impressed that he remembered her favorite flavor. She probably mentioned it once.

"Too late made up my mind," Lincoln chuckled. "Considered it as thanks for being my sister's friends" He walked off and went to the cashier.

"Incredible isn't he" Lucy sniffed with moist red eyes.

"That he is" Haiku smiled

"You know if you two ever got married. I'll be proud to call you sister," Lucy mischievously smirked. Haiku stuttered in embarrassment as Lucy giggled at her reactions

"Holy crap, did you heard that" Cookie whispered to Brown & Panda QT, who nodded in agreement. They barely heard the two said but gathered the crucial details "Haiku is making leaps and bounds ahead of us."

"So what if Haiku got a little crush on Loud" Mollie scoffed, eating her fries. "He's slightly better than most of the guys here, but come on him?"

"I think Lincoln is a pretty cool guy," Jordan counter-argued. The QTs agreed

"Oh please, you're only saying that because he beat you in dodgeball," Mollie retorted. Girl Jordan shrugged, saying perhaps. "Who seriously has a crush on that nerd."

"You do," Girl Jordan revealed."Quite a bit really," Mollie choked on a fry, coughing and beating her chest to clear her throat.

"Huh… wait, wh...at,n-n-n-ooo I-I-I-I don't have a crush on Loser Loud," Mollie stammered, blushing furiously offering futile resistance.

"It's always Lincoln this, Lincoln that or 'I'm totally going to beat his cannonball record this time'" Jordan taunted bringing up the facts. Mollie simply hmphed, ignoring what Jordan said.

"Oh hey Lincoln" Jenny declared

"WHERE?!"Mollie freaked out, looking frantically around for him."Is my hair okay? I don't stink do I?! Crap I probably do!"

"Mollie chill," Jordan holding in her laughter. Mollie paused, realizing that she's been played.

"I hate you, Jenny" Mollie grumbled in embarrassment, putting her head down hoping nobody else saw what she did. The table laughed. The QTs, however, took notes on the situation.

The bell rang again as everyone packed up for class. The loud siblings said their goodbyes until afterschool. Lincoln and Haiku walked together in the hallway for a few minutes until they arrived at Lincoln's class.

"This is my stop. I'll see you around Haiku," Lincoln said stopping at the door.

"Likewise," Haiku plainly replied. She turned around to walk off but stopped. "Lincoln" He turned towards her, wondering what she wanted. Haiku calmly stepped towards him to gently wrapping her arms around his torso embracing him. "You're a wonderful, Lincoln Loud. DON'T let anyone tell you different" She released him and went her merry way until she was out of sight. He entered his class in a daze wondering if he was dreaming. If so, then he needed to stop eating peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwiches with spray cheese before bed. Woah, she smelled nice.

Afterschool couldn't come soon enough. Lincoln was putting his books in his locker when his phone vibrated. It was from the family group chat.

"Hey, there was an accident causing a major traffic jam. Yes, I'm fine but I'll be an hour late" Lincoln read off Lori's text. Luna said she already caught a ride with Sam. Lynn said that she'll walk home as she needed the cardio. Lincoln closed his locker and went to find his younger sisters. He found Lucy talking to Haiku. "Yo Lucy um… hey, Haiku," He said softly when greeting Haiku.

"Greetings Lincoln" Haiku replied with a blank look.

"Lori said that she'll be late due to a traffic jam," Lincoln told Lucy.

"I'll tell Lisa and the twins, but Lisa probably knows already by now," Lucy blankly responded. "I'm heading to the library to catch up on some reading."

"Same here. I got some inspiration for sketches" Lincoln turned his attention to Haiku. "You want to come with us."

"As enjoyable as that sounds. I must decline" Haiku respectfully rejecting pulling out a smartphone with a vampire bat case showing a notification from mom saying that she's here. "A bid thee adieu until next time," She elegantly took her to leave exiting through the first door.

"Lincoln, are you coming or what" Lucy spoke up breaking Lincoln from his daze. He snapped out of it and followed her.

"Looks like someone had a good day today" A pale mature lady with raven hair smiled at her daughter from the rearview.

"I did mother," Haiku letting a tiny smile breakthrough. She got interested

"Is it a boy" The mother teased. Haiku blushed fixing her gloves.

"You can...say that," Haiku nervously admitted. Haiku's mother squeed that her daughter has a crush.

"Okay, where is it" Lincoln whispered to himself, searching amongst the shelves. "Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch ah here it is. Chinese zodiac & mythology." He grabbed the medium-sized book and found an empty table. The library is typically empty around this time with the occupants being students who wanted a quiet place to do some work. Lincoln reached into his bag grabbing blank sheets of paper and a pencil case. He turned on his phone and began drawing. "Cinderace is an awesome Pokemon."

"Lincoln?" A voice called out his name. He turned to see Caroline holding a few books in her arms. "What are you doing here."

"My ride's late, so I'm using the free time to draw," Lincoln answered. "How about you."

"My mom gets off around 4," Caroline replied taking a seat next to him. "Whatcha drawing."

"Serena told me about moon rabbits, so I'm making a hero off that," Lincoln told her. " I'm going with a cosmic theme but having time deciding whether or not making them a unique individual or species."

"Go with the species. Gives it the Ben 10 vibe," Caroline suggested. Lincoln pondered about it. It can work. Ben 10 has 10,000+ aliens as an adult so he probably has one.

"Okay, the hard part is what planet is it like," Lincoln countered. Ben 10 showed like 10 planets or so Ben's aliens with some inhabiting the same world.

"It has to be a Goldilock planet," Caroline stated. Lincoln looked at her in confusion. "It's like Earth not too hot nor too cold. It's just right for supporting life."

"A grassland or forest planet than" Lincoln question. Rabbits are abundant in those biomes.

"Yeah, but that way too cliche'. Rabbits are also found in deserts," Caroline retorted before a lightbulb flashed. "Why not all 3. This can lead to various subspecies with different adaptations. The planet can have multiple moons with a weak red sun. Oh, my stars! The tides and ocean currents. Wait, are they the dominant species? Are there predators they must worry about" Caroline continued to ramble on about the planetary aspects and celestial bodies and how it would affect the species. Lincoln listened to her use words and terms only Lisa could decipher. Caroline stopped when she didn't allow Lincoln to speak."Sorry, I got excited. You probably think I'm weird" She raised her sweater to cover a portion of her face.

"I live with 10 sisters. Almost nothing surprises me anymore," Lincoln consoled as he knew the feeling of having your interests being the butt of someone's joke. "Should we call the desert species 'Dust Bunnies'" He joked to lighten the mood. She chuckled lightly hitting his arm. " That did give me some ideas. You write the background information while I draw the various species."

"Deal!" Caroline eagerly agreed. He slid her a piece of folder sheet. The two began to work trading and sharing ideas about creating an entire civilization. "Now the names" They were stumped. Why is creating the name always the hardest part?!

"We'll deal with that later" He slid closer to see what she created. She can smell his cologne. Caroline created an elaborate list such as government, military, religion, cultural norms etc. " Holy moly. This would've taken me months to get this much"

"Oh, it's nothing," Caroline boasted, flipping her hair.

" I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Lucy spoke suddenly shocking the pair. Caroline grasped onto Lincoln in fright. Where the hell did she come from? "Lisa told me that Lori is here. You know our eldest sibling reacts."

" I got to go. I'll see you later," Lincoln told Caroline, quickly packing his bag exiting the library. Lucy stared at Caroline. The blonde started to sweat. Lucy walked off to avoid invoking Lori's wrath.

"Sweet Alpha Centauri," Caroline released her breath. "Who knew that an 8 year could be intimidating?"

Lincoln was rushing to get to Vanzilla. He didn't want to piss off Lori. He turned sharply around a corner bumping into a red-haired girl, causing both to fall on the floor.

"Sorry, are you okay" Lincoln apologized standing to help the girl up.

"I think so" She thanked and grabbed his hand. "Thanks...Lincoln?!"

"Cristina?" Lincoln repeated. She quickly withdrew her hand as if he was diseased and ran off. Lincoln let out a deep sigh begrudgingly walk to Vanzilla. Christina hid behind a row of lockers watching him walk out the front door. She turned to find Lucy intensely staring at her with a scowl. "Um… hi?" Lucy walked pushing her out the way. Cristina sighed walking away heading to Glee club.

"There you are. I was wondering where you were," Lori said when Lincoln and Lucy entered the van. Lori started the car and began to drive home. "You okay twerp," She noticed that he didn't say anything during the ride. That was usually Lucy's job. He had the same look when Ronnie Anne officially moved away.

"Cristina," Lucy answered in his stead holding his hand. That name alone brought silence. Lisa slid over laying her head on her genetically similar companion's arm. She didn't particularly care for human emotions as they're often illogical but she did care about his feelings. Luan leaned forward from the backseat giving him a hug. The twins couldn't do much because of their seatbelts. Leni can only offer a sympathetic glance to her dear brother. Lori tightly gripped the steering wheel only Carol Pigdey made her feel such UNGODLY AMOUNTS OF RAGE. The ride home was silent with only the sounds of traffic in the background. They arrived home with Lola & Lana, immediately hugging their big brother when he stepped out of the vehicle.

"What's up fam" Luna cheerfully greeted, strumming her guitar. She stopped seeing their dour demeanor. "Woah, what rain on y'all parade."

"We're going to have a sibling meeting in a bit. Get Lynn. It's a Code: C" Lori told the rocker

"Crap a Code: C," Luna leaped from the couch dashing through the kitchen opening the back door. Lynn was practicing her bat swings." Lynn, we got a Code: C!"

"Can it wait? I'm in the middle of someth-" Lynn shouted. The words struck a home run in her brain causing her to stop mid-swing. Code: C. Cristina! "What are we waiting for?! Let's go already," Lynn sprinted back inside.

"Woah where's the fire" Lynn Sr. asked seeing Jr. rushing back inside

"We got a red alert, OG" Lynn replied running up the stairs. The patriarch gasped. Red Alert again?!

"I'll get Lincoln and hide in the bunker. There's a box of chocolates upstairs. Your mother knows where it is," Lynn Sr. panicked.

"It's Code C for Lincoln," Luna clarified. Lynn Sr. calmed down and made an 'O' with his mouth. He was still confused. "It's Cristina pops."

"Was that the girl Lincoln had a-" Lynn Sr. said before Luna covered his mouth.

"Yeah, but we don't talk about it," Luna whispered. She let go of his mouth and went upstairs. Lynn Sr. whipped out his oven mitts to prepare for dining.

"The sibling meeting begins now," Lori ordered beating a table with an old shoe."The order of today's meeting is to get the 411 from our brother." Lincoln had seen better days. He was wrapped and covered in an array of pillows and blankets while being cuddled by Leni.

"Okay, then. I helped someone with their math and again with one of my classmates" Lincoln started off

"Nice to know there are more brain cells in this family. Who were they pray tell," Lisa spoke, getting interested.

"Evelynn, while we were on the bus and Cookie one of my classmates," Lincoln answered. This got the girls interested.

"What's your relationship with them?" Lori questioned, wondering about these girls.

"Evelynn is an acquaintance, but she seems nice pretty shy though,"Lincoln responded. "Cookie and I don't have the sweetest relationship but that's how the cookie crumbles."

"I get it," Luan chortled. Lola threw a pillow at her face.

"Sometimes she's nice, and sometimes she's mean at least to me." Lincoln continued. The older sister passed glances to each other. "I actually got her to laugh surprisingly" Luan whispered a 'Nice' "My team won the 4x4 and dodgeball. I was the MVP, according to Jenny and my team during dodgeball."

"You the MVP? Was Girl Jordan on your team. I heard she's a beast," Lynn scoffed wondering if that was the feeling she felt during lunch.

"Yes, and no, she was the other team." Lincoln retorted struggling to get his phone out. He showed them a video during the 3rd match.

"WOOOOOAH bro since when you could get down like that?!" Luna shouted excitedly, watching her bro's choreography. He's natural flowing like water. "Are you breakdancing? Oh no not the knee"s

"I want to see when you become the MVP," Lynn said. It's just him and GJ now. She watched Jordan launch a powerful shot at her bro. The sisters flinched at the impact. "You catch it. Awesome work, Stinkin."

"We got an early lunch, too," Lincoln grinned. "Serena taught me about animal symbolism for a bit."

"Who?" Lola questioned

"She's the girl that wears a lot of panda gear," Lincoln said. Lola recalled seeing a girl like that around the school."

"Apparently, everyone calls me Bunny boy," Lincoln grumbled at the nickname.

"Wait you totes like didn't know," Leni added. Lincoln stared at Leni shaking his head. Man even Leni knew about it.

"Lucy and Haiku called me over to help with their poetry," Lincoln lied protecting his favorite ghoul. "Nothing really happened until afterschool. I went to the library to kill time. Caroline and I talked for a bit helping me with a character. I think you'll like her Lisa. She likes astronomy and ecology."

"Yes, another intellectual. A description of her please" Lisa lisped.

"Light long blonde hair with bangs wearing a white turtleneck sweater,"Lincoln confirmed. "Lucy told me you were here" He addressed Lori before his expression turned somber. "I bumped into Cristina. We ended up on the floor. I helped her up. She thanked me before realizing who I was then … removing her hand from mine as If I was a freak. Well more than usual and ran off."

"It's true. I saw making it one of the few times I've felt rage," Lucy growled.

"How did it feel?" Lori consoled. She and some of her friends went through similar experiences in the past.

"You think after the first 23 times. You get used to it," Lincoln sniffed with watery eyes. "But you don't. It hurts. It really hurts," He whispered the last part with tears smoothly flowing out. He stood up, " I'm heading to my room. Tell dad I'll be late for dinner."

"Oi Linc," Lynn shouted before he opened the door. He turned with tired red eyes. What are you going to mock him for having emotions like any normal human being? She approached him then softly hugged him. Lisa cleared her glasses & Lucy opened her bangs. Luan pinched herself. This was not an illusion. Lynn showing affection?! Lily waddled to the pair ignorant of what's happening but didn't want to miss out on hugs. Leni got in on it too. Then Luna, Lucy, Lori, Lola & Lana, Lisa, and Luan. Embracing their only brother is a massive group hug.

"Guys, it's getting hard to breathe," Lincoln choked out. They each reluctantly released him with Lynn being the first and the last to let go. She sat back down watching him shut the door.

Oh shit! Cristina is back! How will the QTs react to this and the threat of Mollie, Haiku, and now the Return of Cristina? Place your bets next time on Dragon Ball! Wait wrong show but I see some awesome fanart.

Favorite and Follow and leave a review if you like. Have an awesome day! :)