
Qast : MageKnight

In an alternate world where magic is alive and rules with an iron fist. Grayson is a lonely knight climbing the ranks of the aristocracy. Follow Grayson as he rises in the world and tries his best to obtain it. … This will one day have a system element involved, but I feel like the story needs to be flushed out before implementing it. That way you the reader can fully enjoy the system along side Grayson and it doesn’t feel like it was too forced. Also won’t contain harem, although romance in general isn’t off the table. … Lastly feel free to message me about any errors grammatical or otherwise. This is my first novel, I hope you enjoy it. Fable

The_First_Fable · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Dance With the Devils

Graysons eyes narrowed. "What do you want Nala?"

"One night?"

"No. Not gonna happen I won't be one of your playthings!" He stood strong. He knew that if he allowed that to ever happen Nala would control him forever. Not because of her beauty but because of her magic. She was able to manipulate anyone if they fell under her conditions. Once was all she needed.

"Aww please Gray just once?"

"No and don't call me that. If there's no other way then I'm leaving." He turned heading for the door.

Nala let out a soft laugh before stopping him by grabbing his towel. "Fine, fine you tease. I have a job, but it's dangerous. You'll be going up against an Earl. Want it?" She said while slowly pressing herself on his back.

"The job yes, your body still a no from me dawg." He replied.

Sigh. "You really are no fun Gray! I'll send you the details tomorrow, you'll be in a team of three. You know one of them and the other is someone picked by the client. You can't fail Gray you have to make this go smoothly or we all will be wiped out."

Choosing to ignore she called him Gray again he just answered her. "I understand." As he turned to leave he felt a cold brush of wind race inside the sauna. A young woman who Gray never spoke to but has seen came in.

"Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" The young girl girl said. "Master told me to rest in here until I recover."

"No of course not. We were just leaving come on girls." Nala said to the duo still seated.

Nala left faster than when Gray tried to leave and quickly disappeared from the sauna. Leaving Grayson a little confused but feeling mostly relieved that just one job will pay for his potion this time.

Turning to the girl he nodded and said "Thank you." Observing her from head to toe. He quickly calculated besides her slight definition of muscles and fine face her only feature of note was her strikingly red hair and eyes.

"No problem as we share the same master we should look after one another. My names Tara Finn, future heir to the Finn family."

"Grayson Dyre, head of the Dyre knights."

"A knight family how rare, a pleasure Sir Grayson."

"Likewise Lady Finn." Grayson bowed slightly healing for the door once more.

Before he could fully step out he heard Tara say one last thing to him. "By the way master called for you to meet up with him in the ring."

Grayson frowned as he closed the door. 'Not good. He only wants to spar when he wants to punish me, just my luck for him and Nala to be here the same day.' He inwardly groaned.

After putting on his usual training outfit of athletic tights, loose shorts and some tape on his elbows Grayson headed towards his master.

Finally arriving to a boxing ring that was a few meters wider than normal Grayson saw that his current situation was worse than he thought. In the center of the ring a man was seated wearing his old fighting gear with his knuckles taped and wrapped. The man was smiling like he heard the most absurd joke of his life and was trying not to laugh. "Grayson, why didn't you come say hi earlier?" The man said, while standing up. As he did Gray could see his bulging muscles fill out his entire frame. The man in front of him was a beast in every definition of the word and was feared by many in and around the city of Winter. His dark brown hair poked the sky and his eyes a dark shade of blue.

His name master Pierce Hall a local baron of Winter. A man gifted with his water magic and had evolved it into a form of permanent ice. He runs the Hidden Talon with his brother Vince.

"Master Hall unfortunately I thought a quick break in the sauna would help loosen my stiff muscles!" Grayson through out hoping his master would agree.

"No no, the only way to loosen up is by fighting Grayson, since your so sore let's have a quick spar." Hall replied instantly seeing through the bullshit Gray was trying to pull.

Grayson gulped. He knew it, Hall knew it, the rest of the gym knew it, he was about to understand true pain.

"Of course master Hall let us spar first to 5 hits?"

"Hmm first to a hundred sounds good."

Grayson was beside himself, he had some confidence against 5, but 100 not a chance in hell.

Grayson entered the ring and bowed slightly to Hall. Which made the man laugh almost instantly even forcing his large pecks to bounce up and down.

"Attack when your ready Grayson, and don't hold back." Hall instructed clearly.

Grayson didn't need to be told twice and charged.

As Grayson slowly got up of the mat, he was quickly pulled to his feet by Vince. "Here let me heal you a bit, it won't do much for your black eye and busted ribs but you'll learn from this."

"Learn from what getting my ass beat by that training sadist?"

Vince laughed. "You know how he feels about the Hidden Talons relationship with Nala, did you think no one noticed?" Sigh. "Return back to campus soon, your mana is all used up from the spar. Come back when Pierce is in a better mood and talk with him again. I'm sure he will look after his favorite student." Vince smiled as he left.

Hurt, sore and tired Grayson changed and headed for campus.