
A Major Blind Date Jerk Magnet

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow." He looked at her gently. By the time she thought of a reply, he was already halfway out of the apartment complex and was soon gone from her sight.

She thought she was imagining things.

He'll pick me up tomorrow? I probably heard wrongly…

Her mouth twitched as she stared at where the car had disappeared. For reasons unknown, she deemed his behavior to be fairly eccentric.

First, he accepted her mother's dinner invitation; second, he kept supplementing her with food during their meal; finally, during the car ride, he, all of a sudden, 'defamed' Wen Qimo. What was most baffling was this last statement of his about picking her up tomorrow.

That can't be true, right?!

"Ge Ge, what's up? Why are still standing there like a fool?" She was hurried by her mother when she did not quickly follow the latter.

This call helped her return to reality.

"Coming, Mom!" She jogged toward her mother.