

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · วัยรุ่น
53 Chs

Annoying man

Rayhan poured alcohol into his glass and gulped it down in one gulp, he was so drunk that his vision faded but even so he can still remember the pain in his heart very clearly, how he was lowly needed by Rose's parents who didn't think of him.

It had been a long time since the last time he came to a nightclub like this, there was no other place Rayhan could go to other than a noisy place that could make his eardrums hurt and people dancing effortlessly down there while Rayhan was on the floor two, on a large sofa with lots of alcoholic drinks filling the table in front of him. There were several seductive women who tried to approach him but Rayhan ignored them so they gave up on themselves and chose to leave Rayhan alone.

Now his cell phone is no longer ringing it's been a while since the last time his cell phone rang because of a phone call from Rose.

"Have you given up? You like the man in the suit more now?" Rayhan asked, he laughed while looking at Rose's face on his cellphone screen and then again burst into tears.

"Don't give up, don't leave me either." He sobbed as he hugged his phone.

"Are you crazy?" There was a screeching sound from a slightly chubby man in a neat pink suit and yellow tie that tied his shirt collar.

Rayhan turned his head, he already guessed who the owner of the shrill voice was.

"Pink man, what are you doing here?" Rayhan asked in the rest of his consciousness.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?" The man babbled, he is the owner of an entertainment company where Rayhan currently works as a music producer and composer.

"Are rich people always arrogant like you?" Rayhan asked, he smiled bitterly before taking another sip of his drink this time straight from the bottle.

"Gosh! You want to die easy huh? Why are you drinking like this? I know you're not a superstar anymore but you're still the target of all the gossip seekers out there so watch your attitude!" The chatter of the man named Sammy.

"I don't care about my reputation anymore. Even though I've been nice all this time, people always look down on me because I'm just an orphanage." He said smiling bitterly.

"But Rose would be disappointed if she saw you like this?" Sammy tried to persuade Rayhan to come back by bringing the name Rose which he knew was Rayhan's girlfriend but Rayhan laughed disdainfully before speaking again with tears in his eyes.

"I live for her, I love her so fucking much, but she will marry another man, this world is very cruel to me, isn't it? And all that only because I am an orphanage. I never asked my parents to die suddenly, I never wanted to be an orphan. upbringing and I never wanted to be left alone by my damn brother, but this world is so cruel and unfair to me. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much wealth I currently have I will still be a lowly human in their eyes."

Rayhan's story makes Sammy feel even more sorry for Rayhan. Sammy is one of two people who know about the secret of Rayhan's past because Sammy who found Rayhan at that time was busking on the street at a very young age while the other person was Rose. The rest of the public only knew that Rayhan was a man who grew up in an orphanage without there was news if Rayhan had an older brother who left him.

"You broke up with Rose?"

"She's betrothed, what can I do now?"

"You give up easily. Aren't you going to propose to her when Rose's concert is going to be? Both Rose's parents won't be able to go against the public so don't break down before trying."


Morning finally arrived, and Rose was dressed neatly and prepared to look for Rayhan, Rose deliberately woke up early because she didn't want to meet her parents, let alone that annoying man named William.

Rose hurriedly descended the stairs, but seeing that the condition of the house was still very quiet so she finally slowed her steps and walked very leisurely until finally a voice called out to her.

"Rose, where are you going so early?" Nisa asked approaching, and it seemed from the clothes her mother was wearing that she had just finished jogging with her father and the annoying man, William. Rose's expression suddenly turned into a frown.

"I have to practice." Rose replied lazily as she continued on her way.

"This early?" Adam asked making Rose's steps stop again.

"My concert is only a few days away dad, so I have to practice even more." Rose replied, she couldn't put a frown on her father so Rose explained with a smile.

"I like someone who works hard and has a sweet smile." Praise William.

Come on nobody's talking to you here!

The compliment made Rose feel sick instantly remembering how annoying William had been last night.

But unlike Rose, who was displeased with William's praise, Rose's parents smiled shyly hearing that, in their eyes William had truly fallen in love with their only daughter.

"Then why don't you accompany Rose, you can get to know each other a little bit more." Adam's suggestion immediately made Rose roll her eyes wide while continuing to force her smile.

"Daddy, my training will take a very long time, William must be tired of waiting for me after all instead he has to find a house for him. Isn't that right William?" Rose said dodging not forgetting that she also asked for William's opinion while praying that William would agree with his words.

"I thought it would be nice to accompany you after all. I've already contacted the realtor so I have enough time to accompany my charming wife-to-be." William answered, he didn't even hesitate to wink at Rose in front of her parents.

"Then wait a little while you should have breakfast first." Nisa said while William had rushed to his room to change his clothes and Rose could only resign herself to following her mother's steps leading her to the dining table even though with lazy steps.

No need to wait long, William has finished changing his clothes which previously wore sports clothes and has now changed to wearing black jeans and a brown leather jacket with a black T-shirt and white sneakers, it is clear that William is wearing branded clothes that are expensive and expensive. Of course, his hair is neatly arranged as usual which makes him look charmingly handsome.

Rose turned to William who was currently standing right next to her who was sitting on the dining table chair, and look, it looks like this annoying man deliberately chose a light brown jacket that matches the color of the dress that Rose is wearing right now makes Rose want to change her clothes this very second.

"You guys look good together." Nisa's praise was returned with William's gentle smile but Rose responded by rolling her eyes.

"Let's take our respective cars." Rose said quietly because she only wanted William to hear her words before getting up and rushing away.

"You don't want breakfast?" Adam asked again to stop Rose's steps.

"I'm on a diet." Rose answered before continuing her steps but then her steps stopped again when someone grabbed her wrist without turning her head, Rose already knew who was holding her.

"I'm still not used to driving with the steering wheel in this country." Said William who was actually just lying.

"Well, there's a driver." Nisa raises her voice while Rose can already guess what will happen next.

"Can I ask your driver to bring my car? I still have to learn to adapt especially I'm very nervous around Rosie." Said William, nervous he said? But instead he held Rose's hand shamelessly even when Rose tried to let go of her hand which in the end she could only give up.

"Rose has a private driver, you can go together in Rose's car." Adam said giving a solution, a solution that Rose never wanted to hear.

"I can't go in the car with him, I don't want any rumors to circulate about the relationship between the two of us." Rose refused.

"Rumors?" William asked as if he didn't understand but instead he let go of Rose's wrist so he could grab her.

"But we're getting married soon my dear Rosie, why should we hide. You should be proud to have a handsome husband like me, shouldn't you dad, mom?" said William.

Oh for heaven's sake, William is not only annoying but he's even narcissistic and what else now? Dad? Mom? Shameless man! If the voice of the heart can be heard, then the curse will be heard clearly from Rose's heart right now.

Now Rose is suddenly confused, she has to meet Rayhan and if William goes with her then Rayhan will misunderstand her even more but she can't oppose her parents.

Unfortunately she had always been an obedient girl all along and William knew that well.

"Troublesome!" Rose whispered sarcastically before letting go of William's grip on her shoulder and walking away leaving William following behind.
