
Purple Paragon : The Last Messenger

Parallel worlds exist? With different timelines? With different fates? And there are seven? Well, If there will be seven of me, I pray nothing but for them to be happy. But if I am to meet them? That will be a different story. It will be, chaotically happy!

Allisha_Aregory · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 18

Third Person's POV

Present Time, the time where Purple together with Allisha and the others went, a million years away from where they came from.



"Yeah! Am I in heaven? Oh my, I made it in heaven! This is a dream come true. I've always prayed that somehow I could be accepted here in heaven, even though I failed so much as a human. I'm so happy. Can I go talk to the Creator now? Wait, will I have wings? What else…" 


"It appears that your number isn't yet written on the pages of the Registry of Souls." The Registry Angel calmly interrupted the human girl who was rapidly talking. 


"W-What? What do you mean?" 


"It means that you are not eligible to enter the Village of Souls," 


"I'm not dead?" 




"But... can I do something, or anything, to stay? Look, I really need to go talk to the Creator. I know my presence may not be that important down on Earth, but I badly wanted to feel that thing they called love. Though I am having doubts about being exactly in love, I know I'll get there." 


"When the time is right, the soul will be in its rightful place." The Registry Angel finally said before closing the book that soul digits were enlisted.


The girl was then lifted by a force, and a strong light slowly succumbed to her.


"Hey! You can give me something to do while I wait for the right time. And…and…" The girl tried, but the light grew brighter, it was blinding, then she woke up under a huge, old tree, if not a million or a billion, maybe a quintillion miles away from heaven once again.


Looking up at the sky, her heart sank in so much despair. She longed and yearned in her lifetime to get to heaven, but unfortunately, it was not quite her time yet. 


She heaved deeply before turning her head from left to right, scanning her surroundings. It turned out, she was on a field at the edge of a mountain. Ahead were thick lines of trees, a sign of an abundant forest. She stood up and wiped the dirt off her clothes. 


"So, what year am I in now?" She mumbled with a smirk in her face, thinking of how to find ways to achieve her only goal—to die cool.


"First stop, look for myself." The girl marched her way into the forest.


"Come on, we have to stop the bleeding!" a hoarse voice of a woman echoed from a distance, which caught the girl's interest after walking around for minutes since her Descend.


She flitted her way towards the direction where the voice was coming from. Along her way, another voice was being heard. The voice seems younger. 


Then, just a couple yards away, she saw three bodies gathered around a wounded man lying on the ground. 


She sped up and was halted when she got a clearer vision of the man lying on the ground, soaking in his own blood. 


"Red?" The girl breathed in disbelief.


Purple, Haya, Rojum, and Red, turned sharply to look at who just spoke. 


Purple grabbed Allisha's hand, pressed it on Red's open wound, and positioned herself to get ready for an attack. 


"What do you need from us?" Purple asked, gasping anxiously while trying to observe the human girl in front of her. 


On the other hand, the girl scanned Purple as well for a moment and observed how badly wounded she was, but she seemed to be unfazed by the pain. 


"Calm down. I'm not an enemy. I won't hurt you." The girl raised her hand in surrender. 


"Aren't you a human? Did you follow us? How do you know his name?" Purple asked, unconvinced but curious. 


"It's a long story. But believe me, I do not intend any harm. So, can we do the most important thing at the moment?" The girl kept glancing at Red, who was barely breathing. 


"Ahm, I… I think… he stopped br..breathing." Allisha interrupted them in a terrified voice. "What kind of dream is this?" she cried. 


Purple immediately pushed Allisha away and started shaking Red.


"Red! Please! I do not understand what is happening now, but please, wake up!" Purple begged. "I just lost someone, I can't imagine losing you too in a day." 


"Can I say something?" The girl asked calmly, stepping closer. 


"Will that make any difference? If not, just leave." Purple responded offensively without looking. Her gaze was fixed on Red. 


"It'll be as if nothing happened. He'll be jumping in a second." The girl proudly said. 


Purple lifted her eyes to the odd-looking human girl and nodded in agreement. "Do it!" 


Purple stood up and let go of Red's hand. 


"My pleasure!" The girl smiled. "You!" She pointed at Allisha. 


"Me?" Allisha freaked out. 


"Yes. You could either go away or do the thing you are doing when someone gets hurt or in pain." 


"Wait! How did you…?" Allisha became more terrified. She never told anybody about her unusual capability, even in her dream. 


"Do it now!" Purple yelled, breaking Allisha's terrified face. 


Allisha knelt down, pressed her bloody hands back on Red's wound as the girl instructed, and started praying. 


"Is he with you?" the girl whispered to Purple, referring to Rojum. 


"That odd-looking human?" Purple bluntly said. 




"He's with this girl." 


"Oh, ok!" 


The girl then grabbed Purple and Rojum's hands. 


Standing in the middle, she asked both to put their hands on Allisha's shoulders. "This may be a little tiring, but just close your eyes and never let go." 


Then, in a moment, the girl's body started glowing with blue and white swirling lights. As Allisha prayed, she vested everyone with her gift. 


Purple felt everything start swirling backward, and they were being enveloped in an unusually aggravating force. Tiring their energy out. 


"What is happening?" Rojum shouted, terrified. 


"Be silent! Keep your energy." The girl was distracted. 


"I'll…kill..you…if…this…fails!" Purple kept herself calm, trying to stop Rojum from his panics.


"Don't worry, we are just going on a short trip." The girl smiled, and blue lights strung their way to Allisha. 


"See you later, my good friend, Red!"


Moments later, Red was on his feet, smiling and looking so lively. 


"What are you even smiling for?" Purple looked so annoyed. 

It was just Purple and Red who remained awake after whatever happened to them.


"Sorry, I just never thought I would still find you and this girl." Red beamed looking down on the girl he had been carrying on his arms for some time now.


"Really? But you seemed to be excited to see just her." 


"What?" Red sounded confused. He never knew Purple would turn out to be this less of a happy Purple, just as he remembered her to be. 


"Is it that great to carry her for this long, and you never even looked tired?" Purple mumbled.


"We are good friends. Just as we do." Red explained calmly. 


"Whatever. I'm just trusting her because you said so. And because you are standing right now." Purple turned towards ahead, searching for a better place to spend the night. 


"I can carry them for you." Red referred to Allisha and Rojum hurled up into both of Purple's arms. 


"No need, I bet you are still having a good time carrying your dear friend."


The girl snorted and started stretching.


"Hi, Red!" The girl sweetly burrowed her face in Red's chest, hugging him tight. 


"Haya." Red returned the warmth of the hug. 


"I see you have found her," Haya whispered. 


"Yes, finally."