
Protagonist Abuser Chat Group

A question & answer quiz appears in the ninja world. Answering the question correctly can get you incredible rewards but wrong answers may take your life as punishment. An ordinary young man, who was reborn as a passerby character of the Uchiha-clan, decides to use his knowledge of the plot to save his life in the upcoming Uchiha genocide. As he got more powerful, a 'Protagonist Abuser Chat Group' invited him to join. He becomes the group owner and members from the different Anime and Movie worlds are invited in. Watch as they abuse the protagonists of all worlds together. ‐------------------------- MC: "A protagonist is someone with incredible luck. They may pick up a pet fox on the street and it will become a celestial Nine-tails or something unreasonable like that. If they fall off a cliff they will find the inheritance of an ancient cultivator. You get the idea. Anyone who goes against the protagonist will have their IQ lowered and end up miserably." Loki: "But didn't you say that I am also an Antagonist?" MC: "Yes, you are." Loki: "So...will I die?" MC: "Mhm indeed." Loki: "..." --------------------------- Yun Che: "Hey beauty my name is Yun Che. Do you want to travel together?" Esdeath: "Hello Yun Che. My name is Esdeath and this is a robbery." Yun Che: "Is this a jok-puff! Wh-why did you hit me?" Esdeath: "I'm not playing, give me all your valuables!" A few minutes later. MC: "I get that we rob him for the strategy, but why exactly did you take off his clothes?" Loki: "Clothes have value too." MC: "What about his underwear?" Loki: "Yes." Esdeath: "Don't forget his socks." -------------------------- The questions will be designed in a conspiracy theory type. This fanfiction is not copied from a Chinese fanfiction, I just used the theme and wrote my own story. Dark. Single heroine. One chapter a day. Enjoy my new fanfic (the other one will not be dropped) I don't own Naruto, Against the Gods, Bleach, Marvel, Akame ga Kill.

Iamxourtingdeath · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
60 Chs

Fire Bending Unlocked

Twelve drops of golden blood, emitting terrifying heat floated in front of Takashi. The Phoenix Origin Blood, the divine blood of the Primordial Phoenix with extreme flame powers and affinity. Compared to the violent nature of the Golden Crow flames, the Phoenix flames are more tame and pure.

'Twelve drops? From what I remember ordinary cultivators can only bear one drop. More and they would explode. It seems the Phoenix spirit was sincere when it said that it will give me everything it has.'

"Normally I would never give someone so much of my divine blood. Otherwise, this would only result in an explosion of the flesh and what I need are inheritors after all, not corpses.

But you are obviously different. Don't let me down Uchiha Takashi. Accept my gift!"

The phoenix did not wait for him to answer and shoved the origin blood into his forehead. Takashi did not resist this, he is confident that there will be no accident and he has the chat group as an emergency measure anyway.

As soon as the blood entered his body and mixed with his own blood, it started boiling. Accompanied by a loud boom, golden flames exploded from within his body covering him like a blanket.

The Phoenix spirit was observing him with a bit of nervousness. Although it is very confident that Takashi will succeed in refining the blood, otherwise it would never take such a risk for his perfect inheritor. But precisely because he is so important to him, it is feeling nervous, even if its rational mind knows that this fear is unneeded.

Contrary to the spirit, Takashi is currently having the time of his life. He could feel how the phoenix flames were purifying his body and mind. Different from the effect of the chat group, which has an almost mechanical effect of just excreting the impurities, the flames felt alive. To Takashi's joy, the negative emotions he had due to the opening of Sharingan were being erased. The so-called curse of hatred of the Uchiha had already been eliminated. Although with his current strength the curse of hatred can't directly affect him, he felt uncomfortable having such a hidden danger left in his body. The curse of hatred makes people emotional, which can prove fatal during a fight.

Disregarding all distracting thoughts in his mind, Takashi devoted himself to his strength improvement again.

Two days later.

"Are you leaving now Uchiha Takashi?"

"Yes, Phoenix spirit. Thank you for your hospitality during this time."

During these two days, Takashi made great progress. Not only has his body and mind been purified, but now he has the ability to control Phoenix's flames at will, surprising the spirit. The main method to use the flames in battle is originally written in the 'World Ode of the Phoenix' technique, that Yun Che had practised in the plot. But for Takashi this technique is unnecessary, he showed great talent in controlling the flames and the shape can be changed at will.

The spirit was a bit disappointed at his lack of interest in the technique, but this disappointment was swept away after it saw his soul. With a shocking degree of compatibility with its Phoenix Soul Essence, Takashi's soul smoothly sublimated. Going further on the road of divinity.

"Don't forget to accept the other half of my inheritance! Show the world the pride of the Primordial Phoenix again!"

The ancient voice was followed by a beautiful and loud Phoenix cry, echoing in the empty inheritance hall.

"Understood Phoenix. Leave it to me. I swear to illuminate this world with the nobility of the Phoenix."

Takashi made a vow in a solemn voice. But in his mind, he was thinking something different.

'I'm leaving this world in a few days, it seems the Primordial Phoenix will never be heard of again in this world...

Oh well. Anyways, now it's time to meet the king of beasts.'

Without any reluctance, Takashi flew up and started flying in the direction of the wasteland of death.

Another day later.

Looking at the two flood dragons with Sky Profound Realm cultivation base, Takashi knew that he had reached the right place.

Seeing the floating human in front of them, they were actually very apprehensive. They can't feel his cultivation base, but his floating shows that he is at least Sky Profound Realm, possibly higher. But their innate pride as dragons don't allow them to back down and they were ready to meet the enemy.

"Human, leave. This is not a place where you should be."

While looking at these two flood dragons, the words of a certain rare likeable Chinese Cultivation Protagonist came to his mind.

'Sky Profound Realm? Not enough to reach the apex.'

"Actually I think I'm in the right place."

'Wait...I can fire bend now?!'

Moving his hand towards his waist, Takashi took on a horse stance. Gathering golden flames in his hands, he made a smooth 180 turn and then pushed his arms horizontally in front of him. An almost apocalyptic scene appeared in front of him. A sea of golden flames kilometres wide made the Wasteland of death deserve its name even more.

Looking at the two charred corpses left of the two dragons, Takashi scratched his head. His strength improvement in rocket speed made it difficult for him to control it well. Even if he spend time actually training it, it would all be for nought a week later when he upgraded again.

'I actually wanted to train my fire bending a bit more...'


Author Note: So I was reaaallly busy today, I don't know how I managed to write this chapter.

So guys do you want me to accept the Primordial Dragon God as a kind of spirit beast. Takashi would be in a superior position to it ofc, but he would follow him around on his journey and be a cool mount basically.

