
BL: Psychosense

Jones is just a kid who wants to be accepted. Throughout his whole life all he ever wanted was to be accepted. His parents viewed his as weak, never being able to match his older brother. They wanted to marry him off as soon as he turned twenty, saying he could at least procreate, right? His life shifts as the unthinkable happens to him. *** Gen Gen is a detective, and he investigates special crimes. After meeting and saving Jones, he continues being a detective. Three years later, murders break out all through Sunston. The MO had two pieces that matched a recent case. But that man is in prison. So who is it?

eonnisia · Horror
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Almost dead

tw: murder. gore. kidnapping


"Ah what the fuck…" I kicked a can to the side. Who the hell litters when the trash can is right there? Just pick it up what the hell..

After tossing the trash after work, I head home.

The walk is fast. It seems like the air is tense, but it's just cold. The road feels empty and the sky empty and vast. Taking a deep breath, I keep walking with my head down.

Looking to my left I see yellow tape, and a squad. No literally, a whole bunch of detectives, coroners and news people. A crowd had gathered around, people with their phones out just flashing away. A cop even snatched a ladies phone.

I was curious too though.. like what is it? It's obviously a body, but did someone have a heart attack or something?

For some reason, I really want to look.

Glancing over at the bushes to the left, there was a hole in the fence with a shortcut leading to the other side.

After going around the bend, I finally came across the other side of the barrier.

Climbing the tree to get a better view, I sat on a branch. I looked down.

A girl who's skin resembled a porcelain vase, with a blanket covering her. The coroner reached down and closed her eyes, marking the direction she was staring in. They were honey brown.

My body tensed up, I was stuck. I couldn't move, my body no longer listening to me. I started to sweat.

I flushed - no way no way no way!!!

I turned to run, tripping over trash and littered cans. I tried to catch myself, but my work lanyard caught on the branch, yanking my neck sideways and tearing it off of me, leaving a red ribbon mark.

As I was tumbling down, the last thing my eyes saw was the soda can I tripped over.

Then, it went black.


'Ughhh' I croaked trying to move. It was dark outside now.

The sound of the crickets chirping, leaves rustling in the wind entered my ears, my head throbbing as I opened my eyes, hot tears seeping out from the pain.

My eyes finally getting into focus, the first thing I saw was a grey cement wall. A fire caldroun burning in the middle of this dreary space, illuminating the depressing surroundings of a dilapidated warehouse.

Looking down, I realized it felt windy to me because I have no clothes on. My body is fucked up, too. My neck hurts. That damn ribbon lanyard - I bought it online and customized it and ordered "unbreakable" premium. It nearly broke my fucking neck.

Suddenly this dog man, and I say dog man, because he was huge. His head was shaved, with a jagged scar stretched across his temple.

He had a bandage wrapped around his right eye, a mephitic smell wafting from the blood and pus stained gauze.

He was nearly drooling, spit falling as he smiled crookedly.

"That bitch stabbed me. It's only a matter of time until they test the blood left from me. They'll be here soon. So shouldn't I enjoy myself until then? " The dog man snarled, his eye clearly void of any sanity.

The mad man picked up a wooden board. Yeah you know, the ones the bullies fight with in those killer K-Dramas.

Bringing my mind back, I was too late to jump away. This is not like the movies. I repeat this is reality. I clearly have the "freeze" gene.

Authors note:

Fight, flight, or freeze - the human survival instinct

With his hand wrapped around my neck, he slammed me down.


"Put me down gently, damn?!" I hissed.

The dog man stopped to look at me.

"Yeah, aren't you the one who got scared just because of a dead body?"

Tilting his head, he smiled mockingly,

"You know they say a killer always goes back to the scene."

The man lowered his voice, "But I went to that hidden spot. And I saw you - nearly doing the job for me.

I had to take you. Why not? We seem to be opposites..."

The mad man leaned close to me, his stale breath invading my nostrils. I scrunched up my nose in repulsion, gagging.


When I made this noise, the madman squeezed my wrist so hard it felt like it shattered. He then reached down to my ankle.

"Okay okay okay!" I gasped with my hands up in defeat.