
What Are Skills?

"Why do you think this is the case?" Hearing the question directed at him, Jyorta readily shook his head, unable to give any thoughts on the matter. Seeing his action, Madam Rizenne shifted her gaze, lingering it on the girl to his right.

Seeing the girl too repeat the same action, Madam Rizenne diverted her gaze to the 7th row, glancing between a couple of faces. After 30 seconds passed in such a manner, Madam Rizenne stopped her action, clicking a button on the remote held in her hand, and switching the image on the screen.

Two pictures, placed side by side, one a regular human, and the other, a human that had numerous cancerous outgrowths on his body. Glancing at the second image, the students averted their gazes, with some sporting expressions that were on the verge of puking their lunches.