
Qiu Qiu Perseveres : Her Red Face Diary

Go to a soccer game with the male god I have a crush on. When we were projected onto the big screen, he refused to kiss me. On impulse, I turned and angrily kissed the school bully next to me. Because of this, the school bully's girlfriend ran away and he wants me to compensate him with a girlfriend. "How...how about me?" I asked, trembling. He glanced at me and said with a smile, "Yeah, but I, Zhou Juan, eat meat but not vegetables." Me????

Hayden_Y_ · สมัยใหม่
49 Chs

Unexpected Follow

Later, I returned to the rented house.

Thinking about what Jiang Cheng had said during the day, the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't sleep. So I turned on my computer and began to search for news about Zhou Juan online.

On the day we broke up, I deleted all his friends and photos from my social media.

I would never be able to get any news about him again.

I logged into my Weibo account.

I hadn't logged in for almost a year, ever since Liu Jing found out that I was following three people on my anonymous account. I stopped logging in after that.

As soon as I opened the account, I found that there was a new follower.

My hand holding the mouse froze when I saw who it was.

Zhou Juan?

When did he start following me?

I clicked on his profile, but he hadn't posted anything. He only occasionally liked posts related to football matches.

I was a bit stunned.

Was it a coincidence that he followed me?

He couldn't possibly know that the account belonged to me.

In fact, my heart started racing uncontrollably the moment I found out that he followed me on Weibo.

I wanted to find some clues on Weibo, so I went to his following list to observe.

And then I found out that he followed British affairs, British weather...


My heart was pounding so fast that I couldn't even breathe.

I was too stunned to move.

After several minutes of contemplation, I still couldn't decide if it was a coincidence.

I did something impulsive and sent him a direct message using my anonymous account.

"Zhou Juan" I regretted as soon as I hit send.

Suddenly contacting him, might be too abrupt.

After all, it's been over ten months, are he and Liu Jing still together?

Or has he found a new girlfriend?

As expected, there was no response from the other side.

I even thought he might have accidentally followed me on social media.

But how do I explain the fact that he followed British Weibo accounts?

After waiting anxiously for several hours, I finally gave up and fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, with dark circles under my eyes, I sat at home in a daze.

The more I thought about it, the less sense it made. In a fit of impulsiveness, I went to a certain place.

It was a small town in England, quite remote.

I took several buses and didn't arrive at the house until dusk.

I stood at the door, hesitating and hesitating.

I didn't even know why I came here, just because Zhou Juan once told me that his mother lived here.

"How do you know the address?" I asked him at the time.

"I found it in my dad's itinerary. He doesn't have any friends in England," he said to me with a smile.

"If you suspect that your mom is at that address, why don't you go find her?" I was shocked by his investigative ability.

In fact, if you really want to find someone's address, how could you not find it?

And he was so smart too.

"I'm afraid she won't recognize me, and I'm also afraid she will," he said.
