
Psycho Wish

“I feel cold , freezing but I like the feeling “. Witness the journey of a girl turning into a full fledged psychopath , a twisted being..an impeccable and meticulous killer who never leaves a trace behind...can she be stopped? Can she fall in love? Wait as the madness unleashes and soars through her mind ....get ready for a roller coaster ride through murders, death , torture, thrill , debauchery ...and a twisted love ....all through the eyes of a psychopath...

Arya5421 · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Death Parade

My mobile beeped. It was a text from another number. A name of a stranger? I give out a sigh ...this is too much work . I opened the file . A beautiful girl , named Zara , daughter of a tycoon, a spoiled brat. This is gonna be interesting. Usual haunts ...brothels?...seems like we have a bad kitty here . I smirked, my eyes shot up , ugh..I forgot to dump her body ...this is a problem. She was there lifeless, looking at the floor with terror in her eyes . Pity, I'll have to make my macaroni by myself. I felt hungry. I made maggie and ate while watching tv..Let's see how can I dump her without anyone's suspicion . Surely she had none who cared about her . let's keep it simple. Taking out a chopper from the cabinet. Checked the time , almost six hours. After I returned . I need to work fast . I chopped her body ...head, both hands , both legs then the torso. I cut them according my convenience.I looked at the sight . I smiled. It was as if I was in a horror movie. Quickly, I put those pieces in a big bag and went out. I reached the dumping ground nearby. I looked around...empty..it seems ....I went behind a huge dump and emptied the bag. Damn she was a pile of meat. Too bad ...there won't be any macaroni anymore . " sweet dreams....meet u in hell." , I smiled and set her on fire. I was wearing a mask just to be sure. I even used a crutch just in case...within an hour i was sitting on the couch at my home thinking about my new target. The blackmailer.....I took out the phone,"where are u?"I sent to that unknown number. Surprisingly he answered," did u do it?"

" I need to know who you are..."

"That's never gonna happen "

" I can't work under fear ....my brain doesn't work."

" oh..is that so? I have enough evidences to take u down in a day ...U know that right?"

" I know but listen...I would rather go down than do a murder under fear..I like to be free.."

This was a gamble I took....there was silence for a while..,

" alright, X building &Th. avenue...come at 7 pm."

This could be a trap but.....I needed to take the chance.....I won't kill him...he may turn out advantageous.

I got ready and went to the appointed place. The thing that I could figure out was that ..he was no government official or police...he was an outlaw....I could be wrong but I just know...

I waited a while when I heard footsteps approaching. It was a woman. Tall, red haired and with a beautiful face." Follow me.."

And I did...we went to a nearby abandoned building and she took me up .

" I am the mastermind." , she said and a call came to her she looked over my shoulder, I instantly knew what was going on.she cut the call and looked at me

" u asked for me...here i am.."

I answered," whoever is hiding behind this woman's shadow...should come out..." and she smiled," how did u know?"

" I may be a noob but I can read people."

She gave me her phone....

" quite cunning...aren't u?", that's my guy , I thought.

" yeah , I am ...u know the condition...come out"

" I will. But first look around u."

Five men just materialised out of nowhere and stood behind the woman.

" you kill them and her . You replace her. I will come down myself...and if not u die today." He cut the call. I looked around. He is so bossy I thought. She smiled and her men came after me . I must say they were good ...with their brute strength...but I was the intelligent one . I took my dagger and stabbed one in the eye ...he lost balance and took down another with him. I took the dagger out and threw it at another one ...his ear got cut. I kicked the other one in the balls with agility. That brought him down. The other one got me from behind....I couldn't get out....couldn't breathe. He was strong....then Thought he was just a pile of flesh . I bit him . Blood came out and he loosened his grip ...I stabbed his hand . The woman studied me . I could tell . Now each one was on the ground...I took the dagger and slit their throats one by one....my dress got smeared in red....it was my fav top ...I thought.

Now she looked at me ," I must say u r good...but they were minions...I am the real deal." And she jumped at me. She was lithe, intelligent and powerful. Her fists were too strong. She was gaining on me and I felt tired....She kicked me and I fell ...my dagger came off of my hands ....so this is how I'm gonna die? I thought....

" you're pathetic...how could he take interest in you ...." , she smirked....something sparked inside me . I needed to kill her . I couldn't walk but I stood up and started to get out of the place." You are gonna run away now? None runs from him bitch.....you can hide but you will DIE I won't let u get in the way..." she smiled and came towards me ....the way she talked...she enjoyed torturing and making her victims feel fear ....I went on walking yet she just walked behind me ....never chased me . She threw knives at me ...small, sharp knives ...all my hands and legs and torso were injured...I wouldn't last long and I knew it. I came across the perfect one ...seems like I ain't gonna die today.... and fell down....," over already bitch?!!!!" She said

I smirked, blood dripped from my lips...I took the big chunk of the stone and threw it at her. She was flabbergasted. I knew it...she thought I had lost hope . She screamed and fell down. I slowly stood up took those knives one by one out of my body to recount the pain she had inflicted on me....I went near her ...," silly bitch....u had everything but u know what.?... I'm better ....blood came out of her head ...I took one knife and shoved it inside her mouth. One by one I made her swallow all of them. She screamed in pain. I caressed her face , then with my dagger ....I slit her throat...,"bye slut.."....I fell down now. Six bodies...all bloody looked back at me ...I smiled, looked at the heaven and asked," what is this? Why do I feel so euphoric? Am I dying?"The pain of being stabbed came back ....I became unconscious.....i saw someone.....someone coming towards me ....his boots...everything went black....