

An offer is given to you, an offer with a lot of secrets behind it, but all that is known to you is whether yes or no should be said....what will you decide? LGBT+ story

Kinsin_writing · สมจริง
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Silence emitted in the air, the snake slithering up me, silencing me further, his eyes piercing through me as his mouth moved with a sound escaping yet the words reached my ears.

"The job?" Those two words, the spell to release the snakes grasp, but I would have remained silent whether it was there or not, I could find no words, I wanted to run but my legs kept me in place.

It felt as though I was stuck in quicksand, trying to drag myself to safety.

"Wait, did Killian send you," a soft voice, like a piano playing in the midst of a performance, hidden but given the most attention.

I slightly turned, but my body began failing me as though it had ingested poison, my legs felt like a baby fawn trying to stand for the first time, my heart that of a runner and my eyes that of some in a dessert, a blur.