
Chapter 111 Shocking! Shouzhe's Talent is Extraordinary (Seeking monthly ticket for 5000 big chapters)_2

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"Two Spirit Platform Realm?" The middle-aged man sneered, "Do you think too highly of Wang Shouzhe? Inviting the clan's old ancestor to participate in the clan fight is a taboo in Da Qian. How many of the old ancestor's relations are willing to risk it for him?"

"Last time Gongsun Meng already crossed the line. But he never took the initiative to fight, it was you who started the conflict. He could excuse that he's only defending himself. Not to mention, the battles in foreign domains are dangerous, no one dares to guarantee they won't perish."

"Elder, we know the reasons." Liu Zhide said helplessly, "As the saying goes, when considering the enemy's strength, we should always err on the side of caution. For this battle, our Liu and Zhao families can't afford to lose anymore."