
4. New Challengers?

Hello, it's me, ya boi. Back again with another chapter. Sorry for the hiatus. I had finals some time ago and I took time to relax and complete this chapter. I wonder if it's a Tv tropes already. Time to answer some reviews.

RawToonage press: Thank you my good sir. Enjoy the chapter

Guest: The show has 4 seasons now along with comics. It'll only matter of time before the other SHD's make a return. Although Polly could've made an appearance already. You'll see why Haiku is their greatest threat.

Pirohiko-Baltazar: I'm giving the QTs their time to shine. I understand she's a beloved character. I like her too. That's why I'm focusing on the QTs now consider it like a challenge in writing this background characters. Also Stella makes her appearance in season 3. The story takes place after Loudest Mission which is midway season 2. Don't worry. I'll do timeskips.

Tristen: Glad you're enjoying the story.

charly888: Me alegro de que estés disfrutando de la historia. Realmente estoy recibiendo una sensación para algunos de sus personajes.

Mr. Haziq: Teachers always ship students which explains the seating chart. The new challengers you'll just have to read to see.

Timbuk1: Jenny is Brown QT. Caroline is Sweater QT. Serena is Panda QT. Evelynn is Shy QT.

The students took a quick break after the race. They gathered in the gym and lined up at the basketball court baseline, waiting for Pacowski. He blew his whistle. Again. The coach must love that thing

"Okay, everyone. We're ending today with dodgeball. Quick and simple," Pacowski told the class. Everyone was excited; it's almost over and grateful for the upcoming early lunch. Those long lunch lines are hell, the food hot & ready, and the best tables are available. However, some of them aren't particularly excited about gaining bruises, but sacrifices have to be made. "The team leaders will be Jenny & Chandler." He tossed a dodgeball to both of them. "Chandler will pick first since he came last in the relay," Chandler grumbled at his recent embarrassment. "Then Jenny will pick 2, then Chandler will pick 2. Both of you guys will keep going until everyone is picked. Got it?" The two nodded. "So, who's the first pick Chandler?". The redhead scanned his potential options, but he already made his choice.

"I pick Girl Jordan!"He cracked a sly grin. Gasps and fearful murmurs spread amongst the students. Girl Jordan or Jordan Rosato. She's a lovely, friendly and elegant girl. One of the top students academically & athletically in Royal Woods Elementary. The class representative etc. However, when she plays dodgeball. A flip switches. Jordan becomes brutal and merciless singlehandedly destroying teams.

She goes under various names in this state: The Dodgeball Duchess. The Countess of the Court. The Raging Red Ball Berserker. They shudder in fear of her Burgeoning ball barrage. Being hit with one of those ruthless red spheres stings at most. Ones tossed by Jordan doesn't hurt enough to cause injury, but man she can make you feel it. Each student has at least one story of being on the receiving end of her assault. The remaining students are pleading and praying to be on Chandler's team to avoid her wrath. The first rule in dodgeball: No mercy

"Nice choice from the start," Pacowski whistled, impressed at Chandler's actions. Girl Jordan walked over to Chandler's side.

"Sorry, Jenny" Girl Jordan whispered, apologetically not wanting to harm her friend knowing how … intense she can be in this sport. Jenny just waved it off, saying it's cool.

"Pick your two" Pacowski addressed to Jenny. She contemplated her options. GJ was her first choice due to her skills, and they worked great together. Wait a minute. Teamwork!

" I pick Clincoln McLoud." Jenny smiled. Chandler struggled to hold his laughter. Who? Pacowski thought to himself. Oh, Loud and McBride, he remembered.

"YES!"Clyde yelled high fiving Lincoln."Finally, I'm not one of the last to be picked" They walked to Jenny's side.

"This should be a piece of red velvet cake with frosting," Chandler snorted. "Sweet and easy" He picked his next teammate. The two continued until everyone been picked.

"Now that's out of the way. You guys should know about dodgeball already," Pacowski said. "This will be a 3 round match or who got 2 wins in a row. We're doing team elimination," Simple enough, the class thought. "The winning team will be let off early while the losing team will clean up" Of course there was a catch. It got everyone pumped. Bragging rights and early lunch. What more can an elementary school student want? " Everyone to a wall."

"This isn't good." Clyde addressed. "Chandler got most of the athletes on his team and Girl Jordan! We're burnt toast." The team murmured in agreement

"Come on, guys. We still got this. Right Lincoln," Jenny grinned. Everyone started him. Um kind of put him on the spot right there, Jenny.

"So what's your 'master plan' Lincoln" Mollie taunted. Lincoln narrowed his eyes at her. Can they win? It's possible but is it probable? Maybe.

"We won't get a flawless victory," Lincoln spoke. This is didn't help their mood. " However, we can still win. Girl Jordan is the main threat, but they know that."

"Chandler would try to keep her in the game at all cost," Mollie agreed. "Even if we knock her out. He'll just bring her back in."

"Exactly," Lincoln smirked. "We just have to wear her out. We all have to make sure of it," Was it really that simple? The team hoped but considering its GIRL FREAKING JORDAN. They got to do what they got to do.

"Not a bad plan," Jenny replied, touching his shoulder in acknowledgment. Oh, he got toned shoulders.

"Yes, a united goal against a common enemy," Haiku responded. Did they hear things, or did she sound excited?

"Form up, everyone!" Pacowski blew his whistle(Geez how many times the word 'whistle' is going to pop) Game time. Everyone was primed and ready gearing up to dominate their opponent. Ready. Set…..

"Um, coach Pacowski" A student spoke up after seconds of intense, awkward silence.

"Sorry about that," Pacowski sheepishly blushed, putting his phone away. "One of my stories has FINALLY been updated after a few years" The students let that slide.


The teams pounced towards the red spheres of booms, but Girl Jordan was ahead of the pack. She passed as many as she could to her side while dodging any aimed at her. She ducked and slid back to the safety of her team. The ebb and flow of the battlefield were maddening. Teams losing and regaining members. Dodging, deflecting, and tossing dodgeballs to ensure their superiority against their foes. The goal: TO WIN.

The match is a stalemate. Lincoln's eyes locked on Chandler. Sever the head and the rest of the body will follow. Lincoln steadied his aim. "Breathe Lincoln Breathe." His focus sharpened. He launched the ball at Chandler, who was busy barking orders at his team. He noticed the incoming projectile from the corner of his eye.

"Crap!" Chandler panicked. Losing the relay and knocked out by Larry. Can this get any worse? The ball was stopped midair by another sparing his pride. Chandler turned his head. His ace , Girl Jordan, saved him. He quickly passed a nearby ball to her. She caught and launched it, striking Lincoln in the chest in a single smooth motion. "Looks like you ran out of luck there, Larry."

"Dang it," Lincoln grumbled, rolling his eyes at Chandler's taunt. He walked off the court and sat down on the bleachers with his teammates sulking his head.

"It was a valiant effort," Haiku spoke up, attempting cheer up her friend.

"Look what good that did," He sighed. Haiku stared at her best friend's brother. Lucy described him as the light that brightens up her soul. Caring. Optimistic. Excellent person to be around. She never heard Lucy speak of anyone in that manner. Haiku felt the passion and authenticity in Lucy's voice. Thus she agreed to be Lincoln's date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Despite the significant blunder on his sister's part. She enjoyed herself and found a kindred spirit in Clyde. Haiku saw an honorable & altruistic spirit in Lincoln. He could've bragged to his friends about having multiple dates. Instead, he pushed his mind and body to its limits to please them. Being the only boy with 10 sisters benefited him in that endeavor. His plan allowed his friends to help find companionship during the dance. Even when his plans are self-serving. He finds a way for his friends to benefit. He will enable others, but few help him. It's time to add to that number.

"Lincoln," Haiku called to him placing her hand on his knee, gazing directly in his eyes. "You tried that's the important thing. Your efforts. Your struggles. Many heroes try and fail many times before they meet their goals. This is what distinguishes them from the irrelevant side characters. People will always remember those who did something instead of those who would have thought it was better to sit down and stay quiet. Which one will you be, Lincoln Loud."

Lincoln, being shocked, would have been an understatement. Flabbergasted? Bewildered? Astonished? Is there even a word in the human language to describe how he feels right now? He'll ask Lisa to get him a Thesaurus. He's usually the one giving motivational speeches. Clyde is more clinical, while Ronnie's more blunt and direct. His sisters … are okay. This is the first time someone ever did this for him. "Oh um uh thanks, Haiku" He gave her his signature smile.

"Lucy tells me how you're always helping your family but regrets not doing more to help you. Also, you're welcome" Haiku gave a tiny smile slighting averting her gaze as she moved her hair above her ear. Now she understood what Lucy meant. His smile is illuminating. "Any plans yet."

"The guys and I have formations planned, but they're still in beta," Lincoln said. Haiku raised an eyebrow. His friends nodded. Formations? What is this warfare, but life is an eternal battle. "Hey, Haiku, have you heard of the Phantom Strike."

"No, but I'm listening," Haiku answered, intrigued, leaning in close to hear Lincoln's explanation.

Jenny watched the scene. AW HELL NAW! She thought. Code: Midnight Eclipse is in effect. Shadowalker is making her move on White Knight. "You're going to get it, Jordan."

Girl Jordan turned her head at the scene, giving a dismissive smirk to her friend. "No, I didn't think I will" She spins the ball on her finger, keeping the grin despite being the last member on her team. " Besides, they're serving chicken nuggets and chicken alfredo at Lunch today. I'm not missing it again." Orchestral music appeared starting somber but increased intensity.

Golden wind

"Um, where is that music coming from," Mollie asked, bewildered at the swift changes in events.

"Oh no," Some students whispered with sweat dripping from their faces as they recognized the music slowly making their way off the court to avoid Jordan's wrath. They forget the rule. NO MERCY!

Jordan threw the ball, striking a student in the leg(One!). The opposing team swiftly retaliated with barrage. Jordan gracefully dodged the assault catching one in her hands(Two!). She leaped into the air with Mollie her sights. Target acquired. Mollie sees her chance only to be thwarted by Girl Jordan, launching another ball into her shoulder(Three!). Jordan rolled out of the way of an incoming dodgeball. She picked it up tossing it back. The student jumped over it happy, thinking he's safe. The ball ricocheted off the wall hitting him in the leg(Four!). One target left being Jenny the team captain. The friends stared at each other with a dodgeball in their hands waiting for the other to make a move. Jordan tossed first. Jenny deflected it than firing back. Jordan rolled out of the way grabbing another ball on the floor. Jenny rushed to a nearby dodgeball but it was knocked away before she grabbed it making her take a step back. Jenny's moment of distraction was pivotal to Girl Jordan's victory launching the red sphere into her dark-skinned friend's shin(Five!)


Coach Pacowski blew his whistle marking the end of round one. "Point goes to Team Chandler" His team cheered from the stands chanting 'Girl Jordan!' in the light of their victory. Girl Jordan blushed at attention sheepishly waving at her group. "We'll start the 2nd match in the next five minutes."

Jenny sighed as she walked over to her team. She knew that she was going to lose, but it's hardly a pleasant experience. Her group crowded around Lincoln. He was making gestures pointing to their nodding teammates. " You got a plan there, Lincoln," Jenny asked, taking a seat next to her white-haired classmate.

"We're finalizing it now" He nodded and went over the plan with Jenny. "Everyone remembers their roles?" They nodded in agreement.

"This better work, Loud" Cookie said. Lincoln smiled back.

Round 2.

Jordan applied the same strategy but was drained from the last match. The steady rhythm of the court favored neither team. The tempo increased as Jordan was in overdrive, firing cannonballs at her foes. Her team resupplies her with ammunition and supporting her as swift as they can.

"You sure this is going to work, Lincoln?" Rusty ducked and dodged the wrath of Jordan

"I've wrestled pigs that are gentler than this," Liam covering his head.

"Chill, We got this," Lincoln reassured. Jordan got slower, inaccurate and sloppy in this round. Chandler's team barely picking up their weight. "LET'S GO SNAKE FORMATION!" Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Zach, and Rusty aligned themselves, respectively. "Left, right, right, duck, jump, left" The group obeyed Lincoln's commands dodging each projectile coming their way.

"Can somebody get those nerds" Chandler gritted his teeth, wanting to go to lunch already.

"Mollie, Jenny, Haiku!" Lincoln shouted as a dodgeball narrowing missing him hitting Zach instead.

"On it!" Jenny replied. The trio passed several dodgeballs to the boys before joining the formation. Jenny took the chance to stand behind Lincoln. A quick, subtle little touch here, and there wouldn't hurt, right?

"You ready, Jenny?" Lincoln's voice interrupted her thoughts. She suppressed her blush with a quick nod. " Activate Hydra mode. Strike!" The beast launched a brutal wave against Chandler's team. Some of the heads leaning to sides to get a better shot with hits and misses. The hydra split up losing some of its heads as their foes retaliated, but two more grow back, making it stronger allowing for more efficient strikes in another assault claiming more victims. The beast separated once more satisfied with its onslaught.

"Jordan, get Lincoln!" Chandler commanded, getting frustrated at the turn of the events losing the majority of his team.

"On it!" Girl Jordan confirmed. Jenny was the enemy leader, but now Lincoln is the threat. Lincoln and locked eyes with each other dodgeball in hand. The two shared the same thought. Take them out. Jordan grinned. A lone bunny about to be devoured by a hawk. An easy target. Lincoln tensed up at the sight of the most dangerous creature in existence. A smiling female. He has the bruises as prove. Lincoln needs to take Jordan out. NOW! Jordan keeping the smile, shot a ball at him. He jumped, avoiding it but striking back. Jordan stepped out of the way with ballerina grace. Lincoln continued his attack with support from his team. Jordan twirled, sidestepped, jumped taunting Lincoln as he failed to eliminate her. He launched another at her. She tilted her head, avoiding the shot.

"Come on, Lincoln is that the best the "Man with the plan" can do-Ooof."Girl Jordan giggled when a dodgeball knocked the air out of her holding her midsection. When did he? She glazed across the court to see Haiku peeking over his shoulder with a tiny smirk saying 'Gotcha.' "The Phantom strike. Well played Loud, but you won't next time."

"Girl Jordan you're out," Pacowski blew his whistle. Jordan walked over to the bleachers. Her team stared slack-jawed in disbelief. Lincoln, Loud & Haiku. Out of all people eliminated Girl Jordan.

"Time to end this. Alpha Assault " Lincoln commanded as several teammates lined up beside him

"Alpha wh-?" A brown-haired student asked, but a volley prevented him from completing his sentence taking him and some of his team.

"Clyde. Double Trouble," Lincoln said. His best buddy nodded at the plan. Clyde aimed high while Lincoln went low. Lincoln shot first, causing a short-haired girl to collide into a heavy set male in an attempt to dodge.

"Hey, watch where you're going, will ya?" The boy barked.

"You were in my way," The girl barked back. Clyde took his shot, killing two birds with one stone.

" Point goes to Team Jenny," Pacowski signaled the end of round 2. Team Jenny erupted in cheers.

"Don't get comfortable. We still have one more round," Chandler replied to their cheers.

"Dope plan MVP," Jenny congratulated Lincoln. Lincoln smiled at Jenny, making her meekly blush.

"She's right, Lincoln. It was a well-executed method to assert our unyielding dominance over adversaries," Haiku offered her support.

"It wasn't my best plan." Lincoln humbly bring down their praises. The 'unyielding dominance' thing unsettles him to a degree.

"Not with that attitude Loud," Mollie said playfully, bumping into his shoulder. Lincoln rolled eyes walking to the bleachers for a quick break.

Lynn paused, turning her head in the direction of her brother's school before taking a bite out of her meatball sub with a surprised expression.

"You alright, Lynn," Margo asked.

"I don't know." Lynn replied, confused as to what she's feeling."But I feel a sense of pride towards … Lincoln of all people."

"That's strange because?" Margo questioned. She knows that the two didn't have the best sibling relationship, but why was it strange to be proud of your younger brother?

"Don't get me wrong. I love my little brother," Lynn responded. Margo raised questioning eyebrows. "First of all, not like that and gross," Lynn cringed at the thought. "Maybe Stinkin finally grew a spine or something awesome in sports."

Round 3.

The final round. Winner takes all. Who will enjoy the spoils of war? Who will scavenge for meager scraps? Both sides' energies are sapped. No more rapid assaults. No more shifting ebb and flow of the court. A battle of attrition is the name of the game. Who can outlast who?

"How you holding up," Jenny whispered to Lincoln taking light breaths. Their clothes stained with sweat.

"I'm ... Woah, alright," Lincoln ducked before replied." I don't know how long can ho-JENNY GET DOWN!" He tackled her to the ground avoiding a dodgeball darted over them, implanting itself into Rusty leaving an imprint on the wall. "You alright, Jenny?"

"Yeah, but" Jenny shyly avoided eye contact with a blush. "You're on top of me," Lincoln blinked owlishly before his simple mind began to comprehend the situation at hand. His face turned a bright shade of scarlet. Jenny quickly swapped positions before he can utter an apology, a dodgeball bounced off her shoulder. "Consider us even" She walked off to the benches. Lincoln sat up, surveying the field. He's the last person on his team against a strong enemy team.

"Aw crap," Lincoln grumbled. Chandler's team is enjoying their odds.

"Well, well, well. It looks like little Larry is alone. I hope you like cold food." Chandler and some of his team chuckled. Lincoln remained silent.

"Lincoln, it's cool, man. You can chicken out. We're okay with it," Rusty yelled in an attempt to support his white-haired buddy. Others are in agreement with Rusty's statement. Lincoln remained silent.

"They're right, Larry. Just save yourself the embarrassment. I guess today isn't your lucky day," Chandler keeping the cocky attitude. Lincoln remained silent with blank expression gesturing Chandler and his team to Bring. It. On. "Your funeral" His lined up, ready to end this once and for all. Lincoln took a deep breath focusing on the task at hand. Win.

"Ka Ka Ka time to end this"

"Gun Gun Gun Gun I cannot miss."

"Jan Jan Byan Byan In this ultimate battle."

"I'll never stop no matter what the world will say"

"Now rock music?" Mollie complained, wondering where is music is coming from. "Wait a second is he … is he glowing?!"

"Come Lincoln, you got this," Jenny whispered. Chandler didn't care about the music, but he agreed it's time to end this. He launched the first offensive. Lincoln was a statute allowing the ball to get closer. Chandler smiled. Game. Set. Match. Lincoln keeping the blank look tilt his head to side missing him entirely. Chandler gritted his teeth.

"What you are guys waiting for an invitation or something. Let's hurry up already," Chandler ordered frustrated, thinking this was going to be an easy match. His team unleashed brutal barrage. Lincoln calmly walked towards it.

"LINCOLN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Clyde shouted in fear. Lincoln was undeterred. His form was loose, calm yet ready to move to a beat. He smoothly maneuvered his body. Left. Right. Right. Down. Roll. Hop. Left. Twirl. Never missing a beat letting his moves flow like a stream evading every obstacle coming his way.

"Nice moves Loud," Pacowski whistled, impressed with his student wondering where did this come from. Lincoln's team cheered for his performance yelling for him to keep it up and don't stop. Lincoln ignored their cheers. Each move must be calculated and coordinated. Not a step too soon nor too early. This was the final level. He mustn't lose concentration years in hectic home prepared him. He can't afford to fail! Not here. Not now.

"Man, the boy, got some moves." Jenny grinned. "Hey, Clyde, could Lincoln always moved like that."

"I wonder what spirits allowed him to move in such a way," Haiku whispered mesmerized by Lincoln's skills.

"Nope," Clyde shook his head."The only times I've seen my bro like was his Dance Battles with Ronnie Anne or trying to survive the havoc known as the Loud House." Of course, it went back to Ronnie Anne. Although Lincoln needs a new dance partner at Games and Grubs.

The onslaught continues. Chandler's irritation levels soared by the second. They. Just. Can't. Hit. Him. Whenever they think they got a hit. He moves as if the ball was in slow motion. A stupid step. A dumb duck. A spinning hop. Oh great now he's doing flips. He must be getting tired by now. Lincoln misstepped and slid into a split, holding his body up with his hands. Just what Chandler wanted. Chandler and co see their moment to finish off Lincoln. Or what is it? Lincoln brought his left leg forward with a hand in the air then his other leg into a crab position. Crossing his left leg around his right then pulling the right behind him putting him back in the first stance. He continued this movement gaining momentum with each rotation. The cheering continued even the coach is on Team Lincoln.

"He's getting drained. He can't keep this up all day." Chandler irradiated over the whole ordeal ordering another volley. Lincoln kicked his right leg in front of him, using both hands to support himself, soon swinging it back while leaping forward with his left. He landed on his back using the momentum to spin his body on the ground turning it over, landing in a crouching stance.

He waited. He knelt, placing put both hands on the ground straightening out his legs. Lincoln raised his leg bend his knee. He kicked his other kick while swinging his next leg under it. He pushed off the ground, rolling over his shoulder returning to the home position. Now his arms on the floor supporting his legs in the air. Swinging one leg over the other rolling on his shoulder. He transfers momentum flowing from each side of his body keeping its balance becoming a tornado. Debris diverting its path to avoid the storm.

"How isn't he getting dizzy" Cookie questioned watching Lincoln's countless rotations

"I want to do where and when he learned how to do this," Mollie pondered for a bit."Maybe he's trying to impress someone."

"I know I'm impressed," Jenny admired with a longing look at Lincoln. She took a quick and subtle snapshot of him to save for later.

"Tssh Jen post them in group chat later," Cookie whispered. Jenny winked, putting her phone away before Pacowski sees it. They continued watching Lincoln's performance wondering how he's not getting hit while spinning. He ended with a one-armed handstand while gently touching a knee with the next one. Lincoln landed on his feet and shrugged as if what he did was normal.

"Nice Just Dance routine Larry. Really nice, but you're still going to lose," Chandler mocked. He put his hand out for a teammate to give him a ball, only grasping air. " Um, hello, I'm waiting. Hand me a dodgeball so we can go to lunch."

"Uh, Chandler, you may want to take a look," Girl Jordan said. The redhead surveyed his team. His side was empty drained of ammunition. He turned his head; all the balls were on Lincoln's court whose casually tossing a ball up and down.

"Chill out, Chandler. All we need to do is catch one." A short bald boy said. "Easy as pi-UUUHHHH" Lincoln launch a dodgeball straight into his chest, leaving a nice him sized dent into the wall. "So, this is how Rusty feels."

"Uh oh," Several students spoked, summarizing the mood. Number one rule in dodgeball: NO MERCY. Lincoln did just that. His aim was precise. His strikes swift. The impact was intense. He was a sharpshooting missile launcher. They were target practice. Eliminating them one or two at a time. Fake outs. Direct Hits. It didn't matter. He's here to win ... and eat lunch. He threw one at Chandler who jumped out of the way thinking he's safe. The ball ricocheted off the floor colliding in his face mid-jump landing on the ground. Girl Jordan grabbed the dodgeball from Chandler's face and walked over him staring intensely at Lincoln. Lincoln holding the same expression, stared back at her. The court held a deafening silence.

"It's the final confrontation deciding who'll supreme and reap the spoils of war," Haiku whispered, praying for Lincoln's victory, and she wasn't the only one too.

"Nice show Lincoln but it's curtains for you." Girl Jordan chuckled. He rolled his eyes, hearing that joke before from Luan. "Take a dive, Linky. You won't win" Lincoln took a stance. He's ready. "So you're staying. Fair enough but don't say I didn't warn ya."

Battle auras erupted from their forms marking where they stood as the pressure skyrockets. A dominant orange for Lincoln and a lovely yellow for Jordan. Neither backed down. Jordan made the first move. Lincoln tumbled out the way and retaliated. She arched her body to the side. The pair danced attacking, dodging, weaving, and parrying. Sweat cascading off their bodies with each move. Both teams were cheering for their champions. Jordan never knew that Lincoln can endure as much as her. Living with 10 sisters must a high-intensity workout. Wait this isn't the time. Chicken nuggets are calling her name.

The two stopped exhausted, taking deep breaths. Neither of them can endure for much longer. Their teams calling out their names. The next move will finish the match. Jordan wiped the sweat off her face with a determined look pirouetted, charging up the force behind her final strike. "Rosato Wrecker Requiem!" She shouted launching the ball with all her might sending shockwaves throughout the gym. Jordan grunted in pain as it shot through her arm.

"The heck was that" Principal Huggins uttered to himself, feeling the slight rumble. He shrugged, thinking nothing of it going back to reading his comics."

Lincoln braced for impact. His eyes widened, muscles tighten, teeth grit once it made contact. Lincoln skid a meter back, holding his stomach. The squeezing of his shoes echoed throughout the gymnasium. The crowd held their collective breath in anticipation. Coach Pacowski had his whistle ready to announce the results. Who's the winner? Who's the loser? Lincoln kept his head down. Jordan apologetically smiled at Jenny yet proud of her victory, holding her sore arm. Lincoln looked up with a wide smirk. He caught it. Placing one hand on top of the other. The crowd's jaw hit the floor with a thud and widen eyes. Clyde cleaned his glasses ensuring he still sees correctly. Haiku's eyes comically popped out. Girl Jordan face marked with bewilderment. Lincoln stepped towards Jordan handing her the ball.

"Only my sisters call me Linky," Lincoln calmly told her.

Pacowski gave them their point and the victory to Lincoln's team. His team burst with a celebratory fervor at this momentous moment. Lincoln L. Loud defeated Jordan Rosato, the Dodgeball Duchess. They rushed off the stands to praise their hero and champion lifting him up chanting "LINCOLN! LINCOLN! LINCOLN! LINCOLN!" on their way to lunch. Lincoln understood why Lynn enjoyed winning sports. He could get used to this. Wait was someone touching his butt?!

Lynn stopped and planting her face against a window in view of her brother's school with a starry-eyed expression.

"Um…. Lynn. We're going to be late for Social Studies," Margo feeling concerned about her friend/teammate.

"I'm going to hug the ever-living snot of out my brother," Lynn simply said. Margo owlishly blinked with raised eyebrows.

Jordan still holding the ball. Lincoln gave back to her, watching him as he's lifted off in celebration. She's attempting to fathom. "What just happened?" She muttered to herself. Not only that, she felt strange. She can feel inside her. No, not gas. Her face was heating up. She continued to gaze at Lincoln. He looks … different. He looks the same but better for some reason. Jordan thought he was kinda cute. Now he looks good. Real good. Handsome even.

If bunny boy doesn't bring his bootylicious butt cheeks back over here. So, help me, God!

"What the hell was that?!" Jordan fearfully muttered frantically searching for who and where that thought came from. Pacowski blew his whistle, telling them it's time to clean up, giving some a bag to put the dodgeballs in. "Now, I understand why you like him, Jenny."

Welp that was fun and entertaining. I wonder what'll happen next. Do you get the anime references? Anyways thanks for reading. Review. Follow and Favorite if you enjoyed the story.