

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Unconscious attention

"I can accompany you to take a bath." William teased.

Rose's face immediately turned red, William could see it clearly, this girl was very innocent or maybe she was too naive, did she act like this to her lover too?

"What if I've slept with my boyfriend before?" The words that Rose had said suddenly echoed in William's mind and made him feel uncomfortable.

"Where's your nightgown?" William asked diverting his thoughts which made him feel irritated suddenly.

"What for?" Rose asked confused.

"You want to come out of the bathroom in just a bathrobe? I'm not sure I'll be able to hold myself back like that honey." William answered while leaning over and making Rose have to pull her body back so that their faces have a safe distance, Rose still remembers the last time their faces were close together and William always kissed suddenly. Rose didn't want to 'miss out' again this time.

But what William said was true, Rose then showed him where her sleepwear was, luckily she still had some of the long pajamas she had when she was a teenager, she didn't want to look tempting with her very short and thin nightgowns.

"You're not wearing underwear?" William asked shamelessly because Rose only showed where her bright yellow pajamas were with a little brown bear pattern.

"I'll take it myself," Rose said she got out of her bedroom but because she jumped when she woke up earlier, her ankle hurt more than before, causing her to fall back down.

William sighed heavily, he then stepped closer to Rose.

"Doesn't it hurt?" William asked while touching Rose's swollen ankle.

Rose nodded slowly because her ankle hurt.

"How can you take a shower if your feet hurt, just wash your face then change into your clothes, I will treat your feet again soon after."


"So you want me to accompany you to take a bath?" cut William, Rose shook her head slowly, she finally obeyed William's words.

William finally picked up Rose's body again and carried her into the bathroom.

"How can I wash my face like this?" Rose asked when she saw her position from behind the mirror reflection with William still holding her.

William then sat Rose on the sink, he then grabbed a clean towel which was located in the small cabinet above the mirror, and wet it with water.

"Wash it," William said handing the towel he had wet to Rose.

Rose then grabbed it and wiped the entire surface of her face down to her long neck.

"Already? Now brush your teeth." William asked as he grabbed his towel back and handed Rose's toothbrush.

"I have to use a facial cleanser first."

William looked at the rows of products that were neatly lined up in front of the mirror, though there were so many that William was lazy to count how many there were.

"Which one is the facial cleanser?" William asked confused.

Rose then shows the order from cleanser to toner and a series of other products that William doesn't understand why women need so many beauty products when he only uses one face wash and his face looks fine so far.

"Just clean your face with soap, you are already naturally beautiful, these products make me tired just looking at them." William chatted after giving one product which I don't know what it was from a series of products that Rose had worn a lot earlier.

"My natural beauty will be more maintained if I wear all these products," said Rose proudly.

"I am the brand ambassador for this beauty product, I know it for almost five years now." She continued proudly because only very beautiful women deserve the title of brand ambassador of the number one beauty product in the world to be the representative and face of their country.

"I don't care, hurry up! I can fall asleep in this bathroom because it's been too long waiting for you." William grumbled.

"Who told me to wait." Rose's great-grandson.

"Alright, I'm going to bed now," William said as he walked away.

"Hey... Then how do I get off?"



It was about an hour until Rose finally finished with her facial cleansing 'ritual' and now she had changed her clothes while William had been gone a while since she finished cleaning her face.

Unlike his promise, William hasn't come back yet, looks like he was too tired so he didn't come back to put some medicine on Rose's swollen ankle.

"Why do I feel disappointed, calm down Rose, this is all just an effect because your leg hurts." Her words to herself.

Rose was just about to sleep when she heard her bedroom door open.

"You sleep with the light on?" William asked as he stepped closer and sat right on the side of Rose's bed where Rose was lying and immediately sat down now.

"I was just about to turn off the light earlier." Answered Rose.

"Go to sleep, after treating your leg, I will turn off the light."


"Don't worry, I'm too tired to make love so you don't have to worry." Cut William. Isn't that right? Does William always mention making love no matter how many women he's slept with?

Rose then lay down and William lifted Rose's right leg up onto his lap and started to apply the ointment the doctor had given him to Rose's swollen ankle.

Rose groaned at the pain in her leg.

William didn't speak to calm her down but Rose could feel William's breath on his ankle.

"My leg is bruised not an open wound stupid!" Rose cursed jokingly.

"My mom when I was little always blow air on my wound even though it's a bruise and it always feels better, doesn't that apply to you?" William's story.

"Reasonable." Rose's comment was a little prestige if she had to admit that what William had done made her feet feel better.

"It's done, go to sleep now, and don't dream of me because even in dreams I'm scared sometimes," William said jokingly, he then fixed Rose's blanket.

Rose smiled faintly at William's joke.

"Thank you, Will," Rose said sincerely.

William just nodded and smiled before turning off the lights in Rose's room and leaving Rose's room.


William smiled again when he arrived at his room and kept thinking about how adorable Rose's behavior was.

Even Rose's faint smile can make her tiredness disappear somewhere.

William still couldn't lower his smile, he kept smiling even when he was about to wash his face and remembered Rose again with all the rituals when cleaning her face earlier.

"I just need this and my face is still as handsome as ever." His words when cleaning his face with facial soap.

William has finished bathing now, he is getting ready to sleep now but he is reminded again of Rose's condition, his swollen feet will definitely be very painful and will probably make him unable to sleep so William decides to go back to see how Rose is.

The location of his room was on the same floor as Rose's room so it didn't take long for William to arrive in front of Rose's room.

William carefully opened the door to Rose's room and peeked inside.

Rose was already asleep, her face looked peaceful and beautiful even though only the night light lit her face.

William was relieved that Rose was fine, he then went back to his room and got ready for bed but then his cell phone rang.

It's almost two o'clock in the evening, who is calling him at this time makes William's pleasure vanish into annoyance.

William was about to turn off his cell phone when he finally realized who was calling him.

The name "Gwen" appears on William's cell phone screen.

What's the matter with you Will? You were too busy with Rose to forget your Gwen, William is feeling bad right now.
