
BL: Psychosense

Jones is just a kid who wants to be accepted. Throughout his whole life all he ever wanted was to be accepted. His parents viewed his as weak, never being able to match his older brother. They wanted to marry him off as soon as he turned twenty, saying he could at least procreate, right? His life shifts as the unthinkable happens to him. *** Gen Gen is a detective, and he investigates special crimes. After meeting and saving Jones, he continues being a detective. Three years later, murders break out all through Sunston. The MO had two pieces that matched a recent case. But that man is in prison. So who is it?

eonnisia · Horror
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Time skip


Drinnnng drinnng

'Remember that final submission for the graduation photos are due tomorrow. Your captions must be appropriate. You must pay for your gown and cap by next Monday. Tickets will be sold starting tomorrow as well, starting 12pm. It's been a pleasure my students. Eat well and live well!'

The announcement announced crisply through the speakers - it's the last day. I finally graduated. I got my associates degree in criminal justice. I moved to Korea after that incident. I haven't spoke with my family in forever. Time went by so fast that it seemed surreal. I started attending Yongsan international university. Mostly everyone here spoke more than one language, making it easier to connect.

I mostly stayed away though. I was most awake during school, as it's the one thing I need to be able go home. As beautiful as it is here, I miss my American soil. You have to be conservative. But these people are really not conservative at all.

They are lunatics inside pretty skin.

And don't even get me started about the K-Pop industries. I dated a fan girl for 5 months- I eventually walked in on her doing something I wouldn't even imagine with her favorite groups stuffy.

I shuddered, the scene replaying in my mind

'And she had over one thousand photo cards of the same person.. organized.'

Of course not everyone is like this, but I guess everyone I meet is.

So this graduation - it's my escape ticket.


After packing up my stuff in the dorm, I stuck my middle finger up as a final salute - and kicked my roommates empty soda can under his bed.

That's illegal out here, you know.

I walked out of the school, no goodbyes, and no sentiment. I stared at my flight information on my app.

I'm going home. Not to my old apartment - my dad made the owner tear it down.

I'm going home to the main house. It kind of makes me shiver when I think about it.

I'm going to sign up for the police academy as soon as I get back.

As I waited for my kakao driver, my nerves just kept tingling.

'I'm going home. I've finished school. Time has passed, and I'm sure they miss me. I've done good' I chanted to myself.

My phone vibrated letting my know my ride was here. As the driver pulled up, I put my phone in my pocket - greeting the driver with a nice smile.

To be honest, when I first came out here I met my grandmother once. She didnt bother me like mom and dad did, but she only sent me money. She simply paid for my schooling and dorms, giving me a allowance to live off of.

It was a straight no contact thing.

She's the best adult I've met so far.

After arriving at the airport, I quickly checked in and passed through screening. I watched my bag disappear onto the belt, while the TSA agent ordered me to keep it moving.


I forgot my phone charger in that bag.

I finally moved forward, earning the glare of the TSA agent. They always seem to have something up their ass - it doesn't matter what country.

I boarded the plane first, me being the only first class rider. Thanks grandma.

But I felt everyone's eyes follow me as I walked onto the ramp.

Sitting in my first class cube, I pulled the curtains shut and immediately took three valiums. This should cover it. I'll sleep 12 hours, pee, and then sleep 8 more. It's a routine I learned when forcing myself to sleep after working overnights back then. Sometimes I was too awake to fall asleep and I used whatever I could to force myself so I wouldn't be tired.


21 hours later

I put my bag into the family car, sitting in the back seat. The driver peeked at me through the mirror, nodded and then drove off.

I'm not sure if I'm ready.

But let's do it.



Crunch crunch

Chewing on a granola bar, I felt my tooth jar at the hard nuts. I hate these so much.

It's been such a quiet week. That's bad. That means soon, we'll be hit with a shit show. Everyone's nerves are up, staring at the phones with dread.

I looked at my stale coffee. Damn it




The sun shined bright, illuminating the house as the driver pulled in. The grey paint and golden trims reflected the light into the windows, almost making the house seem like the insides were bathed with pure light.

The door opened, and I stepped out. I didn't bother to check my bag as I'm sure he'll grab it.

I walked to the front door, and turned the handle. Here I go.

I stuck my head in first, and after not seeing anyone I stepped in. After I entered the entryway, the driver stepped in behind me.

"Follow me" he said.

I trailed behind him, entering the living room. I grew up here, but I still need to follow a servant first.

I bowed to my mom, who was sitting on the white couch, splayed out and with her feet up while watching some Thai show.

Her nails were painted red, with the edges between her toes to keep them from smudging.

She seemed to be crying as the characters mother seemed have gotten shot. He was screaming, but he was quickly calmed himself. He grabbed the other character he was with, and hopped on a bike, leaving the body.

The scene panned to the mothers body, laying in the sand in front of her hostel. She died on a beach.

Seems the son was a body guard of some sort.

I would've abandoned that boy if my mother was killed because I dared protect you. Nope not me.

'Jesus Christ' I muttered, startling my mom.

"Max!!" She screamed, immediately running to me, grabbing onto my wrists staring into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked me, her hold on my wrists tightening, squeezing my veins.

"Yes mother" I replied with a smile.

"Great. I'll tell your dad! He'll be happy. He already has a few blind dates waiting to be scheduled. You'll do the same as your brother. You will marry, and attend the academy. You will not dirty yourself, or the family name. Instead youll follow in your big brothers steps. Understood?" She pressed, sounding sweet but it just made me feel sick.

"Yes ma'am"

I turned around, briskly walking to my room. The servant followed the whole way, still not leaving even after I shut my door in his face.

A loud knock hit my door, the servants voice reaching through,

"You are to throw out any clothing you have with you. There are clothes for you in your drawers and closets that befit you as a generals son. The calendar on your desk contains your schedule, starting every day from 6am to 12am"

He knocked on the door once more, signifying his departure.

Glancing at the window, I could only lament at how leaving would be impossible.

I decided to take a nap.


Jones eyes opened, staring at the ceiling. He looked over at his door, getting up to lock it. He turned the lock slowly, making sure the click wasn't heard.

Putting on a pair of black workout pants and a black hoodie, Jones rolled up my window and jumped.

Silver flashed from his pocket, its sharp glint momentarily visible as he jumped.