

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Future husband

Rayhan stared blankly at his cellphone screen, it had been a while since Rose left but she hadn't come back yet while Rose didn't pick up his phone calls either.

What really happened, why this situation is so confusing. Rose was his lover for a long time, they never even fought for long but suddenly someone came and became a barrier between them.

William is a threat but Rose...

What's wrong with Rose? The girl said that she would keep her distance from William but in fact she went alone with him.

Rose didn't accidentally pick up Rayhan's phone call because William took her away without further ado, leaving her cellphone behind in the practice room and now she's stuck in front of the hospital entrance where many people pass by who might recognize her.

"Why?" William asked because he saw Rose who was looking down while covering her face with her flowing hair.

"Someone will recognize me and why don't you stop in the parking lot?" Rose whispered, her voice low as if someone out there would hear her.

William almost forgot, he used to stop his car right in front of the hospital entrance when he was in America when he visited Gwen because Gwen is a VVIP patient so someone would park the car right away but right now he is in a different country where he can't go wrong especially he has plans to run for governor, he should have maintained his attitude more.

William then drove his car back to the parking lot.

"We're already in the parking lot, why are you still covering your pretty face?" William asked.

"Except underground, paparazzi are everywhere and I don't want to be seen with you." Answered Rose.

"Unfortunately Rosie, I don't care. We have to treat your leg then go eat and have a look at our new house." William said as he took off his jacket.

Hearing William's plan, Rose immediately turned sharply.

"Our house?" She screamed in surprise.

"Your house, I bought it in your name." William answered before getting out of the car.

"I don't need a house!" Rose said firmly when William opened the door.

"How about an apartment?"

"I'm not marrying you, Will."

"We'll see, honey."

William's wink made Rose freeze for a moment, especially William suddenly opened the seat belt that wrapped around Rose's body and then put on his jacket to cover Rose's body, who only wore a crop top which clearly showed her flat stomach.

"Are you touched that I'm so considerate that your chatty lips are no longer babbling?" William asked teasingly as he picked up Rose and pulled her out of the car.

William's temptation made Rose finally wake up and immediately struggle.

"Put me down, Will! Are you crazy? I can walk on my own! Put me down quickly." Ask Rose who felt panicked because she was afraid that someone would see her.

"You're late honey, you were silent when I picked you up earlier." William said casually.

Oh this is crazy, Rose knew no matter how hard she struggled, William wouldn't let her down.

Now there was no other way but to remain silent and hide her face behind William's stout chest.

"You can't wait to kiss me huh?" Flirt William again.

"Don't be crazy, you pervert!" Rose cursed while hitting William's chest quite hard.

"Spoilers, I like that." The temptation again.

Rose's face was getting redder, not because she was blushing but because she felt more and more annoyed, Rose could even hear the sound of her punch earlier and it meant that she hit William hard but the crazy and perverted man meant something else.

"You are so light, why do you have to go on a diet again? Your body shape is already very beautiful, if you are too thin I will not have the heart to make love to you later." William babbles.

"Just for a second, at least not in a crowded place like this, why are you so perverted?" Rose grumbled annoyed, the man currently holding her shamelessly discussing body shape and making love.

"It's rude to speak like that to a virgin." Rose muttered without realizing it.

"Virgin?" William's comment was confused because he remembered that last night Rose said that she had slept with her boyfriend.

Rose became nervous instantly, she opened her own lie card. Stupid girl!

"What are you talking about? Who is a virgin?" Rose asked nervously.

Rose's nervousness made William suspicious but William chose to ignore his suspicions after a doctor came.

"Rose!" The bespectacled doctor immediately screamed for Rose even though Rose was hiding her face.

From that voice, Rose could recognize who was calling her, it was Ghani who was none other than her cousin.

"You know him?" William asked in a whisper.

Rose slowly showed her face to the handsome doctor who was like her own brother.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being carried like this? Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Ghani asked repeatedly.

"I'm fine, I just sprained my leg, he's just exaggerating." Answered Rose sullenly, it was a fortune to meet Ghani because he could ask for his help so that William put him down.

"Is he your brother?" William asked confused.

"Older cousin." Answered Rose lazily.

"Then put her down, I will carry her if her legs really hurt." Ghani said, he immediately moved closer but William didn't allow it.

"Just tell me where the room is." said William.

William's cold face made Ghani finally obey and show him the way to his room, Ghani happened to be an orthopedic doctor so he immediately took care of Rose himself.

Without wasting any time, Ghani immediately checked Rose's condition.

"What's so bad?" William asked.

"Just a sprain, the bruises on her wrist will go away soon." Ghani replied.

Hearing Ghani's answer made Rose breathe a sigh of relief.

"Did I say, I'm fine so there's no need to carry me."

"You should thank your boyfriend, he did the right thing. If you force your leg to walk before treatment it's likely that your leg will swell and take longer to heal while you have another week of concerts, you should be more careful. " Obviously Ghani lectured Rose a bit.

"Thank you." Rose's great-grandson was slow and sounded disinterested.

"But he's not my boyfriend." Rose protested to Ghani.

"I'm not her boyfriend but I am her future husband."

Hearing William's words, Rose put on an annoyed face again while Ghani was so surprised.

"Really? You're getting married?" Ghani asked in disbelief.

Rose dodged it by saying, "No." firmly but on the contrary William agreed.

"Rose, it's not good to sulk at your future husband, especially since he cares so much about you." Ghani advised.

"Right." William said feeling happy.

"I'm not sulking but he's not really my future husband." Rose said firmly.

"Women always do that when they're sulking." Ghani said back because he knew that Rose would babble in annoyance like this when she was sulking, Ghani knew very well that Rose was a cheerful and gentle woman.

Of course, Ghani's words made William smile with satisfaction.

"I'm Ghani, this chatty girl's cousin." Ghani said introducing himself, he looks the same age as William with almost the same height as William but his hair is a little brown and his eyes also look a little slanted, but Ghani is a handsome man.

"I'm William. You guys don't look like cousins." William replied, if he saw Rose's beautiful face with all forms of clear brown eyes and double folds, long eyelashes, a sharp nose and slightly parted at the bottom of the bridge of her nose, and lips that were sensual but not too twisted to form a smile though Rose wasn't smiling while Ghani didn't look like a typical Southeast Asian guy.

"I have mixed blood, my father is uncle Adam's younger brother. So we don't really look like family."

"Okay, nice to meet you but we have to go quickly to see the house we're going to live in after we get married." William said goodbye.

It seems useless to explain to Ghani because he seems to trust William even though he is clearly his cousin Ghani should have trusted him more.

William then put his jacket on Rose who could only surrender because opposing William would only make William go crazy and he was helpless.

"I'll walk alone." Rose said curtly.

She then jumped off the bed but it only made her legs hurt even more and made her almost fall if William didn't quickly support her body.

"You have to be careful honey or maybe you feel embarrassed to ask me to carry you again?" William's teasing made Ghani unable to hold back his laughter, in his eyes they looked like an adorable pair of lovers while Rose could only hold back her annoyance in her heart because William was very good at taking over the current situation.
