
3. Operation: Catch the hare

What's good everyone?! I'm back. Sorry for the long delay but college is a pain in the ass. Better late than never. I want to thank everyone again. I got over 2700 views on this story due to that I made this chapter slightly longer than usual but I had to cut the second half into another chapter. Now on the reviews.

RawToonage press: Leni has overall been the nicest to Lincoln in the thus I expanded on that. Plus, Leni isn't stupid. Not the sharpest tool in the toolbox but not stupid. Considering that they often force Lincoln into joining their activities. Yeah it's pretty crummy. Come on man we all had a secret meeting with our friends before.

Mr. Haziq: It's classic for a reason. When you're hungry anything will do.

echo009: Thanks for the compliment. Enjoy the chapter

NiteOwl18: The guy was me. I did say I'm doing a minor self-insert. Leni is the 'sisterliest' out of the Loud sisters. Any sister or sibling in general wants their sibling to find someone who truly loves them.

Guest: SHD's are popular in fanart but Haiku gets the most attention. I think they're a welcome addition if people want something new instead of shipping Lincoln with his sisters or Ronnie Anne. Cristina was shown in a few cameos and pushed out of focus to make room for Ronnie Anne. She did get a mention in one of the Loud House comics revealing that she's in the school's glee club.

Zer0-Writer: Wait you mean those little girls right?

Cabgrant: Loud house is a parody of Harem anime where the main male character is often the butt monkey. They outnumber him 10 to 1. There's practically nothing he can do. Lucy is the black sheep of the sisters as everyone is brightly colored and energetic. She's somber and dark making her an easy target. Therefore Lucy & Lincoln have possibly the strongest/closest relationship out of the Loud siblings. They can console in each other knowing that the other won't judge them.

A.N: Sorry I just had to do some minor edits.

Lincoln groggy arose from his slumber interrupted from his beeping alarm clock. Tuesday the real least favorite day of the week. Everyone complains about Monday to where it's a meme, but Tuesday is a rough kick in the pants. He shut off his alarm and stretched. A series of cracks echoed throughout his body.

"OOOOOOHHHHH, that was a good one" Lincoln moaned, feeling satisfied after popping his stiff joints. He yawned and smacked his lips grabbing his towel making his way to the bathroom. Today was Lincoln's lucky day as he was first to get to the shower. All the hot water was for him. He entered the shower and after stripping to his birthday suit. The hot water relaxed his body and soothed his mind. The bath has forever been one of the best places to solve life mysteries, practice your singing skills and win imaginary arguments. Today's life mystery is how is Lincoln going to combat these QTs? The man with the plan didn't need a plan as plans were short term. He needs a … strategy. Those were long term. He needs a great strategy.

First step: analyze and know what you're dealing with. Jenny and Cookie, aka Brown and Cookie(Still strange that's her nickname as well) QT, respectively. These two are the critical threats, at least to him, as they have immediate access to him due to being classmates. Next is Caroline aka Sweater QT. She's the leader according to Clyde. However, Caroline doesn't have as many chances to interact with him besides Lunch and gym. Thus she's a mid-tier threat. Finally Serena and Evelyn aka Panda and Shy QT. Unfortunately little information is available on them. Lincoln sees them in hallways and lunch a few times, but nothing concrete now. It makes a low threat yet a high risk as well as he had no method to counter them. The unknown danger is the deadliest threat. Particularly Evelyn as she can disappear in an instant.

"Now what to do about them" Lincoln washed his hair. "Transferring out of class is a nope. Plus, I'll be leaving Clyde and the boys. I know the pain when your crush is so creeped out by you that you made them switch classes. I can't do that to them." He sighed remembering Cristiana and the methods she used to avoid him. He thought swapping classes was the most of it. But no. She actively avoided him. Avoiding his gaze. Turning in the opposite walking direction upon seeing him becoming late to class a few. Jumping into lockers to hide from him. Or just ignoring his existence. Lincoln sighed again. "Oh man I sound like Lucy." Lincoln knows that the video was ultra-creepy and cringe-worthy, but was it really that bad to act like he didn't exist. Was he the problem? Was there something wrong with him? If it was somebody else would she react the same way?

"Hey, Lincoln, hurry up already! You know the rules!"

His sister's yelling broke his train of thought. Not wanting his anger, his sisters at the crack of dawn. He quickly turned off the shower, wrapped himself in his towel and exited the bathroom to a line of his tired sisters forming up.

"Uh, finally, and I thought I took forever to get ready," Lola groaned as she entered the bathroom.

"Oh, sorry I was um thinking about stuff," Lincoln replied still soaking wet. The girls had seen enough generic teenage dramas to know what was up. Lincoln's going through 'Break up' withdrawal or Broken heart syndrome. He already went through the processing and crying stage. Now he's in the moping stage, recalling all the good times they had together. However, this can lead to a repeat of the crying phase. Several tubs of ice cream of various flavors and a sappy movie marathon should be prepared just in case.

"The shower does have a soothing effect on the body allowing the brain to wonder. Is that how you craft some of your unorthodox plans?" Lisa questioned. She often wonders how he was able create ridiculous yet successful plans in using his fellow genetically similar companions, such as the "Sweet Spot" incident. Granted, what took him a few months only took Lisa about 2.4256246321354652335474 secs, but who's counting. She recalls some of her older sister units talking about how Lincoln tried to get them seated beside him to make the Sweet Spot even sweet. Also getting all of them ready on time in the morning. Lisa's impressed with his memory and attention to detail allowing him to cater to their family's needs.

"Just don't make it a habit, alright. Get dressed breakfast is about to start in a bit" Lori said. Lincoln nodded and went to his room. His shower thoughts resurfaced. When did the QTs start to like him? The better question is, why?

"I know what you guys are thinking. 'You got five girls that like you, Lincoln. You should be happy' To be honest. I kind of am, but it feels too good to be true." Lincoln conducting his monologue while getting dressed. "One maybe two I can believe but five?! The only person I knew that had more was my old tutor Hugh and Ms. DiMartino, but she's a different story. Hugh's highly attractive given that he was able to effortlessly charm all my sisters. Ever Lori! He didn't know what he was doing. Along with being intelligent, generous and charming." Lincoln sighed. "I'm none of those things. Maybe on my good days. But overall nothing. I can barely get girls to talk to me outside of school work and gym. Cristiana straight-up ignored me. My Sadie Hawkins dance dates were due to my sisters. I'm still trying to figure who they got them to agree. The only girl that sort of liked and interacted with me, was Ronnie but that's because Bobby was dating Lori. I'm strangely okay with Haiku granted she's Lucy's best friend, but I'm not getting my hopes up"

"Calling Ace Savy. Calling Ace Savy. This is One-Eye Jack, do you read me?" Clyde's voice interrupted Lincoln's monologue. Lincoln grabbed his trusty walkie talkie.

"Read you loud and clear, Jack. What's the status report?" Lincoln getting into character.

"Oh, I was wondering what's the plan for dealing with the QTs when you arrive for school today?" Clyde asked. It's not every day that you found out that five girls have a crush on you.

"Clyde. I have no clue about what to do." Lincoln confessed. Clyde gasped in shock. The man with the plan doesn't have a plan?!

"What do you mean that you don't have a plan?!" Clyde yelled that such blasphemy. Granted, girls can be rather complex at times but not even a simple idea.

"I do have something, but it's not even a plan. More like an outline. I know who're the main threats being Cookie and Jenny. Caroline is in the middle while Serena and Evelyn are at bottom as the unknowns, but that makes them scariest." Lincoln replied. "It's totally different from my usual plans as I got decent intel on whatever I'm doing, or it involves my sisters. But not this time."

"So, what are you going to do against the QTs then?" Clyde questioned, trying to make sense out of it. "You never go into a warzone blind." Lincoln pondered on that question. What is he going to do to combat the QTs?

"Nothing." Lincoln simply said. "I'm going to do nothing about it. I'm just going to let it happen" Clyde double-checked his walkie talkie to make sure the audio wasn't freaking out.

"Nothing," Clyde repeated. "You're going to do nothing about it?! Why though?" Was his brother from another mother so stumped that he couldn't craft a plan?

"A part of me thinks it's a prank. Like come on Clyde. Five girls like me as soon as Ronnie Anne moved away. Plus, you believe in some weird stuff that Zach would think you're nuts. You thought Bobby was cheating on Lori with a dog" Lincoln responded. Clyde was about to retort but found truth in his words. "Heck Chandler can't even get that many girls to like him. So what makes me so special?"

The pair were silent for a few seconds. They both know that they're not the most popular or ideal guys. Their attempts at romance were swings and misses. A heavy emphasis on misses

"I don't know what to tell you, man. Maybe they saw whatever Ronnie Anne saw in you" Clyde offered with optimism trying to cheer his buddy up.

"Clyde, we were just friends. You're my male best friend while she's my female best friends." Lincoln lightly blushed. "Plus our siblings were dating each other that'll be kind of weird"

"Mmhmm, whatever you said man" Clyde smugly responded.

"Kids breakfast is ready" Lincoln was about reply but stopped upon hearing his dad's voice.

"I got to go, Clyde. I'll see you later. Ace Savvy signing out." Lincoln said. Clyde did the same. Lincoln went downstairs to eat then get ready for school hoping it'll be a regular day (Hint: No, it won't) when dealing with the QTs.

Tough coconuts bunny boy. The QTs are each planning their attack plan. They're about to strike with Lincoln's unaware of it while waiting for the bus. He stepped onto the bus and took a seat as the bus took off. Lincoln looked out the window allowing his thoughts to drift on how to handle the days' events.

"Um, excuse me is this seat taken?" A quiet voice interrupted his thoughts. Lincoln turned to see that it was Evelynn. She was looking down while shuffling her feet with a slightly red face. " I hope I'm not bothering you am I?"

"Oh, no. It's okay." Lincoln sliding over to make some room for Evelynn.

" Thanks, Lincoln" Evelynn sat down next to him. The two sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes as the bus made it rounds. "Hey um what did you get for question 16? I got x=8.36" Lincoln raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I got 7.67." Lincoln replied.

"Can you show me how you got that, please?" Evelynn asked. She took her notebook from her bag.

"Sure," Lincoln agreed. "Can you show me your working" Evelynn nodded and showed him her notes. He leaned over to her and analyzed the contents to find the source of error. "Oh there's your problem. You forget to change the sign when you carried it over the equal sign." Evelynn glanced over the notes.

"Oh silly me," Evelynn whispered upon seeing her miscalculation and began to make her corrections. "Like this, right?"

"Yeah, you got it" Lincoln smiled. Evelynn blushed seeing his charming smile. There's heavy traffic right now. Evelynn realizing her opportunity.

"Um can you help me with some of the other problems" Evelynn meekly offered

"Might as well. We got time." Lincoln agreed. Evelynn smiled, and her heart was doing its happy dance. She slid closer to Lincoln making their thighs touch. She can almost smell him. Her blush increased as she thanked whoever caused the traffic. The pair's conversation soon became a part of the bus chatter along with topics such as tv shows, video games, movies amongst the students. The bus arrived at Royal Woods Elementary. The passengers exited and began to walk to their classes.

"Thanks again for the help Lincoln," Evelynn told him as they got off the bus, making way to their respective classes.

"Don't worry about it. Math is mental abuse towards humans, after all." Lincoln joked. The two share a laugh.

"I'll see you around," Evelynn replied. Lincoln smiled as he waved her off. She blushed. Again, as she waved back, turning around to go to homeroom. Lincoln stared at her for a bit thinking that Evelynn was kind of cute. Her form disappeared when a student blocked his view of her.

"Okay, how" Lincoln questioned himself. He gazed at a nearby clock, noticing the time. "Oh no I need to hurry up, or I'll be late" He started to jog to his fifth-grade class. Lincoln was unaware that Evelynn was watching him from a distance.

"Yes, I've finally talked to him. I've finally talked to him," Evelynn giggled while clutching her mini-Lincoln figurine to her chest. "I can make my move without that brute Ronnie Anne getting in the way. You'll truly have a girl that won't hurt while claiming that she loves you. Doesn't that sound wonderful, my snow bunny?" Evelynn cracked a wide unsettling grin staring intensely at the figurine. "Soon no more Shy-QT. I won't be one of the love interests who just watch their love slip away and complaining about when they had the chance due to being too freaking shy. I already let that happen with Cristiana and Ronnie Anne." Her face turned enraged tightly, grabbing the doll. She quickly calmed herself. "Breathe Eve Breathe. Both are gone plus you've made in the first move. That should count for something right? It's all about baby steps" Evelynn gave the mini-Linc a kiss then glanced at a nearby clock. Her eyes burst out of her skull "SWISS CHEESE AND CRACKERS! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" She sprinted to her class while a teacher yelled at her for running in the halls.

Lincoln made it to class by the skin of his chipped teeth. He took his seat and gave Clyde a fist bump. The class idly chattered amongst themselves. Some continued their conversations from the bus until the bell rung. They all settled down once their teacher entered the classroom

"Good morning, everyone" Mrs. Johnson joyfully greeted her students.

"Good morning Mrs. Johnson" They greeted backed in unison.

"Unfortunately, I have some rather sad news today" Agnes told the class. Everyone began to mutter. "Principal Hoggins told me that Ronnie Anne Santiago was officially moved to Great Lake City sometime over the weekend. Also her school transfer papers have been sent in and confirmed, so she won't be at Royal wood elementary anymore."

Lincoln's friends offered their sympathies to their white-haired friends knowing the two had a "special" relationship. However, some weren't as sympathetic as Jenny and Cookie grinned and glanced at each other. What the two QTs didn't know that new challengers were approaching in their very class.

"Alright, now that's out of the way. Let's start today's lesson and take out your textbooks, " Mrs. Johnson said to the class. The students groaned. Math first thing in the morning. Yuck. "We'll doing section 8.1 even and 8.3 odd. This will help you review for the test on Friday. If you need help, just ask me, or you can work in pairs."

"Hey, Loud" A voice interrupted him. Lincoln glanced to see who called him. It was Cookie staring at him with a bored expression.

"Can I help you, Cookie" He replied. He and Cookie don't have the sweetest relationships, mainly due to the Girl Guru fiasco. That's why it baffled Lincoln when he found out that she had a crush on him. She's a sweet girl, yet she's rather harsh to him, but that's how the … cookie crumbles(rimshot)

"Listen, I left my math textbook home, and I don't want to waste my time like an idiot. So can I share with you for the day?" Cookie bluntly stated. He sighed and brought his chair and textbook to her desk knowing better not to argue with a female.

"Um, what are you doing?" Lincoln noticed that she moved closer to him. She gave him an annoyed glare.

"I'm moving closer to see the problems better. Duh!" Cookie scoffed as she slid her chair closer to him to where their arms are touching. Lincoln shrugged and began his work. Cookie glanced over to Jenny, who gave her a thumbs up. Cookie blushed furiously and started the assignment. Jenny chuckled and did the same, not wanting to be left behind. The class did their work in relative silence with the occasional chatter.

"Come on, Cookie, you should know this by now" Cookie grumbled to herself with a frustrated look. Lincoln gazed at her to see the issue. She was impatiently tapping on her notebook while glaring menacingly at a math question as if it was mocking her and everything she stood for. We've all been there.

"Do you need some help?" Lincoln asked, noticing her plight. He recalls the countless hours some of his older sisters spent on math problems.

"No!" Cookie barked, causing Lincoln to flinch and slightly slid his chair away from her. He already deals with Lori's and Lola's wrath every week. He doesn't need to add to the list. Cookie noticed her error. She was supposed to get closer to him, not push him away. She avoided his gaze and took a deep breath. "Yes please"

"Alright, let's see what the problem is" Lincoln responded, analyzing the question. Cookie felt her face heating up due to the proximity to each other. She couldn't describe what he smelled like. Oranges? Mint? Whatever it is. She loved it. Now that she got proper look at him. Loud is cute. Handsome even. "Cookie. Cookie are you listening?"

"I um uh am, but can you go over it again?" Cookie stuttered straightening her hair after being caught staring.

"Alright, for the order of operations to get the X. Here's what we need to do." Lincoln explained again. He showed her step by step how to solve the problem. Cookie mouthed Oh hearing his explanation and completed the question. Why does everything become more straightforward when you hear a classmate explain to you? They went back and forth, explaining the problems to each other along with cracking jokes in between. Cookie even snorted at his jokes. Luan would be so proud. Jenny saw their interactions. She was rooting for Cookie but couldn't help to pout, wanting it to be her turn already. Curse that random number generator. Miss Johnson also was watching the two. She was glad that Lincoln was starting to make more female friends, but will it blossom into something more?

"Not likely it's still too early, but I do enjoy a great love story" Agnes swooned to herself as she graded some papers. The bell rang shortly after that. The students packed their bags for their next class. "Alright students I'll see you later today"

"Thanks for sharing with me, Lincoln," Cookie said with a slight blush.

"You're welcome, Cookie" Lincoln replied. Wait a minute. She just called me Lincoln. It's mainly been Loud up to this moment. Maybe this is the start of a good thing. It was all well and good until someone uttered that cursed phrase.

"But , what about the homework?"

"WHO'S THE BLOODY HEATHEN THAT DARES TO MENTION THE ACCURSED PHRASE?!" The class collectively thought to themselves.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me. Can everyone place your homework in the tray, please?" told the class. The class grumbled. Those who did the homework were fine as those who did it in class. It's just those who didn't complete it was pissed off.

The day was uneventful until everyone's favorite/least favorite class being P.E. The students were in the locker rooms getting ready for whatever torture the coach will have them endure for the day. They gathered outside lined up and waiting for hell. A whistle blew, signaling that class is about to begin.

"Alright, class listen up I'm in a let's say a 'merciful' mood today so light work." Coach Pacowski chuckled. "We'll be doing one lap, stretches, warm-up exercises and a 4 by 4 relay race then head inside the gym and finish up with dodge ball. If things go smoothly. You'll get an early lunch " Everyone got excited about hearing upon this but were skeptical

"What's the catch?" Mollie asked. Her parents own a few businesses, which helped to notice when things were beginning to come too good to be true. Others nodded and muttered in agreement.

"What? A guy can't be in a good mood every once in a while," Pacowski retorted. He cracked a sadistic smirk. "Unless you want me to back to our usual regiment. I just got a new shipment of barbed wire. The type that holds rampaging bulls"

"Uh no thanks, we're good" Girl Jordan stuttered, covering Mollie's mouth, not wanting to lose another toenail.

"Alright then," Pacowski spoke and blew his whistle. "On the track now!" The students divided into groups based on their gender with the girls running first then the boys who made it a competition to see who can finish first.

"Geez, we're given an easy day. Why are they making it hard on themselves" Jenny asked Lincoln as they jogged side by side.

"Probably trying to prove a point or something? It's still not as bad as what Lynn does," Lincoln replied.

"She's the star player on different teams, right?" Jenny said. Lincoln nodded. "She can't be that bad, right?" Lincoln gave her a blank expression.

"Lynn made board games competitive," Lincoln responded in a deadpan tone. "When that didn't work. She resorted to mundane things like brushing her teeth or taking the trash" Jenny stared at him, thinking he was joking but reconsidered given how chaotic some of his sisters can be like Lisa. She's like seven but intelligent enough to be in 6th grade and craft advanced robots from spare parts in the janitor's closet.

"Hey, you two stop flirting unless you want extra laps" Pacowski shouted. The two blushed and kicked it into high gear leaving some of their classmates in their dust crossing the finish line in seconds." I think you just broke your personal records." They both panted desperately restock their oxygen supply but had enough to gave each other a thumbs-up and went to their respective groups to conduct their stretches. Their warm-up exercises consist of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and jumping jacks. "You guys finished" Everyone nodded. "Can someone get the batons out of the storage room."

"I got it," A student replied as the coach gave him the key. The student came back with a box of brightly colored batons.

"Okay, you guys know how relays work, right?" Pacowski asked as there's always someone who doesn't understand the rules. The majority either nod or shrugged. "It's simple. You run with the baton. You pass it to your teammate. Rinse and repeat until the last leg. The most important is that you don't drop the baton. Got it?" Everyone got it. " Alright we'll divide the teams by numbers. When I tap you that's your number between 1-4" He stepped in front of them. "One, two, three, four" He continued until everyone had a number. "Now make up your mind on who's going what"

"So what's the plan, Lincoln" Liam asked the man with the plan. Their team was Liam, Artie, Andrew, and Lincoln himself. Lincoln's mind was calculating every equation he can muster right now.

"Okay, I think I got something" Lincoln spoke. The game plan was letting Andrew go first since he was slowest then Artie, Liam, and Lincoln.

"You're the last leg because again? I do not doubt your skills, but years of chasing chickens helped built some speed." Liam offered.

"I know, but this is 4x4. It's endurance not speed. I have to dodge and outrun things either on a daily or weekly basis in my house, plus Lynn forces me to help with track." Lincoln explained. Liam found no flaw in his white-hair friend's logic. Lynn can quite intense(obsessive) when it comes to sports. No further questions. They went with the rest of boys and sat down and waited to start as they watched the girls start their race.

"Who do think is going to win?" Chandler asked as the whistle blew, signaling the girls to run.

"I'm going with Girl Jordan and Jenny's team," Lincoln spoke, and others nodded in agreement.

"Oh yeah, Larry. I'm going with Mollie and Kat's team" Chandler bragged, and others agree with him.

"Let's wait and see," Lincoln smirked at his red-haired rival. They watch the relay until the moment of truth. The last legs were Jenny, Mollie, Sadie, and Joy. The girls received their own batons and rushed along the track with Jenny and Mollie in the lead. The guys are cheering their support along the other girls. It's neck and neck, but Mollie is taking the lead. Jenny is low on fuel and dragging behind.

"Oh, come on Jenny you got this," Lincoln shouted. Her eyes marked Lincoln's position. He's watching her. She can't let him down.

"Alright, Jenny it's time to show him what you can do." She told herself. "This is going to hurt later." She regained a part of her stamina and energy, catching up to Mollie through the power of impressing your crush. Jenny's thighs are screaming at her to slow down, but her mind said no. Only a few meters to go on the final stretch. Mollie and Jenny are swapping the lead with each other. The baton slipped out of Mollie's sweaty grasp forcing her to slow down and stop to retrieve the baton giving Jenny the victory. Team Jenny shouted in triumph as Team Mollie groaned. Jenny's supporters went to congratulate her

"Sweet work out there, Jenny" Lincoln went to give a high five. She walked towards him raising her hand to return it, but her legs waggled causing her to collapse. Lincoln was able to catch her before she hit touched the ground. "Woah you okay"

"Oh uh um yeah, I'm okay. Just tired that's all." Jenny stuttered, blushing heavy, staring intensely in his sapphire eyes.

"Okay, lovebirds, that's enough," Pacowski shouted, interrupting the moment. Jenny pouted wanting the moment to last a bit longer. "Loud on the track now." He blew his whistle. The boys got up ready for their relay.

"I'll take it from here, Lincoln. You know want to make coach angry. Again." Girl Jordan offered to help her friend. Lincoln passed Jenny to Girl Jordan making his way to track. "So you and Lincoln huh?"

"Girl, I have no idea what you're talking about" Jenny rolled her eyes as she was being supported by Jordan to make it to a bench.

"You know what I mean." Girl Jordan teased and sat down on the bench. A whistle blew, signaling the start of the boy's race. "I've seen how you look at him" Jenny hummed innocently, ignoring her question.

"Who do you think will the race" Haiku spoke suddenly startling the two girls. "The spirits favor Lincoln's team. They're hardly ever wrong." The girls were slightly freaked out, but this was nothing new coming from Haiku, yet they agreed with her statement.

"I'm going with Chandler's team," A fangirl smugly told them. Some of the girls overheard the statement rolling their eyes in annoyance. More of the girls chimed in offering their opinions on the potential winner even Rusty got a little support with majority going with Chandler. The final set was on track, waiting on their teammates. "You got this Chandler. You're the best" Chandler glanced over at his supporters and gave a bow.

"Lincoln, you better kick Chandler's butt or else" Mollie shouted. Lincoln nodded and grinned getting ready as the 3rd legs were approaching. Chandler gave his baton first, granting him an early lead.

"Here ya go, Linc" Liam gave him the baton. Lincoln sprinted trying to close the gap. "Win this for the squad." Soon Rusty then Trent came running. Chandler was taking his sweet time. He had this in the bag so why worry. That was quickly trashed when Rusty past him taking the lead creating great distance between them.

"I'm not letting this pizza faced string bean beat me," Chandler muttered himself. Lincoln past him shortly after that. "Hell no. I'm not letting Rusty and bunny boy beat me in front of a crowd."

"Aw yeah. It's finally time for the Rust man to shine in the front of the ladies," Rusty smiled. "Oh what's up Lincoln"

"Hey, Rusty. Your shoes are untied by the way" Lincoln mentioned as he ran past his friend.

"Thanks, man wait what?" Rusty looked down, slowing down a bit. What do you know? His shoes were united, but that's a later problem. He still got to win this relay.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Chandler yelled, bumping him to the side. Rusty yelled at his action trying to accelerate but stepped on his loose shoelaces, falling flat on his face launching his baton in the air. "You're going down, Larry" He tried to do the same to Lincoln. Lincoln stepped out of the way giving the redhead the lead. The finish line is a few meters away. "That's what I thought." Exactly Chandler, you thought. Rusty's baton came down knocking Chandler's out his hand onto the ground. "WHAT?!" Lincoln overtook Chandler winning the race. "DOUBLE WHAT?!" Rusty regains his baton coming in second. Trent in third. Leaving Chandler in dead last. "HACKS! I CALL HACKS!"

"I told you the spirits favored Lincoln today," Haiku told the girls, ignoring yet enjoying the laments of the losing team, especially the fangirls. Oh what a sweet symphony.

"When you're right. You're right. It's kind of weird that Chandler lost similarly to me." Mollie acknowledged. "I got to change my moisturizer, but that should knock Chandler a few pegs." Team Lincoln nodded and giggled. Chandler can be a massive pain.

"Excellent work, everyone, especially you, Lincoln. You got potential" Pacowski grinned. "In the gym. Let's end the day with some dodgeball. Also Chandler, I'll deduct some points for poor sportsmanship on the track. Don't try to lie. You know what you did, and I saw you." Chandler kept his mouth and held his tongue as any agreement would be in vain.

"You only won because of dumb luck, Larry," Chandler growled but soon smirked. "You're going to be in my domain, and you better be ready"

Geez this kid got some issues. Man, it's good to be back. Again, sorry for the wait but I hope it was worth it. The next chapter in is the works (I just need to write it) hopefully before the end of next month. Check out my Infinite Stratos story: Singularity.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Review. Follow and favorite if you like the story.