

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs


Rayhan's face was red from holding back his anger, Rose defended the man and his heart couldn't take it.

Roughly Rayhan opened the door to his room and slammed his body onto the chair he usually occupied when composing a song.

"I kissed her..."

Really that fast? Did Rose turn away so quickly that she let another man kiss her?

Rayhan's thoughts were so chaotic, that his breath was exclaiming to hold back the turmoil of annoyance in his heart.

"Rayhan!" Rose's voice sounded breathless when she called Rayhan as soon as she reached Rayhan's room after she had to run up the stairs because all the elevators were full.

"Why did you come here? Didn't you defend him earlier?" Rayhan asked coldly.

"I'm not defending him, Ray. You're misunderstanding me." Dodge Rose while sitting right in front of Rayhan.

"Is that so? I was so stupid, then why do you look so angry that I hit that man, is it because you guys kissed?" Rayhan said, he suppressed his voice at the beginning of the sentence but then screamed at the end of the sentence.

Rose was silent, she felt like someone who had just been caught having an affair when Rayhan shouted at her.

"Did you guys kiss?" Rayhan asked this time, his eyes softened and his hands wrapped around Rose's arms waiting for an answer, but Rose remained silent and didn't want to look at him.

"I already know the answer, so you're going to leave me like this?"

"It was beyond my expectations. He was so fast and I didn't expect it at all but I wasn't attracted to him in the slightest. I just love you, Ray, trust me, I will never leave you." Rose tries to explain, but Rayhan was still silent. Rose could understand how disappointed Rayhan was right now even though she was disappointed in herself.

"I wasn't defending him, I was afraid he would sue you. I just don't want you to get in trouble." Rose continued.

Rayhan seemed to think for a moment before ruffling his hair roughly.

"I'm sorry, I snapped at you. I was just feeling jealous." Rayhan said regretfully. "And I'm afraid of losing you."

Rose finally couldn't say anything but just hugged Rayhan tightly and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'll take better care of myself."

"Stay at my house tonight. He said something that worries me." Rayhan asked after releasing Rose's embrace.

Rose was a little surprised by Rayhan's request because she had never stayed at Rayhan's house before but seeing Rayhan's current reaction, surely that annoying man had bad plans for her.

William was terrible, he seemed to have a lot of faces so Rose had to be extra careful with him.

"Okay." Rose finally agreed to Rayhan's request.


Both Rayhan and Rose have returned to their respective jobs. Rayhan was busy in the recording studio while Rose is busy in the practice room.

It was midday, which meant almost half a day had passed and William was still in his position, sitting in a chair that Rose's back dancers didn't dare to occupy because William looked mysterious and had a cold, hideous stare.

"Who is he?" Rini asked Rose who was taking time to rest for a while.

Rini is Rose's assistant who has worked for Rose for almost five years, the fat girl with curly hair has been unable to take her eyes off William, who she thinks is very handsome as a movie star and even more handsome.

It's impossible to say that William is the man her parents betrothed to her so Rose just kept quiet until Rini spoke again, "Is he the new bodyguard?" Guess Rini.

"He looks scary doesn't he?" Rose asked.

"Gosh! Is your vision fading? He's amazingly handsome, Rose. Introduce me to him in case we're meant to be." Rini whined a little.

Rini's whimper gave Rose an idea so that William wouldn't continue to stare at her as if she was his prey, so without wasting time, Rose immediately whispered and Rini without any objections Rini immediately walked over to William while carrying a box of rice that he would give to William.

"Hi." Rini greeted shyly.

William turned and smiled, "Hi."

"Oh, my gosh so handsome," Rini mumbled unconsciously making William chuckle softly.

"You're Rose's new bodyguard huh?" Rini asked pleasantly, still holding her rice box without giving it to William as she originally intended. This nervousness made Rini fidget while Rose held back her laughter seeing Rini who kept moving closer to William.

"I'm her future husband." Whispered William.

"WHAT?!" Rini's shrill voice squealing made the attention of all the people in the room immediately turn their eyes toward Rini.

"But Rose and Rayhan?" Rini muttered confused.

"I don't care about their relationship. So tell Rosie to come to me now before I kidnap her from here." William said, Rini could only nod in resignation now and walked back quickly to Rose who was just about to start eating.

"What's wrong with your face?" Rose asked confused.

"You lied to me! Hurry and get to him before he kidnaps you from here. He is so terrible. How can you leave Rayhan and choose a husband like that iceman!" Rini babbled.

Rose again peeked at William from behind Rini's large body and William looked like a dictator who was waiting for his servant. It's annoying but this body is moving towards him, Rose is frustrated with him.

"What? I was just about to eat." Said Rose in her usual curt tone.

"Let's go find healthy food outside, instead of you being on a diet." Bring William.

"Can't! I still have to practice, if you are bored then go home, I will help you call a taxi."

"I just want to eat alone with you," William said not forgetting that he touched Rose's hand now and looked at her with a smile.

"I don't want to eat alone with you!" Refuse Rose slapped William's hand roughly and hurried away from William until then William had caught up with her.

"I don't want to eat with you, Will! I'm sick just looking at your face so how can I eat with you."

William smiled as if Rose's refusal was incomprehensible and a second later he had managed to carry Rose's body on his shoulder.

"Put me down, Will! I'm not a sack of potato!" Said Rose but William still didn't listen to Rose and continued to carry her regardless of how many pairs of eyes stared at them in disbelief because it was a public secret within the company if Rose had a romantic relationship with Rayhan.

"Oh shit!" Rose cursed softly before hiding her face in the crook of William's shoulder for fear that the paparazzi would take advantage of her now.

"Are you crazy?" Rose squealed in displeasure as William lowered her into the car seat but William ignored Rose's angry chatter and instead fastened Rose's seat belt.

Rose's lips were pursed tightly as William stopped moving and stared at her. Rose could feel the mint smell from the mixture of perfume that William was wearing and also William's lips which looked redder than before it turned out that there was still some lipstick left on William's lips but that was precisely what made Rose's hand move to wipe the remaining lipstick on the surface. William's lips.

William initially only intended to fasten Rose's seat belt but instead, he stared at Rose's face which was very close, and as soon as Rose brushed her thumb on William's surface suddenly her heartbeat felt irregular and made her nervous instantly.

"There's a trace of my lipstick," Rose said embarrassed after lowering her thumb from William's lips.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, that you wanted to touch my soft lips on purpose huh?" William teased.

Oh, come on... William started again, he's not put on a scary face but should he go back to being flirty and narcissistic again.

"Hurry up, don't think too much pervert. I don't have many lunchtimes." Rose said changing the subject.

"Too bad my dear Rosie, you can't come back here anymore because you have to treat your injured ankle," William said before rushing to the driver's seat.

Rose didn't notice at all that her left ankle was turning blue because she had fallen during practice earlier.

"My legs are fine no need to bother," Rose said as soon as William was sitting right next to her.

"You can't, health comes first, honey."

Rose was silent again, she felt that if William suddenly became a warm man, what kind of man he was, why so many faces he showed him today.

"Why are you silent? You're already starting to take an interest in this caring me?" William teased.

Oh, ignore the warm feeling because William is showing that annoying face again.

"Not at all, I'm not interested in you even a drop!" Dodge Rose firmly.

William smiled before starting the car engine.

"In that case, good," William muttered softly but Rose couldn't hear him.

"Wait a minute, can you drive now?" Asked Rose who suddenly felt scared.

William didn't answer and instead showed a row of white teeth but it scared Rose so much that she gripped her seatbelt tightly.

"Don't worry, our goal is the hospital after all..."

"Don't be crazy! We went to the hospital to treat my leg not to add to the wound on the way."

William laughed again seeing how panicked Rose was now, he even felt exasperated until his hand reached out to stroke Rose's hair.

Without Rose realizing it, Rayhan knew the departure of her car from behind the recording room window, even Rayhan could still see William's hand rubbing Rose's head and Rose didn't seem to fight back.

"I trust you, Rose," Rayhan mumbled, he believed but his heart ached to see a sight he didn't want to see especially the anxiety and fear of losing Rose still lingering in the recesses of his heart making Rayhan feel suffocated in pain and made him shed painful tears.

"I trust you but can you keep your promise to me Rose? My heart hurts so much."
