
22. A crack in the ice(2)

Lori whispered as it really hurt. Yeah, they had fights before, but this time, he's actually trying to fight her. The worst thing is that he doesn't look shocked or conflicted at long. He's okay with it despite his blank expression. "Lincoln…"Lori spoke in a hushed voice as she got up. Whoever this was, it wasn't her Lincoln. "Why," He didn't give her a chance as he grabbed her wrist and tripped her. Lori landed flat on her back while Lincoln did the same, still holding her wrist. He positioned his legs and knees between her elbow. She screamed as he leaned back and slightly arched his back. Lori squirmed around as her shoulder and elbow slowly forced her out of position.

"Lori, don't struggle. He can pop your shoulder or elbow," Lynn warned her struggling sister. "Just tap out," Lincoln slowly added more pressure, not enough for it to break. Enough for it to be a painful experience. She couldn't take it anymore as she needed her arm for golf. Three quick taps on the floors. Lincoln let her go. Both got up as Lincoln watched her nurse on her sore shoulder.

"You're in big trouble, mister. I'm telling Bobby about this," Lori threatened with a hostile glare. "Ronnie will hear this too," That should set him straight.

"Tell him. See if I care," Lincoln countered with a dead yet intense voice. The air got heavier from his causal demeanor. Why isn't he scared or at least a little nervous? Lincoln got into her face with a coldhearted smirk. "I'll tell him about how you sabotaged Leni's driving test by giving her false information as she slept. So you can keep your monopoly on the van," Lori's heart raced as what Lincoln threatened to do. He wouldn't, right?! "Given that Bobby is a devout family man. I can guarantee that he'll be heartbroken. That his 'awesome' girlfriend would easily endanger the life of her sister for personal gain," He mocked in a sweet tone. "Or better yet, the thing with Hugh, Clyde, or the Bad luck" Lincoln's voice turned wrathful as he glared at his pale sister. That statement made the Loud House the quietest it's ever been.

"No, no, no," Lori's eyes widened in terror as her shaky voice begged. "You won't…." His swift hands grabbed her ringing phone. It's her Boo-Boo Bear.

"I don't know. Let's hear what he has to say," Lincoln taunted as he pressed accept. "Hey, Bobby," He greeted the Santiago in a cheerful tone as if nothing even happened.

"Hey bro, where's Lori," Bobby asked when Lori missed her tackle. "What was that? I heard her scream just now," Lincoln's eyes gazed at his desperate sister. She had that pleadingly pathetic look in her eyes.

"Yeah, about that," Lincoln started. Tears gradually filled her eyes as she laid on the carpet. "She and Leni had a fight, so now may not be a good time to call her," Lincoln replied. Her eyes widened at his mercy.

"Oh man, thanks, bro," Bobby sighed in relief. That would've been bad. "Okay, I'll text her in a bit. Later, dude,"

"Later, Bobby, Tell Ronnie I said hi," Lincoln smiled before hanging up, morphing it into a flatline. He half-heartedly tossed Lori her phone. She caught it. "I already told Ronnie about the Bad luck, but I told her not to say anything," Lincoln revealed to Lori, who bounced back and forth between her and Lincoln.

"Why," Lori muttered. Wait that means he told her months ago. He marched to her with those cold dead eyes.

"Because you care more about your relationship with Bobby than you care about me," Lincoln answered in a soft tone.

"That's too far, Lincoln," Luan declared before backing off when his attention was on her.

"Oh. I know this isn't the girl who used my feelings for Ronnie Anne just to lure me out of my room so you can get a cheap laugh from your pranks," Lincoln reprimanded his comedic sister. "Also, the other times you endangered our lives since they're nothing more than a joke to you," He scoffed as she looked down in shame. "So do us a favor and delete that video, would you?" A faint beep came from the recorder. She pulled out a tape, dropped it, and stomped on it. "Good choice," Lincoln whispered before going back to the sitting Lori. "So what happened this time?"He complained, already wanting to be done with his whole ordeal.

"Leni and I were arguing over a dress, and … we um," Lori started before observing Lincoln's disturbingly tranquil face. Boiling blood flowing his clenched fists as it looped in his brain.

"A dress," Lincoln stated as he gritted his teeth. "Again?! Are you fucking shitting me?!"He exploded at the absurdity of the situation. She wanted to kick him out of his room again over a stupid piece of fabric.

"Oh, that's money in the swear jar, or I'm telling mom," Lola taunted. Lincoln snapped his head in her direction. He burst through her door and roughly grabbed the princess by her collar. Now she's face to face with a demon. "Linky" She barely managed to squeak out. A swift glare from him kept Lana from interfering.

"One more word out of you, Lola," Lincoln said, baring his teeth. "I'm going to shove my foot so far up your butthole that I'll make your intestines into thigh-highs," He threatened as she clenched her buttcheeks with a quivering lip. "So shut it," Lincoln ordered before pointing at her bed. She sat down without a word, putting her gloved hands in her lap.

"Okay, bro, let's take a chill pill and talk this out," Luna attempted to negotiate as he walked out the room.

"SHUT YOUR FAT-ASS UP, LUNA, UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE DAVID BOWIE!" Lincoln snapped. She backed away slowly with enlarged eyes and a wounded heart from his outburst. Was her ass really fat? That's what the fans believe. He inhaled and exhaled before squatting in front of Lori.

"Why are we even in this situation?" Lincoln demanded with a deep frown. "Leni is an accomplished fashion designer. Think, Lori, think!" He pointed to the sides of his head to emphasize his point. "She could've made you a custom-made dress instead of this bullshit!" Lincoln's head perked up for a second when a thought popped into his mind. "Why am I even telling you this? You girls barely listen to anything I have to say anyway," He stood up and headed to his room. The sisters shared a worrying look. Lincoln reappeared in an orange shirt, black shorts, and sneakers with his orange gym bag. "I'm out of here,"

"Where are you going," Lynn asked when Lincoln gave her an annoyed look.

"Anywhere but here," Lincoln grumbled as he reached the stairs. "Since me leaving worked so well last time. Glad to know that I wasn't important enough to be included in your Sister fight protocol," He shot them one last glare before stomping down the stairs. They winced at the slam from the front door. "IF YOU'RE ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT THE NOISE, THEN MOVE! WE'RE CALLED THE LOUD HOUSE, GROUSE!" Man, they can hear him from the top floor.

"Dude, how long has that kid been at the sandbag?"A woman with large soft brown eyes, tanned skin, a kind face, and short, medium brown hair whispering to her fellow gym member. He glanced at his watch with his blue-grey

"A good forty-five minutes," He acknowledged. They watched him pummel the sandbag while mumbling something about a dress and sisters. "At least he's using his anger constructively," He shrugged. "Oh hey, Adora,"

"Hey guys," Adora greeted with a smile before blinking at the sight of Lincoln. She checked her schedule. He wasn't supposed to be here today. That scowl on his face told her something happened today. "Lincoln," She calmly walked up to him.

"Hey, Adora," Lincoln replied while issuing several jabs to the bags.

"Is something the matter?" Adora probed carefully as he's usually calm and focused.

"Nah, just my sisters being idiots," Lincoln responded as he kicked the object. "They enacted the sister fight protocol over a stupid dress," He rotated his shoulders a bit. Sister fight protocol. Why is that a pro-oh!

"It's not a good protocol, is it," Adora predicted.

"Nope, since I wasn't included in it and that they blocked off sections of the house. My room too. Don't get me started when all are involved," Lincoln growled with a roundhouse. Adora agreed with him. This protocol is stupid, especially with that barely noticeable frown on his face. "It's a dress. Maybe since I'm a dude, I don't see the issue of seeing someone else wearing the same outfit as me. Like, am I in the wrong here?" He asked. The others shook their heads in his support. "Thank you," Lincoln signed as the adrenaline wore off. He sighed, resting his head against the durable bag with slumped shoulders. Adora placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, why don't you take a break outside for a while and call it a day," Adora suggested. "We'll reschedule our training session this week. Okay," She offered a smile. He nodded to retrieve his items.

Lincoln relaxed under a shady tree in one of the recreational fields. He briefly inhales the desperately needed serene atmosphere. A soccer ball bounced over to him. "Hmm," Lincoln opened an eye to view the object.

"Hey, can you toss that back?" Polly shouted in his direction. He got up and threw it to her. "Thanks...Lincoln?" Her eyes got a clear view of who threw it. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to get away from my sisters for a while," Lincoln muttered as he laid back down. He ignored his buzzing phone. "I'm too tired to deal with that right now because of that stupid protocol," Oh, that's why he's here. Man, he looks bummed out. She thought to herself before gazing at her soccer ball.

"Wanna play around for a bit," Polly considered as she messed with the ball for a bit.

"I would but just came back from hitting the sandbags," Lincoln replied, showing the tape wrapped around his hands and forearm. She shrugged, leaving him to relax. A few calming minutes passed on the soccer field when Polly groaned. Lincoln opened his eyes. Her soccer ball is stuck in a tree. It must have bounced off the goal post. "You need help," He offered.

"Please!" Polly agreed as he got up to help her. Lincoln glanced at the ball. Yep, it's up there on that branch. "Think you can get me up there?" He shrugged, using his hands as a platform. Polly stepped on his hands as she climbed on his shoulders. He held her steady as she stretched for it. "A little bit higher, dude," Polly grunted, glancing down at him with her firm ass on his head. This better not awaken something in him. "Got it! Oh no," It was securely in her hands when a tingle assaulted her nose. A random sneeze caught her off guard as she struggled to keep her balance. Lincoln grabbed her as they fell backward. The two glanced at their situation. Lincoln's face turned a bright scarlet. She was on top of him, square on his groin. "Usually, a girl has something soft to land on," Polly smirked at his stuttering face. "And at least take a girl to dinner first," Dinner? His hands squeezed something warm and soft. Polly let out a soft moan. Lincoln immediately released Polly like she was lava. Her stomach roared. "Welp, I'm hungry. Let's head to Burping Burger," She grabbed her soccer ball and escorted him.

It's still a lovely day today, so Polly suggested that they go to the park for a while. He agreed. Hopefully, his sisters calmed down by the time he got home. The pair left the establishment with their to-go bags. A person wearing filthy rags of what used to be an exquisite suit grumbling about his glory days with lavish meals that cost more than what some families make in a year. Now he's forced to rummage through rubbish in an attempt to consume something edible that won't make him sick. Curse that silver bastard. He bit into a half-eaten sandwich. His eyes widened at the contents. Bologna and MUSTARD! What was his name?! The sun shined a copper coin showing the face of Abraham Lincoln. It was him, shaking in a fury as the memories replay. This was all his doing! The man climbed out of the dumpster hearing their chucking. There's that bunny bastard. His life went to hell because of him. Two resemble each other. He doesn't care if he was the cause of his downfall. It doesn't matter anymore. No one makes a fool out of Lord Tetherby. He followed the children.

Lincoln and Polly casually chatted, unaware of the vindictive man trailing them. However, Lincoln caught glimpses of him when they walked past a window, but that shaggy top hat obstructed his face. Was this the person Lucy warned him about? It has to be since their scorching glare never left his back. He sighed, knowing that talking was out of the picture. At least Polly can provide backup. They arrived at Ketchum park, where a group was performing Tai-chi with a speaker playing water noises, and Flip was selling his Flipees. Tetherby wasn't too far behind. The two sat down at one of the tables used for chess. They decided to people-watch while they ate.

"Okay. I'm guessing that he's single with two siblings and an office job," Polly mentioned while eating her fries. A man with an honest face and a very short, stocky build was seated at a bench. He wore a red buttoned-up shirt with charcoal slacks and brown leather shoes. "He's waiting for someone," She acknowledged due to how he was texting his phone with a slight smile. He stood up and hugged a woman. "Called it. So what's your read on her?" Polly sipped her now empty coke soda. She has several piercings, pasty skin, almond-shaped pale grey eyes, a very tall, muscular build, and a few visible tattoos.

"She came from a traditional conservative Christian or catholic household, probably from the south. Mostly Mississippi or Arkansas. Her parents were strict, only allowing her church-based activities," Lincoln predicted, dipping his nuggets into a ketchup packet. "She granted her freedom when she went to college while still holding on to her faith," The couple walked by them, allowing to see a tattoo of a bible verse on her upper arm. Still, it was hard to decipher it due to the distance. "Eventually, she broke free from her parents' control and is now living her best life," He concluded.

"Oddly specific," Polly commented, taking a bite out of her double cheeseburger.

"Hey, if this comic thing doesn't work. I can always be a detective," Lincoln shrugged. The person is nearby. They're waiting for him to be alone. Fine by him.

"I'm getting a Flipee," She shook her empty soda and tossed it in the trash. Kobe! "You want one," Polly offered. He nodded while handing her some money. She left and waited behind the couple. A foul, pungent stench of grime, rancid trash, and disgusting body order followed soon after. Lincoln didn't need to look behind him.

"You…" Tetherby growled like the rabid mutt he was. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" His grubby hands reached for him.

"What the hell," Those at Flip's stand turned towards the noise. "Hey, that man is attacking that kid," The woman yelled. Attacking is a loose statement. Lincoln danced around Tetherby with his hands in his pockets. The former socialite poorly attempted to grab him like Tantalus with that fruit tree. Seriously, what was that fruit? Loud was mocking him even though his back was towards a tree with a tiny mound of dirt as trails of ants climbed it. Polly rushed towards him. Lynn would kill her if anything happened to him.

"Nowhere left for you to run," Tetherby declared. Finally, he can get his revenge. "No one can save you now,"

"Not on my watch, buster," Polly shoulder tackled the man pushing out of the way. God, she felt gross from touching him. "Come on, let's go," She grabbed his hand, getting him away from this psycho. Tetherby grazed his dented side. Man, that little bitch hits hard. His sullen eyes searched for them. They were getting away.

"No, he must pay," Tetherby barked as he got up to chase them. More adults viewed this. Someone from the Tai-chi group broke away. Lincoln stopped in his tracks. He turned around and squeezed the packet of honey mustard at Tetherby. The viscous liquid landed in his eyes, making him roar. Mustard. Mustard. Mustard. It's always mustard. His snarls grew lower and primal. Lincoln pushed Polly behind him as Tetherby charged with his top hat falling on the ground. Everything slowed down as his mind went silent. His arctic eyes were blank as he focused on his enemy. Tetherby saw better days. His face was gaunt and waxen as he lost his fat. Besmirched and tattered clothes with various set-in stains on his white shirt of the fitted suit and the dark blue suit becoming pitch black. Lincoln can count the remaining teeth in his mouth. He inhaled and exhaled as he tightened his fist. Lincoln closed the distance by smashing his fist into Tetherby's nose, breaking it. Crimson stained the wrappings on his hand, but he wasn't down. Lincoln overwhelms the stunned man. Right jab to the sternum. Tetherby stumbles back, still dazed from the blow to the nose. Continue with two shots to the kidneys. Remarkably, Tetherby remains standing despite a broken nose and both kidneys being traumatized. Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.

Nevertheless, the disgraced elite reserved his vigor, raising his hands and stiffened his fingers to strangle him. Time to end this. Lincoln appeared as swift as quicksilver before him, bashing a titanic punch into his empty stomach. The power behind it left the lord stunned silence with bulging eyes as he was raised slightly in the air.

"Jesus Christ, dude," Polly muttered impressively, terrified at Lincoln's attack. He stepped back, liberating his fist from the man's stomach. Tetherby kneeled over bereft of speech. "Remind me to never piss you off," Polly joked, hoping that she doesn't. He smiled as he walked over to her. Tetherby narrowed his eyes at the smiling Lincoln holding his aching stomach. For once, it isn't due to hunger. He doesn't deserve to smile like that. Tetherby reached into his inside coat to withdraw his walking stick. The last remnant of his lost prestige. It saved him numerous times when he wanted or needed to take something by force. Preferably via smashing people's brains in. Just like how he'll do to Lincoln. He unleashed another yell charging them when a smooth flat stone was launched into his fingers. His bruised fingers liberated his cane as a threatening shadow loomed over him. His jaw dropped before Lincoln delivered a Superman punch at his forehead, laying him flat on his back.

"Man, kid, you got hops," Elder Zhau remarked, pacing towards the pair in her tracksuit. Tetherby groaned, rubbing the minor bump on his forehead as he stood on his feet. Dude, stay down. Elder Zhau struck a pressure point on his neck, immobilizing him. "Finally, he shuts up," He gritted his teeth and snarled at her

"Silence, you damn ruffian. I could've bought and sold you to a massage parlor in Vegas," Tetherby growled. The trio glanced at him.

"Yeah, could've," Elder Zhau mocked as police sirens echoed in the distance. Several squad cars arrived at the park. Two men restricted Tetherby as they awaited the police. His eyes expanded as he knew these men.

"Unhand me. I was your Lord Tetherby," He resisted his restriction from his former workers.

"Was. Past tense," The one with apricot skin and thin mustache reminded his former boss while his twin nodded. (These guys are twins. There's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise). "Here you go, officers," The men handed the still ranting Tetherby to the police. They watched as he continued to resist arrest as one of the police used a taser to subdue him.

"I'll get you kids home okay," Officer Schoffner declared. Lincoln had enough for one day.

"I'm back-oh geez," Lincoln shouted when Leni tackled-hugged him, lifting him off the ground. Polly snickered at how he dangled off the ground while his face was pushed against Leni's. "Leni, your mascara is running," He attempted to create distance, but it was no issue. This hug was powered by sisterly affection.

"I don't care, Linky," Leni sobbed as she held him tight. "I'm sorry that we made you feel that didn't belong in the stupid sister fight protocol," His face softened at the sniffling Leni. She eased her hold to look at him as he wiped her tears. "And that...and that...and that," The designer stammered, gazing at the black and red stains on his face. Red stains. Her heart froze for a brief moment. She wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she's an expert if there's one thing. Its colors. They were small yet visible across his face and cheeks. There are also spots on his shirt too. Most of it was on the tape wrapped around his hands. His eyes were empty blue pools reflecting the sorrow within them. Something happened. "Linky, what happened," Leni whispered. He looked off to the side, avoiding her frightened gaze. "LINCOLN, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Her frantic screams alarmed the entire house. Everyone rushed to the living

"What's going on here," Lynn asked, wearing one of his sports. Leni was manically searching for injuries on Lincoln.

"Lincoln's hurt. There's blood on him," Leni reported to the shocked family as tears ran down her face.

"WHAT?!"They shouted while Lisa retrieved a medical kit. Lori released the waterworks too. Was it because of her? She attempted to force him out of his room, his space for what? A petty argument.

"It's not mine," Lincoln shouted. They exhaled. It wasn't his blood. Wait, it wasn't his blood?

"It's not mine either. I finished my cycle for the month," Polly revealed with a shrug. "Those four days sucked!" She groaned. Those who're able to get their periods glared at her. Four days?! Really?!

"Must be nice being one of God's favorites," Lynn growled before focusing on Lincoln. "If it's not yours, then who's it is?"

"I can answer that," Officer Schoffner announced to the family. "Don't worry, he's not in trouble" That eased their fears. "But he did get into a fight," Lynn Sr. fainted dramatically with the hand on his forehead and everything.

"Oh, my baby became an angsty troubled YA protagonist!" Rita wailed along with Luna and Lucy. "Where did I go wrong?!" She gazed into the sky.

"Did you win?!" Lynn shouted. They just looked at her. "It's an important question."

"Yes, I won. I'm still here right," Lincoln confirmed. However, that didn't ease their worries.

"The better question is who was it?" Luan continued. They wanted to know who attacked their brother.

"Tobias Tetherby. He used to live in that plot of land a few years ago before it was sold," Officer Schoffner checked her notes and statements from years prior. "He refused to leave because he built that mansion, but we were able to get him out of there. What's your connection with him?"

"I only met him once when I won that win-a-limo competition," Lincoln recalled as she wrote down his statement. "I had to eat a lot of mustard," The sisters shivered. It was a lot of it. "He thought I was rich like him when he saw me in the limo. I was a jerk for a while due to hanging out with him, and he kicked me out when he figured out it was a rental. Fortunately, I came to my senses, so I took my sisters for a rental," He continued his story as his father came to. "Lord Tetherby immediately changed his tone when he saw me in the limo telling me to abandon my sisters. Then we hosed him with mustard," That would explain why Tetherby despised mustard.

"That was fun," Luna commented. Schoffner scratched her head. There has to be more to this story. Why would a fully grown adult, albeit a disgustingly entitled one, attack a literal child? Mistaken identity? No, that wouldn't make any sense. That white hair is unique. Maybe, it's because a child is the only thing he can threaten. That's a long shot, but it's something until she has more intel.

"Anything else," The officer remarked. They shook their heads.

"No, ma'am. This is the first time I've seen him since then," Lincoln retorted as Lisa returned with the medkit while Schoffner went to the car for an evidence kit. "What's that Lisa," He pointed to the suspicious device in her hand.

"It's a simple scanner which analyzes and identifies substances, so I don't have to touch it," Lisa explained while holding up the hand-held device. It's similar to an infrared thermometer. "Like so," She demonstrated as a green light phased up and down his body.

"Analyze complete. Results: Human blood and mascara," An automated voice answered.

"Okay, that makes my job easier, but I still need to take your clothes for evidence," The officer returned as she put on her gloves. Lincoln took off his shirt and unwrapped his arms. He handed it over to Schoffner, who placed them in a secure plastic bag. She got a cotton swab, wiped any red spots on his face, and then put it in another container. "My final question. Are you okay like up here?" She said softly, pointing her head, reminding her training when dealing with kids. He just got assaulted by a stranger.

"I've been through worse," Lincoln shrugged. "Like, have you seen Lori in the morning before she had her coffee and make-up?"He pointed out. "Now that's scary,"

"Hey!" Lori placed her hands on her hips as Luan snickered. Another green light scanned him.

"His brain waves are relatively stable," Lisa calculated upon reading his stats. "Also, they're focused on Polly for some reason," Polly wiggled her eyebrows at him while he blushed. "Did something between you two?"

"No," Lincoln declared a little too quickly. "Well, she did help me get away from Tetherby for a bit,"

"Thank you," Rita smiled.

"No problem, Mrs. Loud. His grandpa saved mine, so I just returned the favor," Polly wrapped an arm around his neck. "Plus, Lynn would kill me if I didn't help,"

"You damn right," Lynn replied before grinning. "Still, thanks, Polly. I owe you one."

"Mhmm, maybe I can…." Polly smirked at Lincoln getting closer to him. "Just for a while,"

"Know your limits," Lynn muttered in a dark tone.

"Okay, fine, geez. You still owe a dance," Polly remarked. Fair enough. "Did you really eat your bodyweight in mustard?" Lincoln strolled to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of mustard. He titled his head back and opened his mouth. Those tangy yellow ropes squirted down his mouth. "Okay, I believe you," He wiped his mouth. "I'll see you, dudes, later. Also, Lincoln," He titled his head. "WOMP! WOMP!" She smacked her buttcheeks in front of him, making him spit mustard in shock before giving him a peace sign. His enlarged eyes followed her out the door.

Polly was checking her skates on her room floor. She smiled at Lincoln's reaction. Man, he's fun to tease, especially when Lynn's around. Yeah, he's a good-looking dude, intelligent, funny, charming, and awesome to be around. It's not like she has a full-blown crush on him. Then the image of him chugging mustard looped in her mind. Polly froze as her cheeks turned pink.

"Well, shit,"

The former Lord Tetherby sat alone in his dreary holding cell in his orange jumpsuit. He tugged at it this second skin. It mocked him. His proper clothing was held up somewhere, being contaminated with lower quality clothing of peasants. He lost everything. His wealth, rank, prestige, social status, and respect. Everyone abandoned him, including his family, in favor of his illegitimate bastard of a second cousin. That car crash should've killed him. All of his workers moved on with their lives. They all left one by one. He didn't expect his two butlers whose families served him since his grandparents to hand him over to the FBI and IRS. Tobias has been on the run since. Lord Tetherby...no. He's Tobias now drained his accounts almost immediately. Now he's reduced to this. A penniless, toothless vagrant. Nevertheless, he still has his mind and pride. The clock stopped ticking.

"What in blazes?! No, not again!" Tobias yelled as the room widened and morphed into incomprehensible proportions. He ran to the security guard pushing his face against the cold iron bars as fear leaked from his face. "Can you hear me?!" The guard didn't respond. Not like he could hear his cries. Tobias's leathery hand reached out to gain someone's attention, only for it to slow down. He observed the afterimages with an agape mouth while pushing his hand and out of his cell.

"Hello again," That silvery voice greeted in a calmly intimidating tone. Tobias froze, barely able to move his eyes to glance behind him. The man stood behind in standard police uniform with a cold smile. "Why don't you take a seat?" Tobias was already on his cot before he could think of a response.

"Why are you here," Tobias demanded at the smiling man. "You already completed your task," He shouted as his blood pressure rose. An idea popped into his brain. "Unless," He smirked before unleashing a booming mocking cackle. "You can't go back, or you broke the rules, so you're stuck here," Tobias continued his rant. Finally, something went his way.

"I never planned to go back," 'Micheal' stated, halting his amusement. Tobias gazed at him, flabbergasted at his sentence. "The task I was given never intended for me to go back. I shall be erased and replaced like a snake shedding its skin" A silver ring detailing a snake devouring its tail was on his hand. "It was always the plan," He said blankly.

"What's the task?!" Tobias shouted at the serene man gripping his sheets. "What is the purpose of all of this?!"

"I'll tell you since we have all the time in the world," Micheal replied. He told him everything. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the horrific. Wars, nuclear disasters, and everything in between. Micheal spent a considerable amount of time telling Tobias. "Well, that's the story, but given how time works. It can all change by simply telling you this," He concluded as Tobias shivering hands grasped on what remains of his greasy hair. "Good day Lord Tetherby," Micheal mocked before exiting the cell. The ticking resumed. Tobias spent seconds that felt like hours as his feeble mind attempted to comprehend this revelation. It can only do one thing.

He screamed.

Leni lay awake in her bed later that night. She moved her pretty head to her alarm clock, showing her that it was past midnight. Lori was asleep with various tear-soaked tissues near her bed. The fashion designer slowly got up from the bed stepping over the shred remains of the dress that she and Lori fought over. Leni cut it up herself. She can always make and get another dress, but she can't get another brother. Her delicate hands clenched as she viewed the dress in disgust. It was a lovely turquoise single-shoulder dress with a knee-length skirt. Even better that it had pockets. Leni never wanted to burn a dress until this morning. This stupid damn dress nearly broke her family. It caused her Linky to leave the house as the protocol made him worthless. Then some meanie attacked her brother. Lori snored, interrupting her thoughts. Leni tiptoed out of their room as the hallway was vacant.

She quietly paced to his door and slowly opened it as the moonlight shone on his sleeping form. Leni smiled sadly. He's asleep and safe in his bed. She silently watched him sleep soundly for a few minutes. This wasn't the first time she's done this. Leni had nightmares about him being cold and alone, unable to do anything about it. The ones where he cried are the worst. They drove him away. She reached to nuzzle his hair but paused when he shifted in his sleep. He sniffed the air, smelling something sweet. It was probably one of his sisters. Was it Lola or Leni? Lincoln moved over as he raised his blanket, opening a spot for her. She took it, hugging him tightly yet gently.

"I love you, Linky," Leni said softly, kissing the back of his head.

"Love you," Lincoln mumbled in his sleep. The siblings drifted back to sleep.

Fun fact: The Ouroboros symbolizes the concept of eternity and endless return. Also time travel as time never stops.

Holy shit this chapter was exhausting but it's done. I know the tropers are going to love this chapter. You guys are doing an awesome job so keep up the excellent work. I know this chapter had awesome, funny, tear-jerking and nightmare fuel. The next chapter is when a major change occurs for Lincoln. Well, one of the major changes in the story.

Thank you for reading the story. Follow and Favorite if you enjoyed the story. Leave a review for any questions, concerns or just to show your love for the story.