
Psychopathic (BL)

Omegas are extremely rare, so Eli was used to being treated differently when he moved to a new town and pack. In that town there's a gorgeous alpha, a beautiful beta, and a dangerous psycho so hellbent on stealing him away. This story is a little bit different. More twisted and unexpected than one would initially assume. Not everything is what it seems.

WickedRia · LGBT+
75 Chs

Chapter 13

Constantine laughed holding his stomach as he did so.

"This is so good." He told Lenora as she stared blankly at him. She really didn't appreciate all the work that he was holding up, but she knew that things could end badly if she said anything to anger him opting to stay silent instead. "Say it again, say it again."

Not knowing why this was so amusing, she didn't have a choice but to do as told.

"The omega is the future luna of the Hawthorne's pack."

Constantine found the news so funny as he laughed again making her wonder what was the funny part she missed. "Best news I ever heard in a while. You have no idea how much I am enjoying this."

Lenora did in fact have an idea. He didn't bother to hide his enjoyment as he kept her from working to laugh at whatever sick joke he found funny this time. "I have business to attend to." She gestured at the papers on her desk, but Constantine didn't care. He never did.

"Then attend to it."

"I would, but I need to be alone to focus on the numbers." She shouldn't have said that.

"Am I a disturbance?"

Silence fell the room as Lenora reached for one of the papers and adjusted her glasses. "No, not at all." She grabbed one of her pencils and pretended to be busy. It wasn't easy under Constantine's watchful, amused gaze to keep her pretense. This went on for a while before he finally decided that he was bored.

"You look tense, Len-Len."

She stared at him from under her glasses before shaking her head. Despite appearing calm on the outside, her heartbeat quickened as she tried her best to remain calm.

He could hear it clearly.

"Been getting more work than usual."

"That so?" He sounded thoughtful, but was uncaring, before standing up to his full height making her grip her pencil tightly. If only she thought before she spoke she wouldn't have aggravated him, but by some miracle he was in a good mood and dropped the whole thing. "Maybe I should visit the Hawthorne's pack. You know, to congratulate the new couple."

Lenora furrowed her eyebrows. "I wouldn't recommend that."

"Try to be a bit less dull."

There was nothing she could think of saying as she tried her best to let the numbers written on the paper distract her. After a few half-hearted attempts at focusing, Constantine finally decided to leave her alone when she proved to be a boring company.

She watched as he walked out of the door and waited a few moments before she let out the breath she was holding and sank in her chair. It will never not be stressful to be dealing with someone like him, and she was so glad he left her alone.

Finally without a distraction, she picked up the paper and continued her work.

Many distances away at an isolated spot in the woods, giggles resonated away from anyone who might hear them. Alec had taken Eli far from town and its curious eyes where the people there, while well-meaning, didn't give them their privacy to be fully comfortable with each other.

They shouldn't be this far and alone. Especially not this early in their relationship, but the two of them couldn't bring themselves to care.

All they could think of is each other, and Eli giggled some more as Alec began kissing him all over.

"You're so cute." He told him and Eli pulled his face towards his. Alec didn't deny him what he wanted and quickly capture his lips with his own. It was a quick blissful kiss, and Alec couldn't help but look down fondly at Eli who smiled up at him. "I could spend the whole day here with you."

"Nothing is stopping you." Eli told him looking up at him from the ground he was lying on.

To Alec, he looked ethereal with his hair tousled on the grass, and his green eyes matching the colors of the nature around him. He couldn't help but steal another kiss and Eli eagerly pulled him closer to deepen it.

They stayed like this for a long time which felt like mere fleeting moments for them. It wasn't enough, it will never be enough. They both craved more of each other, and they both were willing to provide the other with what they need. With what they want.

It was not safe for an omega to be all alone with an alpha. Not if one of them didn't want anything more than innocent kisses and affectionate touches.

Eli thought that it was okay for them to be all alone because whatever might happen, they were both mates in the end. They both belonged to each other no matter what, and yet he couldn't help but flinch in surprise when he felt a hand trail dangerously low towards his most intimate parts.

"Alec…" He breathed out feeling like he wasn't ready for something like that yet, but he soon realized that it was futile to try and get Alec's attention. He was too lost in him to listen. "Alec, wait. Stop."

Despite his firm words, the hand continued and he could hear Alec breathe in his scent. Lust filled his mind preventing Eli's words from reaching him and for the first time in their perfect little world, Eli felt terrified as he tried to push him away.

There was a lesson learned there for Eli, who realized just how powerless he was, with the situation he found himself in slipping out of control. He was completely at the mercy of Alec's whims, and he felt his panic set in when he realized just how driven by instincts alphas were.

It finally made him understand all the caution and protectiveness his parents showed throughout his life, and he had always resented it, but now he wished he had been a bit more mindful to it. Mate or not, he shouldn't have been alone with Alec until he was fully ready for what's to come.

Until he was ready for more.

He wasn't.

It was by some miracle that something happened to snap Alec from his trance, and depressingly it was another alpha who was the one to stop him. If he hadn't showed up, Eli didn't know just how far things would have gone.

Normally, intrusions like these were annoying, but Eli felt relief wash over him when Alec growled in anger finally letting go of him.

"Whoops," The intruder said looking down at them with a grin. It wasn't someone Eli recognized from the pack, but Alec seemed to know him. "Did I interrupt an intimate moment?"

"What do you want?"

Constantine smiled enjoying himself as Eli took this as a chance to sit up and inch away from Alec who was fully fixated on Constantine now. Eli tried to calm his heart down and he really couldn't care for the reason Alec was distressed at the appearance of the intruder, he was silently grateful for it instead.

"I believe I already told you what I wanted the first time we met." Constantine said walking towards where Eli was, but Alec quickly stopped him by pressing a hand on his chest making him look down at it. A few creative ideas went through Constantine's head on how to snap Alec's arm in two, but he let it go for the sake of his own amusement. "Someone's overprotective." He grinned loving the way Alec seethed.

The hand pushed him back more forcefully this time making Constantine grab it as a warning. Somehow Alec knew that if he didn't want to lose a perfectly working arm, he had to step away because his aggressive behavior wasn't going to fly around Constantine.

"Stay away from him." Alec said it in anger laced with desperation that didn't escape Constantine's notice as he peered at Eli who was clueless about what was going on.

It was clear from his face that he didn't understand the reason for the hostility between them, and he just stood there at loss not knowing why Constantine was looking at him the way he was.

"So this is the famous omega? He's a cute one, isn't he?" Constantine grinned moving his gaze to Alec who seemed to be holding back the urge to rip his throat. "I heard the news. Congratulations to you two."

"Then you should know to stay the hell away."

A smile tugged on Constantine's lip. "No, I don't think I will."

There was a moment where Alec was about to make a huge mistake and attack Constantine, but that mistake was prevented by Eli who grabbed Alec's arm and looked at Constantine warily. "Let's just go back." He told Alec tugging his arm and successfully deescalating the situation. "Please, just take me back home."

Alec relaxed holding Eli protectively close to him as he glared one last time at Constantine. "Fine. Alright. This isn't worth it anyway."

It was funny to watch as Constantine held back a laugh.

He finally met the famous omega, Eli Rivers, who clearly didn't know anything about what was going on. Alec was really protective of him, but Constantine didn't miss how nervous Eli was the whole time. He really looked eager to leave even before things got heated with Alec and Constantine himself.

Not that Constantine really cared about Eli's nervousness, there was something else on his mind. Something that almost made him follow the two back to their town.

Meanwhile Eli quietly let himself be led back with Alec holding him protectively the whole time, but for some reason all he wanted to do was go see Ari.

That's all he could think about. Wanting to see Ari.