
Limitations of Superhuman Powers

The Caterpillar paused in its actions, entranced by a scent it alone could smell. The cigar and wine glass in its hands dissolved into tendrils of blood, seeping into its body. It made sniffing actions similar to a dog, turning its body to gaze at the orange plum in Jyorta's hand.

Jyorta gently placed it before the Caterpillar, watching it grab the plum in a hurry, afraid he would take it back. It took a deep sniff, expressing an emotion akin to a disabled man coming across an elixir that could regrow his limbs.

It opened its mouth, expanding it until the plum could fit easily, gently closing after pushing it deeper with its hands. It then swallowed the plum, watching the bulge on its body settle at its fourth segment. As seconds ticked forth in such a manner, the bulge became smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing.