
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

TheOtherNoble · แฟนตาซี
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525 Chs

Horn's call

Technically, Mayra's station in time of battle was the clinic with Dr. and Mrs. Sherman. Now that she was a trained nursing assistant, her medical prowess would be useful in treating the injured. 

However, when the horn sounded, she had been over at Finn's house with her mother. They were wedding planning. Though Mayra was genuinely excited about her impending nuptials, provided they all survived the coming attack, she also needed to distract her mother from her brothers' enlistment, and her best friend from her husband's absence. 

Since the torches had been lit, Finn had been… flat.

That was the best way to describe it. She didn't cry or fret or openly worry about anything. It worried Mayra more than if Finn had wailed and screamed over the possibility that Roland was injured or dead. 

Instead, she was nearly emotionless. She smiled, but there was no light behind it. She didn't laugh. She didn't cry. It was as if the life behind her heart was dimmed. 

"Your babies are the most precious little ones I've ever seen in my life," She was saying to Finn when the horn resounded through the city, echoing throughout. Talking of the babies hadn't seemed to cheer her friend up either. 

It was understandable, perhaps, but worrying nonetheless. 

The city fell momentarily silent at the horn's call, collectively holding their breath to confirm that they were hearing correctly, but before it even faded from the air, the action had begun. 

Amelia bid a hasty goodbye before rushing to her home. Victoria and Gabriel went with Phillip and Naomi to an inner room, and Finn put all the babies in with them before a grim determination filled her gaze. 

"I must go," She said without further explanation, wrapping a scarf around her neck as she headed for the door. 

"Go where? This is rehearsed! You're supposed to stay here," Mayra tried to stop her. "Your babies…" 

"Will be fine with my father for a while. Go do what you are supposed to, I am going to find the General." Finn looked more alive than she had since the news that the warning beacons had been lit. 

"You can't just find the leader of the military in a situation like this." Mayra tried to reach her friend with logic, but the woman would not be deterred. 

"I must try. There may be some word of Roland." Finn insisted, opening the door and leaving. 

Though Mayra had been putting on her coat to run to the infirmary, she was torn. Finn didn't seem quite herself. Or maybe, she seemed too much herself, running directly towards danger.

Heaving a sigh, Mayra threw a glance and a mental apology towards Dr. Sherman's home and sprinted after Finn. 

"This is crazy, just so you're fully aware." She panted as she caught up.

"I am indeed fully aware, thank you." Finn replied evenly. 

"Peter's going to be so mad when he finds out.." Mayra mumbled softly. 

"Then go to your place." Finn shot her a sympathetic look. "My insanity does not need to involve you." 

"On the contrary, I've keenly felt the absence of your insane habits during my travels." Mayra's mouth tilted wryly. "It's high time I'm involved again." 

The comment provoked a brief half-smile from Finn, and the ladies took off toward the North wall, the most likely source of the horn's warning. 

The streets were measured chaos; everyone who was not at home or at their designated post was hurrying to get there. 

The city was large, and the women kept up a brisk pace through the snow. Mayra was mildly worried about getting in some kind of trouble for not doing what they were supposed to.

Perhaps Naomi had been rubbing off on her; the woman was endlessly patient and obedient to authority. 

However, no one paid them any mind as they all rushed about their own assignments; it seemed that any injury the ladies suffered would be on their own heads.

Dozens of thoughts, both good and bad, flashed through Mayra's mind as she kept up with Finn's strides. The exercise in the icy air was exhilarating, and the streets were slowly emptying as everyone got inside. 

She imagined Peter's reaction when they inevitably got caught. Would he be exasperated by what was likely extremely predictable behavior, or angry at her for putting herself in danger? Did he expect her to act differently now that they were engaged? 

The latter question gave rise to some angst within her. She had tried to do as she ought! He shouldn't get mad at her for looking after her friend! And he should know better than to expect her to change. 

He couldn't make her into a different person. He knew that, right? She'd held back so long thinking no one could love her as she was. Peter loved her, she knew, but could he live with what she was, forever? 

Well, it was better to find out now while they were merely engaged, instead of after the wedding when he was trapped with her. 

A scream up ahead rang through the streets, followed by another. Finn broke into a hard run towards the noise. 

"Finn!" Mayra called. "What are you–" 

The words died away as something flashed into view ahead. It was almost too quick to even see what it was, other than the fact that it was big. 

"ROLAND!" Finn cried. "JUDAH!" 

Whatever it was skidded to a stop in the snow, and Mayra gasped. It was a horse-sized cat, grey with white spots, and six strong legs, one of which was wrapped in a bandage. 

And Roland was on its back. 

Mayra was still absorbing the sight; even though she had been told about the events that occurred before her return to Klain, seeing the creature in person was quite a different experience. By the time she tore her eyes from its yellow gaze, Finn and Roland were already wrapped tightly in each other's arms. 

"The signal fires! Everyone was saying the giants were coming and–"

"They're here," Roland interrupted, to the alarm of both ladies. 

"The giants are here?? You outran them?" Mayra cut into their conversation hotly. "How did you manage such a thing?" 

"I rode on one of their shoulders," Roland smirked, shocking both ladies. "Right now, I'm on my way to the General to negotiate feeding the giants in return for their help against the goblins. They will require… quite a lot of food. I hope we can accommodate them." He grimaced as if reliving something unpleasant.


"They are going to help us?" Mayra was flabbergasted. She hadn't had a single hope that the crazy plan would work when it was told to her, but had kept her mouth shut since it was already in motion. 

The couple ignored her interruption this time as Finn hugged Roland tight again, and he smiled slightly at her. 

Mayra huffed in frustration. It seemed like every time Klain was in danger, these two felt more like hugging each other than getting down to what needed to be done! 

"Are the goblins confirmed to be attacking?" Finn asked worriedly after a few moments of absorbing what Roland had said. Mayra's eyes shot to Roland. It was a good question. Why else would the city need the help of the giants? 

"I would be surprised if they weren't." Roland's jaw worked as he thought it out. "When Jarnsaxa told the Fae the giants would defend Klain from the goblins, Gwen didn't correct her or object. I imagine if there was no threat, the giants would have been told to just go home instead." 

"The Fae? You saw the Fae?" Finn asked. 

"It will be easier if I only have to tell the story once," Roland sighed. "I figured the General would be near the City Hall, but I–" 

The sound of a horse's swift hooves caused him to pause. 

"That must be Riley and Lysander," Roland turned. "I did sort of leave them behind. Judah's far quicker than horses." 

Judah chirped pleasantly, startling Mayra. 

"THAT'S the sound Judah makes?" She asked incredulously. "Not like… a roar? Or an intimidating scream, like a mountain lion? He chirps?" 

The great cat seemed to frown at the young woman, flicking his sharp tail in discontent. 

"I'm sorry…" She didn't want to go around offending beasts from other worlds. Who knew what that would lead to? "Your voice is beautiful. More beautiful than I had anticipated." 

She smiled hesitantly, hoping the creature accepted the apology. How intelligent was it? Did it understand her, or was she acting like an idiot right now talking to it? 

The time to contemplate the matter was short, for around the corner, on horseback, were Riley and Lysander. Beside them, on his own horse, was the General. 

Reining in his horse, the General jumped down to clap Roland on the back as the man pulled out of his wife's embrace to address his once-superior-officer. 

"I'm told you and Lysander did some excellent work," The General said seriously. "I need to hear all about it." 

I need to hear about all the things. Tell me all your news.

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