
14. Stella my Bella

What's good, my people? I'm back with another chapter. This is my holiday gift to you guys. However, this is part one of this arc, but that means you'll have more to look forward to in the future. I wanted to get this chapter out earlier, but exams were kicking my ass, so I needed time to relax.

If you guys didn't know or forgot. We have a Tv tropes page now. It's Qt Quarrel. You can check it out after, before, or during this chapter. I would appreciate it if you guys help expand the page.

QOTD: What should I do in celebration of the page?

QOTD: Who is the best girl now?

QOTD: Do you enjoy the characterization in this chapter?

VongolaJoe, Tristen: Thanks and the same for you too.

Zarc4d: Just read this chapter and find out.

LH-Teller9999: That's why I used Leni to help convince him not to change

1: I know. I know that politics is a super sensitive topic, especially with what's happening here in the USA. It serves as a future plot point in the story

Guest: I believe that pheromone is called being the Main Character

RisingSolstice: You would think after breaking the 4th wall several times. He would've learned this law. Given all the events Lincoln goes through, it's fairly evident. I think it's because we saw Ronnie Anne more and saw her development, whereas Rusty became his friend offscreen.

Zle: Not likely, but it's fun to think about, although I do have a moment planned for them.

Marvelomac1010: I have some moments planned for those two

NiteOwl18: I know that many people are excited about Stella appearing, but I had to lead up to it. Oh, it's going to bite him hard. Season 3 takes place in 2017, so Trump just started being President. Her mom has sometime before she starts freaking out.

JustMeguest: Thank you, and the person that made the comic is Adullperson. They make incredible artwork. Lincoln is technically free game right now. That comment is going to affect them, especially Lynn, but we haven't got there yet.

Guest(2): You'll be surprised too if someone got a completely different skin tone and an entire mansion vanishing without even knowing it. Their meddling and "No such luck" did have a heavy hand in that. We never saw Stella's first day at Royal Woods Elementary. It would explain why she chose his group to interact with, "Be Stella, my heart." The betting pool isn't him exclusively but for the majority of students.

When your moniker is the "Man with the plan," people will start making theories and accusations. Lincoln spent a good six months determining the Sweet Spot in the van. That's dedication right there. You mean that Dark Stella concept. Lisa knows him, and he knows her. How and why? You'll have to wait and see.

It's a small Tv tropes page, but hopefully, it'll expand soon.

Wolvenstrom: Welllllllllllll, I don't want to spoil the story. Also, thanks for the help.

Dogspirit1: Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

Legan-Ouroboros: She'll appear in the next chapter.

Looneytyne22: She said, "If you much as smell Lincoln. My honey bunny. I'll tear you to shreds and feed you to my cats. Understand?!"

Kidshorty: Yep, it can be like that sometimes.

DaleJr.88: Stella is a lot of people's favorite female character in the Loud House, and yes, there will be some Stellacoln. I always pictured Girl Jordan as the class representative. Lincoln does have that effect on people. To answer your question about a fallout between Lincoln and his friends. Yes, there's going to be a fallout between them.

I won't go that far with Lincoln chewing them out, at least not yet, but I will keep the girls realizing how much crap Lincoln goes through in the show. Remember, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are eleven years old. Lincoln straight up ignoring her would work better if they were older, and she learned her lesson in 'Horror-Scope' when Lincoln met Sid.

Is Lincoln becoming colder? There has to be a catalyst. When, why, and how did he become like this? There's a fair amount of episodes giving him a reason, especially with his sisters. 'Heavy Meddle,' 'Sound of Silence,' The various prank episodes by Luan, 'Sleuth or Consequences,' 'Cereal Offender,' 'Dance, Dance, Resolution.'

Unfortunately, the best example is 'No Such Luck' and 'Brawl in the family.' Be careful when using these episodes because there's a ton of fanfics regarding that episode, especially NSL. The best ones that I can recall are 'What is a person's worth' by Thatengineer and 'Broken Mirror' and its sequels by Talespinner69. Typical cliches are Lincoln or calling the police and Lincoln getting killed or severely harmed

If Lincoln becomes colder is your first fanfic. Avoid making his sisters' irredeemable monsters who saw nothing wrong with what they did, especially Lynn. Who is Lincoln the coldest to, neutral towards, and who is the most likely to forgive first?

Suppose it's his friends and classmates. Use "Making the grade', 'Making the case' and 'Be Stella, my heart.' These are episodes where his social life wasn't great. You can add the 'Girl Guru.' It's common for Chandler and, in some cases, Cristina if she's an essential character in the story, to give Lincoln the most hell. Also Rusty. Feel free to use other characters to switch it up.

Guest(3): The artist's fan comic was the inspiration for this story

Guest(4): It serves as a characterization for Nikki's mom. It'll make more sense in future scenes.

Mr. Haziq: Yes, in a way. It was , but for some reason, when I was editing, FF removed some words. There's always a betting pool.

Guest(5): Someone will next chapter, but Clyde knows about the bad luck incident.

Lincoln and his group were at their usual lunch table about to make their lunch trade." Hey Lincoln, how was your weekend visit to the Casagrande's" Clyde spoke up amidst the cafeteria chatter.

"I met some of her friends, and we went sightseeing," Lincoln replied. He showed them his complimentary photo. Lincoln had a smug grin on his face as Ronnie Anne looked astonished at her failed attempt at pantsing him. He wore extra belts for this very reason. "It was great seeing her again," Lincoln said with a smile.

"Anything else, buddy," Liam probed. Lincoln began to reminisce over the weekend.

He awoke early that morning as the sun barely rose, leaving the sky with a mix of violet, indigo, and vermillion. Lincoln stood up and stretched, leaving the snoring Bobby in their room. He paced down the hallway. The first rule in living in a huge family: Get to the bathroom first. His ears didn't pick up a squeak. Bathroom privileges here he comes. Lincoln hummed 'My hips don't lie' by Shakira. He entered the bathroom, unaware that Carlotta started her shower as the shower curtains were opened slightly. Her heart dropped upon his entering, yet Lincoln walked past her to get the sink to wash his face. He didn't notice her as he continued to hum. She guessed that being around girls his whole life didn't make him shy or that he didn't know that she was there. She smiled—time for a little fun.

"Good morning Lincoln~" Carlotta purred with half-lidded eyes and smiled at the white-haired Loud, who was washing his face.

"Morning Carlotta," Lincoln replied, still surprisingly unaware of his situation. His face wet and reached for a towel to dry it." I won't deny that my hips don't lie. I'm starting to feel you, boy. Let's go. Real slow. Baby, this perfect-" He paused his tune as her words pierced his semi-prepubescent brain. Lincoln sharply turned around to face her. His face blazed seeing Carlotta's voluptuous figure. Lincoln's eye traced her figure. Her smooth tanned skin glistened by the steaming water. Soap bubbles provided her a level of modesty covering her healthy bosom and thighs. The water straightened her hair along with the rest giving Lincoln an alluring image wished by countless males.

"Perfection?" Carlota finished the verse with a suggestive look covering herself with the curtain. Lincoln is a stuttering, blushing mess. What else can he do at that moment? "You mind giving a girl some privacy, please?"

"SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY," Lincoln shouted, sprinting out the bathroom slamming the door shut. She giggled, resuming her shower. That was one thing to wake up to.

"Bro, you good there" Bobby woke up after hearing Lincoln scream. He saw Lincoln on the floor with widened eyes as his heart pushed in and out of his chest like a Looney Tunes character. "You saw Carlota in the shower and unaware that she was there, didn't you?" Lincoln gave him a frantic nod. That was too much for his young mind to handle right now. Bobby recognized that look experiencing a similar thing when he first started to live with his extended family. "Let's get some juice from Bodega, but I'll have to charge an early morning fee."

Several hours past allowing Lincoln to regain his composure. It was time for lunch. Rosa was in the kitchen, ready to unleash another buffet. "Lincoln, can you get Carlota for me, please."

"Okay," Lincoln got up from the couch and stepped towards her room. His face flared up, remembering his earlier encounter with her. He shook his head. No, it's not the time for that. He knocked on her door.

"It's open," Carlota replied behind the door. Lincoln entered the room

"Hey, Carlota, it's time for lunch…oh my," Lincoln's words were caught in his throat, tightly grabbing his chest. Carlota was exercising as she was in a squat position balancing on her tiptoes. Her shorts hiked up her luscious rear. Lincoln's brain short-circuited a brief moment, realizing he's staring at her for a few seconds now. "It's um uh time for lunch," He squeaked out. She is THICC.

"Thanks, tell them I'll be a minute," Carlota smiled as she got up. Lincoln left to sit at the table with the rest of Casagrande's and Lori. Lori took notice of her brother's crimson face as his blush went down to his neck.

"Lincoln, are you okay" Lori replied, acknowledging his expression,

"Yeah... I'm uh," Lincoln paused for a moment." I'm fine" dude, you are glowing right now. Rosa placed a hand on his forehead.

"Ay, you're burning up" Rosa poured him a glass of ice-cold water. "Here, drink this" His hand instead reached for the pitcher on the table. They watch him in amazement as he drinks its entire contents. Maria and Carlos feared his cells bursting from all that water. Lincoln wiped his chin when he was done.

"Thank you" Lincoln handed Rosa back the pitcher. Carlota took a seat beside him. He couldn't look her in the eyes. Ronnie Anne let out a low grumble and pouted as she wanted to sit next to him.

"Thanks for saving me a seat," Carlota smiled. Lincoln gave her a thumbs-up as they started to eat. They dispersed after lunch giving them time to do personal activities. Carlota was in her room doing the jean shuffle. "Come on, just get up," She grunted as she jumped and struggled to put her jeans on. She paused to catch her breath. Man, this is a workout. Her mother and grandmother usually helped her, but they're out for the moment. Her eyes saw Lincoln reading an Ace Savy comic down the hall. "Hey, Lincoln, can you help me with something please" Lincoln agreed but soon wished he didn't. "Thanks for helping me put these on" Lincoln had a firm grip on the top of the jeans, trying to pull them up. "It's not easy with certain assets, believe me," She replied, yet he didn't respond as he had laser focus on the task at hand. Carlota heard him muttering a few words.

"Focus on pulling up her jeans. That's it. Don't think about how smooth her skin is. I wonder who has the bigger butt? Her or... NO BAD LINCOLN! Will Ronnie develop into something like this. Wait, are you thinking brain?!" Lincoln harshly whispered to himself. Ronnie Anne walked through the door with an irate expression and helped them up the jeans. The young Santiago grabbed Lincoln wrapping an arm around his neck, dragging him out the door while glaring and pointing at her older cousin. Carlota raised her hands in surrender, saying, that's your man.

"You good there, bro" Clyde broke his train of thought. Lincoln returned to the world of consciousness. "You spaced out for a few seconds."

"Um, right time with Ronnie Anne," Lincoln stammered while nervously chuckling. His friends are starting to wonder about his cognitive functions. He took out his lunch for the day—his dad's homemade chocolate pudding with a fruit salad on the side. Sweet blueberries. Lincoln ate a few. It unlocked sections of his memories that strangely blocked. He recalled having a splitting headache, but why as he took a scoop of his pudding. His neurons flared as the memories surged.

Now he remembers. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne finally had some alone time playing video games in her room. She went to the kitchen to grab some snacks when he received a notification on his phone. He opened his phone, seeing it's from Lori. The color faded from his face as his body shuddered. In this world, a young boy isn't supposed to see certain things, leaving them scarred and utterly traumatized for life. A young boy is not supposed to see his older sister exposing her bare breasts with the caption 'Hope this keeps you warm at night, baby.'

Lincoln reacted accordingly by unleashing a high pitched shriek that shook the entire apartment complex. Lalo howled in sympathy and pain at the sound. Ronnie Anne rushed to him, seeing raving on the floor in horror. Such a terrifying image sullied his eyes. His sister is a strong C-cup, maybe even a D. Lincoln's phone rang. She picked it up, hearing Lori's frantic and apologetic voice wondering where Lincoln was. Ronnie Annie held the phone up, allowing her to listen to her brother's laments. Lori pleaded that it wasn't for him and that it was for Bobby.

Lincoln barely heard her apology as he ran out the room straight into a wall leaving his outline on there, and fell on the floor. Ronnie Anne waved her hand over his blank face. Yep, he's knocked out. Ronnie Anne did what Lori told her to do and deleted the recent chat logs. He awoke sometime later with his head on Ronnie Anne's lap with no memory of what occurred.

Until now.

He had his hands clasped together close to his face with a blank look when those memories reappeared. His friends wondered what he was thinking about as he went silent for a few seconds. They got their answer when he spazzed out like a particular fairy obsessed teacher and slamming his head into the table with a heavy thud.

"Um, dude, you, you good?" Zach uttered, confused and worried about what just happened.

"I'm fine," Lincoln calmly stated despite his sore face. "Also, Ronnie says hi, by the way," He rubbed his face a bit and patted Clyde on the shoulder. "I know now how you feel, Clyde

"Oooooookkkkkkaaaayyyy then" They breathed and continued with their lunch as more students entered the cafeteria. Stella arrived wearing a white short-sleeved sweater with a red star in the middle, a red collar and red sleeve edges, a knee-long black skirt, white knee-high socks with a red and blue stripe top, and green sneakers. She had a clear bag of carrot sticks in her hand. The guys gasped aside from Lincoln, seeing Stella approach their table.

"Hey guys, anyone wants to trade for my carrots," Stella offered. Lincoln paused before making a suggestion, witnessing...whatever the hell friends were doing. Rusty was drooling a strange green liquid while Liam was sweating. Zach was nibbling on a straw from his milk carton. Clyde choked on an egg, but Lincoln gave him a solid smack on his back, causing him to spit it out. "Um, nevermind. I'll go ask Girl Jordan." Stella stammered and slowly walked away after seeing that.

"What was that about guys," Lincoln asked, wondering about his friend's strange behavior.

"I don't know, but I think we played it off," Zach remarked as they continued to eat their lunch.

It was time for the dreaded dodgeball in gym class today. "Okay, guys, snake formation," Rusty ordered as they formed behind him. Why were they making snake noises? Probably to get into the role.

"We need to watch out for Girl Jordan," Zach warned, seeing her tapping her foot rapidly in excitement, staring directly at them. Lincoln gulped when her gaze settled on him. "She blindsided the last time."

"Hey guys, you have some defensive maneuver going on here," Stella acknowledged with a smile." Can I get in on this"

"Sure, get in the back of us because you're taller," Lincoln answered as his friends were in stunned silence. She stood behind Lincoln.

"So, what's the plan?" Stella asked as this was her first time in dodgeball.

"Follow Rusty's lead and avoid getting hit by Girl Jordan," Lincoln stated, turning his head towards Stella. "Oh no, guys incoming," He warned as Girl Jordan launched a dodgeball taking out Rusty, Liam, Clyde, and Zach.

"Aw come! The whistle didn't even blow yet," Zach complained as the rest groaned in pain. "Get off me, Rusty."

"Change of plans?" Stella remarked, seeing their downed teammates. Girl Jordan was standing there with a flowery smile. MENACINGLY!

"You're relatively safe," Lincoln replied. "I'm the one in danger" The whistle blew. "If you can excuse me. I'm going to run and scream like a pansy," He said in a deadpan tone before doing just that as Girl Jordan chased him. Lincoln didn't have only Girl Jordan to worry about and the swarm of dodgeballs thrown throughout the gym by the rest of the students and the coach. He didn't have to look behind him to know that she's still on his heels. Lincoln scanned the area to find some way to create some distance. The answer was in front of him. Girl Jordan smiled, seeing that he ran himself into a corner only to be confused when Lincoln increased his speed. He vaulted on the large bin filled with basketballs, then leaping and grabbing onto the top of the open metal doors. Lincoln pulled himself up and balanced on top. What is he doing? He steadied his breathing and jumped to the mats using momentum to bounce off. His hands gripped the basketball rim and swung off. Lincoln rolled off his shoulders when he landed and continued to run.

Oh no, you don't. Girl Jordan signaled Cookie, Jenny, and Mollie. Cookie fired the shot causing Lincoln to jump back. Jenny let out another. Lincoln twisted his body to avoid it, making him pause while Mollie launched one more. He turned his body once more to avoid leaving him on his knees. Girl Jordan caught the ball Mollie tossed. Cookie and Jenny clasped their hands together, giving Girl Jordan a platform to jump off. They used their combined strength to assist her off the ground and into the air.

"Oh, Lincoln" Lincoln turned around, seeing the shadow's size expanded. His pupils narrowed in fear. Girl Jordan had a dodgeball over her head, ready and waiting to dunk it on his head. He was saved by an unexpected dodgeball that landed on her cheek, smacking the taste out of her mouth. He turned to his savior. It was Stella, who was proud of herself. The whistle blew again to end the class. Lincoln went up to her and shook her hand.

"Thank you, thank you," Lincoln replied gratefully. They walked out of the gym

"Was she always like that?" Stella muttered, wondering about her behavior.

"Nah, this is worse...kinda," Lincoln responded before they split off to head to their respective changing rooms. Jenny and Cookie took note of this development.

Lincoln and his group were by the nurse's office when Zach dropped a beaker when again, Stella asked them to join their science class group. Thankfully Lincoln was able to clean it up with help from Lisa safely. He handed her a brown paper bag that contained her lunch.

"Thanks a lot, Zach; you burned my mustache," Rusty grumbled, rubbing his top lip.

"It was like two hairs, dude," Zach responded. They soon discussed what was up with Stella talking with them lately. Liam suggested time-shares. Zach, with his usual government conspiracy ideas.

"Hey, you're missing the big picture," Rusty brought up. What was the big picture? "She likes one of us." This got them sans Lincoln excited and interested.

"Oooooooorrrrrrrrrr maybe she's just trying to be friendly. She's still new here," Lincoln suggested, yet they continued to talk. "They didn't listen to a word I just said" He turned to the reader and Nurse Patti.

"Not even in the slightest," Nurse Patti spoke up. "You might as well get checked up while they talk," She ushered him into her office to treat any injuries he may have. Man, she hated chemistry. You'll never know what you'll get into.

A few hours passed with them at their lockers, trying to freshen up for Stella. Liam was combing his hair. Zach was cleaning his glasses. Rusty was applying breath spray. His lunch had a strong taste to it. Clyde placed spare tissues into his shirt pocket. He learned his lesson due to his previous crush/obsession with Lori. Lincoln was putting books into his locker. He wasn't going to make the same mistake of thinking of a girl like him without sufficient evidence.

"Hey Rusty, pass some of that breath spray," Zach asked after checking his breath. "I can still taste that tuna kit," Rusty rummaged through his pockets.

"I got Sour apple, cherry, strawberry," Rusty replied with several spray bottles in his hands. Zach weighed his options.

"Cherry bomb me," Zach answered as Rusty tossed it to him. Lincoln rolled eyes at his friend's antics and closed his locker. "Guys, here she comes. Play it cool."

"Hey guys," Stella greeted before pausing because Clyde, Liam, Rusty, and Zach stared at her like statues while Lincoln is the only one still having brain functions. "So Lincoln" Their hopes were dashed hearing his name. Come on, Stella, don't chicken out now. "Do you want to head to Burping Burger after school?"

"Sure, I think I'm free," Lincoln replied. He'll have to tell his sisters. Oh, how fun that'll be.

"Great because my mom has us on a health kick, and I've been craving fries lately," Stella remarked. Lincoln sucked his teeth in acknowledgment. He knows how those kicks sucked. "I'll see you at the busses."

"I'll see you there," Lincoln responded as she walked off. He turned to his gawking friends. "What?" He gets pulled in by his friends, who congratulated him on his success. "Guys, we're just getting burgers. Nothing more"

"Yeah, whatever you say, buddy" Clyde chuckled at his friend.

"Come on, man, it's always you," Rusty remarked. "You got to teach us something" He clasped his hands together and pointed them towards Lincoln. "Like how?" It's one of the countless benefits of being the main character.

Another school day ended as the students rushed out to be free from this prison. Lincoln was at his locker, removing and adding books from his bag for tomorrow. was merciful and didn't give them any homework today. He closed his locker. Stella already left to meet him at the bus stop.

"Greetings, male sibling" Lisa appeared with Lucy and the twins.

"Hey Lisa, can you tell Lori that I'm heading Burping Burger with a friend?" Lincoln asked. That got their interest. "I'll be back home around four."

"Who is this 'friend'" Lucy probed with a sly smirk along with the rest of the sisters.

"A friend," Lincoln stated, not wanting another meddling incident. He checked his watch. "I got to go. They're probably waiting for me" He waved his sisters goodbye and exited the building.

"It's a girl, isn't it" Lola spoke up with a smile.

"Definitely," Lana agreed with her twin. "Should we see who it is."

"I say let him handle it himself," Lisa offered. "Plus, Lori is almost here" They sided with Lisa and walked to Vanzilla.

"Where's Lincoln" Lori noticed the lack of a Y chromosome in the van.

"He's accompanying a companion to the establishment Burping Burger" Lisa answered. Lori started the vehicle. "He'll return home around 4 pm standard time."

"It would've been nice if he got us a heads-up," Lori replied.

"Most likely it was planned today," Lisa countered. They drove off with restricted chaos amongst themselves.

"Hey, is that Lincoln," Leni pointed out. She gasped. "He's with a girl!" Now, this got their attention. They turned towards the bus stop's direction except for Lori, who was focused on driving at the moment. He laughed and conversed with a tall tan-skinned girl with black hair that curls up at the back end wearing a white sweater with a red star at the center. "She's pretty," She squealed.

"I think that the new girl he was talking about," Luan acknowledged. Stella nudged Lincoln and pointed towards Vanzilla. She said something to him. Lincoln replied and nodded in agreement. The bus arrived, and they stepped on. The sisters watched it drive away. They were happy for him, yet a tinge of sorrow lingered within them as they recall Leni's earlier statement.

'Linky doesn't trust us anymore.'

"Oh, come on, your sisters can't be that bad," Stella said. They left the bus and entered the Burping Burger.

"Yes. Yes, they are," Lincoln replied in a deadpan tone. "They mean well, but it's too much" They stood in the line. "I'm their only brother, so it's expected."

"They look nice," Stella replied as she looked up at the menu.

"Do you have siblings" Lincoln raised a brow. Stella shook her head. "Exactly" The pair ordered their meals and sat at a table under a window. Stella turned her head, and her eyes brightened.

"A claw machine. I love those," Stella squealed and towards it. She inserted some money into the machine and began playing.

"You're going to be there for a while," Lincoln told her. These accursed machines globbed countless coins from people young and old throughout the years. "This stupid che-"

"I got it," Stella interjected, holding her prize, a brand set of headphones. "On my first try too," She said with a smile. Lincoln looked at the award, then her, then the machine, then back to her and her prize. Lincoln took a deep breath.

"How?" Lincoln gestured towards the machine. "These things are notoriously rigged" She placed her prize down.

"It's simple" Stella behind him and placed her hand on top of his on the joystick. "You have to move your hand like this" She gently guided his hand. Lincoln liked to think that he's cool, calm, and calculated, all thanks to being the 'Man with the plan.' He didn't plan for this. A cute girl close to him who's technically holding his hand. Her hair smells like peaches. No, Lincoln, focus on getting a prize. Lincoln did what he was told and gained an award. "See, that was easy" Her breath tickled his ear.

"Order number 500 and 501," A worker called out. Stella and Lincoln pulled out a receipt.

"Oh, that's us," Stella said. "I'll get it" Lincoln nodded as she went to the counter. He picked up his prize. A white rabbit plushie. Lincoln rolled his eyes. There's something attached on the back. A coupon for a free combo meal. Neat. He went and sat down at their table. Stella came back with two trays in hand. "Oh, that's so cute."

"Like I need another reason people call me Bunny boy," Lincoln lifted the plushie. Stella gazed at him and the toy and raised a finger. "I know" She didn't say a single as she placed the trays down. Stella had an extra-large order of curly fries and ketchup as her dipping sauce with a medium peach iced tea and a double bacon cheeseburger jr. Lincoln also had an order of curly fries and honey mustard with a medium cranberry sprite and a Burping Bomb with extra bacon. Stella devoured her side of fries. She wasn't kidding that she was craving fries. "Stella, how did you learn that technique on the claw machine" She paused to swallow and retrieved a notebook from her backpack

"Oh, it's not a technique but more of an in-depth analysis," Stella replied, opening her notebook. There are numerous sketches of machines, complex calculations, and formulas. She pointed to one of her drawings of a claw machine. "You see here standard claws have a grip strength between…" Stella rumbled on the physics of it. The words and number spun around his head as he barely understood a word she said while holding a blank stare. Was this even English? He thought Lisa was bad. "When you get down to it. It's basic math," She concluded with a smile. Lincoln waived those equations from around his head, and they landed on the floor. He didn't need to smell like a textbook.

"Pardon?" Lincoln raised a finger in utter confusion. If this was basic math, he didn't know what was complicated. "Lisa would love you if you can help her with experiments."

"That's one of your sisters, right?" Stella asked. Lincoln nodded. "Older or younger."

"Younger," Lincoln answered. "She was the one that we called to help up the mess during science class" Stella placed two and two together.

"Wait isn't she like four years old," Stella brought up. How can they let a kindergartener deal with dangerous chemicals? Lincoln took a sip of his drink. Man, that's a crispy sprite.

"She's a total genius," Lincoln responded. "And much smarter than the vast majority of the human population."

"But she's four" Stella pointed a curly fry at him before taking a bite out of it. "What can she do" Lincoln took out his cellphone.

"It's better if I just show you" Lincoln showed her a few photos and videos of Lisa's experiments and inventions. A sentient heap of trash. A bomb shelter. Snow powered tank. A chocolate fountain that was supposed to be a nuclear reactor. Several robots. Along with many, many more. Hopefully, non-lethal in the future.

"How many robots did she make?" Stella appealed. Maybe some are decommissioned and up for dismantling.

"Four if I remember correctly," Lincoln counted his fingers. "Three of them are at my house, and one is at the mall working as a custodian, I think." Stella leaned in closer. "TODD was most surprising" He took a bite out of his burger while Stella lifted a confused brow as she took a sip. "Okay, long story short. She was temporarily placed in my class for a while. We had a robotics project due in class. She made a full functioning robot from random stuff she found in the janitor's closet" He grabbed some fries. "He knew 600 languages and a laser that destroys anything he deems inferior." Lincoln dipped the fries into his sauce. "Which was everyone else's project."

"It was probably powered by either an internal source like a battery" Stella analyzed the photo of TODD. "See, there's no cord connected to him."

"Could be," Lincoln acknowledged. "You think it's the calculator." He zoomed in on the device. "Ton of those go missing, so there's no shortage of batteries."

"I'm going with the monitor," Stella brought up. "It's much stronger to power a laser-like that. The calculator batteries are more likely an auxiliary power source" The pair chatted for some time. They finished and disposed of their meals and waited for the next bus to arrive.

Stella and Lincoln continued to talk when they stepped off the bus. "That's why I'm not allowed to watch tv, use the stove, or even be in the car without proper adult supervision" The two laughed at her tale. "The fire department knows our address by heart."

"I can't talk since I caused a blackout in my house," Lincoln chuckled as they walked to her house.

"Wait how, though," Stella asked when they were at her door.

"I'll tell you later," Lincoln replied. He checked his watch. "I should get going. My sisters are probably wondering where I am."

"You should meet my family since you always talked about yours," Stella offered. "Plus, my mom and grandma want to meet you."

"Are you sure?" Lincoln replied reluctantly. "I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense," Stella brushed as she opened the door. "I'm back, and I brought a friend" They entered into her abode. It was spacious yet comfortable with the furniture neatly arranged. Was this the Feng Shung thing Leni was talking about in a magazine? Lincoln started to take off his shoes. "Oh, we're not that type of family."

"Okay, just checking," Lincoln replied, putting back on his shoes.

"Welcome home, honey, and who's your fri-" greeted but paused, seeing Lincoln.

"Good afternoon " Lincoln greeted cordially with a bowed head. Stella is almost a spitting image of her mother.

"We're not that type of family either," Stella whispered to him with a giggle. "This is Lincoln Loud. The one who helped me get adjusted on my first day at Royal Woods Elementary."

"Thank you for helping my star with her first day at school!" Her mother enthusiastically gripped and shook his hands with a wide grin. "I was so worried about her making friends because everything was new" She smiled directly at him. "I'm glad that she's comfortable now, thanks to you."

"No problem, ma'am," Lincoln slightly blushed. A friend's fairly attractive mother is thanking him. It's bound to happen. "I went through a similar thing when my siblings were starting school."

"A caring older brother, I see," smiled. "I'll put on some tea while your here."

"Thank you, ma'am," Lincoln said. She directed them to the table and sat them down. Stella pulled out what appeared to be a blueprint when she opened it revealing it to be similar to a sports game plan sheet.

"Lincoln, can you help me with this?" Stella questioned. Lincoln scanned the sheet. It was the layout of the gym with several X's and O's placed throughout the page. "I'm trying to figure out a new formation for you guys" Lincoln took out a pencil and drew an arrow.

"The left flank is exposed if someone attacks like this," Lincoln observed. His eyes shifted along with the page. "Having someone in reserve can cover that" He drew another arrow.

"Won't that weaken our attack capabilities?" Stella added. The friends chatted while her mother was making some tea, smiling at their conversation.

"Hey, Stella, who's this friend you were talking abo-" Her grandmother walked into the living room when her eyes settled on Lincoln.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, my name is Lincoln Loud" Lincoln stood up and introduced himself, and shook her hand.

"Dang Stella, you bringing boys home already?" She teased, causing Stella and Lincoln to blush. "A chip off the old block, I see."

"Mother, can you not" entered the home, placing his coat on a rack and his briefcase down. His eyes scanned Lincoln. The glare from the sun through the window shines on his glasses. He paced around Lincoln. "Okay, he looks presentable, but I have a few questions."

"I was oddly prepared for this," Lincoln replied as the Zhau family sat down at the table with a cup of tea in front of them. He took out a folder and pulled a resume' "Before we start, yes, this is my natural hair color," Lincoln pointed at his hair. They began to read the document. His name is Lincoln Leodias Loud, currently eleven years old. The sixth child and first son out of ELEVEN SIBLINGS!

"Damn, emperors would've killed for their wives to have that kind of fertility," Her grandmother whistled. The parents are Lynn Loud Sr., a former IT and now co-chef at Aloha Comrade with dreams of owning a restaurant. Rita Loud is a dentist assistant while aspiring to be a novelist. They went down the list of siblings from oldest to youngest.

Lori who's on the varsity golf team with high chances of getting into Fairway University. Leni works at Reininger's and is a skilled fashion designer. Luna is an up and coming rockstar. Luan is in the performing arts, preferably acting and comedy, with her own business. Lynn the all-star athlete with several trophies, even one for the recent state math bowl.

Lincoln is the jack of all trades but finds his calling in art as he won a comic competition. Lucy is the goth interested in the occult with love for poetry. Lola was the beauty with several pageants wins under her belt. At the same time, Lana is the beast who loves animals and a handyman. Lisa is a goddamn genius.

"Wait, that Lisa M. Loud," Mr. Zhau asked. She's renowned in the science community.

"The one and only," Lincoln clarified. They ended the list with Lily, the baby.

"Who's the hunk of meat right there" The Zhau pointed at Albert.

"That's my grandpa," Lincoln answered. "Former Rear Admiral Albert"

"And that's your grandmother right," Mrs. Zhau asked, pointing to Myrtle.

"No, that's his girlfriend," Lincoln answered. "My grandmother died years ago," He replied with a soft voice. Stella gasped with a covered mouth while her grandmother and father whispered a silent prayer. Her mother's eyes widened in shock and shame.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. I don't know" She stammered a frantic apology. Lincoln raised his hand to stop her.

"It's fine, ma'am," Lincoln said. "She died years before any of my siblings were born" He paused for a few seconds. "My mom, Pop-pop, and Aunt Ruth don't talk about it, so we barely know anything about her."

"What do you know about her if you don't mind me asking," Mr. Zhau carefully probed.

"It was a couple of years ago before Lisa was born when we visited my aunt Ruth in March, I believe," Lincoln began. "I recall hearing them talk about someone named Applewhite" The adults' eyes widened in recognition of the name. "Pop-pop called him a spineless sniveling punk who couldn't accept himself. He spun a story making himself more special than he is while dragging people down the grave with him" Stella's heart sank at the tale. Why would anyone do that? "He was involved in some weird group who believed at comet was a spaceship."

"What was the name of the group" Mrs. Zhau. Lincoln scratched his brain. What was the name?

"I think it was called Divine gate, Holy gate something?" Lincoln answered to the best of his abilities.

"You mean Heaven's gate," Mrs. Zhau responded.

"I think that's it," Lincoln remarked. The adults whispered to themselves. "I want to miss my grandmother, but I can't," He remorsefully replied as he took a sip of his jasmine tea. Lincoln and his siblings know little to nothing about her besides a few basic details. "My first 'grandmother' experience I had. Lori and I were visiting her boyfriend's and Ronnie's extended family in Great Lake City months ago. Myrtle was settling into the family," Lincoln revealed with a solemn expression. "I don't know how to feel about it, you know. When you finally experience something standard. It feels weird" The home went silent with softened eyes after Lincoln's story. Then Stella unleashed a boisterous burp that echoed throughout the house.

"Way to ruin the moment, Stella," Elder Zhau bugged her granddaughter. She sniffed the air. "Man, what did you eat?!"

"We went to Burping Burger," Stella answered sheepishly. Her mother raised a brow.

"She had a veggie burger, ma'am," Lincoln added. He gave her a side glance telling her to play along and let him handle it. "I had the bacon cheeseburger," He told Mrs. Zhau about the current health conditions by the US department of health. Restaurants are now required to list the number of calories is in each meal and different sections if you're vegan or allergic to certain ingredients. Along with stricter and more frequent health inspections while using more local products. Lincoln grabbed the rabbit plushie and removed the free meal coupon. He slid it to her to help convince her. Mrs. Zhau stared at it. Maybe it won't be a bad idea to see for herself. Lincoln's phone vibrated. It was ten past four.

"I need to get going," Lincoln replied. He slowly drank the rest of his tea. "Thank you for having me." Lincoln stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow Stella."

"One final question before you go," Mr. Zhau ordered. Lincoln paused. "Do you like Mudkips?" He asked seriously. The women in the Zhau family facepalmed at his question.

"Did Mega Rayquaza utterly destroy the metagame?" Lincoln replied in a blank tone.

"I like him already," Mr. Zhau responded. Lincoln thanked them and turned to the door but stood in place. Lincoln cupped his ear. What was he doing? He went to a window and opened it. They can hear a faint buzzing then something landed in their living room. The Zhau's stepped away from it. It was a small yet smooth metallic orb with a single eye in the middle with a propeller on top of it. It hovered for a bit when the gaze flickered. A holographic image of Lisa appeared with a nervous smile on her face.

"Greetings, my wonderful older male sibling," Lisa spoke. Lincoln wasn't buying this act. He knows that she did something.

"Lisa, what did you do" Lincoln probed with narrowed eyes. Her shifting eyes didn't help in the slightest. "What did you do?"

"I made an oops," Lisa answered.

"Lisa," Lincoln placed his hands on the semi-solid projection's shoulders before lifting it and shaking it with expanded eyes. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOU MADE AN OOPS?!"

"Tentacle got loose and got into my stash of plutonium," Lisa replied after regaining her composure. He can see Luan being dragged on the ground with her leg wrapped by one of Tentacles' tentacles in the background.

"NO! I've seen too much hentai to where this is going," Luan shouted as she held onto the door frame for dear life.

"Yeeeeeeeeeahhhhhh you better get home," Lisa remarked.

"I'll be home in ten minutes," Lincoln sighed. His family is going to have calamari for the next few days. "What do we do about this?" He pointed to the orb.

"Whatever you want," Lisa replied. "Dispose of it. Dismantle it. It's none of my concern since I only needed it for this quick task" The machine shut down and sparked as it completed its sole purpose. Thankfully it didn't start a fire because Mr. Zhau had the fire extinguisher ready.

"Do you need a ride home?" Mrs. Zhau asked

"No, ma'am, besides, I don't you guys to get caught in whatever my sister was doing," Lincoln replied.

"Be safe on your way home, Lincoln" Mrs. Zhau knelt and hugged him. She was wearing comfortable heels today, increasing her height allowing Lincoln to get a face full of titty. He can smell her perfume too. He hopes the guys don't find out about this. The ground rumbled slightly, causing the Zhau's to be concerned.

In contrast, Lincoln was calm and thankful for the interruption because his mind wasn't going to wholesome places. He got a message from Lisa: I'm still alive! Lincoln exited the house.

"Hey, where's that drone things" acknowledged while looking around. Stella had it in her hands with a starry look in her eyes with her bag nearby. "Stella, put that down." She reached into her bag and pulled out a Phillips head screwdriver. "Nooooooooo" Their daughter slowly crept to the side before running away. "Bring it back!" Her parents chased after her.

"Just for five minutes, please!" Stella yelled, holding the drone close to her body.

"So yeah, he rejected me," Margo spoked to Polly while changing into their soccer uniform.

"I know how you feel," Polly replied. "Like last week, I planned a simple 5km rollerblading" She raised her hand in annoyance. "And he ran away. Come on, dude, it's not that much besides he needed the cardio."

"I'm going, to be honest with you girls. I'm not surprised," Lynn blankly replied, putting on her shirt.

"What?!" Margo yelled at her friend's brazen words.

"Rude, aggressive, pushy, and arrogant," Lynn listed off. "Come on, where are you going to find the type of dude that's used to it, enjoys that type of girl, and will do it of his free will?" Polly and Margo glared at her, but they both had someone in mind. Polly got Lynn in a Nelson while Margo went into Lynn's sports bag and grabbed her phone. "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING PHONE, MARGO!" Lynn ferally roared as she struggled to get loose. Margo was happily scrolling through her contacts.

"Here it is, my Stinklin" Margo maliciously smiled as she pulled out her phone and copied her brother's phone number. "248-678-2066"

"Send that to me after practice" Polly smirked while Margo gave her thumbs up. She released Lynn. Lynn snatched her phone back and placed it back in her bag.

"Break his heart, and I'll break your neck," Lynn threatened while the other two got some soccer balls. They left the locker room. "We got a game against the Beverton Bees coming up in the next two weeks, so we need as much practice as possible."

"Those chumps won't know what'll hit them," Polly pounded her fist into her open palm.

"Love the attitude, but we need to show that we're more than just talk," Lynn pointed out as Margo tossed a soccer ball at her. The trio did some drills as the rest of their team came on the field. However, they weren't the only ones watching them practice.

"Damn you, Lynn Loud," Bumper Yates Jr. growled under his foul breath as he tightly gripped on the wire fence. How dare that bitch live carelessly knowing that she besmirched the honor of the firstborn son of the Great Yates.

"Damn you, Lynn Loud" The same phrase was uttered again. Bumper Jr. looked to his side. A heavyset fair-skinned male with orange hair wearing a two-tone green striped shirt, blue jeans, a grey crown, or was it a cap was scowling at Lynn with similar intensity. The two shared a look and felt a sense of camaraderie.

"Revenge" Bumper asked with a smirk filled with malice. The other smiled back and offered his hand

"Revenge!" They agreed with a firm handshake.

Fun fact: Blueberries can help improve memories. Same with chocolate, preferably dark chocolate.

Oh man, it's about time that I got to this part of the story. Prepare for some changes and some beatdowns with a side of salt from Lincoln's friends in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading the story. Favorite and follow if you enjoyed the story. Leave a review for any questions, concerns, or queries.

Thank you, and happy holidays and news Year.