
17. Slow corruption?

Hello, my people. I'm back with another chapter. Sorry, it took so long but my school work needed to be done. Plus, the snowstorm knocked out my power for a while. Don't worry, I'm okay right now. This chapter is more for build-up with a sprinkle of foreshadowing.

Season 5 is creating so many plot ideas like slow down damn. Also, we got a new QT being Bully QT, aka Taylor. We finally saw Granny Gayle, along with info on Myrtle. She used to wrestle in South America.

The TV tropes page is looking, great guys. Keep it up. Now for the story but first. Mollie won the chapter with Haiku in 2nd and Cookie & Sweater QT tied for 3rd.

QOTD: Which subplot are you most interested in or looking forward to?

OmegaDelta: They'll appear, but they won't be major players. I have too much planned already.

Eman25/Wolvenstrom/CapMorgan55: Well, you're not wrong about what I have planned for Rusty, but otherwise, it'll spoil future arcs. Yes, Maggie will appear in the story

Mr. Haziq: It's one of the most feared weapons for a reason. Their disbandment was planned. You have no idea how long I had to research to get my facts right. NSL isn't something you can brush off, which you'll see in this chapter.

Guest(1): I'm glad that I'm done with this adaptation because it had 3 chapters dedicated to it. Granted, it was to introduce The Zhau family, but it's done. Lynn and her friends aren't going to take Bumper Jr's plan sitting down. Ronnie Anne and Stella are going to meet. That too, plus the comic 'It's (Not) your fault' shows Rusty plotting something when Lincoln and Stella get together.

Nobody245: I won't go that route with the QTs. It feels cliche. Oh, believe me, Lynn has a long way to go.

Pirohiko-Baltazar: Stella is a confirmed contender. Paige is not so much, but we don't have much to go on. She'll appear again. Sam… well, I can do with that, but her adullperson reference will be in the lemon story.

Chrono Phoenix: I have something planned for Sid & Lincoln's meeting, but I'll introduce her earlier than canon. I've seen stranger ships becoming canon. Regular show and Choji & Karui.

DaleJr.88: I had a ton of free time during those chapters, but now my assignments are taking up my time. I'm enjoying Karate QT and Haiku too. I haven't written their focused chapters yet, but I'm going to have fun with them. Research is vital. The characters will be 16/17 at the minimum because that's the age of consent in Michigan. However, I'll still age them up even further, depending on the chapter.

I never played a Persona game before, but I want to. I'm most familiar with P4. Also yes. Don't worry. She'll stop eventually after an adaptation. Siblings tend to get into each other's business. Don't worry, I understood what you meant.

Rita was driving towards Sunset Canyon retirement home with Lincoln to spend some time with his grandfather and Myrtle. It was a bit of a tough week for Lincoln. Her motherly instincts told her that something was on his mind, but she couldn't tell as he continued to read one of his comics. And Rita thought Lucy was the queen of mystery. However, Lincoln was typically a quiet and relaxed child compared to his more energetic sisters. Getting him out of the house for a while can help with whatever he's thinking. She wishes that he would tell her or one of his sisters what was bothering him, yet they knew why. Rita and Lynn Sr. agreed to gain more independence after that incident, like with Lisa and her experiments. She sighed internally at their situation. Rita respected his independent nature, but she still wanted Lincoln to be more open with the family. "All in due time, Rita. This takes time, especially since it was easy for us to believe in the worse," She thought to herself as they drew closer to the retirement home. Rita stopped at the entrance. She turned her head towards him. "Okay, sweetie, I'll pick you up in a few hours. Have fun with your grandpa and Myrtle." Rita hugged her only son. He couldn't see her remorseful expression as he hugged her back. She held him tight for a few seconds before kissing him on the cheek. "I love you, Lincoln," Rita said with a smile.

"I love you too, mom. I'll see you later," Lincoln replied as he exited the van. Rita watched him enter the retirement home. She opened the glove compartment and reached for an old small photo. At her high school graduation with Albert, Aunt Ruth, her cousin, and her late mother. Oh, how happy they were before that man took her mother away from her family. Rita tightly gripped that steering wheel before taking a calming breath as she shifted in the van into drive. She took one final look at the photo before putting it back deep into the glove compartment. Rita swore never to let anything cloud her better judgment without sufficient and clear-cut facts and proof. Hell, even unconfirmed theories can suffice if there's enough evidence to back it up. She saw how easy madness can spread and corrupt those around you. It'll amaze how quick people can believe in the most absurd things.

Y2K. Man, what a mess that was. Anti-vax. Seriously their only proof is a heavily opinionated article from the 90s that took only a tiny percentage to explain the hundreds of thousands of kids out there. It's been debunked numerous times people come on! QAnon. She's not even going, to begin with, that—her mother and Applewhite. Vile spit filled her mouth as that name plagued her mind once more. Twenty fucking years have been lost. Her children never got the chance to know their grandmother. Only a few family photos, home videos, and that accursed videotape was hidden somewhere in the attic, saying her final goodbyes before that fateful day. Rita is grateful that Myrtle entered into her father's life, giving him another chance at love. Albert is a soldier. He's used to masking his pain to keep pressing on. Maybe that's where Lincoln gets it from. She frowned again. Rita knew the pain of watching someone you love act differently because they believed in baseless concepts, yet she still did it. The Loud family's matriarch resented her mother for a few years for abandoning her and her family. At least her mother didn't kick her out of the house to spend a few nights outside just because she wanted 'me' time. A dull, humorless chuckle slipped past her lips, mocking at her failure at honoring her vow.

"Like mother like daughter," Rita somberly said to herself before driving off, wondering how long it will be until she can truly call herself a mother and a parent again.

Lincoln walked to the receptionist's desk and rang the bell. He waited for someone to come to the front desk for a few brief moments. Sue appeared from the door behind the desk, gazing down at her clipboard. "Welcome to Sunset Canyon retirement home. How can I help you" She said in a professional tone. The head nurse looked up from the clipboard and frowned. "Oh, it's you" Great. Albert's grandson is here. She doesn't need another headache. These seniors are already a handful. They're old enough to her parents! WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY?!

"Hello Sue," Lincoln greeted as respectfully as he could to the battle-ax in the mud. He readjusted his backpack. "Is my grandpa here" Sue rolled her eyes and signed.

"HEY ALBERT, YOU GOT A VISITOR!" The burly woman yelled. Albert walked in shortly after.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Don't get your undies in a bunch," Albert replied, attempting to remove the ringing in his ears. He smiled upon seeing his visitor. "Get over here, mini-me" The pair embraced each other. Albert wrapped his arm around Lincoln's shoulder. "Come on, we got a fun day ahead of us."

"No funny business," Sue ordered, glaring intensely at the two. They rolled their eyes at her. "I'm watching you two," She growled, gesturing back and forth to her eyes and the duo.

"Sue, I'm spoken for," Albert joked in a severe tone. "Plus, you're not my type" Sue let out an offended gasp

"And I'm too young for you" Lincoln decided to play along. "And you're not doing much for me either."

"UGHHHHH!" Sue squeaked as they snickered. Lincoln and Albert walked away. "I'll have you know that EVERYTHING IS STILL WHERE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!" She shouted. The two exchanged a glance. "I damn well know that I can do a far better job than some of these college girls" Sue folded her arms.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't need to know that" Lincoln grimaced at the mental image.

"You and me both, and I've seen combat." Albert shuddered. "The last one in the pool is a wet noodle."

"You're on Pop-Pop," Lincoln challenged the elder ignoring Sue's barking as they sprinted and stripped to their swimwear

Lincoln had a swell time with Albert, Myrtle, and their crew doing laps in the pool, a few rounds of shuffleboard, racing each other on scooters and carts. Sue wasn't happy about that, but there wasn't much she could do to stop them. She learned that it was better to let them get it out of their systems. Also, she didn't need a lawsuit hanging over her head. Now Lincoln and the rest of them were an intense game of Crazy Eights. Seymour was keeping score.

"Lincoln, is there something on your mind?" Myrtle asked, holding several cards in her hand. Lincoln placed the two of hearts down. "Yeah. Was it that obvious?" Albert laid a five of diamonds.

"It was written on your face," Albert spoke as he drew a card. "So what's on your mind" Lincoln hesitated. Should he tell them?

"Well, out with it, kid," Scoots demanded, rummaging through her cards and chose a 7 of spades. "We ain't getting any younger," Lincoln sighed. He told them a brief overview of the Stella incident a while ago. Stella wanted to hang out with them one on one, but his friends thought she wanted to date one of them. They got the idea to 'blow her out of the water.' It wasn't pretty as they fought over her in dodgeball, forcing him to stop it. They accused her of playing mind games and suggesting that he planned to snatch Stella from the start. Thankfully his friends enacted a 'Guy Pact' to avoid any future complications.

"So why weren't you enraptured by the young lady" Seymour gestured with his pen.

"I got a black eye the last time I jumped headfirst thinking that a girl liked me," Lincoln answered, setting a clover king down. The elders winced at the image. "We're friends."

"The Stella girl didn't tickle your fancy or something," Scoots questioned. Lincoln's face flushed red. Eyebrows were raised.

"Well, I do think Stella is pretty, smart, and really nice," Lincoln stuttered with a heated face. The seniors smirked at his confession. He cleared his throat. "But she wasn't interested in a relationship."

"Mmmmmhmmmm," The elders smugly replied.

"But there's more, isn't it" Albert analyzed his hand. Lincoln's eyes slightly widened. "I'll take that as a yes," He said, placing a jack of clovers on top of the pile. Lincoln gave a silent nod.

"Lucy, read my fortune," Lincoln admitted softly. Tiny shudders spread through Albert's body as his eyes expanded. No, not again. Myrtle placed a comforting hand on his thigh and gave him a gentle smile. It calmed his soul.

"What did she say, dear" Myrtle commented in Albert's sted as she set down a jack of hearts

"One of the cards she drew was the Knight of Swords in the reverse position," Lincoln recalled the other day. "She said that I was going to encounter a bully, a coward, a criminal, or someone with an inferiority complex" He shuffled through his cards and drew from the pile. "She also said that I have to fight them," Lincoln finished looking down at the table, crossing and uncrossing his legs.

"You honestly believe that mumbo jumbo," Scoots doubted, laying down a five of hearts. Albert searched through his cards.

"Well, you better prepare," Albert contributed. He selected the two of diamonds. "It's better to be safe than sorry" Years of service taught the veteran that it's better to be paranoid and be wrong than be ignorant and suffer later now. The world's unpredictable. You'll never know what'll happen.

"I think a strongly worded speech would work better in my opinion," Lincoln responded in reluctance. Albert and some of his war buddies gave each other a silent look before bursting in raucous laughter. Lincoln, Scoots, Seymour, and Myrtle looked around them. Was it something Lincoln said?

"Man, I remember when I used to be that optimistic," Albert said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Kid, I wish it was that easy," An even more elderly stern man announced from a nearby chair. Lincoln observed the speaker. He was in his eighties with a cane at his side wearing a camo jacket and denim jeans. A WW2 veteran cap adorned his head, along with a simple black eye patch. "If talking worked all the time" He gestured his covered eye and tapped his left leg. A light thud was heard with each tap. "I would've kept my eye and leg" The veteran stood up, supporting himself with his cane. "I would've stayed home instead of traveling halfway across the world storming the beaches in France to stop that madman in Germany" Lincoln tightly gripped the bottom of his orange polo shirt. He anxiously swallowed his spit in his constricting throat. The old soldier softened his expression. "Listen, kid, I'm not telling you to beat the ever-living daylights out of someone, but" He paused, taking a deep sigh. "Sometimes fighting is the only thing you can do," Lincoln continued to listen. "You honestly think a flowery speech or what is the thing from that ninja show with the hand signs where he talked, and the villains were shown the errors of their ways and decided to change."

"The 'Talk no Jutsu from Naruto," Lincoln answered. He pointed at Lincoln in affirmative.

"That's the one," The old veteran replied. "Did it always work?" Lincoln shook his head. "Exactly" He slowly marched toward the young lad. "Some people you just can't convince" Albert gave him his chair so he can sit now. "You just can't. They are committed. They must be stopped before they continue to hurt innocents" Myrtle and Albert laid a comforting hand on Lincoln.

"He's right, Lincoln," Albert admitted. "Some people have their head so far up their ass that can't recognize their own crap" Myrtle smacked his arm for that. "Sorry about that, but when you get to my age. You'll meet people like that. Unfortunately, some of those people were used to be called friends" The other seniors nodded. "Fighting back is the easy part, but in some situations," He sighed. "You got to step back, let them destroy themselves, and hope they come back as a better person" Albert remained silent for a brief moment. "If not, then cut them off and treat them like a total stranger."

"Why," Lincoln asked in a soft voice. He didn't understand.

"To protect yourself," Albert answered. "Otherwise, you let them walk all over you as they destroy everything" Lincoln sank his head putting his cards down on the table.

"The right choice isn't always the best choice" Myrtle lifted Lincoln's chin. "Believe me. People were angry at me for making choices that were my wellbeing and safety. It didn't impact them in anyway way."

"Why were they angry, Gran-Gran?" Lincoln asked. "It was to protect yourself."

"Exactly mini-me," Albert interjected. "Boundaries. Standing up from yourself. Saying no," He listed off. "These are vital skills, but certain people don't like it when you do that."

"Preach" Scoots shouted. "Take our advice, kid. Certain people would rather keep you as a dirty doormat, so they feel better how shitty their life is instead of wanting you happy."

"Scoots language," Seymour chimed in.

"The brat needs to learn this now to save him some trouble in the future" Scoots raised her hands in defense. "He has ten sisters for crying out loud who have him at their beck and call. You would rather have him be some spineless chump for females to use him and toss him away like a used napkin."

"I have to agree with Scoots," Albert added. Scoots folded her arms and smirked. "People will hate you with every fiber of their being until dying breath, and you didn't do anything to them" To their dying breath? Lincoln shuddered. "That's perfectly fine" Lincoln tilted his head. "You can't please everyone, so don't waste your time in doing so."

"Yeah, we don't you to worry about what others think of you when you get our age," Scoots acknowledged. "If you're going to take any advice from an old broad like me. Live your best life as long as you're not an asshole about it. Go to that party. Ride that roller coaster. Travel to foreign countries. Hell, kiss some cute girls or guys along the way. I don't know what you're into. I can probably hook you up with my granddaughter if that helps" Scoots shrugged as Lincoln blushed. "Have good memories to back on. I heard you got a knack for comics, so keep pushing to make all-time sellers. Maybe make me a character. Hint-hint," She whispered that last part. Lincoln smiled at her antics

An idea popped into Albert's head. "Hey, I got something for you" He reached into his back pocket. It was a small black pocketbook with a few creases here and there from years of use. He placed it into Lincoln's hand. "Consider it an early Christmas gift."

Lincoln gazed at the object. "The art of war?" Why would he need something like that? He wasn't planning to go into the armed forces.

"This book will help you a lot. It deals in more than just war such as sports, business, and conflict of any type," Albert explained. Conflicts of any type? When you live in a family as big as the Loud house. Conflict is inevitable. This can help him with his planning and catching whoever is messing with Lynn's games. "Now you can be better prepared for whoever this bully person Lucy warned you about" Albert gave him a severe look resembling his old navy days. "If this weakling is someone you considered a friend. Don't hesitate to toss them overboard because they won't. Some will sink the entire ship just because they can't be the captain" Albert relaxed his face and ruffled his grandson's hair. "I know it's not in your nature to fight, but if you stop this guy without fighting. You already did a better job than me. Only the best of the best generals win without fighting" Lincoln held the book close to his chest with a slight smile, still unsure about the future ordeal. His phone buzzed. He reached into his pocket, reading the message from his mom. She's outside right now.

"I got to go, guys," Lincoln told the group. Albert and Myrtle gave him a hug.

"Be sure to visit again soon," Myrtle smiled.

"I will, Gran-Gran" Lincoln smiled back. She slipped something into his hand and gave him a wink. He nodded in thanks. The other seniors said their farewells to the young Loud as he grabbed his bags and exited the building.

"You think he's going to be okay," The WW2 veteran asked as he watched Lincoln leave.

"He's a smart kid." Albert smiled. "He'll figure something out, and I'm going to help him if need be."

Rita observed the book that Lincoln was intensely reading in his hand. She recognized it as Albert's handy pocketbook. He always carried it with him. Why did he give it to Lincoln? Rita shrugged as they drove back to town. It was probably a gift now that he's retired. "Sweetie." Lincoln's eyes focused on his mother. "I'm heading to the library to return some books. Do you want to come inside with me? Maybe you can find some nice books while we're at it," Rita asked. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes. Her eyes lighted when he agreed to her suggestion as they traveled with the radio playing Starships. Rita found a parking space. The mother and son duo entered the library. An employee was going around picking up and shelving books on her trolley. Rita went to the front desk while Lincoln scouted around the fairly crowded library, searching for anything that catches his eye. He went to the 'free to take and to leave' section. There's got to be some stuff there. Lincoln surveyed the book area.

Law books. Nope. More textbooks. No, thank you. He grabbed a random book called the Kama Sutra from one of the shelves. It must be one of those yoga or philosophy books. Lincoln quickly flipped through the pages as his eyes widened and his face blazed at the explicit images. He immediately put the book back and continued to search. That book was NOT PG-13. Another book caught his eye. The thirty-three stratagems. It's originated in China like the art of war. They should complement each other. The book is free, so he might as well take it. Lincoln found a vacant table with various scratches from years of use to read a random section.

"Stratagems for Desperate Straits," Lincoln read to himself. A plan is better than no plan at all. "Use attractive women to snare the enemy leader and/or his officers. They may sow discord showing affection to multiple men encouraging them to fight amongst themselves for her attention. This can also cause jealousy and envy among the women in the court resulting in further disruption. Oh, a Honey trap," He concluded. This must be the 'mind games' the guys thought Stella was playing on them. Thankfully his mother and sisters emphasized don't ever fall for a pretty face. Plus, a black eye helps to send a clear message. Lincoln checked his watch as his mother is probably waiting for him. He scooched his seat back when something hit one of the chair legs. Another book? He reached and picked up the face down the book. Lincoln dusted it off. "The 33 strategies of war?" Wait, this was in the back of the book Pop-Pop. It was under check out, or was it also read. Lincoln made his way to the front desk as his mother was conversing with the head librarian.

"Hey honey did you find anything," Rita asked as her books were being scanned.

"Yeah, these two" Lincoln showed the women what he found. Librarian Wetta adjusted her glasses.

"36 stratagems and The 33 strategies of war," Ms. Wetta responded. "A rather interesting set of books for a boy your age. I was expecting comics or something."

"Well, I'm branching out." Lincoln declared as Ms. Wetta scanned the books. "I also saw something called the Laws of Power."

"NO!" and Rita exclaimed. Lincoln flinched. The other occupants shushed the women.

"Is the book bad?" Lincoln whispered.

"Not if you want to be a manipulative villainous mastermind," Rita stated, gesturing to one of her Game of Thrones books.

"So it's for villains" Lincoln worriedly asked. He would need to make compelling villains if his comic skills took off.

"Not technically," Rita replied, rubbing the back of her neck, avoiding his gaze. "Most of it self-serving with few good points, and it would explain why some people stay in power for so long."

"Plus, some of the Laws are outdated at worst and circumstantial at best," Ms. Wetta added. "The first law is 'Never outshine the master,' which would've worked centuries ago where masters were super rare. It'll leave you subordinate to a mediocre boss for years watching others get praise and promotions." Rita and Lincoln had to agree that it's outdated. No one wants to be in the same lackluster position for their whole life. "We live in a time where CEOs can be replaced." She continued as she logged into the database. "I think there's a modern-day interpretation of the book, but we don't have it."

"No, you're getting the original version either," Rita said sternly, preventing him from asking. "You're eleven and a sweet kid. There's no need for you to be ruthless and cutthroat" She brought him to close her side, rubbing the top of his head(The head on his shoulders.). "Well, hopefully not in the immediate future," Rita spoke softly. They said their goodbyes to Ms. Wetta as she smiled back. It soon turned into a narrow line when her Blackberry vibrated.

"Can one of you cover for me? I need to take this call," Ms. Wetta asked one of her co-workers.

"I got it, Ms. Wetta," A young adult male with black hair, freckles, and brown eyes spoke up. She thanked him and went to a dark corner of the library.

"Is it done?" A monotone silvery voice asked from the phone.

"Yes. He got some of the books," The librarian affirmed in a calm voice. "But his mother prevented him from getting one of them."

"That's perfectly fine as it was expected" The voice waved off the statement.

"Anything else, sir," She probed obediently.

"No, that's all I needed" The voice sincerely thanked her. "Enjoy yourself, Mollie Wetta" The call ended abruptly. A rhythmic dial tone accompanied the corridor. Another notification appeared on her phone. Her eyes shot out of her skull. She rubbed her eyes and did a quick clean of her glasses. He said that he would pay her handsomely, but this was far beyond what she expected. Ms. Wetta redial the number.

"We are sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service." An automatic voice answered instead of him. "If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again" She hung up her phone and went back to work.

Rita and Lincoln arrived home with their new reading materials. She went to the dining room to indulge in a new book while he went to his room. Lincoln checked the hallway and the vents before locking his door. His sisters are either busy in their rooms or aren't home yet. He flipped his mattress, leaning against the wall where a whiteboard was underneath. It assisted him in his more complex and detail-oriented plans. Lincoln pulled out a black marker from his desk drawer. He had his books ready and activated his laptop. "There should be videos or websites about the Laws of power," Lincoln muttered as he continued his online search. Ah, there they are. He uncapped his marker. It's time to go to work.

Lincoln spent a good two hours cross-referencing his findings. The art of war and the 36 stratagems were companion books. The former discussed the overall grand plan using your intelligence and not your might is the valid key to victory. Any conflict must be quick and decisive because you're there to win. It teaches one to be strict and firm but never cruel. Also, what traits to avoid and what to keep. The latter fills in some of the blanks with the methods. Both books emphasized using deception and being flexible in your planning. Some of the texts are now illegal or considered cowardly such as running away. However, there's a thin line between cowardly and pragmatic at the end. However, who cares as long as you win. Rules are for games, but even they can change.

Now the 33 strategies and laws of power. Mr. Greene, you are evil yet effective. Some of the topics overlap and are contradictory; however, it would explain a lot about the world. Lincoln continued to read the Laws. He used some of them himself, often against his sisters. They worked but still failed in the end. Yet he won't use the more cruel ones … right? He needs to find modern applications. Several knocks were heard at his door.

"Hey, Lincoln, I need your help with something" Lynn Jr's voice can be heard through his door. Lincoln swiftly put his mattress down and shut off his laptop. "No, it's not homework," He calmed himself before opening his door.

"What do you need help with," Lincoln asked. The family athlete stuck her out to her room. Lincoln followed her in. One of Lisa's chalkboards was in the middle of the room, facing Lynn's side of the room. They went to her bed. Lincoln scanned the board as numerous lines, X's and O's, ordained it. Streaks of white dust stained the green jungle board with chalk sticks of various sizes resting on the metal holder. She's been at this for a while. "I'm not a sports expert, Lynn."

"I know, but you're the only person that can help me right now," Lynn acknowledged. "Besides, I'm not going to Lisa because I need a Thesaurus to understand what she just said"

"Fair enough" Lincoln accepted that notion. "So what do you need me to do."

"Well, it's two things," Lynn replied. "I need a new game plan and something that can help my team nail the chump that sabotaged my games," She growled at the thought.

"Do you know anyone that would do it" Lincoln probed carefully. Lynn bit her lip.

"I do know someone," Lynn said. Lincoln leaned in closer. "But I don't have evidence besides a hunch" She folded her arms.

"It's still better than nothing," Lincoln brought up. Lynn sighed.

"It's Bumper Jr.," Lynn said with gritted teeth. Lincoln clamped his hands together in a thinking gesture. It would support one of his theories.

"For some reason, it doesn't surprise me," Lincoln admitted in a blank tone. Her jaw slacked at his answer. Doesn't it surprise him?

"Why," Lynn muttered. Why didn't it surprise him? Did he already know? Was he planning something similar?

"Well, he's you in a way," Lincoln remarked. Lynn's eyes expanded at his claim. Who dare compare him to her?! He raised a hand, stopping her. "Before you beat my head in. Let me speak" She tightly wrapped her arms around herself with a sinking stomach when he made that comment. "You're both named after your fathers. You're the best in your respective fields. Seriously I don't anyone can do what you can do at your age. Both of you have an ego and hate to lose" Each word stabbed her. She frowned, wanting to counter-argue but can't. He had that damn look in his eyes again—the same one after the NSL incident. Shallow vacant pools of sapphire daring to pull her in. Is she a strong swimmer? Yes. But is she strong enough to beat the tides of betrayal and sorrow? No. No, she's not.

"What do we do" Lynn replied softly with her head down. Lincoln rubbed his chin. "Polly said that he's using someone to the heavy lifting."

"That makes sense. Bumper is using a scapegoat," Lincoln stated. "It would keep his hands clean if something goes wrong."

"So he's too much of a bitch to do it himself," Lynn grumbled with her arms tightly folded.

"It's also smart. Bumper knows that he can't be you head-on. You're physically stronger than him," Lincoln countered. She grumbled, wishing to knock Bumper's teeth out. "Plus, he doesn't know you or Royal Woods that well making whomever he's using an easy pawn, but we can use that against him."

"Use what? We don't have evidence to accuse him of anything. He considers me a superstitious hotheaded brute," Lynn argued, wondering what Lincoln is trying to do. Lisa did say her brain still has ample room.

"Exactly," Lincoln replied. "He expects you to act aggressively, using your fists and blaming other things like luck or whatever sports god you're praying to," Another verbal punch to the gut. "Because you do any of these things." Lincoln leans in closer. "He wins, and you both know it."

"I still have to do something, Linc" Lynn tightens her fists.

"Simple. Do the opposite of what he wants you to do," Lincoln answered as she crooked a brow. "Remain calm, use actual plans and take your losses with dignity. This should throw him off his plans and frustrate him" He stood up and wrote on the chalkboard.

"All I gotta do is piss him off by not reacting," Lynn clarified. Lincoln nodded. She thought for a moment and had an idea. "He's a math nerd, so he thinks linearly. There's only one path." Lynn took a chalk stick. "One dimensional?" She turned her head to him.

"Yes. Bumper believes that he is intellectually superior, and you're nothing more than a simpleton" Lincoln smiled, writing that point down. "That's step one. Now for the rest."

Lincoln and Lynn spent their time on Operative: 'Bump down Bumper.' Their family members were shocked at this as they walked past the room. Nevertheless, they were grateful the two were bonding again. Numerous ideas were tossed around. They settled on don't attack first, remain calm and fight fire with fire. Lynn didn't like the idea of playing someone then tossing them aside. Lincoln didn't mean it like that. Instead, he emphasized infuriating Bumper Jr by acting nonchalant. She already damaged his pride by winning the State Math Bowl and didn't even plan on it. Lynn can do it again, and he'll be at fault. Soccer trials are coming up in a few weeks. Maybe she should invite Beatrix and Bumper Jr. to come out.

Lynn's stomach roared. "We'll call it a day," Lincoln had to agree. It's almost time for dinner. "Damn, we still need something for my next softball game" She scratched her head.

"When is your softball game?" Lincoln asked, checking the forecast.

"Thursday, why" Lynn shrugged. What is he planning?

"There's going to be a lot of rain on Wednesday and some morning showers on Thursday," Lincoln alluded. "But it should be nice and sunny for the rest of the day with a clear view from on top of the stands" Lynn understood what he meant. She grabbed her phone and called some of her friends.

Lisa eavesdropped on their conversation, standing on the edge of the door frame. She initially wanted to retrieve her chalkboard, but the way Lincoln spoke unsettled her greatly. "Kids, it's time for dinner," Her patriarchal figure shouted from the kitchen. The rest of her siblings rushed downstairs while she calmly walked despite her thundering heartbeat and racing thoughts. She didn't like how her dear brother was developing into. Hopefully, she can stop it or prevent the worst of it.


It's good to be back. Now I can focus on Girl Jordan's lemon chapter. I started it, but I just need to finish it.

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