
Purple Theory

Boy dies, becomes girl. Reincarnation. I don’t know where I’m going with this, I just decided to write. I can’t upload anymore. Sorry.

Aneikas · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


Fun fact: did you know according to the organization of science, humans are debated to have one of the highest endurance amongst any land animal? While we may not not have sheer strength, nor speed, we make up for it in endurance, in persistence.

It is said that the mind can endure far more than the body. Humanity took its first steps beyond the discovery of fire, the invention of the wheel, to get to the modern world because of the judgments of its mentality and persistence. Not because it was faster, stronger, or had greater senses, but because it never felt contempt to stay knocked down. Even at its lowest, it eventually blossomed to be the most prosperous and dominant species to grace the earth.

Question: what is one recent moment where you persisted to get the outcome you wanted, no matter how many times you failed?

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" -Chinese philosopher, Confucius

Oh, the blessings of youth. Or, youth, youth. Like, youth premium?

Not only could I learn everything like it was the back of my small pale hand, but I was also allowed to educate myself as much as I wished because nobody expected me to remember anything my big black eyes glossed over. They, unsurprisingly, didn't even expect me to be able to read. Instead, I played things off that I simply liked the fireplace, and the weird blocks that you could open just so happened to be there. I should take reference to this for future events.

Education was an important thing, and I didn't plan to let it escape my grasp while I had it. I had no insurance to guarantee any future education, so I would simply have to teach myself and form a plan for further knowledge development.

Given a few years, the only education I could count on was how to dance, sew, and stay pure. And while such things were a good skill set to have considering my societal and gender role, I didn't want these teachings to be the extent of my knowledge.

Funnily enough, this family of mine did indeed have a library and quite a large one at that. It seems I had been born into high status. I just wasn't allowed in. Even still, I would find myself an entrance, one way or another.

A sly snake of greed slithered across my face, forming a smirk that I felt guilty for making. Maybe I could board off the doors when I get in.

I lived in the grand and vast country of Lueitch, which resides on the easternmost coast of the easternmost continent of Aecht. And get this, the sun doesn't even rise over here? It rises from the west and sets in the east! No! When I first heard this terrible news, I wondered if there was a suicide note somewhere on the bookshelf I could use.

I tilted my head up, staring at the shimmering chandelier that seemed to glimmer like the sun with an almost golden hue.

I wonder how the west is going to deal with August, 1945. Well, if they play their cards differently than we did, maybe they won't even need to deal with it. I wonder if there's a western China I can invade to kickstart the whole thing.

No, I shouldn't say things like that. Plus, I can't get involved in politics.

Unfortunately speaking, this country shared similarities with the medieval age beyond simple aesthetics. It might even be worse, at least for me. Good to know that even when you reincarnate to another world, you can always count on human right violations to welcome you with open arms. Well I suppose it depends what world's ethics I'm basing my judgements on.

According to: "A basic breakdown of Lueitch", Lueitch was a theocracy with a love for patriarchy. I happen to be an atheist, and a woman. Yes, truly, all was right in the world.

I have read many books since I first started understanding Liechaex two months ago, and I'm coming up on six months of age.

Awe struck me, It had already been half a year. My eyes unfocused, my head resting it's full weight on my thin arms. I stared at the meladotenvly painted white ceiling for a moment, then, back at my old book, each page wailing of exhaustion.

A month ago, I had made my first breakthrough, and I had finally managed to keep my steady while crawling. It had only been for a moment, but when a human believes something to be possible, even the furthest of stars are tangible. The world was starting to feel brighter.

Since then, I had quickly evolved an inconsistent crawl to a rapid one that I used to explore the household.

out of sight, out of mind.

There was a grin plastered on my face when I found the winery, looks like I know where to go at night.

I had also met my father. Well, not really met, more saw. It was a one sided relationship. I seemed to be the eldest child, thing. Unfortunately, I wasn't a son, so I could only amount to another tool used to raise the family's status while they rolled the dice again. He seemed to have neglected me entirely…

Well, at least I can get away with more if he's not paying any attention. Silver lining. Childhood was surprisingly fun, though, things were getting repetitive.

Everyday I had the same schedule. Wake up, demand to be taken to the living space through my mighty cries, eat, read, be forced to take a nap, eat, read, and then bed, rinse, repeat.

Some may claim they'd get bored at the never ending cycle with no deviation, and, there was, but there was something inherently rewarding about getting to further understand an entirely new world every day. I wouldn't mind being a scholar.

Back on earth, my parents would always tell me patience is key whenever we were in the line for ice cream, a carnaval, or something else along those lines.

I got up from my position to crawl over to a different book, I had finished this one. It was a rather interesting read, and it solidified my understanding of my path forward to a considerable degree.

The fire in my eyes crackled with confidence, I could ascend to higher reading levels at this point. Yes!

What I had been reading until this point was akin to the general history, ethics, and geography of this world, Cylleph. And its inhabitants.

I have read four unrightfully long books. One book covered the important events of this world such as when Rhy, the religion Luietch was centered around, was first preached. Or how all the great empires and civilizations rose and fell, and a general overlook of any major wars. They even dug into the history of literacy, which seemed to be a staple hold within the culture of the west especially. The book itself was written in the west, which led me to question how we had such a thing in the first place.

I'll chalk it up to "Force X".

The second book covered similar topics, well, besides literacy. Instead, this book focused more on the ethics and morality, something I was working hard at everyday. It also covered the causes and effects of the events than the events themselves. And how one event led into another. It also gave me good insight into what to expect.

Cylleph's ethics were far less developed than Earth's. Slavery was beloved wherever you went. Which I had to watch out for. In just the empire north of Lueitch, Askysia, women were essentially slaves that were meant purely to breed and do free labor, and it was celebrated. There was an entire holiday centered around it. In fact, such was the standard for more than half of Aecht. I was a little surprised that Lueitch didn't fall into such categories, considering most of its surrounding neighbors did.

A shiver ran down my spine.

The third book I covered was the shortest of the bunch, it went over the continents, the easternmost one being Aecht, the northernmost one being Lyphx, and Yi. Yi was where the western and southern world resided, it was massive, twice the size of Aecht and Lyphx combined. Essentially, it was Cylleph's equivalent of Pangea.

Most of the world's superpowers were on Yi, Lueitch being the exception. Unfortunately, Lueitch didn't have the best of relationships with such powers. Instead, Lueitch had chosen to very clearly mark Aecht as their territory, as there were no other local countries that could contend, and ignored Lyphx or Yi. People from Lueitch were not welcomed in Yi. The whole relationship was essentially a reenactment of lynching, just more… religiously.

Lyphx was the least developed continent, it was essentially the playground for the other two continents. In fact women were, on average, the highest percentage of slaves only falling behind the people of Lyphx, the Lyphiax. I was surprised they even had such data.

This book also confirmed something for me, magic did exist. Well, something similar at least. And Yi was at the forefront of its development. Essentially all of the world's greatest mages appeared from Yi. Not that I knew what a mage did exactly.

When I first discovered this, it had left me tasting an uncanny and nervous feeling on my tongue. We were on bad terms with the countries, and, essentially speaking, the continent that was pushing magical development forwards. That didn't sound good.

Mages were considered the ultimate weapons, if cultivated right, after all.

The fourth book, the one I just finished reading, and the most important book, focused on the studies of genealogy, biology, and anthropology.

Throughout all four books, the same message was made clear: If you let them, mages can become the most dangerous beings on the planet, and not through sheer force.

And, of course, you wouldn't want to hand out vital information on developing a mage to those you do not see fit. That was simply a threat to your power. And aside from the royal family, women just so happened to fall into that category where there was zero magical education. It was unfortunate for me, but it was reality.

All the books covering this "Force X", or, as it is commonly labeled: "Mayaki", were sealed away behind the library doors.

However, this family of mine had made one crucial mistake. They had placed this book in the living area.

While "A Basic Teaching of Genealogy, and Biology" didn't fall into the category of a Mayaki study, it did graze it. It didn't outright tell me how such a system worked, nor how to ideally harness it, but it did hand me just enough information to set me on the right path, and because of this, a golden opportunity had arisen.

A foxy smirk crossed my face. I should learn from my peers' mistakes. If you're going to crush someone, do it thoroughly. Make sure that they have no crevice to grapple onto. No crack to peer through.

No, this was a new me. People deserve a second chance.

Mayaki was a means of energy that resonated closely with color theory. Well, that's how I interpreted my deductions at least. It seemed to be given to one in five-or-so-hundred people. although, that number seems to vary depending on where you go.

For instance, a man of noble lineage could have a guaranteed hold on Mayaki from the day they were born, and a commoner could have a higher chance of marrying a crown prince than getting a hold on Mayaki. This was one of the few things directly stated. And to add to such, I assumed many social class systems were decided by a bloodline's Mayaki Talent.

For me, I was confident my chances were high. Mayaki wasn't limited to one sex, I had just as much of a chance of developing it as the next guy. But Mayaki wasn't something that naturally came into your grasp. Well, unless you're simply that lucky.

No, you had to push to harness Mayaki. They never outright said this, however the fact that it only developed in males after they had gone through thorough education, no matter the age, spoke for itself.

And, well, for the sex, Mayaki ratio, you only had to look at the royal family and a little history to see if it is possible.

In Mayaki, there were generations. The book never specified what these generations did, however I had a reasonable idea based on the context it was mentioned in.

Mayaki is similar to color theory in the way that one's powers are based on colors. One's mayaki circulated in a triangle and for every point on a triangle there was a color to represent it.

These three colors seemed to be different for everyone. Of course, a person's bloodline would influence this process, but it seemed to be relatively minimal. Such could be deduced from the royal family's family tree that was essentially the blurb of every book in the country.

Unlike the awakening ratio between nobleman and commoner, almost all was chance at this stage.

Different colors coordinated to different specialties. At least, that's what had aligned with the knowledge I had thus far.

And taking everything I was familiar with into account, I'd make a confident hypothesis that generations were the mixing of two or more colors to create a new color. Compared to how yellow and blue made green, so did Mayaki. Only now, each color was a diplomat for its corresponding effect.

This, of course, explained many things. It would explain why mages are so dangerous, because their possibilities are endless. It would also give a reasonable answer to how you can push magical development forwards.

The question now was, how do I activate any of this?

Mayaki circulated through the Mayaki Triangle as I've dubbed it. Because of this, a crude explanation arose. It was only a theory based on my preexisting mindset, but by feeding or trapping the circulating Mayaki in these colors, you could activate them. And the more Mayaki you fuel this color with, the more powerful it would grow. Similarly to how a fire only grows the more oxygen it is given.

I hadn't put much thought into the theory, but it seemed to match up. So I was content to leave it.

Due to these variables, my solution to exploiting Mayaki was imagining this triangle, and circulating mayaki through it with different colors in mind. If I imagine yellow and feed it Mayaki, perhaps I'll receive some variation of a signal that tells me I discovered my element.

The question still remaining was: How do I circulate Mayaki?

Whether I was going to fight, or stay contempt with my current fate was irrelevant. In all honesty, I was curious. Magic was only a fantasized formula of energy you'd imagine, but now? Well, whether I like it or not I'm living in a very different environment, and with nuance comes change.

I opened my newest book. It was relatively modern, it didn't have creased yellow pages, nor a worn out cover or half ripped spine.

"Purple theory: A colorful guide for artists around the world"

-Meladotenvly: marked by poor or inadequate adaption-

For Anyone Who Wishes to Know, A Comprehensive Guide to Color Theory:
