

Guard: Either you die or they die.

Freya: I-

Freya: You've got to be kidding me? Please don't let me do this.

Guard: I'm sorry Miss but this is what my "Slayer" informed me to do

Freya: Slayer who? I don't care whoever it is, I will kill them for doing this

Guard: **Points Gun at her enraged* Do you fucking know who you are talking to? He is the most da- *Interrupted*

?????= That's enough, control your emotions like I teached you and carry as planned

Guard: *Yes sir* Listen up Ms, if your not going to do it, your the one who is going to lose your life here

Freya: Dammit why is this happening to me (I guess this is why Jay was traumatized)

Guard: Why is this happening you ask? What about the parents you killed during your criminal days, hoe many lives of parents did you take?, how many lives have you ruined? This is what it feels like

Freya: *Thinking Back*


Back then I was just a normal girl, I always used to see my mum getting beat up and my dad killing people, I thought it was every day life, even though my life was bad back then there was one thing that always made me happy, School, I was about to start Highschool when something unexpected happened.

Lusia: *throws rocks at Freya* Get out of her you criminal we hate you here

Everyone started bullying me, hurting my parents, bullying my sister so then I started become a murderer.

Lucian: Hey girl, take this here my boss gave it to me *Gives a Katana*

Lucian: You can do it right? After all this is your revenge

Freya: Yes...


Freya: Hey Guard before I kill them, may I ask you what's your name?

Guard: Well my name is....


Freya: .... WHAT? the same guys who convinced me to murder, now this?

Freya: How dare you? How fucking dare youuu? (Explodes in rage) killing her parents in the process


????????= *Raises eyebrows* Interesting let's see why they really call you Killer Quinn

Freya: Using *Blood* And Gaining strength

??????????=This is the power of the killer Quinn... YES SHOW ME WHAT YOU TRULY CAPABLE OF, YOU ABSOLUTE MONSTER.


NOTE: Blood is a technique that absorbs the blood of the decayed ones and absorb their abilities and memories and strength.

Side Effect: By gaining their memories, they might see dark memories no one wants to see.