
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

Yamiru · วิดีโอเกม
85 Chs


[A/N: This chapter contains Fu Hua's perspective/point of view]

Meanwhile, on Fu Hua's side...

4 hours earlier, after Fu Hua had dispatched Shin and Kiana on their mission, she watched from a distance as they disappeared into the dense foliage of the forest, their purpose clear in their minds.

She had entrusted them with a critical task: to locate the 12th divine key and ensure its retrieval at all costs.

As she observed their departure, Fu Hua sighed deeply and opened the communication hologram once again.

"Fu Hua here," she spoke into the device.

A face appeared in the hologram, that of a young man with blond hair tied to the side and piercing green eyes.

He wore a distinctive outfit consisting of a purple jacket with a frilly white shirt underneath. White gloves adorned his hands, and a pink necktie completed his ensemble, with the emblem of House Apocalypse proudly displayed on his jacket collar.

"Fu Hua, is Kika there with you?" the man inquired.

"Yes, as per your instructions," Fu Hua replied.

"Excellent. Does my grandchild know about this?" the man asked.

Fu Hua shook her head in response.

"Very well. Please continue with your report," the man instructed.

"Understood. While I was searching for the 12th Divine Key, I encountered a figure seated upon a stone," Fu Hua began.

"A familiar figure, you say? Please elaborate," the man prompted.

"This woman resembles Raiden Mei, the A-Rank Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy," Fu Hua reported. "She is wearing a combination of a white short kimono with samurai armor on her stomach and both arms, along with thigh-high leather/latex heeled boots."

"Interesting..." Otto tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Otto-sama, do you know this woman?"

Otto's expression turned contemplative. "Fu Hua, have you engaged in combat with this person?"

"I'm afraid not," Fu Hua responded.

"In that case..." Otto paused, considering his next words carefully. "Do you mind investigating further?"

"If it's your order, I won't hesitate," Fu Hua affirmed.

A smile played across Otto's lips. "Very well. Ensure you capture every detail."

Fu Hua nodded in acknowledgment before closing the hologram communication.

"She looks like Raiden Mei, but there's an eerie aura about her," Fu Hua mused to herself. 

As Fu Hua prepared to head into the forest, she was halted by the unexpected appearance of Kika, who stood confidently atop the torii gate with her back against the pole.

"So, you lied to your squad just to include me in this mission?" Kika's voice was sharp, her gaze piercing.

Fu Hua met her gaze evenly. "What brings you here?"

"I noticed your communication with Otto Apocalypse," Kika replied, her tone accusatory.

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit," Fu Hua remarked coolly.

Kika is a S-rank Valkyrie cultivated by Otto secretly. After the Brilliant Covenant was made, she reached an agreement with Otto to become the Valkyrie who cntrol the flagship Nexus system. The main gun "Baumkuchen" would consume a lot of energy every time she fired. She also has a floating fortress named "Schwarzwaelder" and an armor named "Sabayon".

Kika crossed her arms. "My bad. I didn't realize eavesdropping was frowned upon," she retorted. "But lying to your squad isn't exactly commendable either."

With a dismissive wave, Kika began to walk away. "Oh, and in case you're wondering, I've already located the swordsman you mentioned. I'll send you the coordinates via text. Taa-taa," she added before pausing, her gaze turning back to Fu Hua.

"Where are you off to?" Fu Hua inquired.

Kika's grin widened a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, you know. Just completing this mission on my own. After all, you're only looking for the 12th divine key, right?" With that, she sauntered off towards the forest.

Fu Hua glanced at her phone as it buzzed with a new message, revealing coordinates sent by Kika. With a thoughtful expression, she pondered the implications of this unexpected turn of events.

"Kika certainly knows how to stir things up," she mused to herself.

With the coordinates in hand, Fu Hua made a decision. She follows the coordinates and investigates the location of the unknown swordsman.

As soon as she arrived, she found herself face to face with a few zombies lurking on the path.

"Oh? So Kiana and Shin's information was correct... There are stray zombies around here," she murmured, her eyes narrowing as the zombies turned towards her, their intentions clear.

"It doesn't matter," she declared, her demeanor shifting as her entire attire transformed into a sleek black and purple battlesuit. Her hairpiece, boots, and gauntlets matched the ensemble perfectly. "Shadow Knight... Activate."

With precision and agility, she engaged the zombies using her hand-to-hand combat techniques. Despite their relentless onslaught, Fu Hua remained composed, her focus unyielding as she dispatched each one with calculated strikes.

As the last zombie fell, Fu Hua took a moment to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling with exertion. Suddenly, she sensed a presence nearby and tensed, her senses on high alert.

"Who's there?" she demanded, her voice firm.

"Fufu~ So you can sense me?" a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, walking towards her with a playful smile.

"Stop right there," Fu Hua commanded, her gaze unwavering.

The figure halted, but the smile remained on her lips as she met Fu Hua's gaze.

"Tell me your name," Fu Hua insisted, her tone demanding answers.

"My name...? Let's see... For now, you can call me... Hokushin Mei1... But people here call me Raiden Mei," she replied her tone light and teasing.

"Huh? Raiden Mei?" Fu Hua's brow furrowed in confusion. There can be only one Raiden Mei... She's probably bluffing.

"That's right..."

Fu Hua scoffed, her stance shifting as she prepared for a confrontation. "What a joke..."

"What about you? Won't you tell me your name?" Hokushin Mei inquired, her smile widening as she observed Fu Hua.

"I am Fu Hua," she replied tersely, launching herself forward with a barrage of attacks. However, Hokushin Mei proved to be elusive, effortlessly evading each strike with graceful movements.

"Your form... it's beautiful but predictable," Hokushin Mei remarked, her voice dripping with amusement as she danced around Fu Hua's attacks.

She's dodging all my attacks... I should change plans.

Fu Hua observed Hokushin's movements with keen eyes, her mind racing as she analyzed her opponent's tactics.

She knew that her usual attacks wouldn't be enough to overcome Hokushin's skill, so she shifted her strategy, opting for a more defensive stance.

"Bajiquan?" Hokushin's voice held a note of surprise as she observed Fu Hua's stance. "Impressive... but futile against me."

Fu Hua's expression remained stoic as she prepared herself for the incoming attack. With a swift motion, Hokushin drew her katana, the blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the forest.

Without hesitation, Hokushin surged forward, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. But Fu Hua's agility proved to be her greatest asset as she deftly evaded each strike, her movements fluid and graceful.

Hokushin's eyes narrowed in intrigue as Fu Hua continued to evade her attacks effortlessly. 

As the final slash of Hokushin's katana arced toward her, Fu Hua's reflexes kicked into high gear. With precision timing, she intercepted the blade with her gauntlet-clad hand, the metal ringing out as it clashed against the sharp edge of the katana.

"What!?" Hokushin was surprised.

In the blink of an eye, Fu Hua followed up with a swift and decisive counterattack. With a fluid motion, she delivered a powerful knee jab directly toward Hokushin's midsection, the force of the blow driving the air from her lungs.

Hokushin staggered backward, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected strike. A flicker of surprise flashed across her face before being replaced by a wry smile. "Impressive."

Fu Hua wasted no time seizing her advantage, her movements became faster as she assault Hokushin. 

With each strike, her gauntlet emitted a faint glow, ominous shadows swirling around her hand as she unleashed a barrage of rapid punches.

"Ha!" Fu Hua's voice rang out as she executed each strike with precision, the force behind her blows driving Hokushin back with relentless ferocity.

Hokushin gritted her teeth as she struggled to keep up with Fu Hua's increased speed and power. "She's gotten faster," she thought to herself, her mind racing to devise a strategy to counter her opponent's relentless assault.

But Fu Hua showed no signs of slowing down, her focus unwavering as she continued to push Hokushin back with her relentless onslaught. With each punch, she aimed to break through Hokushin's defenses.

With a final flurry of rapid punches, Fu Hua spun gracefully, delivering a powerful kick that sent Hokushin hurtling backward, crashing into a nearby tree with a grunt of pain.

As Hokushin struggled to rise, Fu Hua remained vigilant, her gaze locked on her fallen opponent. "Not bad," Hokushin remarked, her voice strained as she slowly pushed herself up. "Not bad at all..."

But their confrontation was suddenly interrupted by a shockwave that rippled through the air, causing Fu Hua to whirl around in surprise. However, when she turned back to face Hokushin, she found herself alone, her opponent vanished without a trace.

"She's gone?" Fu Hua muttered, scanning the area around her. "Indeed... She's vanished."

But then, a sudden hologram call appeared in front of her, illuminating the surroundings with its blue light. "Kiana?" Fu Hua swiftly accepted the call.

"Class President!"

"Kiana? What's wrong?"

"Shin! His Honkai energy is spreading throughout his body! H-He said to call you!"

"What?!" Fu Hua's heart skipped a beat as she processed Kiana's urgent message. Without a moment's hesitation, she made a swift decision.

"I'll be there immediately."

As she ended the call, Fu Hua wasted no time in leaping into action. With a burst of speed, she raced through the forest, her senses heightened and her mind focused on reaching Shin before it was too late.