
Psychic Chronicles

PersonaUser · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

Bounty Hunter

The spirit guy turned out to be none other than Dark Night Silence's Snake Demon Black Vaita, and the bloodthirsty black-clad demoness just now was none other than his holding spirit Snake Demoness Kurosakiya.

  The Silence of the Dark Night is an evil force in the spirit world, with many members, mostly evil psychics, who use their evil power to create chaos in the earthly realm every midnight, maiming humans and endangering human society.

  "Zhang Tianyi, you really have some ability, just now I attacked, using the spirit snake sealing method, sealing your whole body's spiritual power, I did not expect you to effortlessly, instantly lift my seal, it seems that I underestimated you, what I do not understand is, as a psychic, why do you care about the death of these ordinary humans?"

  "Humans are the filthiest livestock in this world, they are greedy, selfish, arrogant, cunning, sinister, doing whatever they want in this world, treating other races as nothing, and deluding themselves to dominate everything."

  In an instant, the spirit boy's whole body skin was covered with black spiritual power illusion snake scales, changing into the snake demon body, opening his red blood pupils, counting the shortcomings of human beings, expressing his dissatisfaction with them.

  The false spiritualized snake demoness beside her opened her bloody mouth, revealing two long fangs, accompanying her left and right.

  "Hey, snake devil, are you done yelling, you just took my taxi and used the snake devil woman to kill three men at the hotel, just to deliberately lure me to show up, I just took the plan, do you really think I'm that stupid?"

  Zhang Tianyi spit towards the ground, throwing the cigarette at the spit, using his shoe to stomp out the cigarette fire core, with a wry smile on his face.

  The moment the fire core was extinguished, the snake demon Black Vaita instantly moved behind Zhang Tianyi, wanting to use the hand covered with snake scales to penetrate his body.

  The white shadow of a blink of an eye, the original place has long disappeared Zhang Tianyi trace, look around is also empty, even the false spirit of the snake demon woman did not see how Zhang Tianyi just disappeared.

  "You are so slow to react, but you can still become an evil psychic of the Silence of the Darkness, it seems that your Silence of the Darkness is only so."

  Just as the words fell, Zhang Tianyi had already teleported in front of Snake Demon Black Vedra and used his middle finger to press against the middle of his forehead.

  The snake demon was extremely angry and wanted to attack, but found that his body seemed to be fixed by an inexplicably powerful spiritual force that could not be moved, and a dominant white spiritual force spread to the snake demon's whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The white spiritual power transformed into white flame and burned the whole body of the snake demon.

  "White Flame Spiritual Transformation Technique, Zhang Tianyi, you ..."


  Accompanied by a miserable cry of the snake devil Black Vedic, the god form was extinguished, and the vain spiritualized holding spirit snake devil girl on the side also followed it and disappeared.

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I have another identity, the bounty hunter of the psychic world, you are ranked 1001 on the wanted list of the psychic world, the bounty is 500 grams of gold."

  Zhang Tianyi put on white gloves, squatted on the ground, took out a small dark brown wooden box, and grabbed the ashes of the snake demon on the ground, hand by hand, into the small wooden box.

  After collecting the ashes of the snake demon, Zhang Tianyi index finger gathered spiritual power to the air.

  A mirror image appeared in the air, a black robed, faceless black man appeared in the mirror image.


  "Serpent Demon Black Wedo is dead, where is my bounty?"

  Zhang Tianyi placed the small wooden box on his chest, opened it, and showed the ashes to the black-robed man in the mirror image.

  "Very well, save the box, I will ask my servant to fetch it, and he will give you the bounty."

  The mirror image in the air disappeared, Zhang Tianyi closed the wooden box, and gathered a white spiritual power at the tip of his index finger to seal the closure.

  Suddenly, an abnormal force that distorts space appeared three meters across from Zhang Tianyi.

  Distortion of space around the power, space changes, a human-sized distortion vortex.

  In the face of sudden changes, Zhang Tianyi is not surprised, but rather does seem to be accustomed to, a face of unperturbed.

  A black-robed golden masked man, along with the power of the vortex to distort space, from the distortion of space slowly out.

  Only to see, this black-robed masked man, came to Zhang Tianyi in front of, with the hand from the sleeve robe out of a small black cloth bag.

  "Box, give it to me, this is your reward!"


  Zhang Tianyi caught the small black cloth bag with his left hand, untied the rope binding the bag, and a certain 500 grams of pure gold yuan treasure was reflected in his eyes.

  "Tell Boss for me, thanks!"

  Zhang Tianyi obediently tied the black bag containing 500 grams of gold yuan treasure with bag rope and threw it in the direction of his taxi.

  Black cloth bag, through the taxi driver's window open gap, impartially fell on the passenger seat.

  At the same time, Zhang Tianyi will be spiritually sealed with a small dark brown wooden box containing the ashes of the snake demon thrown towards the mysterious man wearing a golden mask.

  The mysterious masked black-robed man, one hand took the wooden box, squeezed it with his hand, a black spiritual power spread to the port where the wooden box was spiritually sealed.

  The seal was instantly lifted and

Open the box to take a look, the ashes of the snake devil also shines with a unique black spiritual energy.

  Use your nose to smell the black spiritual power of the special snake demon ashes diffused in the wooden box, which is also mixed with a strong smell of blood that comes to your nose.

  "Yes, it is indeed the ashes of the Silent Serpent Demon of the Dark Night, you have done a good job!"

  Under the mask, the voice was eerie and mysterious.

  The black-robed man finished speaking, turned and stepped, into the twisted vortex space, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com to be completely placed in it, the vortex twisted space closed, disappearing in thin air.

  Then look at the place where the vortex distorted space, restored as before, and the next space is not different.

  This scene just by the side of the road in the grass wearing tattered clothes teenager to hide in the bottom of the eyes.

  "Come out, look so long, tired, right?"

  Hearing Zhang Tianyi's words, hiding in the roadside weeds in rags teenager shivered, revealing a face of fear.

  Suddenly, Zhang Tianyi's face sank, the palm of his hand in the white spiritual energy gathered, towards the ragged young man hiding in the grass shadow hiding place.

  Ragged teenager's body seems to be as uncontrollable as the general, towards Zhang Tianyi side of the speedy gathering, the teenager desperately resist, but it does not work, however, a pair of torn sneakers on the feet soles are worn through, the body is still brought to Zhang Tianyi side by a strong attraction, the whole body is suspended in mid-air by the spiritual power, no matter how the hands and feet move, all to no avail.

  "Kid, you saw something you shouldn't have seen!"

  "I saw you kill someone just now, you burned that man alive and sold his ashes to another person, you're a murderer, I'm going to report you to the police department, you ..."

  "What a stupid bastard!"

  Zhang Tianyi eyes pupils turned emerald green, blinked toward the ragged teenager suspended in the air.

  A flash of light swept, suspended in the air ragged teenager's body fell heavily to the ground, splashing the ground dust puff, fainted.

  "Have a good sleep, sleep everything will not remember."

  Zhang Tianyi squatted beside the teenager, smiled faintly, then got up and drove away.

  A bright moon hanging high in the sky, the silent night, calm as if nothing had happened.