
Pulling and pushing in the apocalypse.

In a world ravaged by an invasion of mythical creatures, the once-familiar landscapes have been transformed into battlegrounds. Enormous gates, known as "Rifts," tore open between dimensions, unleashing dragons, zombies, werewolves, and an array of fantastical beasts upon the world. Humanity was pushed to the brink of extinction, struggling to survive against these overwhelming forces. However, amid the chaos and devastation, a phenomenon known as the "Awakening" occurred. Inexplicably, all humans began to exhibit extraordinary abilities that could be used to fight or survive against the creatures that invaded their world. These powers varied widely from person to person, granting them a fighting chance against the monstrous onslaught. Follow Alaric, from the beginning of this invasion, on his journey to become the strongest, and maybe even saving the world. Though this path won't be easy, as there will be a lot of hardships and losses. It doesnt matter, as he will keep fighting with everything he has.

Blu01 · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Alaric: Origin

'I guess today is going to be another normal day.' a seventeen year old boy thought, while looking out of his classrooom window. Watching the outside greenery, he saw two birds chirping to eachother, almost as if they really were in love. He turned his brown eyes back to the teacher, who was giving a history lesson.

This boy's name was Alaric, a pretty weird name many would call it, but he liked it. He sat right in the furthest corner of the class, away from most of the other children. He wasn't antisocial by any means, he just liked his privacy.

He tapped his fingers on the wooden desk, half listening to the teacher. He turned his gaze back to the window. Still those two birds were happily chirping to eachother in the tree. 'Atleast you two are more interesting than the history lesson' he thought with a small smile on his face.

He felt someone tapping on his shoulder. Turning his gaze to this person, he met stunning blue eyes. He smiled, this was Haley, his friend since childhood. She was practicaly his sister, since they grew up together. "What are you thinking about?" she looked curiously at him. "Just how boring this day has been." Alaric looked with a bemused expression.

She smirked, "So, what is your idea of a exciting day then?". "Fighting monsters, having powers, saving the world, you know, the normal stuff." he joked. "You should really stop watching those anime, and superhero cartoons." she rolled her eyes. "Alright, sorry mom." he smirked as she punched him on the shoulder. "You jerk."

"Alaric! Haley! Stop talking and pay attention!" the teacher lectured them. They gave one last look at eachother and turned their gazes to the front of the classroom again.

Alaric quickly got bored and decided to look out the window again. 'Huh, looks like one of the birds are missing, I wonder where it had gone off to?' His question was quickly answered as he turned his gaze towards the ground. Seeing a small figure laying there, not moving. 'Poor litlle thing.' he thought.

As he was about to turn his head back to the front of the class, a glint caught his eyes. He looked at the sky and saw a small blue light that was too bright for his eyes. When his eyes adjusted to it, he saw that it looked like a crack from a broken glass. He narrowed his eyes, but they immediatly widened as a big set of claws clenched the sides of the crack.

Very quickly a head followed the claws, the eyes of the beast wandering around as if searching for something. That's when their eyes locked and Alaric felt a chill down his spine. He tried screaming for the others, trying to warn them, but it was too late. The beast had opened his maw, gathering energy infront of it's face.

The energy had coalest into a ball, growing at an extremely fast pace, until it was as big as the creature's- no- dragon's face. It gave a mighty roar and the ball of energy turned into a white beam of energy flying straight at them with blurring speeds.


It was blinding. Alaric didn't know what was going on. The only thing he knew, was that he was staring at something. It was those stunning blue eyes, looking at him in shock and fear, then everything went black.


Everything HURTS. Alaric groaned, trying to get up, but it was for nought. He yelped and laid back down. 'What the hell just happened!?', Alaric thought trying to look around as his eyes adjusted to the light. He couldn't see much, because his neck ached when he tried to move it. What he saw though, made his face go cold. He only saw rubble and debris, nothing of the classroom anywhere in sight.

This gave Alaric the motivation to actually stand up and look around. That motivation quickly vanished though, as he saw everything around him. His eyes filled with dread and his stomach twisted violently. There were corpses every way he looked. His eyes fell on very familiar strands of blonde hair.

His eyes filled with horror and his breathing quickened. He ran to the figure as quickly as his bruised body could. 'No! God please no!' he frantically thought as he reached the body. There she was, still, so peacefully still, those stunning blue eyes now lifeless. Alaric's knees caved in, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at her.

'Why didn't I react sooner? Why didn't I warn everyone as soon as I saw those massive claws!?' Alaric cringed. 'I'm sorry! I'm so very sorry!' Alaric looked at Haley. 'Why am I the only one alive!? I should've also been dead!'


[You have awakened at the perfect time. The massive amount of energy caused by your awakening has protected you from most of the damage.], a robotic voice said.

'HUH!? Whose talking!?' Alaric looked around bewildered, but not seeing anyone. He stood up muscles tensed, he did go to fighting classes for a year, so he knew a liitle bit of defending himself.

[I am the system that has been gifted to you, after you awakened. You can't see me, as i'm currently in your head.]

Alaric looked confused, but didn't ask any further as he thought that he was going insane. He turned his gaze back to his childhood friend. He couldn't stay here as it was dangerous, but he couldn't leave his friend here out in the open without a proper burial.

Alaric made up his mind and picked his friend's body up and climbed out of the crater the blast had left. He couldn't see anything outside of the school grounds, because of the smoke and dust particles caused by the blast.

Miraculously, a single tree had survived the blast. He walked toward it quickly and gently putting her down against the tree and started digging a hole. It had taken probably an hour or so before the hole was big enough. He gently picked her up, and sat her in the hole. He looked sadly at her one more time, tears streaming down his face, before covering her.

He stood there, still, loathing himself and blaming his actions, this continued for a while, until he came to a conclusion. His eyes hardened and became full of determination. 'I am going to avenge you Haley, I won't stop trying until I achieve this, you can count on it!' he thought, his eyes blazing.

"System! What did you mean by awakening?" Alaric asked, as plans began to form in his head. He was going try his best to avenge her.


This idea has been on my mind for a little while now. I'm glad and excited to share this, in my opinion, great idea with you all. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. <3

Blu01creators' thoughts