
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

Energy immediately kicked Wraith away who was able to stop herself in midair. The SS-Criminal looked at The Guardian in surprise.

"You!" She growled

"Yes." Energy nodded, "Me."

Before anything, Energy lunged at her with great speed and punched her straight in the gut.

"Agh!" Wraith shouted in pain

Energy then grabbed her by the back of the head and brought her face down to her knee which she drove up with a great force that shot her head up violently. Before wasting any time, Energy opened her palm and harnessed an insane amount of energy in it. Enough to worry Taejoon.

"Hey, you'll blow the whole place up!" he shouted

"Relax." the guardian said simply

She then released the energy which engulfed Wraith and blasted through the entire building, leaving a massive hole. Fortunately, it didn't damage any of the supports so the building is not going to collapse.

Taejoon sighed, "Geez."

Energy saw as Wraith stayed standing in the same spot she was in, only she was charred slightly and her clothes a little tattered. The criminal glared at her with her piercing blue eyes.

"You stupid woman!" She growled as she punched her straight in the chin

This sent Energy reeling back but she composed herself immediately and responded with a kick to Wraith's side who only caught it. The Rampaging Titan then tried to break her leg by smashing her elbow at Energy's knee but Energy shielded her leg with an energy aura which stopped the attack. She then superheated the aura in order for Wraith to release her leg.

Energy then punched Wraith in the chest but Wraith caught it as well.

"I'll gut you!" Wraith shouted as she pulled Energy towards her

She then grabbed her head and tried to throw her down to the ground. Energy only grasped her hand and pried it off and without warning, smashed her head at Wraith's face, sending her flying back.

Energy then patted her hands and looked at Wraith who glared at her.

"You can keep trying but I think we both know how this will go." Energy warned, "This is a stalemate. And you're outnumbered."

Wraith wiped her nose and looked at her seriously.

"Hm.." She said before spitting at the ground, "True."

Without warning, She shot herself up at the ceiling. Taejoon saw as Wraith flew away at great speeds.

Energy sighed and followed suit.

Taejoon only blinked and stared at the holes in the glass ceiling.

"So that's done?" He said

"I would guess so." He turned to see Ryuki carrying Amily in his arms, "It is a relief that Wraith retreating, knowing that a fight against us won't be easy."

Taejoon rushed over to him, "Amily!"

Ryuki nodded, "She is unconscious." He told him, "Seems she succumbed to her injuries. I must admit, though, that her tenacity is greater than anyone I know."

Taejoon looked at Amily's bloodied face. He then clenched his fists, mad at himself for allowing her to push herself to such limits.

"Dammit..." He muttered

Ryuki looked at him, "Worry not." He said, "She'll be alright. There is something you must know, however."

He nodded towards the direction where Wraith had first landed. Taejoon followed his gaze and widened his eyes.

"What?" He said

Manti-Gore was gone.

Ryuki shrugged, "I suppose he is not dead." He said, "I've been told that man is incredibly hard to kill, even for a Titan."


Almost an hour later, outside the mall, Taejoon and Ryuki stood over Amily who was laying down on a gurney, paramedics were checking on her.

It took a while for Engine to wrap things up outside, he was busy rushing injured officers and civilians caught up in the fighting. Paperbag and Mujin's men had taken the fighting to the streets as well and The Speedster found it annoying to run around the place trying to save people and fight the gangsters off.

Nevertheless, He managed to subdue the dozens of men with ease as soon as he cleared the area of liabilities. He had then decided to scour the city multiple times to see if Mujin or Paperbag were hiding somewhere but to no avail.

He had just returned to the mall's parking lot where Amily was being treated.

"Yo!" He said as he skidded to a stop right next to Taejoon, "No luck, those bastards managed to hide well or left the city fast."

Taejoon looked at him, "My money is on them hiding." He said, "Paperbag was just here. There's no way he could've left the city so fast without anyone noticing. Have you contacted Cyberknight?"

Engine shook his head, "Tried, but he's not answering." He said, "My guess is he's dealing with something else. Seoul was hit by someone."

Taejoon frowned, "Who?"

"Golden Spear." Engine said

Golden Spear was another S-Class criminal on par with Manti-Gore. According to the data that Purgatory has on him, He is a mercenary like Manti-Gore.

Ryuki then placed his hand on his chin, "hmm.." He said, "Most interesting. That man is not to be underestimated."

Engine frowned at him, "What're you doing here?" He said, "Thought you were supposed to go back to your country."

Ryuki looked at the speedster, "Orders from The Chief. I am to retrieve our weapons." He said simply

Before Engine could say anything else, they all noticed a light shining on them. They looked up to see Energy floating down to the ground, landing right behind them.

Taejoon looked at her, "Energy." He greeted, "Thanks for having our backs."

Energy walked up to them, "Of course, anytime." She said, "That was Wraith you were facing, it is a protocol for multiple Guardians to engage such a foe."

Taejoon's eye twitched a little and he looked away. Energy, however, noticed this but paid it no mind. She walked past them and reached Amily who was unconscious and had her wounds bandaged up. The paramedics who were checking on her immediately moved out of the way as they saw the Titan approach the gurney.

Energy looked at her with a concerned look, "Oh...Minju...." She said as she held her hand, "You're strong, my dear. Pull through."

Engine then whistled, "Maaannn, Wraith, huh?" He said, "Holy shit, to think that it took 3 Guardians to repel that woman. It's crazy, I tell you."

Energy then let go of Amily's hand and turned around to face them.

"I apologize for letting her slip past my patrols." She said seriously, "The moment I noticed something was in our airspace, it was too late. I tried getting here before she made landfall."

Ryuki shook his head, "No worries." He said, "I am sure Taejoon would've repelled her without your help, it is just that something clouded his mind at the time."

Taejoon scowled at him, "Who the hell asked for your opinion, jackass?" He growled, "Mind your damn business."

Ryuki shrugged and turned around, "Well, I must take my leave." He said before walking away

The Guardians watched as he walked away into the distance.

Engine then spoke up, "What do you think he is gonna do?" He asked

Taejoon rubbed his hair, "Beats me." He said, "But I know he's gonna look for those weapons."

Energy nodded, "Indeed." She said, "It should be our priority as well. I have no idea what those weapons are capable of and I don't intend on finding out."

Taejoon then sighed, "Well I am still fresh." He said, "Engine, continue patrolling the streets. Keep an eye out for Paperbag and Mujin, those bastards are still somewhere. Energy, go back to the air. Who knows if Wraith is still willing to pay us a visit. I'll have these guys take Amily to the HQ's infirmary. I'll get back on the streets after I make a call."

Energy nodded, "Right." She said before walking past them

Engine then sighed before taking off in a flash.

Taejoon gestured at the paramedics to take the wounded Guardian away. They then started to load her up into the back of the ambulance.

Before Energy flew off, she stopped and looked at Taejoon.

"Hey, Taejoon." She called

Taejoon turned to look at her, "Yea?"

"That guy, the one from House Dreadfyre, He was right." She said, "You could've handled both Manti-Gore and Wraith by yourself. Something is bothering you."

Taejoon frowned at her and was about to say something before he saw her smile at him.

"Don't compare yourself to him, Taejoon." She told him, "You are strong. Don't forget that."

She then took off into the air, a streak of light following her. Taejoon merely stared into the sky, watching her slowly shrink in the distance. He ignored all the voices of the firefighters, cops, and paramedics around him. He only thought about what had happened today.

He clenched his fists, "Tch." He said as he turned around and walked away,

"Yea, right."