
Pulling and pushing in the apocalypse.

In a world ravaged by an invasion of mythical creatures, the once-familiar landscapes have been transformed into battlegrounds. Enormous gates, known as "Rifts," tore open between dimensions, unleashing dragons, zombies, werewolves, and an array of fantastical beasts upon the world. Humanity was pushed to the brink of extinction, struggling to survive against these overwhelming forces. However, amid the chaos and devastation, a phenomenon known as the "Awakening" occurred. Inexplicably, all humans began to exhibit extraordinary abilities that could be used to fight or survive against the creatures that invaded their world. These powers varied widely from person to person, granting them a fighting chance against the monstrous onslaught. Follow Alaric, from the beginning of this invasion, on his journey to become the strongest, and maybe even saving the world. Though this path won't be easy, as there will be a lot of hardships and losses. It doesnt matter, as he will keep fighting with everything he has.

Blu01 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Boss (1) - Eye opening defeat.

It had only been 2 hours after Alaric had begun his journey to the center of the town. Alaric was debating on how he should aproach this.

'A head on assault would be really dumb, so I'll probably get a vantage point and get information on the Boss and evaluate it before any further action.' he scratched his chin.

Kicking a rock further down the road he found something strange. 'Why have I not encountered a single zombie? I would have atleast stumbled upon 2 already, but so far nothing has appeared.' He looked around the empty street searching for anything, but giving up a while later.

'I just realised. I haven't used the pulling part of my power yet.' He looked up in thought. 'How would it even be useful? I can't really think of any uses right now. I'll try to think of something on the way.'

'I also need a long distance attack. It would help cover some of my weaknesses and increase my strength even more.' he made another mental note. 'I think the principals of my power is almost like one of the characters from an anime I have watched. I can probably take some notes from his book.'

'So I'll take my time on the way to the center. I'll train on the way and get more familliar with my power, to be more prepared for my battle.' he thought, slowing his pace down. 'I'll make camp up ahead and train a little.'


Alaric sat down after making a fire infront of one of the houses. He had not encountered any zombies for awhile now so he thought it would be fine to make a fire outside.

After he sat down he put one of the cans of meat next to the fire to warm it up. 'Alright, how do I go about making a long range move.' he scratched his chin. 'Taking a not from a certain someone's book, I would use the pushing for the attack, obviously, and try to make it into a sphere which then could be shot.'

He looked questioningly at the ground. 'That might be far fetched and really hard to do, but it would be really cool.' he looked at his hand. 'Well, let's try. If it doesn't work I'll think of something else.'

And so he began to train and manipulate his pushing force to flow and intertwine into some kind of sphere. He trained until the son set, but there were no results. 'Ughh, what the hell! There goes my little dream.' He looked to the ground in dissapointment.

'Wait! I could ask the system!' his eyes brightened a bit. 'System how do I about creating a new skill?' Alaric waited for an answer, but nothing came.

'You suck!'


Four days had passed since then. Alaric had made some progress, though not alot. He didn't learn a new attack skill, but he did learn a new skill that involved his pulling force. It was called [Grapple]. It essentially made him able to climb walls. That would come in real handy.

He was about a kilometer away from the center of the town. There was a hospital about a hundred meters away from the center. That was where he would get a vantage point.

Alaric then suddenly crouched into a running stance. He blitzed away in the direction of the hospital. 'Well now is the best time to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand.' he thought while running to the hospital.

A while later he had entered the front of the hospital. 'Jeez, it's so creepy in here.' he shivered. The main lobby looked terrible, but Alaric steeled himself and made his way to the roof of the building.

The halls of the hospital were even more creepy, but Alaric ignored it and picked his pace up a little.

'Hell, there are a lot of stairs and floors in this hospital.'He thought when he finally reached the last set of stairs. He then made his way up, pushing the door open and walking to the edge.

He crouched, grabbed the ledge and squinted his eyes. His eyes quickly widened though as he looked at the scene infront of him. There in the center of the town were hundreds or thousands of zombies. It looked like a sea of green.

He quickly reeled himself in and looked further, searching for the boss. He started looking from the outside of the hourde and moved to middle.

When his gaze reached the middle, his eyes widened again. There standing in the middle was a zombie he had never seen before. Looking at it gave Alaric chills.

It looked to be 210 - 220 centimeters tall. It was a dark green and had big scythe like blades for arms. Its head had no eyes and was covered with a long toothy jaw, which drool was coming out of.

'Holy sh*t, that thing looks strong! Even from so far away he feels frightening!' Alaric watched this creature with a complicated gaze. 'I don't stand a chance. I should-'


Alaric reacted quickly, unsheathing his blade and trying to move, but it was too late. Blinding white lights had instantly appeared infront of him. Alaric moved the blade infront of him in a futile attempt at protecting himself.


The top two floors of the hospital instantly got lacirated into pieces and got blown away. Alaric flew through the sky with the rubble, covered in gashes. 'Sh*t, this isn't good! Looks like it has a high form of intelligence!'

The creature appeared beside Alaric, smiling with bloodthirst. "YOUR'E TOO WEAK!" It gave Alaric a disapointed look. It then swung its scythe like arm at Alaric.

He reacted on instinct, black energy forming in his hands and pointing it to some of the rubble of the building. He pulled his hand backwards, flinging the pieces of rubble infont of him.

The scythe like arm made contact with the pieces of rubble and sliced right through. "AND TOO DUMB!"

The arm made contact with Alaric's abdomen, leaving a huge gash and flinging him down towards the ground.

Alaric made contact with the ground, leaving a groove as he slid across it. Alaric vomited blood and quickly tried raising his blade, but realised it wasn't in his hand.

The creature maneuvered his body putting his feet on the rubble that was above it and came shooting down like a meteor, impacting the ground with his feet on either side of Alaric. Dust flew everywhere.

As the dust settled, a cruel scene was revealed. The creature's blade was imbedded in Alaric's chest, blood spewing from the large wound.

It slowly pulled its arm out and smiled down towards Alaric. "YOU OVERESTIMATED YOURSELF." It laughed looking at Alaric's lifeless eyes once more. It then turned around, moving to the center of the town.


Wow! What a shocker, Alaric lost!?! Hope you loved the chapter. <3

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