

As the CEO of a multinational corporation that sells superpowers to the highest bidder ("the finest superpowers money can buy"), you'll cast powerful magic, invent futuristic technologies, and manipulate your stock price to impress shareholders!

Senhor_do_gamer · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs


You hear that Nemesis is pleased, and keen to start work at once.

As you are preparing to return to your apartment that evening, tired and bleary-eyed, there is a knock on the door of your office. It is Robert Leach. "Do you have a moment?"

"Of course."

He enters, and sits. "Your predecessor, Anaru Katariki, always valued my willingness to present an alternative perspective on a situation. I'd like to think I have that same relationship with you."

"I'm willing to listen to anything that concerns you," you tell him.

"Thank you. It concerns Claudette Byron: the woman is a security risk. She knows MetaHuman's projects and processes intimately. And now that she's been fired here, she's likely to be snapped up by a rival firm. Probably Psion; they can afford to give her the facilities she's used to. Or maybe one of the smaller companies."

"What do you suggest?"

"I don't suggest anything," he says, with a weary smile. He's had a long day as well. "I'm merely pointing out alternatives. I believe you aren't yet acquainted with our security facilities here. They might surprise you. It's well within this company's power to discreetly detain Ms. Byron here as a guest. A comfortable guest, of indefinite duration. Or, if you prefer, a more permanent solution could be found for this potential security risk. It would be regrettable—personally, I'm rather fond of Ms. Byron. But it's a possibility."