
Chapter Six

The ringing of my phone wakes me up, groaning I look at my phone and see an unknown number calling me. "Hello?" I ask answering it.

"Falencia?" I hear a familiar yet unfamiliar male voice ask.

"Uh, yeah, who is this?" I reply.

"My name is Ryker; I don't know if you remember me or not but…" He replies before I cut the conversation short by hitting the end button.

I sit up in my bed trying to calm myself from having a panic attack, looking at the clock I notice that it is 5:30 AM on a Saturday morning, I groan and plop back onto my pillow, falling back to sleep almost instantly. Thankfully, I am not disturbed again until noon.

"Falencia?!" I hear someone screaming my name and shaking me.

"Wha?" I say slightly incoherently. "What's going on?"

"It's twelve o'clock noon, you should be up and getting things ready for prom tonight." Freyja says as she sits on my bed.

I look at her with confusion all over my face.

She bites her lip with a worried look on her face. "Are you even going to prom tonight?" She asks.

"I honestly haven't even thought about it." I say sitting up and stretching.

"Oh, well… uhm…" Freyja says as she rocks back and forth on her heels. "Cherie and I are going to a boutique to find dresses; do you want to maybe um…" She pauses and plays with the hem of her night-shirt. "Maybe come with and get a dress for yourself? I mean if you want to come to prom."

I look at her and sigh "you don't have to continue to walk on eggshells around me. I know that you guys hid all of this from me in order to keep me safe, and honestly, after being kidnapped, even if it was for only a few hours, I can't help but think that maybe ignorance is bliss, but then again, on the opposite side of that same coin, I feel like if I had been told about it all, I would have been better prepared to defend myself."

Freyja continues to play with the hem of her night shirt as Berik comes to the door. "I think I'm ready to talk about everything." I say as Freyja and Berik nod their heads as I get up out of bed and we walk to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee. "I was woken up around five-thirty this morning, it was the younger guy that helped kidnap me." I blurt out grabbing a cup from the cupboard.

"How the hell did he get your number?!" Freyja exclaims, as Berik sits there pursing her lips, something that she tends to do when she's stressed or thinking about something.

"I don't think going to prom is such a good idea." Berik says.

Freyja groans "But mom!"

I shrug "I honestly haven't even thought about it."

"You know that I have been looking forward to my prom since I was a freshman!" Freyja cries.

"I don't think you should ban something just because you kept something from me for my whole life, and think that now that I know, things are going to start coming out of the woodwork to look for me, You said that they know about a prophecy that contains a child born of Angel and Demon descent but, do they actually know who I am or what I look like?" I retort.

Berik thinks about this for a minute, "You said that your uncle and I'm going to assume the younger gentleman is his son, which would make him your cousin, knew who you were and where to find you."

I sigh, "Just because people may or may not be after me, doesn't mean that others should suffer for my lack of knowledge of who I am." I say, knowing that my words are resonating with her on some level. "Besides, you were the ones who kept this secret from me, now that I know who, rather what I am, I now have a little more heads up on what to possibly look for."

"But no one knows what kind of powers you will wield, nor what kind of transformation that you will go through." Berik answers, "and now that you're seventeen, they can manifest at any time. I'm surprised, that you've gone this long without something happening."

"Maybe it's not me who the prophecy foretold?" I say hopefully.

Berik shakes her head "Sorry honey, your parents were very adamant that you were the child that had been foreseen."

I take a deep breath, "I don't want to hurt you guys, but I honestly think it's time that I head out on my own."

"You can't be serious!" Freyja exclaims.

"I am quite serious Frey, I need to get out on my own, I need to make sure that you are all safe. If nothing else, we could all leave, tell no one but maybe a few trusted allies. I don't want anything to happen to either of you, and I think that if we leave, that will get rid of the possibility of these people finding us."

"I don't think that's a bad idea, to be completely honest. Where are you thinking?" Berik says.

"There are some really pretty and dense forests around Colorado, we could move there and live in the mountains." I reply.

"Would we be mountain people then?" Freyja asks scrunching her face.

I shake my head, chuckling "no, it would be the same as if we were living here, just a little different."

Freyja smiles and nods "I say let's do it. But after Prom, if we leave right now, it'll look suspicious."

I nod in agreement. "I don't disagree, we need to take our time leaving town, but I don't think we should leave until after graduation."

"Why that far out?" Berik asks with Freyja nodding her head.

"Because Prom is tonight, Graduation is only next month. If we leave tonight or even tomorrow, again that would be too soon, people will wonder what's going on. Besides, Freyja and I have been talking about leaving this state since freshman year, we always said that we would leave Portland after graduation. We could start looking for places to go and start packing now, but only things that aren't a major necessity." I reply logically.

"Where were you two thinking of going before all of this happened?" Berik asks.

Freyja and I look at each other, "We were talking about going to Virginia, they have an amazing university there that offers many opportunities." Freyja replies.

"Right, but now, with everything that has happened, I don't think we should go to Virginia, I think we should go somewhere else, somewhere with mountains. A place where we can hide in plain sight but know what is going on in the world around us." I reply.

"We will talk about this later, you girls need to go get a dress for Prom and get ready." Berik says.

"I'm still not entirely sure if I want to go or not." I reply.

"This is an opportunity to act as if there is nothing going on in your life right now. You should be having fun, not fearing for your life." Berik retorts.

I sigh and hang my head knowing that she has a point. "Fine, I'll go." I say reluctantly to which Freyja screeches in joy and makes my head feel as if one of my eardrums are going to burst from the sudden outburst of sound.

"I'm so excited that you're finally agreeing!" Freyja says still hopping up and down in excitement.

I roll my eyes. "Mark it on the calendar, Falencia Marie Black is actually going to a school sanctioned event."

Freyja smiles triumphantly. "Oh, trust me, we will mark this joyous occasion, we will be getting pictures and lots of them! Especially of you in your dress!"

I groan "Do I really have to take pictures?"

Freyja nods "I need proof of you actually wearing a dress. Plus whom do you think you'll ask to take you? I think you and Nik would look adorable together, but then again, Addam is pretty hot too and he has a thing for you as well."

I roll my eyes at her "I could just go stag and not deal with the pressure of asking anyone or having someone else feel pressured into asking me to go."

"But Cherie and I both have our dates, wouldn't you feel as if you were the fifth wheel if you went with us and our dates?" Freyja asks.

"Again, I don't want someone in my life, especially when we were just talking about leaving. If I were to start something up here, I wouldn't want to move, not to mention with everything going on, there is a major chance of someone getting hurt because of me. I don't want that hanging over my head." I reply.

"I'm not saying to start dating someone, just ask someone to go to Prom with you, it doesn't mean that you would be dating or even getting married to the guy." Freyja counters.

"You're not going to shut up until I have a date to this stupid thing, are you?" I ask.

She smiles her big bright smile and shakes her head "Nope, and you know that I will eventually get what I want."

I groan, "Fine, I'll call the guys and see if they have plans already." I reply debating between asking Nik or Addam. Nik has always been there for me no matter what, but I feel like if I ask him, he'd expect us to start dating or something and I don't know if I really want to deal with another one of the temper tantrums he throws. Addam on the other hand, seems to understand who I am better than I understand myself, plus he is a werewolf. "Gah, why does this have to be so damn difficult?" I say aloud looking at my coffee mug and head towards my room.

I'm about to reach for my phone, which is sitting on my bedside table when it starts to ring. The number is unknown, I debate on whether I want to answer it as it rings a couple more times, my curiosity is peaked so I decide to answer "Hello?"

"Hey Falencia?" a guy's voice comes through the other end.

"Uh, yeah, and who is this?" I reply.

"Anderson." The voice on the other end says.

I roll my eyes "How the hell did you get this number?"

"I asked around, I was hoping you'd accompany me to prom?" He asks as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

I can't help but let a laugh escape through my lips. "You're fucking with me, right?"

"No, I honestly am asking you to prom." He replies.

I shake my head "You've either got something planned or you're seriously deluded, if you think I'd even consider going to prom or anywhere else with you." I reply before hanging up.

Freyja comes around the corner "Who are you rejecting?" She asks.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly "You'd never believe me if I told you, but Anderson Tyler."

"You're kidding?!" She exclaims, raising her eyebrows.

"I honestly wish it was a horrible joke, he honestly sounded like he was serious. I'm now rethinking of going to prom with you guys."

"No!" Freyja yells "You can't back out, you promised me and mom that you'd go!"

"Ugh." I sigh "Fine, I'll call Nik and Addam and see if they want to join us."

"Good, but we still need to go get you a dress." Freyja says "So call them from the shop or something, you need to get dressed and ready to go shopping."

I heave a heavy sigh. "Fine. Give me about five minutes." I say closing the door after shooing her out. I grab a pair of flared hip-hugger jeans with a grey t-shirt, grabbing my phone off my nightstand, I head out into the living room to meet Cherie and Freyja.

Cherie looks uncomfortable and shy when I walk in. "Cher, it's fine, I'm not mad, upset maybe but not mad."

She looks up at me and smiles, "I'm sorry we kept it from you for so long, but Berik and Freyja asked me not to say anything, and you know how much I respect all of you."

I hold my hand up "Honestly, it's really not that big of a deal."

"But you spent the last four days holed up in your room, not coming out except to go to school, eat, and you haven't spoken to any of us." She replies.

"I know, I just needed some time to think and get over the hurt of feeling betrayed, I understand why it was kept from me, and when I was kidnapped, it really put everything into perspective for me. I don't want to waste any more of our time talking about this, I want to just forget that we had these issues in the first place and go about our day as normally as possible."

Freyja and Cherie smile at me "I think we can do that!" Freyja says trying to keep the giddiness out of her voice.