
10. Perfectly Well-rounded

Yes, it's true. Your eyes haven't deceived you. It's the next chapter of QTQ. Sorry for the hiatus, but school and other priorities kept me busy for the last few months. Better late than never. Just in time for season 5 too. I'll be doing a few QOTDs.

QOTD: This probably should've been the first one but whatever. What has been your favorite moment/scene so far? I like the scenes where I can be descriptive. Also, Girl Jordan going swiggity swogitty she's coming for Lincoln's booty

QOTD: What aspect of the story do you enjoy the most? Is it the characterization? The plot? Writing style? I love that I can do multiple stories based on this one story. For, e.g., Lincoln becoming much colder. Cristina striving for Lincoln's forgiveness.

QOTD: What do you think about the B-plot with traveler watching Lincoln and Royal Woods? It'll be a major one, but we got a long way to before it becomes truly relevant. I have to deal with the Yates story arc.

Now onto the reviews.

Jacob5395: Hey, they got the numbers for it. Each girl has their charm and potential.

Sheepsquatch: I'm glad that you think so too. Yes, they will. I already have something planned for Shy QT, but that's far later into the story. I'm trying to avoid the trope of the Loud sisters being remorseless monsters. A little jealous? We'll see more of Jenny since she's in Lincoln's class again in season 5. I'm more on the lines of step-sisters.

SoulKiller13: The use of the multidimensional watch was something I had planned from the start. The way I planned to use it changed. Alternate Dimension. Alternate Universe. Alternate Timeline. All of them can work.

RawToonage press: Haiku can be a calming influence in the chaotic realm known as the Loud house. All Lincoln wants most days is some peace and quiet. So there's a fair amount of potential for those two. QOTD is an excellent way for some Author-Viewer interaction because you can come up with awesome ideas. Karate QT is the only QT, at least to my knowledge, with multiple voice appearances and not being a simple background character. We have an actual personality on her.

Timbuk1: You have no idea the lengths people with go for their ships plus it's a cartoon. Wilder stuff has happened.

Guest: I think I found my style while writing this. Plus, I wanted to shift the tone of QTQ. If Lisa can make a time machine. No seriously. Time travel is canon in Loud House. She can make a multidimensional watch. Season 5 is here that can leave more windows of opportunities. Each QT will have their dates and/or moments, but some are easier than others. Ronniecoln & Stellacoln are the most plausible at the moment. Ronnie and Lincoln technically dated and are best friends. However, Stella and Lincoln have an overall healthier and more stable relationship. Either one Lincoln picks is a major progressive win for Interracial couples. Polly Pain & Haiku have the most potential in my opinion. Plus, I saw some fan art of Polly being a great stepmom for Lincoln's son. Paigecoln, Cristinacoln & Reneecoln are possible but not likely. Iconic that Cristinacoln is more prevalent, at least on the Loud Booru some of SHDs or QTs. I like to ship Margo and Lincoln for older girls.

Random Drifter: I completely forgot about double inlaw marriages. Twins can marry twins.

Tristen: Thanks, man.

Mr. Haziq: I think it's due to all that pressure when you land. A man of culture I see.

NiteOwl18: All in due time

Cabgrant: Don't worry, I already have something planned for that. I think it's because people are still stuck on the season 1 characterization of the sisters. Cristina had only 1 real moment, and that back in early-mid season 1. Plus, due to the lack of characterization we have on her. Writers can do whatever they want with her.

Rick Anderson: Slow down. We're not there yet. Maybe I'll do another story with that premise.

GhostRider00: I hope it was worth the wait.

The boys chatted, ate, and played throughout the night to the wee hours of the morning. Harold walked into the living to prepare breakfast. Digital explosions catch his attention.

"Good morning, kids" Harold yawned and stretched upon seeing the group. "You're up early" They looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Early?" They questioned and glanced at a window. Oh damn, is that the sun? Howard came out not too long after his husband and humming as he abruptly opened a pair of curtains. Beams of light from that accursed primordial sphere of vermillion hydrogen. The boys hissed in pain as their retinas howled in pain. Early morning melodies of avians mocked their pain as they praised the day.

"So, um, who wants breakfast?" The lanky redhead asked, observing the children rive in pain raised their hands in favor of food. The loving couple prepared their offerings to the half-blind semi-living dead who dragged their feet to the dinner table. Seriously sunlight directly in your eyes after a long night of gaming is a harrowing experience. Give them a few seconds to reboot.

"Thanks, Dad," Clyde said sluggishly along with the rest of his friends. The couple's adopted child rubbed eyes to remove the crust as they made idle conversation. Harold & Howard placed a plate with crispy bacon, over easy eggs with a dash of black pepper on top and slices of toast along. They set a medium-sized bowl of apples, oranges, and bananas, a tub of 'I can't believe it's not butter' and strawberry jelly in front of each of them.

"So Lincoln, I couldn't help but to overhear that you had a wonderful evening with a girl yesterday," Howard said, spreading some jelly on his toast. "I hope Clyde gets his chance soon" Lincoln swallowed his food.

"Probably when he stops obsessing over my sister, then yes," Lincoln replied, munching a piece of bacon.

"Hey, I'm not obsessed over Lori," Clyde defended himself. Everyone at the table blankly stared at him. "I'm not" His dads sipped their coffee and tea. His view settled on Lincoln. "You know better than most people. Am I obsessed with Lori?" Lincoln rested his head on his fist. Do you really want him to answer that? Clyde folded his arms in annoyance. "Ok, maybe a little bit, but I've been getting better" They rolled their eyes at his answer.

"Well, sweetie, are there any girls at your school that caught your eye," Harold questioned. Clyde thought about it for a few seconds.

"I think Haiku and Penelope are kinda cute," Clyde lightly blushed.


"Oh, shots I thought I turned it off" Howard picked up his buzzing salmon Nokia. He shut it off and continued to eat. Rusty, Liam, and Zach's parents arrived to pick up their kids. Lincoln assisted in cleaning up as thanks for having him over before taking his leave. They wished him a safe walk home before saying his farewell to the McBride family.

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here. An adorable little snow bunny out here all alone. You just woke not too long ago, given by your disheveled hair. You spent the night at your best friends Clyde's house by the looks of your attire Lincoln. Of course, you wore your favorite color, orange. Hmmm. I wonder what's the significance behind it. Simply preference? Or perhaps something … deeper? Is it your lucky color? No, you hate the word 'luck' after the whole thing with the squirrel suit." The figure thought about it for a bit before shrugging. "Another time that seems like a personal matter." She watched him walk down the sidewalk. "Slides for comfort. Ideal for quick trips. Oh my," She smiled, slightly baring her teeth. "Grey sweatpants, Lincoln? You naughty boy. I like that. Hmmm, I wonder," She felt a tug on her hand.

"Ajax, no," Lincoln turned his head in the direction of the noise. Girl Jordan was attempting to keep pace with her dog. What is that breed? An Australian Shepard? He recalled Lana talking about them. Man, there are so many domestic dog breeds. Another question. Why is it called an Australian Shepard when it didn't originate from Australia? "Slow boy, slow down, sit please," Ajax obeyed his master, wagging his tail in delight. "Morning Lincoln"

"Morning, Girl Jordan," Lincoln smiled at her. She too woke up not too long ago wearing a pink top and shorts with yellow flower patterns. Her waist-length light brown hair is free, with a few strands sticking out. "Taking him for a walk," He asked, walking beside her.

"Yep, he's been really active lately," Girl Jordan replied, keeping a firm grip on Ajax's leash. "Soooooo you and Jenny, huh" She slyly grinned. He blushed while whistling innocently.

"Oh look, there's my house," Lincoln pointed to his home. Jordan rolled her eyes at his action. "I'll see you tomorrow" He knelt down to Ajax. The canine gave his knuckles a quick sniff before licking, showing that Lincoln is a trustworthy individual.

"Wow, I've never seen him that friendly so quickly," Girl Jordan whispered, impressed seeing the pair interact.

"He's like Charles," Lincoln replied, giving Ajax a belly rub.

"Oh, we can do a puppy playdate sometime," Girl Jordan exclaimed. It won't be a bad idea, plus it'll get Charles and Lincoln out of the house so Lynn and his mom can off his case about not being active.

"Maybe I'll get a chance for you to pet me~."

"Huh?" Lincoln stopped the belly rub looking at Girl Jordan's face realizing what she said out loud. Ajax looked at his owner, wondering if he heard right, and the white-haired boy stopped rubbing his belly.

"Maybe I'll get a chance to pet him." Girl Jordan offered a shaky grin. "Your dog, Charles." A leaf fluttered in the air amongst the silence. Sweat dripped from her neck, keeping the façade. "Please, believe it. Please, believe it. Please, believe it."

"Ok, sure," Lincoln stated, standing back up. He waved Girl Jordan goodbye before crossing the street. She released her breath when he entered the door. Ajax stared at Jordan with his head tilt. She stared back.

"Don't you judge me," Girl Jordan grumbled at her dog. She continued her walk with Ajax maintaining his innocence.

Lincoln scanned the vacant house. It's quiet. The living room is clear. Nobody's in the dining room. The kitchen is empty. He didn't hear his father starting breakfast. Alright, the coast is clear. Ok, this means everyone is still sleeping or doing early morning errands. "I need to get up the stairs so I can avoid the meddling. At least for a bit," He took his sweet time marching up the stairs. Oh crap, where was the squeaking step again?


"Dang it."

"Guys, he's home," Lori swooned, followed by glee shrieks. Lincoln sprinted up the stairs sliding under Lynn's tackle and reached for his door. Leni used one of her scarves as a lasso to wrap it around his ankle and gave it a sharp tug. The force from the fashionista jerked her brother on to the floor. He attempted to crawl to his door handle. His sisters formed a line behind Leni to reel in their catch.

"No. No. No. No. No" Lincoln whispered, being slowly dragged into his eldest sister's room with his door mocking his failure as Luna closed the room door behind her with a smile. They all gathered around Lincoln with Leni tightly embracing him in her lap.

"Soooooooo how was your date with Jenny?" Lola leaned in with giddy eyes along with the rest of her sisters.

"Is this really necessary" Lincoln groaned as Leni cuddled him. "I know Lori and Lisa already told you."

"We did, but it's always excellent to hear a second perspective," Lisa grinned with her eldest sibling. They want the tea. She pulled out a pen and a clipboard. "So my dear older male sibling, what was your opinion on your 'date' with Jenny?"

"Was it good enough for a second date?" Luna beamed. Lincoln blushed lightly, avoiding the rocker's eyes.

"I wouldn't … mind it," Lincoln whispered loud enough for his sisters to hear. They all gasped in excitement with his answer. A possible second date?! With a cute girl? Yes, please. The Loud sisters shrieked in delight with yelling at them to keep quiet early this morning while giving their brother a warm hug. The topic of their conversation was in her bed, sleeping soundly, cuddling with her polar bear plushie.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson and the start of lunch. The students packed up as Miss Johnson reminded everyone of a homework assignment due at a later date. Lincoln and Jenny walked side by side. Their group shared a grin as Mollie hummed 'Here comes the bride.'

"Mollie," Lincoln grumbled with an irate blush, and Jenny looked to the side.

"What" She shrugged nonchalantly. The edges of her lips curled upwards. "I can't hum a tune or something?" Lincoln narrowed his eyes at her. "Soooooooo, how was everyone's weekend?" Mollie's gaze focused on the blushing pair walking past a girl who got blasted by the water fountain. "Anything special happened?" She said mischievously.

"Mine was pretty good," Lincoln responded, focusing on the ceiling. Yep, that's a good ceiling.

"What about you, Jenny?" Mollie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Same here," Jenny replied softly. A piece of paper flew into the air behind them, landing flat on Lincoln's face.

"No, that's my essay," A voice called. The group turned towards the sound. Their faces marked with confusion.

"I believe this is yours," Lincoln stated with his view obstructed, pointing to his face. He removed the assignment from his face. His eyes widened at the sight of the slightly wet owner.

"Thank...you" The girl paused as the pair got an exact look at each other's face. "Luke?!"

"Ronnie?!" Lincoln exclaimed. The group looked at the girl then back to Lincoln. Then back to the girl then back to Lincoln. She had a frighteningly uncanny resemblance to the Latina. Identical face structure. Body type. Height. Voice. Bucked teeth. The doppelganger had lighter hair and skin tone and lacked the freckles. They raised their pointer finger at one another. "Best friend moved away."

"Uh-huh," 'Whitey' Anne answered, wiping the water from her face. "Older siblings were dating"

"Yep," Lincoln replied. "Everyone thought you two were dating too, but it was never officially confirmed."

"Mhm," She nodded as awkward silence permeated the air. "I should...go," Lincoln handed back her essay. They both backed away slowly before turning away.

"That was freaking weird." Mollie acknowledged. They were all thinking about it.

"It was one of those palette swaps when two people picked the same character," Cookie added on.

"It wasn't as weird as what happened last week," Clyde spoke, pushing the cafeteria doors open.

"Long story short. I thought I was the adopted," Lincoln chimed, sitting down at a table. He explained that he found his earliest photos were missing, and his parents having conflicting answers to his questions. The two boys found a family with similar hair to Lincoln and daughter resembling one of his sisters. "Thankfully, my parents cleared it up. I'm officially a Loud" Damn, some of them lost the 'Is Lincoln adopted bet.'

"Why didn't your parents tell you the truth from the start?" Liam questioned. Was the matter of their only son's birth such an issue that they had to lie about?

"It's classified," Lincoln and Clyde stated. What do they mean by 'classified'?

"Spill the beans," Mollie ordered. "It can't be some top-tier government secret that goes all the way to the president, is it?" Lincoln and Clyde sipped their juice boxes, avoiding her question.

"If people in black suits burst through your doors. Don't blame me," Lincoln shrugged. Wait. What? Was it actually …. Nah, it was just a joke. An audio device was listening in on their conservation from the outside bushes. A pinging noise caught their attention but swiftly came out of view. They shrugged it off. It was probably nothing.

"Excuse me, who might you two gentlemen be?" Principal Higgins ordered seeing these suspicious-looking characters. The older one pulled out what appeared to be a pen. They put on thick shades before a blinding flash emerged, stunning Higgins a brief second. He rubbed his eyes. "Oh, you must be Superintendent Chen's Men. You're quite early. I hope everything is up to standard."

"It is. I hope it'll improve by the time Ms. Chen visits," Kay stoically answered. He gestured towards the younger African American. "Come on, Jay. We have to make our report" Why did they send them to watch civilians of all things. Their job is extraterrestrials. Monitoring civilians is the FBI's job. Although that Lisa girl begs the question. Higgins let out a breath watching them leave. Man, that was close. Now he has to find Norm about a leaking water fountain.

"You sure you're not an alien, dude," Zach skeptically asked. The government secret. Hidden origins. The white hair. Something smells fishy, and it ain't the tuna kit.

"I'm sure," Lincoln stated. "Lisa did the tests to prove it" He still had the scar from when she removed his appendix. He's concerned about when did she do that?!

"So what happened with the girl after all that?" Girl Jordan brought up.

"Oh, I invited her over to meet my sisters so she can see why I thought I was adopted" They all lean in upon hearing that answer. "My sisters' reaction to Lyra was odd."

"Loud, this is your family we're talking about being odd is an understatement," Cookie commented.

"Weeelllllllll" Lincoln rubbed the back of the head, remembering that event

Lincoln entered the front door with his female companion right beside him. "Hey, guys, I want you to meet someone…." He paused his introduction seeing the bewildered expressions of Lori, Luna, Luan & Lynn. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Lori cupped her ear.

"Mhmm, someone better pick up the phone because I CALLED IT!" Lori bragged, doing the Loud family booty dance of victory. Lincoln and Lyra looked at each other. What is going on? Called what? " Told yall, I caused his complex."

"My, huh?"

"Bro, for once you disappoint me," Luna protested with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, we didn't know you had shitty taste," Lynn barked as Lori continued to dance.

"Awww, what's wrong, Miss Chicken Dinner" Lori disgustingly smirked. "Can't handle not being the first draft pick. I present you with this L" She made an L symbol with her thumb and index firmly placing it on the athlete's forehead.

"Hey, it doesn't count since she's just a friend," Luan countered.

"Excuses. Excuses. Pay up. Mama needs a new dress," Lori waved off her comment. The two watched them argue.

"Is this normal?" Lyra whispered, observing the scene.

"Not really. You would think you would've seen anything by now," Lincoln replied, trying to make sense of what's occurring. "But life always has a way to surprise you."

"You want to go get a burger," Lyra offered with a smile showing her braces. Lincoln nodded in agreement, leaving whatever...this is behind.

"FUCK YOU, I'M LITERALLY HIS TYPE!" Maybe it was a good idea that she didn't mention that she's in her school band and can eat a portion of her body weight in spicy meatball subs.

"So that's what happened," Lincoln finished. "I don't know why they mentioned a sister complex" He sipped his juice. "Yeah, she kinda looks like Lori, but I don't see the big deal about it."

"You have a picture of her," Rusty asked. They got to see how she looks.

"Got one right here," Lincoln brought up his phone, swiping through his gallery. "Clyde, I know you got a picture of Lori in your phone."

"What makes you think that I have an entire album dedicated to her and which one" Clyde gasped at the truthful accusation.

"The one with her and Carol," Lincoln remarked. He waited for him to find the photo. "You got it," Mcbride nodded. They turned their phones to them.

"What the…" Cookie whispered.

"See, they look similar, but you can see that they're completely different people," Lincoln weighed in. Glances were exchanged amongst them. How the hell is he so oblivious? It's like God got bored and copied and pasted the same face on different bodies.

"Dude, they have the same face," Zach mentioned. Lincoln glimpsed at the photos trying to figure out what does he mean by that.

"If you look at it from a weird angle, then yeah, they do," Lincoln replied. He looked at them again. "But I still don't see it," He shrugged. The table facepalmed at his ignorance. Cookie raised her finger in protest to combat his claim. Jenny placed her hand down while Girl Jordan whispered no to her. Just let him live in his delusion.

The Louds were enjoying family time outside on this lovely afternoon. Several twinkles of light drew their attention to a dandelion sedan. An uncomfortably perfect-looking family drove past carrying a moving trunk.

"Louds, you saw the pearly whites on them," Mr. Grouse shouted, rubbing his stinging eyes. You know they went to all of their dental appointments.

"So they're the ones who bought the Crowley's old house," Rita stood up, dusting off her hands. That house wasn't cheap either. "Let's welcome them to the neighborhood" The matriarch looked down at her attire. "We should probably clean ourselves up first."

"Already on it," Lynn Sr. answered, grabbing his leaf blower to remove the weeds off his wife. "There you go," They stepped inside and came out a few minutes later with Lynn Sr. carrying a tray of Lynn-Sagna to welcome their new neighbors.

The Yates were incredible. That's the only way to describe them. The parents and all four of their children were extraordinary. Beatrix, the code-cracking debater. Belle the freaking UN applicant and a skilled musician. Bumper, the marvelous mathematician having an entire room dedicated to his achievements. Finally, Beau, a multilingual artist. It was to keep them well-rounded to reach their full potential; otherwise, they're failing their children, said Bumper Sr.

The Loud parents laid awake later that night, staring a hole into their bedroom ceiling. A ticking clock occupied the silent room. Failing their children?

"They were ...nice," Rita said uneasily, laying in bed with her husband recalling their encounter.

Each of their kids was uniquely and wonderfully made with their own skills and talents. The Yate kids already had qualifications that most adults can only dream of. This world is hyper-competitive, with colleges and businesses accepting the best of the best and with such limited space. Have they been neglecting their growth in some way?

"WE'RE FAILING OUR KIDS!" They both shouted, grabbing their phones and laptops to search for programs to make their children well rounded.

The parents gathered their kids into Vanzilla and drove through town, detailing the wonders of being well rounded. Lynn was up first. Being an all-star athlete is an inspiring position, although many colleges require a minimum GPA. Hers is less than stellar. Plus, one too many injuries can permanently prevent her from going pro. Lisa was perplexed at her destination. A ceramic studio? Her genetic donor explained that she needed to embrace the arts while the brainiac's statements of creating a cure for the H1N1 virus. Lucy interacting with other living people via basketball. Luan learning about law and severe topics at the mayor's office. How the hell did they get an internship so quickly? Plus, political humor is all the rage nowadays given a certain president. The twins arrived at opposing facilities. Lana improving her social etiquette at a finishing school. These are still a thing? Lola about learning social issues while humbling herself working at a soup kitchen. Lori, Leni, and Luna were dropped at the local community college to improve their SAT scores and grammar.

"This is totally bogus, bruh," Luna exclaimed, walking down a corridor. The Loud sisters found their assigned room and sat down. "Some fancy new family shows up, and now the rents want to keep up the Joneses."

"I thought they were the Yates," Leni replied in confusion. Her sisters are lucky that she's cute and lovely. Their schoolmates entered the room with irked expressions. They didn't want to be here either. "Becky, Mandee, Jackie, what are you girls doing here," The bubbly fashionista asked.

"Uugh," Becky groaned. "Our parents wanted us to be more well rounded"" She drew a circle to emphasize her point."Ever since the Yates enrolled at school yesterday."

"Yours, too," Lori looked up from her phone. They all confirmed with a nod.

"Yeah, they shattered the curve," Jackie brought up as others groaned. Some of their classes are already hard enough. Now this family who seemingly appeared from out of nowhere increased them to SNK levels with a bit of Dark Souls for some razzle-dazzle. Just who are the Yates?

"Tbh, their smiles kinda freaks me," Mandee acknowledged. They shivered at the Yates's constant closed eye grin. It's unnerving. Something tells them they're one step away from shattering under pressure. "I heard that our teacher is a total babe" The door handle shook, revealing their instructor as he entered the room.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Hugh, and I'll be your teacher," Hugh greeted with his classic British charm.

"Bah. Bah. Bah. Bah," The female and some male occupants muttered. Oh, dear. Hugh thought to him. Hopefully, this goes better than the last time.

Lincoln's heart raced, seeing each of his sisters being dropped off. What was his destination? Military school? A police boot camp? A pile of comics landed in his lap. Yes, comics. He knew he was the favorite. He looked down at the comics only for his mood to go sour. The Senator Squad? Oh, great, it's one of those educational comics.

"Look like you're the favorite," Lincoln whispered to Lily, who was sleeping soundly in her seat. He sighed, opening on the comic. At least Lincoln gets to keep doing one of his favorite activities. Vanzilla stopped. Lincoln glanced at the window. The Atlas Gym? "Um, why are we here."

"You see, honey," Rita spoke. Lincoln did not like where this was going. "You're a growing boy. We support your artistic capabilities, but we were about the long term effects of your sedentary lifestyle."

"Am I doing football again?" Lincoln questioned. His mother shook her head. Oh, thank God. His father tossed him an orange gym bag. They walked inside with him. It was decently sized with standard gym equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, a track, treadmills, machines dedicated to training specific parts of the body. He walked by a clear door glancing at a group doing yoga. "So what am I doing" He took note of an obstacle course that extended into the upper levels.

"You'll be doing parkour," Lynn Sr answered. His eyes lit up. Parkour?! Finally, his dreams of being an assassin can become real. Ok, at least moving like one.

"Excuse me, are you Lincoln Loud" A feminine voice spoke. He turned around, and his eyes scanned this crimson tracksuit cladded amazon. Even his father had to slightly tilt his head up.

"Yes, that's me," Lincoln replied in slight fear.

"I'm Adora" She introduced herself with a smile and handshake, leaning slightly forward. Lincoln noticed the strength of her grip. Adora was no amateur. The boy glanced at her face turning as his face turned slightly red. She was gorgeous. Easily in her early twenties, but won't be surprised if she was far older. Golden hair wrapped in a high ponytail highlighting her smooth yet sturdy facial structures—sparkling sapphire eyes. Lincoln almost ignored the slight scar on her cheek. He would've thought that she was a model if he saw her walking down the street. "Get changed so we can get started" Lincoln went into the changing room and came out with an orange t-shirt, his gym shorts, and a pair of tennis shoes. His parents finished talking with Adora.

"We'll pick you up in over an hour, ok, sweetie," Rita replied with a pamphlet in hand before walking out with her husband. Lincoln turned to his instructor.

"With that being said, let's get started," Adora announced.


Lincoln watched Adora's form grow towering over him menacingly with sweat forming on his blank frightened expression. She flexed, tearing her tracksuit to shreds with a minimal effort with only an obsidian sports crop top and skintight leggings revealing her form. Two. Four. Six. Eight. Wait eight?! She has an eight pack heavily armed with thighs and arms that can crush a man skull as if it was a grape. Lincoln glanced at her arm tattoos and took a nervous gulp. Those were UFC markings. Lynn would've loved this place and her. He continued to study her sculpted form as his fear amplified, staring at her healthy bust and thighs a second longer than he would've liked. An air of femininity remained, but a storm of ferocity rivaling an ancient Greek warrior reign supreme. Lincoln was standing before a lioness. An apex predator. And he is her prey.

"Sooooooooo are you ready to begin?" Adora said with a grin folding her arms. Lincoln blankly stared at the crimson remains on the ground before bolting out the door. "They always run," She spoke, rolling her eyes, getting into a running position ignoring her coworkers about shredding her tracksuit again. "I'll give him a head start."

The Loud parents were buckling up, ready to drive off before being startled by their son slamming his face into one of the windows.

"Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!" Lincoln frantically pleading, pulling on the door handle. Adora appeared behind him a split second later. Oh no. Lynn Sr. locked the doors upon seeing her. The blonde grabbed the young boy and placed him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes walking through the doors. "No, please, I want to live! I want to live!" Lincoln yelled, desperately holding on to the edges as he's being pulled inside.

"That went a lot better than I expected," Lynn Sr. replied, setting the van into drive. Rita nodded in agreement.

"It'll be tough, but this is a great start for them to be well-rounded adults," Rita responded. "Let's get ice cream" They fist-bumped on that idea. They later picked up their children, who were glad to be at the end of the day. Leni had to carry Lincoln to bed because he didn't know that muscles can hurt this much. Thankfully Lynn took extra care of him by giving him a massage to ease the pain. This is going to be a rough couple of weeks.

"Can someone tell me how laws are made?" Mrs. Johnson asked. A hand was raised. "Yes, Lincoln?"

"For a law to be made. It has to be a bill presented by a representative or senator in Congress. A meeting is held to discuss what changes should be made before submitting it to the House or Senate. More debating is done before sending a final version to the president. The president can veto a bill, but Congress & Senate override the veto with a ⅔ majority vote allowing the bill to become law. If the president doesn't do anything for 10 days if Congress is in session. It'll automatically become law. However, if Congress is adjourned within those 10 days and the president doesn't sign it. It won't become law." Lincoln explained.

"That's absolutely correct. Excellent work, Lincoln." Agnes smiled at his answer. Someone has been doing their homework as She expected nothing less from her student. The bell rang. "Ok, I'll see you kids tomorrow."

"Thanks for saving our butts back there, Linc," Rusty congratulated with a solid pat on the back. Lincoln grunted, falling to one knee.

"Dude, you ok," Zach asked in concern.

"Just help me up, please," Lincoln groaned with reaching his hand out. Clyde and Girl Jordan each grabbed an arm to raise him up.

"You sure you're ok, bro?" Clyde asked. He knew that Lincoln could take more damage than that. They arrived at one of the outside tables.

"Yeah," Lincoln responded. "I was at the gym yesterday" They gave him questioning looks. Rusty thought he was getting stronger. Since when did he go to the gym? Mollie poked his side. "Ow! Quit it!"

"Still a little squishy," Mollie brought up.

"I started last week because my parents wanted to make us well rounded." Lincoln groaned at the end of his sentence.

Well rounded?

"Well rounded," Lincoln repeated, drawing a circle in the air with his finger. "Ever since the Yates moved." He groaned, planting his face on the table. "And I thought Lynn's training was brutal" Lincoln still felt the burn.

"Was he that bad" Girl Jordan spoke up,

"She," Lincoln corrected his voice slightly muffled.

"Lucky," Rusty grumbled. "You got a picture of her?" Lincoln scrolled through his photo gallery and found his trainer.

"WOAH NELLY!" Liam yelled. "She's an extra-large brick house" Everyone was intimated while the guys were feeling slightly self-conscious. "I'll have to admit she's rather easy on the eyes" She can easily be in the next Wonder Woman movie or She-Hulk. Whenever that comes out.

"I'm well aware of that," Lincoln mentioned. Curse you, puberty. He listed the activities his parents enlisted him and his sisters in.

"What's finishing school?" Cookie asked

"It's one of those places that's supposed to make girls all fancy," Liam chimed in. " Eating with the proper forks. Walking with books on your head without letting a single fall and all that jazz."

"I'll demonstrate, but I'll need a volunteer," Lincoln offered up.

"I'll do it," Girl Jordan replied. They both got up and moved to the side. Lincoln spun around for a brief moment.

"Oh my," Mollie whispered huskily at Lincoln's attire. Now in a sly and stylish black suit with well-polished shoes, a neat orange bowtie, and smoothly slipped back hair.

"Sweet duds, dude," Zach complimented on his secret agent look. Mollie took a deep gulp of her water to calm her thirst and her tomato-red face. Lincoln walked up to Girl Jordan with a charming smile.

"Good god, he looks tasty," Girl Jordan scanned up and down Lincoln's body with rosy cheeks. He's filling out that suit quite nicely.

"Good day Ms. Rosato," Lincoln greeted with a sophisticated tone and courteous bow thanks to years of Lola's formal tea parties. He took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss. She gasped at his assertiveness, so did the rest of the table. "I must say you're as lovely as a summer's day" He received a thumbs up from Zach. Lincoln cleared his throat. "Thanks for the help Girl Jordan" He sheepishly shuffled his feet a bit. "I hope I don't make that weird."

"Oh no, you're fine, Lincoln" Girl Jordan waved it off with a smile. Lincoln smiled in return before dodging a ketchup stream aimed at him.

"Hey, watch it, Rusty," Lincoln exclaimed at the freckled face redhead.

"Sorry I got hungry," Rusty replied with his mouth filled with the contents of a hoagie and ketchup packet in hand.

"This is my good suit," Lincoln checked for any red spots. "And I'm not wearing my other one" This peaked Mollie's interest.

"You have two suits?"Mollie asked in earnest.

"This one is when Lola needs a butler for tea parties," Lincoln explained while Mollie arched an eyebrow. "The other one is my grown-up suit."

"Why would you need a grown-up suit?" Jenny probed.

"It helps with convincing your parents," Lincoln responded. "I can't get this messy. I need it for the opera tonight" He twirled around again. "Ah, that's better."

"Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh" They gave Lincoln bewildered expressions.

"What" Lincoln took note of their faces. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Buddy, is there something you're not telling me," Clyde assumed? Lincoln raised his brow. What is he talking about? Lincoln glanced down, and his blood ran cold. He was wearing the outfit when he tried to sneak in with his sisters on 'Take your daughter to work' day.

"I can explain," Lincoln interjected. A car horn prevented him. "But not today," Lincoln spun once more, getting back into his default outfit before hopping into Vanzilla. The group made small talk waiting until their rides arrived while Mollie poking at the 'well rounded' circle Lincoln made previously.

"Ok, elephant in the room," Rusty brought to attention. "Did anyone else think Lincoln looked really good(cute even) in that dress?" They gave him looks of surprise. "Oh, sooooo just me then" Some of them gave so-so gestures, and others were looking at him suspiciously. "Well, dang."

Sweet lord it's good to be posting again. I'm only 3 months overdue. I had to cut this chapter in two…again otherwise you won't see a post until like November.

Thanks for reading. Follow and Favorite if you like the story. Leave a review for any questions, concerns or queries. Thank you and have an awesome day.