

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Can't stop being angry

"Will you still by side if you end up becoming a doll like the others?" - William Alexander.


"It seems like your relationship with your father is a little bad." Said Rose, who came over to William, who had been looking at the bonsai tree in the center of his room.

Rose chatted with Jane for a while before finally deciding to approach William, who since he finished eating immediately locked himself in his room.

William just glanced but didn't answer, then chose to water the tree and ignore Rose.

Rose didn't know why William ignored her, but that made her even more curious, and continued to follow William's steps.

"Are you guys always like that?" Rose asked once again.

"Do you think someone who talks while smiling is the same as having hidden problems?" William asked, holding back his patience when his annoyance started to surface because Rose discussed his relationship with Jackson.

"I saw the anger in your eyes when you talked to your father," Rose answered without hesitation, She always liked to annoy William even though she knew that William would soon become scary.

William took a deep breath before finally looking at Rose coldly.

"You talk as if you know me very well. Why are you busy taking care of my relationship with my father if you intend to make me fall in love with you? I suggest you never discuss things like this again." William said warningly, he was not playing around with what he said, his sharp eyes explained everything.

But as if she didn't care, Rose stepped closer and said, "Did your wound come from him?" Rose guessed.

William gritted his teeth, Rose was testing his patience.

"Should I be you father side?" She continued defiantly but this time William couldn't hold back his annoyance, without warning William grabbed Rose's arms so tightly that Rose winced in pain.

"I warn you, don't make me lose my temper!" William scolded in a muffled voice, his eyes darkened, Rose could see from William's two sharp eyes that he was very angry.

"I'm happy to make you angry so I don't have to bother making you fall in love with me, you can immediately..."

"...Divorce you?" William interrupted.

William grinned and released his grip which left red marks on both of Rose's arms, but a second later William immediately pulled Rose's body closer to him.

"Never, I'll throw you away if I'm bored, but don't think I'll divorce you because I'm sick of you. As much as I'm sick of you, I'm sure you're much more sick of me, right? So don't ever hope to be able to escape from me by provoking my anger like This!" William said a warning that made Rose's whole body go weak. Rose didn't have time to answer because William had already pushed her body until she fell to the floor.

What William did made Rose hate him even more, her pride was hurt, but Rose was not someone who would accept misfortune and mourn his fate, didn't have to wait long for Rose to get up and immediately follow William, blocking William's steps, who was about to leave the room with an annoyed face.

"You rude man!" Rose said angrily and immediately pushed William's body as hard as she could but William didn't lose his balance at all.

"So heavy," Rose muttered as she continued trying to push William's body.

What Rose did unknowingly made William forget his anger and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you doing?" William asked, still chuckling softly.

"What else? Of course, I'll repay you!" Rose replied, still not afraid and trying to push William's body.

Rose's innocent answer made William laugh even more, saying, "Try to be stronger!"

"I'm trying, you stupid!"

"Oh my gosh, I feel like my body is going to fall." William teased mockingly even though his body didn't move at all.

"Just watch! I'll make you fall like you pushed me earlier!" Rose said persistently, believing William almost fell. "Did you eat rocks?" she added.

William finally came to his senses, he was consumed by his anger so he was rude to Rose and now he regrets his actions.

Feeling guilty, William finally deliberately threw himself down but instead made Rose fall with him right on top of his body.

"It hurts, doesn't it?!" Rose asked fiercely but her heart felt satisfied because she had succeeded in knocking down William's large body. She then tried to get up from on top of William's body but William held her back by hugging her tightly.

"Let me go!" Rose shouted but William still held her body.

"Forgive me," William said regretfully which immediately made Rose silent.

"I shouldn't be rude to you even if I'm angry." William continued, tightening his embrace even more.

Unfortunately, Rose's annoyance suddenly disappeared just because William apologized very easily and was in a forceful position.

"I'm sorry."

"Never mind, there's no need to discuss it, I've been treated harshly for a long time," Rose said weakly, For some reason, Rose suddenly remembered her childhood when she was always bullied by several of her cousins except Ghani.

Now William regrets his actions twice as much, he makes Rose remember her past wounds.

"Babe, I promise this will be the first and last time. I will never do it again."

"Never mind, Will, you better let go of me now! Don't you feel hard because I keep pressing your body like this?" Said Rose who chose to change the conversation.

William couldn't push Rose any longer, he didn't want any more arguments that would make things worse so he let go of Rose's body and let her walk away.

"How can I make up for my mistakes? I will do everything whatever you want." William asked coming closer.




William examined the meaning behind Rose's sparkling eyes with suspicion before finally accepting the pinky link that Rose proposed.


Is this what is called 'wisdom'? Rose could no longer hide her winning smile because she suddenly had a brilliant idea to disturb William's calm.

"Okay, I'll forgive you, as long as you return my cellphone and..."

"And what?"

"I'll think about it later but before that, give me my cell phone back first!" Rose replied William had ignored every question about the whereabouts of his cell phone, but because William had promised, this time she would get her cell phone back and be able to see the news via her social media accounts.

"I'll give you a new cell phone," William answered nervously.

"I don't want a new one, I just want my phone!"

Now William's nervousness was becoming more visible, with hesitation he said again, "I've thrown it into the sea." He squeaked softly.

"WHAT?!" Rose let out a shrill scream after hearing William's answer.

"Why did you throw it overboard?"

"Because I don't like it."

"But that's my cellphone, not yours, You don't have to throw it away if you don't like it because I like my cellphone!"

"I'll buy you a new one later, it's better than your cell phone. Why do you have to nag me!"

Rose took a deep breath, she had just wanted to forget her annoyance and now she was annoyed again hearing William's answer, who didn't feel guilty at all.

"Because it's my cell phone, You can't just throw away my cell phone no matter how much money you have, that's too much!"

"I just don't want you to remember your ex-boyfriend because he was willing to come with the excuse of bringing your cell phone! I don't want and I don't like it if my wife thinks about another man even for a second." William said angrily, he was so annoyed that he didn't realize what he had just said.

"Are you jealous?" Rose snapped, looking suspiciously.
