
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

TheOtherNoble · แฟนตาซี
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525 Chs

An important consideration

Shayn watched as Simone looked startled by the question. He had his suspicions about what Victoria had said to her, but they were fading as a blush crept up Simone's neck. He wondered what question she'd expected instead of an inquiry on riding and seating arrangements.

"What would you prefer, to ride in front or behind?" She asked after a few seconds of silence.

He wondered why she wouldn't just say her preference, but decided not to put her on the spot. Maybe she truly had no desire one way or the other, like he didn't. He found them equally enjoyable, and equally distracting from his goal.

He needed to concentrate on getting Kyler back.

"You take front, I'll wear the pack," He offered. Unlike before, there were no giants to accompany them and carry the load. Simone nodded and arranged herself atop Judah's back, and Shayn shouldered the pack and climbed up behind her.

"Before we get far, are you sure you're up for this journey? We just arrived back and you must be exhausted," He said quietly.

She turned her head and spoke over her shoulder, her voice fanning his face.

"You shouldn't have to do this alone." She kept her eyes low, her long lashes against her cheeks. "Besides, even if I am tired, it won't be the first time I've dozed off on Judah's back."

The corners of his mouth pulled into a smile, remembering how it felt to have her relax against his back. The trust he felt radiating from her deep breathing had twisted his stomach into pleasant knots.

"Just don't fall off," He whispered as he leaned forward to wrap his hands in Judah's mane.

"Just be sure to catch me if I try," She replied.

The words set his heart racing even before Judah bounded forward at an amazing speed.

Simone shivered as the wind hit her face, and Shayn resisted the urge to hug his arms closer around her. They were on a mission to get his brother back. This was not an ideal opportunity to try to take advantage of the involuntarily close quarters.

Judah's coat dappled and changed before his eyes from a tan-grey color matching the cobblestones of the city to a rich green of the summer grass in Klain's foothills. He ddn't try to direct the cat at all; Roland had suggested letting Judah smell some of Kyler's clothing and letting the creature find the way himself.

It was a much better idea than anyone else had, and for his part, Judah seemed confident in the direction he headed. Every now and then he would slow and lift his nose into the air before streaking forward once more with impossible speed.

The Fae who had traveled with them from the far West had done something to rejuvenate the animal, but he was, after all, mortal. Wasn't he? At least as far as Shayn knew. 

Judah had been bone-tired after the incident with the collapsing mountain, so he couldn't run forever… but sometimes it seemed like he could, especially over the rolling foothills and flat forested areas they were heading through today.

The weather was pleasant apart from the unseasonable chill from the South, which intensified as they continued. Judah's steady rhythm was hypnotic, and soon Simone's head began to nod. She had stayed up late each night talking to Gwen, or thinking at her while the Fae responded out loud.

It was strange that she wasn't more perturbed by the odd interaction. He had definitely tried to be more careful with his thoughts around the stranger who could read them, preferring to interact as little as possible.

Not so, Simone. She was thirsty for every bit of knowledge on any topic that the Fae was willing to impart. Gwen seemed to never grow weary of the woman's curiosity with her gentle smiles and patient answers.

"Your mind is beautiful, clear and deep," Gwen had commented late one evening while Shayn tried to fall asleep on the other side of the fire, and after a pause. "No, no I'm afraid I cannot reveal to you the contents of others' minds without their permission."

The Fae's voice had held a tinge of amusement, followed by a tinkling laugh, "Yes, I know you did not intend to ask, I just thought you would feel better knowing I will not reveal what's in your mind either, should you not wish it… although sharing it might prove enlightening for more than one person."

That cryptic interchange had ended the interaction, leaving Shayn burning with curiosity about what Simone might want to hide, and from whom, and whose mind she wanted the contents of!

He had his suspicions, but to voice them seemed silly. Simone's head nodded again, and she jolted.

"Lean against me," He whispered near her ear, too softly to be even sure she would hear him. "I won't let you fall."

In her semi-conscious state, she obeyed, relaxing against his chest and letting her head fall back against his shoulder. His heart raced. Over the even ground, Judah's gate was smooth and staying mounted was easy despite the speed at which they traveled.

He still held to Judah's mane with one hand, and the other arm he slowly moved to wrap around Simone's waist, keeping her securely in place against him. She shivered, and he hugged her a little more tightly.

The way she fit against him was like nothing he'd ever felt. His imagination ran wild with possibilities… courtship, marriage even. Thoughts and desires he'd barely grazed in years past now burrowed themselves into his mind.

But there were so many unknowns. Gwen had spoken of a coming final battle, of conflicts and dangers that would change the landscape of their world. What right had Shayn to think of his own happiness and future when the whole world was at stake?

What right had he to think of anything other than Kyler right now, when his brother was in such danger?

Self-inflicted danger. Going to see a monster just because some lunatic promised healing. Shayn frowned. He should have been there for Kyler. He could have convinced his brother not to go, he was sure of it.

He'd left without thinking it through! He'd followed Simone on the quest to babysit the giants without realizing the consequences of leaving Kyler with others. Though the man was older by barely a year, their relationship had been somewhat reversed since the war.

Shayn was caretaker, provider. Without him, Kyler must have become truly desperate for help. Had Gabriel and Victoria not taken care of him well enough?

That put more questions of the future into his mind. Even if they did manage to find Kyler and bring him home, Shayn could never leave him again. Would any woman want a man who was committed to taking care of his brother forever?

Brides, from what he knew of his sister-in-law Ashley, and sister Mayra, wanted their own space. They wanted to stay near their own families rather than move in with in-laws.

Would Kyler even want that? He'd pushed Shayn towards Simone at first, but maybe he had changed his mind since then… or maybe, running off was his way of trying not to be a burden and get in the way of Shayn's happiness.

The man shuddered, feeling a deep sense of guilt settle in his stomach. Kyler was his priority, not his own life and happiness.

Simone shifted slightly and murmured in her sleep, the words snatched away by the wind before Shayn could make them out. Her head nuzzled against his neck, her golden hair tickling his chin.

Shayn closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment to enjoy the new sensation. He didn't want to like it. If he still despised her like when they first met, it would be a far easier course forward. One uncomplicated by his growing feelings for this woman who trusted him enough to fall asleep in his arms.

Admittedly, exhaustion likely played a much larger role in the situation than her trust, but there was an undeniable pull between them. One that he was finding harder and harder to resist. She needed him. He'd saved her, several times now.

And yet, she never felt like a burden to him.

The day grew long, the sun lowering in the sky. Simone roused from her sleep every now and then, only to relax back against Shayn when she realized nothing much had happened. 

Judah's breathing changed, heaving like a large sigh as he slowed his pace for a moment. The forest was stripped of leaves here, the trees dead or dying. Just before they had left Klain, they had been briefed on acidic rain that fell near the sea. This must be one such place.

"I didn't think we were so close to the sea yet." Shayn mumbled to himself, causing Simone to start with a gasp from her sleep.

"My dream," She said, "I just had the strangest dream." 

Hey now, hey now this is what dreeeaaaams are made of

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