

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs



This story contains themes and depictions of graphic violence, abuse, trauma, self-harm, suicide, and psychological distress. It may include unsettling and disturbing scenes that could be distressing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to any of the mentioned topics or find such content disturbing, we recommend refraining from reading this story. Take care of your well-being and seek support if needed.

There's a world behind the shadows of doors we never dared imagine.

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions


A muffled silent scream escaped her lips, her hands gripped her face harshly to cover her mouth. Tears flowed down her face, like water in a river. It hurt. The pain she felt at that moment was far greater than anything she had ever experienced. But, to scream meant something worse. She averted her eyes, squeezing them shut as though it would make the pain disappear. Disoriented, Empty, and Dirty. These feelings passed through her like a bullet, causing the pain in her chest to feel much more significant with each passing moment. When would this end? How much more suffering would she need to endure until they were satisfied? She opened her eyes, and through blurred watery vision, she spotted a glint of hope veiled until this moment. Slowly reaching out until her hand gripped what little hope she saw and plunged it into the neck of the soulless being above her. Ripping it from his flesh she didn't hesitate to plunge it again, the impact causing red to drape her tanned skin. A smile blessed itself through her tears, as she drove her hope down over and over again until there was nothing left. A small laugh, not better than a cry escaped her lips as she curled into herself. Red coating her hands, her feet, her entire being. She felt as though she could sink into this red and lie forever. For this red seemed to have brought her peace she had never known. Wrapping her arms around herself she closed her eyes, the red river of her endeavor lulling her to sleep.