
Chapter Three

"Hey guys, let's not worry about eating anything right now. We're going to be eating dinner around 7 tonight at my house." I say as Freyja, Cherie, Addam, Nik and I all stop at the food court entrance.

Freyja smiles "mom called you, didn't she?"

I nod "texted, but either way, she's not exactly subtle when it comes to birthdays."

Freyja shakes her head "oh good lord, I thought she would have at least learned how to keep a secret by now."

I laugh "I agree, but it is who she is. Would you honestly trade her?"

Freyja smiles thoughtfully "No, she's the one and only mom I could ever see myself having."

I smile at her "Let's go ahead and get our shopping done and meet back at the house?"

Cherie and Freyja look at one another and nod "Sure, sounds good, just let us know when you're heading out."

I nod knowing that they could spend all day shopping if I didn't remind them to meet up. "Sure, oh and by the way, don't spend too much on me." I knew that Freyja wouldn't necessarily listen, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

Freyja just smiles at me and waves as she and Cherie run off towards the stores they like to frequent leaving me with Nik and Addam to figure out where we want to go. "I'm gonna go to Torrid, meet me at Spencers?"

Nik and Addam nod "Sure, we'll probably just go ahead and head that way." Nik says leading a very uncomfortable looking Addam.

"You alright Addam?" I ask cocking my head to the side.

"Yeah, just don't like crowded places is all." He replies.

"I completely understand." I respond with a shrug. "Nik's the same way, I don't know why but I can adapt to pretty much any setting."

We go our separate ways and I start to feel like someone is following me, I look behind me for a second. I don't see anyone, but then again there are plenty of people surrounding me. I veer to the left and walk into Torrid thankful that, if there is indeed someone following me, I'd be able to tell quickly.

I sigh with relief when no one enters the store after me. I start to browse around the store looking for anything that catches my eye when one of the saleswomen comes up to me and starts talking to me "I don't want to alarm you honey, but do you know that gentleman standing in the hallway? I thought that he was with you at first, until he decided to lurk in the hallway."

I look to where she is pointing, there is a guy who looks vaguely familiar, he has the same build as the guy who was staring at me from the football field at school. "No, I don't know him. But thank you for looking out for me and letting me know." I reply thinking about my next step, do I confront him and see what the hell he's trying to do, or do I ignore him and let it go?

The woman looks at me with her bright grey eyes, "I can call security for you if you feel that he is a threat?" She replies.

I smile at her and nod "That would be very helpful. I don't know if I feel as if he's a threat in all seriousness, but I don't think he's truly a trustworthy guy, especially since I don't know him or what he's got planned."

She smiles at me sweetly as she walks to the back of the store to call security, I keep the guy in my peripheral at all times to make sure he's not doing anything creepy, other than watching me. I notice that he is staring directly at me, I don't show that I know that he is doing this, I act oblivious while browsing the selections all while keeping the creepy guy in sight, I decide to contact the boys and let them know I may need their help with something, leaving out the reason.

'Hey, can you and Addam meet me by Torrid?' I text Nik.

'Sure, what's up?' Nik replies.

'Got a small situation, might need help dealing with it.' I text back.

'Be right there.' Nik shoots back.

Nik and Addam hit the store at the exact same time as the security guys. "What's going on?" Nik asks as they come up to me at the counter.

"I'm guessing you guys saw the dude casually leaning against the wall opposite the store?" I ask.

They nod in unison.

"He followed me here and stood there watching me as I shopped, I honestly didn't notice it until the store clerk notified me of it." I reply.

"Has he done anything else, other than stalk you?" Addam asks.

I shake my head "No, but he does look a lot like the dude who was staring at me from across the football field this morning."

"you didn't mention anyone staring at you." Nik replies.

"I didn't think anything of it, to be completely honest. I just noticed that there was a guy staring at me when I got out of Freyja's car."

"Don't you think that that would be something that we should know about?" Nik asks.

I look at him incredulously "seriously Nik? You're seriously going to lecture me?"

"I just don't like that you could be in any sort of danger." He replies.

I roll my eyes at him and pay for my purchases. "I understand that, but you have to also understand that one, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and two, I didn't put much thought into it because I thought it was someone from school. I obviously didn't think that it was someone who was going to stalk me."

"Fal, I've told you over and over again, not everyone is as trustworthy as you like to make them out to be." Nik counters.

I sigh as we walk out of the store. "Nik, I seriously don't want to fight, especially not today, I understand where you're coming from, but you seriously need to stop."

Nik just looks at me as if I told him that I didn't want to be friends with him anymore. "Maybe I shouldn't come to dinner tonight."

I look at him with a slight fury "seriously? Because I tell you to stop, you're going to throw a pity party?"

He looks at me angrily "I love you Falencia, what part of that do you not understand?"

"I understand it perfectly Nik, but you need to understand that I am an independent person and am able to do things for myself."

Addam is standing on the sidelines watching our banter.

"I guess you don't need me since you're so independent, you can just get a ride back from Freyja and Cherie then, I'm done coming to your rescue." He says stalking off towards the parking lot.

I growl in frustration "Seriously?!"

"What just happened?" Addam asks as we walk back towards the food court.

I sigh "Nik has this huge crush on me, he's had it ever since fifth grade, I have told him that I don't feel the same way he feels, he said that he understood and that it wouldn't ever be a problem, obviously it is."

Addam pats me on the back "I'm sorry he's being such a prick."

I shrug "I knew it was bound to happen eventually, but I had hoped that maybe it wasn't as inevitable as I knew it to be."

"You know what they say about hope?" He asks.

"It breeds eternal misery?" I reply questioningly.

"No, that it is the one thing that can help us get through the darkest of times." He says with a smirk.

"Hm, never heard that one before, but I like your optimism." I reply smiling.

"I'm glad that you do. I hope that he comes around, for the sake of your friendship." He says earnestly.

"Me too." I reply as Freyja and Cherie meet up with us.

"What happened to Nik?" Freyja asks.

I sigh and shake my head sadly "He decided that he couldn't just be friends after all, I saw this coming."

"I'm so sorry sweetie, I never thought he'd do that to you, especially on your birthday!" Freyja says

I shrug, "like I told Addam, I knew it was inevitable, I just hoped that I was wrong."

We all start walking towards the parking lot when I start hearing a slightly distorted voice "your time is coming, it will come when you least expect it."

I look around at Addam, Cherie, and Freyja, not understanding where the voice is coming from nor who it belongs to.

"Hey, you alright?" Freyja asks.

I sigh and nod, "Yeah just a little wiped from all of the shopping and the fight with Nik." Still not entirely sure about the distorted voice nor about everything that is going on between Nik and me. I understand that he is hurt that I don't share the feelings that he has but he's known for a long time that I don't see him in that way.

"Let's head home, eat some dinner then we can just hang out watching movies to celebrate your birthday Falencia, what do you think?" Freyja asks.

I smile "what about your plans?" I ask.

"What plans?" Freyja replies innocently.

I just give her a look of knowing.

"Oh, you mean the plans for your surprise birthday party?" She asks as if it had just crossed her mind.

"No, I'm talking about someone else's." I reply sarcastically.

Freyja and Cherie look at each other with guilty faces "we have it all set up, but you say the word and we'll cancel." Freyja replies honestly.

I shake my head in response. "No, I think a party is just what the doctor ordered."

They look at me as if I had grown two extra heads. "You're being serious?" Cherie says surprised.

I nod "I am."

"I don't know what I was expecting, actually, yes I do! I definitely was not expecting those words to come out of your mouth, like ever!" Cherie says dumbfounded.

I smile "See, I can mix it up every now and again."

Freyja, Cherie, Addam and I all head out towards the parking lot, I get a creepy-crawly feeling as we walk towards Freyja's car, I look around and take in my surroundings trying to find who might be watching me. When I see nothing, I get into the back seat of the car with Addam

"Are you alright?" Addam asks as we get settled into our seats.

I nod "Yeah, just feel like there is someone watching me, again."

"The same guy who was watching you just a little earlier?" He asks.

I shake my head "I don't think so, the feeling I'm getting is the creepy crawly type of feeling, whereas, from the dude it was more irritation that I felt." I say as Freyja backs out of our parking space.

"Just keep an eye on your surroundings and know that you're not alone." He says as we start to pull out of the parking lot.

I nod in response still feeling as if there is someone following us, although I know that I'm not alone and I have people surrounding me, I'm still feelingly slightly uneasy as we pull up to our apartment complex, it's nothing fancy, just a two-story red brick building, our three-bedroom apartment is on the top floor tucked away in the far-left corner. Freyja, Cherie, Addam, and I all grab our shopping bags from the trunk of Freyja's car and start our decent to our apartment where we start to smell the amazing and delicious aroma of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and fresh butter croissants. I almost moan in pleasure as the delicious smells hit me, I open the door and lead the others inside where Berik is bustling around the apartment trying to get everything ready for my birthday dinner.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you until a little later." She says smiling at us wiping her hands on her apron. "And who is this young man that is with you, where's Nik?" She asks looking around at us.

I heave a big sigh "he's decided to not be my friend anymore." I reply sadly.

"Oh, honey! What happened?" she asks comfortingly as she guides me to the brown suede recliner and sits down.

"I honestly don't really know at this point, we were all hanging out and having a good time, we went shopping for my birthday since I didn't have to go to my counseling appointment, and as we were leaving, he decided that he didn't want to be my friend anymore." Not really going into too much detail about everything.

Berik shakes her head "and you want to continue with the reason?" she asks knowingly.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly "Because there was someone stalking me, he got upset that I hadn't told anyone, him specifically, and said that since I was so independent, I could just get a ride from Freyja and Cherie home and he wouldn't be coming over for dinner, stalked off and walked away."

Berik hugs me as the doorbell rings. "I'll get it, you guys go put your things away, dinner will be ready in roughly fifteen minutes."

Freyja and Cherie head back to Frey's room while I lead Addam to mine. I'm starting to put my purchases away when I hear someone clearing their throat. I turn towards my door to see Nik standing in the doorway. "Can we talk?" he asks.

I glare at him still really hurt about the events that happened not even half an hour ago. "What is there to talk about Nik? You made it pretty clear how you were feeling."

"Fal, I didn't mean anything that I said, I was upset and my stupid boy hormones got in the way of my rational thinking and I acted like a complete and total asshat." He replies using his puppy dog eyes.

I sigh as I sit on my bed, Addam is watching us from my computer chair that sits in front of my desk on the wall that leads to my bathroom. "You did act like a complete and total asshat Nik, and on my birthday! What happened to rule number twenty?" I ask him seriously.

"Rule number twenty?" Addam asks confused.

"We made up rules of friendship when we were eleven." I reply not taking my eyes from Nik.

"Never fight on either of our birthdays, no matter what." Nik says shaking his head as he crosses the threshold of my room and sits next to me. "I can't tell you how sorry I am, I hate that I hurt you, especially on your birthday!" He says hanging his head.

"I smile at him, don't worry, I forgive you!" I reply giving him a hug.

"I know that you don't feel the same way about me, and I've accepted it a really long time ago, I just don't like the thought of you being stalked or potentially hurt." He says hugging me back.

"I understand Nik, but you've also got to realize that I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone fighting my battles for me, I may be a girl, but I can kick some serious ass if I need to, or don't you remember last summer?" I ask pointedly.

He stares at me for a minute "I thought we promised we wouldn't ever speak of it again?!"

I smirk at him with mischievous intent "we did, but did it get the point across at least?"

I almost had forgotten that Addam was in the room with us until he spoke up "What happened last summer?" he asks making both me and Nik jump.

"Oh shit! I forgot that you were still here." I say clutching my heart as he had startled me.

"Glad to know that I'm forgettable." He says laughing slightly.

"Not forgettable per se, just forgot that you were in the room while we were talking." I reply stumbling over my words trying not to hurt his feelings.

"Nah, I get it, it's a pretty heated discussion, I'd have forgotten another person in the room too." He replies. "But seriously, what happened last summer?"

I look at Nik questioningly before recounting the events that happened the previous summer. "Well." I begin.

"I would have gotten my ass kicked by Anderson and some of his goons, they decided to make an example out of me for this school year, only, it didn't go exactly as he had planned." Nik answers.

Flashback – previous summer

Nik and I were walking back to my apartment from swimming at the lake all afternoon, the sun was just setting casting bright hues of pinks, blues, and purples all around us.

"What are you hoping for senior year Fal?" Nik asks me

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure, I just want to get through this year without any incident. I want to graduate and then relax until freshmen year of college. What about you?" I ask smiling taking a drink of my water.

"I just want to get by without some big stupid idiot thinking that by beating me up, he's making a name for himself." He replies. "I hate that there are so many stupid idiots in our school."

I laugh shaking my head "Well, it wouldn't be high school without some stupid idiots." I reply.

"Yeah, but does there really have to be that many?" He asks as Anderson and his crew round the corner, coming from the small diner that we were walking by getting ready to cross the street that would lead us to my home.

"Hey, look at what we've got here boys." Anderson says in a menacing tone, although it sounds like he's trying too hard, as per usual.

I don't really say anything and steer Nik to ignore them, hoping that they'll have gotten bored of trying to bait us, but unfortunately they keep following and making stupid and derogatory remarks.

"Oh, look the princess is too high and mighty to even respond to us servant people." Anderson says mockingly.

By this time the insults and stupid remarks are starting to wear my already thin patience down, I turn around placing my hand on my hip and roll my eyes. "Princess huh?" I ask him pointedly. "So, if I'm a princess, then does that mean you have to do as I say?" I ask.

Anderson just stares at me as if he doesn't really know what to say. "Uh, erm. Shut up"

I scoff at his lack of intelligence and inability to make even the slightest of comebacks as Nik and I continue crossing the street and head home when out of nowhere Anderson flies past us and stops us directly in the middle of the street.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He screams at me, spitting on my face.

I look at him with complete and utter disgust as I wipe his spittle from my face with my towel "I think I just did, and now I really do need a shower." I say walking around him and continue on my way.

He grabs me by the hair and pulls me back making fall on my ass in the middle of the street, by this time I can feel the anger boiling inside of me, I stand up grab Anderson by his throat and launch him backwards onto the sidewalk where he connects with the light pole.

"You ever decide to touch me again, you won't just be launched into a light pole, I swear to the almighty Gods that you will be but a memory." I say digging my nails into my fists.

End Of Flashback

"Falencia scared me so bad that I nearly shit myself. Her eyes were glowing a crimson, blood red color, it seemed like no matter how many times I called her name she couldn't hear me or she was ignoring me." Nik says.

"You launched him? From how far away?" Addam asks.

I sigh and look at Nik. "we were standing in the middle of the sidewalk, so a good foot or so I think." Nik replies.

"That's a long way to launch someone who is more than half your size." Addam says in complete astonishment.

"I don't know how to explain it to be completely honest, I just got so angry and I pictured him flying across the street and the next thing I know he's there." I reply.

"Did you actually touch him or did he just fly on his own, kind of like magic?" Addam asks.

"I grabbed him by the throat, meaning to choke him, but instead he flew across the way." I say.

"Wow girl, you must pack a mean punch." He replies approvingly.

I shake my head "nah, I don't really like to fight, I mean, don't get me wrong I'll fight if I have to, but I'd rather not."

"I can understand that." He replies with a smile.

"She never starts a fight, but she will sure as hell finish it." Nik says proudly.

I shake my head at him and can't help but giggle to myself. "I was always taught that if someone else starts it, it's fine, just as long as I make sure that they never come back for more."

"Berik taught you that?" Nik asks.

"No, my birth parents taught me that from the time I was old enough to go to school." I reply remembering my first jiu-jitsu class that they took me to, thankfully it was one of the self-defense classes that I was able to stay in and had earned myself a black belt. "I was also in various forms of self-defense classes since I could walk." Addam looks at me in total awe, as if he's never seen a girl who can take care of herself before. It starts to make me squirm in my seat. "What?" I ask after a few minutes of being uncomfortable.

"Nothing, sorry, I've just never met anyone quite like you." He replies.

I can see Nik glaring at Addam out of the corner of my eye, making me mentally roll my eyes. I am seriously so sick and tired of him getting jealous just because someone else is taking notice of me. I've already told everyone that I am not interested in anything serious, nor am I looking for a hook up or anything like that. Nik realizes that I can see him glaring and instantly looks away. I'm about to scold him when we hear Freyja call from the other room 'Dinner!'

I smile to myself as my stomach rumbles. "Finally." I say as we walk out of my room, heading towards the amazing smelling food.

We all walked into the dining room as Berik and a handsome man who looks like an older version of Addam helping her set the table. I look at Freyja with a questioning look to which she shrugs in reply. Thelma is also sitting in a seat next to where Berik sits.

I smile and hug Thelma as she gets up to greet me "Happy birthday cheré!" she says hugging me tightly.

"Well, let's go ahead and sit down and eat!" Berik says gesturing at the table. "How was everyone's day?" she asks as we all take our seats.

"My day was fairly uneventful, with the exception of the pizza party Mr. Sullivan threw for me, Anderson acting like a complete toddler in class, and then having my best friend in the whole world decide to also throw a toddler sized tantrum when I told him that he doesn't have to always protect me." Nik stared at me over his fork as he had just put a huge bite of mashed potatoes in his mouth. I smile wickedly at him "But he came back and apologized for his stupidity, I think there may be hope for him yet." I smirk at Nik with a wicked grin. "You're not getting off that easily hon, I will tease you about it."

Nik gives me a slight glare "Will I ever live down my mistake?" He asks looking like he's ready to leave again.

"Maybe one day." I say smiling at him "but, I do think that you and I will need to sit down and have a lengthy conversation." I reply in a serious tone.

Addam looks from me to Nik in a curious way. "You two act more like an old married couple than best friends."

Nik and I look at each other and burst out laughing. "I'm sorry we're not trying to laugh at you." I look at Nik who has his signature left eyebrow cocked. "at least I'm not, Nik is a completely different story."

"Sorry dude, but I totally mean to laugh at you, especially with the amusing look on your face." Nik says "We've been told this exact same thing by everyone here at this table, with the exception of this random dude." He points his thumb towards the gentleman at the end of the table.

Berik clears her throat at the mention of the guy, also to get us three to quit talking. "Speaking of which, We all need to have a serious conversation." I can tell something serious is about to happen, especially since Berik's eyes have not left mine since she started talking. "I know I can trust everyone at this table, however, I must stress the importance of the contents of this conversation being kept secret. Falencia, I am sorry that this has to happen on your birthday, but today is probably the most important birthday that you will have."