
Pursuit of Mortal

Jun Wei Mortal Pursuit

Tempest007 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Visitor

The sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over Jue Village. The villagers gathered in the bustling village square, their curiosity piqued by the arrival of a distinguished guest. Excitement buzzed in the air as whispers of anticipation rippled through the crowd.

At the forefront stood the village head, a respected elder known for his wisdom and leadership. Beside him was a mysterious figure, cloaked in black robes, emanating an aura of power and authority. The villagers exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity growing with each passing moment.

With a wave of his hand, the village head called for silence. The crowd hushed, their attention fixed on the enigmatic visitor. The village head cleared his throat before speaking.

"People of Jue Village, we are honored to have a distinguished guest among us today," the village head announced, his voice carrying a note of intrigue. "This esteemed individual has come to witness the untapped potential within our village and guide those who are destined for greatness."

Whispers spread through the crowd, as the villagers strained to catch a glimpse of the mysterious guest. Speculation filled the air, with some suggesting the visitor possessed extraordinary skills and profound knowledge of cultivation.

The visitor stepped forward, their face hidden beneath the shadows of their hood. A palpable air of anticipation enveloped the square. With a voice that resonated with authority, they addressed the villagers.

"I am Hei Luo," the visitor declared, their voice carrying a weight that sent shivers down the spines of the villagers. Gasps and murmurs of disbelief swept through the crowd. Hei Luo—the name reverberated through the square, awakening a sense of awe and astonishment.

"Hei Luo... the legendary Martial Master!" someone exclaimed, their voice filled with both admiration and astonishment. "To think he has graced our humble village with his presence!"

The villagers exchanged shocked glances, their eyes widening in disbelief. They had heard tales of Hei Luo's prowess, his legendary skills that surpassed those of ordinary cultivators. He was renowned for his feats of valor, such as slaying the infamous Black Feral Bandit, a notorious scourge of the region.

"Hei Luo, the slayer of the Black Feral Bandit! His name strikes fear into the hearts of evildoers," another villager added, their voice filled with reverence. "It is said that he single-handedly vanquished the bandit and brought peace to the surrounding towns and villages."

The news of Hei Luo's legendary exploits spread through the crowd like wildfire, deepening the sense of awe and admiration. The villagers couldn't help but feel a surge of hope, knowing that such a formidable figure had chosen their village as his next destination.

Hei Luo surveyed the crowd, his gaze piercing through each villager. "I have come to seek out those who possess the potential to rise above the ordinary," he declared, his voice resolute. "Those among you who are destined for greatness, gather at the village square at the break of dawn tomorrow."

His words hung in the air, sinking deep into the hearts of the villagers. The revelation of Hei Luo's identity and his legendary reputation had ignited a newfound fervor within them. Tomorrow promised a chance to step onto a path of cultivation, guided by the slayer of the Black Feral Bandit himself.

As the crowd dispersed, whispers of astonishment and excitement echoed through the village. The news of Hei Luo's presence and his remarkable achievements fueled the villagers' determination and curiosity. For Jue Wei, the revelation of Hei Luo's name and his heroic deeds left an indelible mark on his mind—a name that held both reverence and a glimmer of hope.

Throughout the day, Jue Wei's thoughts were consumed by the words of Hei Luo and the legends that surrounded him. He couldn't help but be inspired by the Martial Master's valor and the impact he had made on the region. The prospect of being chosen by someone of such great stature filled Jue Wei's heart with both excitement and a sense of responsibility.

Nightfall arrived, and Jue Wei found himself unable to sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed, his mind filled with visions of grandeur and the possibilities that lay ahead. He had always felt a yearning for something greater, a desire to surpass the confines of his ordinary life.

In the early hours of dawn, Jue Wei rose from his bed, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He dressed quickly, his hands trembling with anticipation. The village square beckoned, the gathering point where his fate would be decided.

As Jue Wei made his way through the dimly lit streets of the village, he couldn't help but notice the flickering candlelights in the windows of his neighbors' homes. He knew he wasn't alone in this journey. Others shared his dreams, their hearts filled with the same hopes and aspirations.

Arriving at the village square, Jue Wei found himself surrounded by a sea of expectant faces. The air was charged with nervous energy as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon. Each villager held their breath, awaiting the arrival of Hei Luo.

Minutes felt like an eternity until finally, Hei Luo emerged from the shadows, stepping onto the square. His presence commanded attention, his every movement exuding a sense of power and mastery.

"I see that you have heeded my call," Hei Luo spoke, his voice carrying across the square. "Today marks the beginning of a transformative journey for those chosen by destiny. Prepare yourselves for the challenges and revelations that await."

Jue Wei stood among the crowd, his heart racing as Hei Luo's words resonated deep within him. The path of cultivation beckoned, promising a chance to tap into his hidden potential, unlock the mysteries of the world, and perhaps even follow in the footsteps of the legendary Hei Luo.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, casting its golden rays upon the village square, Jue Wei felt a surge of determination. He would seize this opportunity, embarking on a journey that would test his limits and shape his destiny.