
Psychosis(A Short-Story)

Katherine was a good girl once. Until she was humiliated and took a wound to the head.

Korsadus_Caesar · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs


Katherine was a good kid, anyone who knew her could attest to that. At 16 she was an honor student at Plymore High. She had her head on straight, while her year mates were off smoking weed and having unprotected sex, (Which she's heard that one of said year mates committed suicide when they found the positive symbol on the tests), she was learning what she could in order to succeed in life.

Even outside of school she was a model of what a good kid should be. She helped the elderly, babysat a couple of her neighbor's younger kids when they had to go somewhere, and helped out with a neighborhood activity involving gardening when she had the time.

There was even the one time she managed to inadvertently apprehend a rapist. One night she felt someone grab her shoulder, and seeing that she was in an alleyway at night, her training kicked in as she grabbed the hand and flipped the owner of said hand before lashing out with a kick that managed to knock the man out. Turns out said man was a wanted rapist who had a habit of targeting girls her age. She did her neighborhood a service and got a couple thousand dollars as a reward.

All-in-all she was the epitome of a good kid; one whose morals are uncompromising and whose drive to succeed had those who knew her have only the utmost respect for her. She already had a scholarship lined up for a prestigious academy after she graduates and had everything going for her.

…. Everything except her home life that is.

"Kath you dumb fuck! Get me another beer from the fridge!" slurred William, Katherine's drunkard of a father.

Katherine sighed as she walked over to the smaller refrigerator beside their normal family one. She opened it to see the piles of beer, that being the only thing inside said refrigerator. Picking one up she closed the fridge and walked over to her father before holding it out for him to take.

William snatched it from her outstretched hand before popping it open and sloppily guzzling it down. Katherine just shook her head as she made to walk out of the room before William once again called for her.

"Oh, and when you're done with whatever stupid shit you have do get your ass over to the toilet, the damn things clogged up again" Katherine gritted her teeth before walking out of the room without a word.

This was what Katherine's home life was like. Her family was quite well off but there was no love between any of them. Her mother worked abroad and barely spoke to any of them, opting only to send over money every month. Her father was a lazy bastard who used up nearly half of everything her mom sent for nothing but beer and nights out with his equally lazy bunch of friends. She had no siblings to speak of but knew for a fact she was supposed to have one before her parents unanimously agreed to have them aborted.

All-in-all her home life sucked, and it sucked big time. The only escape she had was when she went off to school or helped out in her neighborhood. I mean sure her life didn't seem so bad now but she still didn't like the fact her family was less of a family and more like it was just her living with a slob of a roommate.

At least she had the things outside of her home to look forward to. Though she had few friends in school and there was that one group of people she really didn't like due to how absolutely annoying they were to her….

"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss perfect here to grace us with her flawless visage!" a very annoying voice called out causing Katherine to sigh in frustration before turning around.

'Speak of the devils and they shall appear' Katherine thought to herself as she beheld the faces of Markus Wolfram and his two ever present cohorts whose names she didn't even bother to remember.

These three have been a constant annoyance to her ever since she rejected Wolfram's proposal of a date. Seeing as he was a snobbish bastard who acted like he owned the school and everyone in it really didn't help his chances with her.

"What do you want Wolfram?" she asked in the most deadpan tone she could manage as he and his boys walked towards her.

"Well Miss perfect I just wanted to allow myself to bask in your presence! After all, it's not everyday you mingle with us lowly plebians" She just continued staring at him with the most deadpan look she could muster.

"You do know you're even richer than I am right?" And that was true seeing as the Wolfram family had stocks in several major oil companies.

Wolfram ignored that before continuing, "Why if I had a penny for every time you allowed yourself to mingle with us lowly peasants I would barely have enough to fill the palm of my hand!" At this point Katherine was running late and so decided to cut this little 'meeting' short.

"Look Wolfram I'm running late for class so I'll just say that one, I barely talk with anyone because I've got way too much stuff to do. Two, why are you still even talking to me when you already know the answer is no. And three, you've got dirt on your shirt. Now good day" Katherine then made an about face and started towards the school building.

As Katherine left however, she missed the vicious snarl on Wolfram's face. He signaled to his lackies to follow him as he said, "That stupid bitch, she'll get what's coming to her soon enough"

As Katherine entered the school grounds, she noticed that everyone seemed to be looking at her with a weird expression before looking away. Katherine couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive after seeing this odd behavior. Sure, she didn't really mingle with any of her Schoolmates but they didn't really mind and some even respected her for her dedication.

Now however, they seemed to be looking at her as if she did something wrong or disgusting. Which was weird because Katherine has never done anything wrong at school in all the time she has been here. Her apprehension skyrocketed when she noticed one of her teachers walking towards her.

"Ms. Frey, the principal would like to see you in his office" the teacher said before walking away. Whispers started sounding in the hallway as Katherine shook off her shock and walked towards the principal's office.

When she got there, she was asked to take a seat before the Principal got right to talking, "Look Ms. Frey we know you're a model student, one of the best we've had in fact. But we can't excuse actions such as this which hurt the school's image" Katherine was understandably confused since she didn't and would never do anything that would hurt the school.

"But Sir, what exactly did I do?" The Principal looked at her before pulling up a Facebook post that had Katherine shocked to her core.

There on the screen was a video of her having sex with Wolfram, an hour-long video in fact. It was clearly her face, which just added on to her confusion since she had and would NEVER have sex with the scumbag.

"Sir! I didn't do this nor did I post this! It must've been edited and someone managed to post it onto my account" The principal clearly didn't believe her and she kind of could tell why seeing as the editing was really good but he had to believe her!

"Look maybe you didn't post this. But Mr. Wolfram himself has stated that the video was real and he seemed extremely shocked that you would post something so private online. His two friends and a couple other students have attested that Mr. Wolfram was telling the truth and that the video was most likely from a party you attended" The Principal stopped the video before looking at her once more.

"In light of all of this evidence against you we would be perfectly in our rights to expel you for disorderly conduct, especially since you were wearing the school uniform while performing the 'act'. However due to your perfect record up to this point I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you were just really drunk when you posted this. I still have to punish you however so you're suspended for two weeks. Please try not to repeat something like this again" And with that Katherine, who was still shell shocked, was dismissed.

Outside She could still hear the whispers and now after seeing the video she could even tell what a few of them were saying. And all of them were about the video she 'allegedly' posted.

"Man, who knew the resident genius was such a slut?"

"It's always the quite ones, right?"

"I wonder if she would put out if I ask her? I mean she's already shown she likes this kind of stuff and- "

"Hah! Little miss perfect isn't as perfect as she seems! What, did you post that as bragging rights?" Wolfram said with an angry face, though Katherine could see the glint of someone who has had revenge in his eyes.

She couldn't take it anymore and bolted towards the entrance. On the way however she slipped on a wet part of the floor and smacked her head into the tile. Everyone laughed at her predicament even after seeing blood drip from her head wound. Katherine stood and staggered out of the school, hand on her forehead trying to stem the blood flowing from her wound.

On the way there she noticed the same neighbors she's helped dozens of times looking at her in disgust. It was then she realized they've also seen the video and now they despised her, despised the girl who they thought was the paragon of goodness now revealed as nothing more than a tramp and…

Her head wound must've gotten to her seeing as she started to feel an unfathomable anger build up in her system. How dare they? How dare they think bad of her when she's helped them for years now? How dare her oh so great 'schoolmates' laugh at her when she's injured?! HOW DARE THAT BASTARD WOLFRAM FOR DOING THIS TO HER!?

She staggered back home and came inside to the angry visage of her father. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into the house, completely ignoring the bleeding gash in her forehead.

"Get in here you! You damned slut! The neighbors outside have been talking about that fucking video you posted since this morning! Do you know how embarrassed I've been?" He staggered towards her and it was then she smelled the strong scent of alcohol on him.

"I knew I should've disciplined you better. Now though. Now I'll make sure to beat it into you that doing stupid shit like this isn't right!" Before Katherine could say anything, William slapped her, causing the wound on her head to open even more.

"N-no stop p-please. I did n-nothing wrong!" She pleaded as she ran stood up and staggered towards the kitchen.

"Where do you think you're going? GET BACK HERE SO I CAN TEACH YOU A LESSON!" Katherine heard William roar as she swayed towards the kitchen. The wound on her head bleeding profusely.

Her vision started to swirl, shapes and figures popping up in her sight. Her schoolmates laughing at her, Wolfram and his mocking smile, the judgmental stares of the neighbors she thought liked her, William in his drunken rage… How dare they, HOW DARE THEY! AFTER ALL SHE'S DONE THIS IS WHAT THEY REPAY HER HARD WORK WITH!? HOW. DARE. THEY!

William stomped into the kitchen and turned his daughter around, only to gasp in shock at three things. One, the large bleeding tear in her forehead that in his drunken haze he didn't notice. Two, her deranged smile. And three, the knife she just buried into his stomach.

Katherine's smile widened as she pulled the knife out of her father's gut before plunging it in again, and again, and again. William coughed up blood before collapsing but even then, she didn't stop. She climbed on top of him and continued to plunge the knife into her own father's body over and over and over and over and over...







Katherine grinned and laughed hysterically as she stared at herself in the blood-soaked mirror. The gash on her head messily sewn shut and her father's torn off face in her hand. Blood was everywhere along with scattered parts of her daddy.

"Oh, daddy dearest~ I like you much better when you're silent!" She let out a crazed laugh.

She looked out her bathroom window, staring at the moon high in the sky. She sighed as she traced the blood-soaked knife in her other hand. In her fractured mind she began to recite a phrase she found on one of her research assignments.

'Psychosis: a condition that affects the brain causing you to lose touch of reality'

She smiled once more before pulling out her phone and looking at Wolfram's address, "I haven't lost touch with reality. I've never been more in touch with it until now!"

She put her phone away before heading out into the dead of night. Saying in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, what a good girl am I~"

Katherine Frey laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

A short-story I thought up for a school assignment. Cross-posted on Fictionpress.net

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