
PSI Mercs

The planetary government hired inface company to investigate an incident at the Aural Research station on Fionah. These are no ordinary mercenaries, they have PSI abilities, Telekinetics, and military training. When they arrive at the station, all seem calm and desolate, only to learn they have to contend with cybernetic threats, abominations, monstrosities, and dealing with the infection that turns humans into horrific monsters. Will they survive despite being outnumbered and dealing with an enemy that is a step ahead of them?

LelandLL · แอคชั่น
46 Chs

Chapter 36: Overgrown

Joe's POV

"OH YEAH!" I shouted as I fired a fireball at an infected stalker, watching him burn to a crisp.

Ever since we got our powers back, my PSI powers have gotten a power boost, whereas, in the past, I had to channel it through my guns: I can do more than that now. Sakura is now a major player since she can use new portal abilities to direct my fireballs to watch them burn to a crisp. I notice that my baby doll is getting accustomed to her new powers and now she can cast some spells. Add Gravity + Portals, add in some of that magic = bang more firepower.

Sakura said to me: Joe, I have a question.

"Yeah, baby girl?" I said. "I'm listening, it seems like you got some on your mind."

She said: When are you going to get a girlfriend? After we survive this, I could volunteer to be your date. Besides, we are young once and would want you to miss out.

"Look, Sakura, let me make this clear." I started my reasons. "As much as you've been trying to get me to date with the ladies again... I can't. After I lost my momma to stage 4 cancer despite my efforts, I tried to move on and find a woman to share my life with. Her name was Naomi. We blew up at our first meeting and got to know her. She and I were veterans of the Twuxi war but she was a nurse, she helped me move with my life but I never forgot her." I remember my first relationship.

She asked me as we continued to head through the vines and wire toward the generator: What happened?

"... I couldn't do it. Let's say I and she got hooked up and almost made it a relationship. I couldn't do it to her." I shook my head at the memory. "After the war, no one would want to deal with me because of my criminal record, even the PSI operatives would want nothing to do with me and had to take up odd jobs to pay the bills." I continued, "I was starving, Sakura, I've stayed in several homeless shelters while I struggled on searching for a job. I took side jobs like weapon designing or dealing to make ends meet." I explained, "Eventually, I had to tell her I can't continue a relationship with her, because I didn't want her to struggle as a single mother and I already been through that shit, Sakura." I spoke between tears in relating to her on why I ain't going to get a relationship.

Sakura stated: You didn't want her wind as a single mother and having kids that would go through the same things as you have. But you-

"I know, but I've made my decision long ago, Baby doll. If you had asked me long ago, I would have at least entertain the idea," I said, but Sakura kissed me on the cheek.

She stated: Then I'll ask again after the mission is done. Besides, you understand that I had feelings for you, Joe. A long time ago before I-

She looked away from the moment.

"Nah, I ain't going to push it. You have been through enough shit, I ain't gonna put you or myself through that heartache. I like you as a friend and I have been straight up with you, I didn't pull any fast ones on ya. I just won't…" I stated to Sakura, I have no interest in a relationship.

She sighs: I know... you sure know how to let a girl down gently.

"I know... I'm just gonna insist that I can't do a relationship, Sakura." I said sadly, clarifying that I can't pursue a relationship. "You also had a crush on Skip?" I asked.

Her response: Yeah, but since he is Gay and already married to another man, who plans to start a family. I understood that we teased him about it. Also, I had a crush on Victor...

"Yeah... He was your bro." I missed him already. "He also told me you were his sister, I kept telling the fool, you're gonna have to tell her, eventually. Because y'all playing with your sister's heart." I shake my head on how Victor could have told her sooner.

She narrowed her eyes on me: Yeah... He didn't tell me until it was too late. I now understood why. He feared that I would not believe him or reject him, and he didn't want me to worry about him. Now I am learning about this from him after he died... he died.

"I'm sorry, Sakura," I said.

She wiped the tears from her eyes: You have nothing to apologize for. We wasted enough time already, and here we are. The power generator.

Turn on the power

As we stepped in, the infected started pouring out on the woodwork, and I and Sakura needed to pounce on these fools. I had Sakura scouting the area for anything we needed to turn the power on while I dealt with these fools. Charge up some of my heat, I charge at them with everything I got, taking some of them out in a row. In this sector, I can go all out but I don't want to end destroying the generator by friendly fire, I already got my ass chewed out for being a hothead. I should contact Jenny if she can back us up... Hang on!

"Hey Jenny, can you turn it on from here, right?" I tried to speak to her by telepathy, but no response.

"She cannot help you here, Discord. We made sure of that..." one of the infected said.

"Oh, so what you can alter reality now?!" as I threw a fireball at the infected which it smiled in my face.

I charged at it but I saw it raised its arm, broke it, and made it stretch to reach me. I dodged the attack going at the monster and took shots at that thing, which I noticed that these things are coming resistant to my fire. Oh, it's like that, huh? However, as it came near me, Sakura took a chain and whipped around to give them a taste of their own medicine. Sakura stepped in and started blasting fools like there is no tomorrow and she even used the portals to set them on fire.

I sat back to watch as Sakura started killing these fools like there is no tomorrow. Even the sorcerer can't silence her since she is mute. I threw a big fireball at her, then she redirected toward them, like a grill ready to be fired up. I notice there are 4 power cores connect to the main generator, and I and Sakura got them reactivated while fighting off swarms of the infected. Damn... They'll keep coming, replenishing their numbers at this rate and we need to get the power on and now.

She pointed: There it is!

An overgrown plant, the cause of the power not going through despite us reactivating all 4 sources of energy. Can't throw fireballs or incinerate the thing, it'll melt the generator and we can't reach Jenny by Telepathy.

Gotta do this the hard way...

I aim my shotgun to shoot at that thing, dodging its tentacles while not getting acid sprayed in my face.

We see that you are attacking our brother...

What the...? It transformed, and it's becoming more resistant to firearms and flames from my PSI. What the fuck?!

Go... We have tolerated your violence and pollution towards our brothers and sisters long enough.

Whoa... that damn thing grabs me in the leg. You know what… try to eat my ass! I waited until the thing devoured me so I could get inside of its intestines. Alright, I can do some damage here...

"Sakura... Get out there! This place will get hot in there, if you don't find some shelter you get caught in the blast." I said to her in my mind. I plan on taking this sucka out.

Momma... I will come to you soon enough, I thank you for introducing me to the good people in my life. I know I ain't the well-behaved kid I am now; I miss you having around in my life. I wish Mark was here, so he sees me facing death like a man, I know you are looking up there, Boss, because I need your ass to make a seat for me up there. Sakura... Sorry, I ain't gonna be able to take you up on your offer.

"Alright!" as I charged up my fire inside to point my core temperature is hot enough and... "Boom!"

Boom sucka!!

Sakura's POV

I gasped as I witnessed the beast exploded and I heard a roar from it, Joe-Senpai, you didn't... I quickly made my way to where my friend was. He is suffering from burn marks... Dammit...

"Sakura... Hey!" I quickly grabbed him, no...

I said to him: Why? You damn fool... You're suffering from burn marks. We'll get Jenny to heal you up.

"Nah, look up..." he pointed out that the power is now back on." I hope Jenny... got everything she needs..." he coughed.


I said: I can heal you up with my abilities, hold still, please...

"No..." he stopped me. "My wounds... are... too deep... Baby girl, I... "

I pleaded with him: Stay with me... please, Joe- Senpai! Don't leave me!

It was to no avail. He is... gone. I cried out, my best friend and confidant... Dead...

I lost him, my brother, my senpai... No more. I had enough of death taking away those that I care about! As I made a portal, to teleport the body elsewhere where it would not be disturbed. I will not allow The One to get away with taking any more of my loved ones. I walked through the hallway as I saw the undead.

Even though I cannot speak or scream out, I need them to feel my wrath. I took my chains and began twirling them around me. I wasted no time killing every infected that I can find, especially the Sorcerers. I made them suffer in their last moments. They will not deny me, my revenge… I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!

I continued to make my way back to the B3 laboratory, covered with the infected blood and intestines. With every kill, I wanted them to know what they took from me and to avenge those that fell to them. I busted down the door in the laboratory to see if they had constructed the weapon yet...

"Sakura? What happened to you?!" Skip-Senpai asked me.

I stated: Where. Is. the. Goddamn. Weapon? They are going to die today.

I grabbed him by the collar: Where is it?!

"Sakura... Why ... Why are you doing this?" Skip-Senpai asked me.

Author Note

Joe had decided against getting into an relationships after his experiences with the PSI academy and the Twuxi war. It is revealed he tried to move on but getting into a relationship however, he was worried that he would not be a good dad and did not want to create a single mother situation like his father before him.

After Joe's Death, Sakura has become more vengeful. Granted, her brother died, her boss sacrificed himself. At this point, she becomes hell-bent on killing at the cost of her own life.

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