
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

TheOtherNoble · แฟนตาซี
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Bathe and Shave

Shayn let Kyler negotiate the room and board while he took care of the horses and wagon.

Their three loyal animals were thrilled to have a barn to sleep in for the first time in ages, and eagerly munched the hay and oats as soon as Shayn served them. 

"Eat up, fellas. We're almost home. Tomorrow, I should say." 

Though the horses were technically government-owned, the brothers had grown fond of the creatures. Surely the army would be willing to sell them for a reasonable price. 

After all, Kyler and Shayn had spent hardly any of their years-long pay for their surveying efforts. Hunting and scavenging most of their food and sleeping under the stars, they'd had little to buy on the occasions that they went into villages. 

Kyler was just paying up at the counter when Shayn came in. 

"Where to, first? Food or freshening?" The younger asked. 

"There's a bathhouse/laundry next door. They have a barber who's out today, but will be back in the morning." Kyler informed him. 

"So, clean tonight, pretty tomorrow?" 

"That's about the shape of it." The elder shrugged. 

"Sounds good enough for me." Shayn smiled, shouldering the bag he'd snagged from the wagon containing clothes and soap. 

They handed their spare clothes over for a thorough washing before cleaning themselves. The hot water was an intense luxury after years of wilderness living. They'd found a hot spring once about a year before and had lingered longer there than their job had required. 

After all, such an important thing should be well-indicated on their maps.

Shayn felt almost like a new man after a thorough scrubbing that left the bathwater in a worse state than he would like to freely admit. Once the barber removed his excess hair and beard in the morning, he imagined he'd look quite a bit different. The mirror in the bathhouse showed him to look half-wild. The reflection chuckled back at him. 

Dressing in the newly-cleaned clothing, the brothers ambled back towards the combination tavern-inn for a hot supper NOT cooked by Shayn. 

That would be another luxury befitting the end of such a long journey. 

"What do you think it'll be?" Shayn sniffed the air as they walked down the street. He slowed his steps to match Kyler's.


He could always tell when his other brother's legs were getting tired and sore. The fall in the mud that morning must have hurt him far more than he'd let on. 

Kyler inhaled deeply through his nose. "I think… stew. Pork stew, with potatoes." 

"I was hoping for–" Shayn paused as rapid footsteps behind them made him turn around just in time to see a pile of books walk straight into his brother. 

Throwing out his arms to prevent Kyler from being injured further, Shayn found himself tumbling to the ground with him instead. 

Landing hard against the ground with books around his legs and one of Kyler's crutches jabbing into his side, Shayne instantly began berating the careless idiot who had walked into them as he tried to help his brother up. 

"Why weren't you watching where you were going??" He demanded. 

"I'm sorry, I–"

"There are other people in the world, you know!" Shayn continued, not paying any attention to the apology as he righted Kyler's crutches. "It wasn't just made for you to run around in heedless of others!" 

"I said I'm sorry–" 

"Sorry doesn't change what you did!" Shayn snapped, turning around now that Kyler was on his feet. He looked to find the hooded culprit picking up books out of the dirt. "You could have really hurt somebody badly, and you haven't even asked if you did!" 

"You haven't given me much of a chance, have you?" The hood flew back as a very pretty blond looked up at him in irritation. "I'm sorry I couldn't see over what I was carrying. I'm sorry that I bumped into you and threw both of us to the ground. I very sincerely hope you aren't hurt and that you can go about your day without it having been ruined by my clumsiness! I'm sorry to have invaded your life in any way!" 

Though her two initial attempts at apology had seemed sincere, the latest flood of words dripped with sarcasm and disdain. 

"That makes three of us!" Shayn retorted. 

"Three?" The woman froze in confusion before she looked past Shayn. "Oh! Oh goodness, I'm so sorry!" 

She rushed to Kyler, who was brushing himself off as the other two argued. 

"Are you all right? Can I help you get anywhere? I really didn't see you at all, I feel just awful! Are you hurt, may I call a doctor to assist you?" She fretted. 

"Don't patronize Kyler, he's a grown man," Shayn grew even more annoyed. She didn't care a whit about bumping into him, but completely changed her tune just because Kyler was on crutches. His older brother hated being treated any differently than a normal person. 

"I can see that, but after all, I did nearly run him over and feel a responsibility to help," The blonde turned back towards Shayn with censure in her voice. "I could readily tell that you weren't seriously injured by the way you verbally assaulted me, but I haven't yet assured myself that he survived my thoughtlessness unscathed." 

Shayn glowered at her. What a sharp tongue she had! 

"Verbally assaulted you? You mean just after you physically assaulted us?" He challenged. 

"It was an accident! For which I have now apologized several times. Now stop interrupting." She turned her back to Shayn once again to face Kyler. "Tell me you're all right, please!" 

"I'm fine, really," Kyler said, but he looked pale.


"Let's get some food." Shayn said. Kyler looked significantly at the books still scattered across the ground. 

Ugh. It was the gentlemanly thing to do to help the lady, even under the circumstances. Shayn stuck his tongue out slightly at his brother before hurriedly helping the woman gather her things. Several of the titles were unusual, but he refused to give into his curiosity about the rude blonde. 

"Thank you," She said sincerely, a little more softly than before. "I really am sorry for the trouble I've caused you both." 

"Just don't let it happen again," Shayn wasn't sure why he felt the need to goad her. She made a face of contained irritation as she gave him a curt nod. 

She walked away with her chin in the air, and to the brothers' surprise, turned into the inn where they were staying. Exchanging a glance, they followed her inside and took their seats at a table to await the proprietor's service. 

The lady was sitting with her back to the door, so it didn't seem she'd noticed them coming in behind her. She was looking through her stack of books, apparently checking each one to make sure it was undamaged by the tumble in the street. 

"She's pretty," Kyler observed quietly. 

"You're welcome to her," Shayn wrinkled his nose in distaste. 

"No, you called dibs on blondes, remember?" The older brother smirked. 

"You can't call dibs on a woman," Shayn parroted his brother's words. 

"And yet, you did so, and successfully! Congratulations." Kyler was clearly enjoying his younger brother's discomfort. Shayn was just silently hoping his brother wasn't speaking loudly enough for their conversation to be overheard. 

He'd hate for that impertinent, arrogant young woman to think he had any sort of designs on her. She was pretty enough to be incredibly self-absorbed, and he hated women like that. 

"I'm glad to see you weren't hurt badly enough to impede your teasing." He glared at his brother. 

"That would take quite a bit more than a simple bump from a beautiful woman." The elder wouldn't back down. 

"And it would take quite a bit more than your mocking to make me admit she's beautiful." Shayn grumbled. 

"I think you just did," Kyler raised a single finger in triumph. 

"Sure, whatever you say," Shayn rolled his eyes. "Can we eat now?"

Kyler waved to the proprietor, who went to fetch whatever supper must be cooking in the kitchen, and the trio were left alone in the room. After a moment, the woman paused from her books and tilted her head slightly. 

"Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to talk about someone behind their back?" She asked without facing them.

"Didn't yours tell you it's rude to eavesdrop?" Shayn sniped at the back of her head, causing her to turn. 

"No, in fact. She died when I was quite young." Her smile was filled with bitterness. 

"Your father, then." He backtracked slightly. 

"Sent me off to an apprenticeship as soon as I was old enough." She rolled her eyes and turned back to her table. 

"Then I suppose it would be unfair to expect good manners from you. Apologies." Shayn clipped. 

"Not at all," She replied over her shoulder as she collected her books and started up the stairs to where the guest rooms were. "My expectations of your manners were obviously far too high, as well. Goodnight." 

When you bump into someone, always verbally berate them to make sure they think it’s their fault. It’s the polite thing to do. Probably.

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