
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · สงคราม
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48 Chs

Inside the Belly of the Beast

James loaded another round into the main gun and closed the breach. Timothy aimed the barrel towards an enemy jeep and stepped on the pedal, firing the main gun and sending a high explosive shell out of the barrel. It hit dead center and the jeep burst into flames, killing everyone inside. They caught the retreating enemy by surprise, pushing them back towards the city where they were met with gunfire from the Lanstonian infantry. The remaining enemies had no choice but to surrender or face death in the hands of the Lanstonians.

"James, you load too fast." Timothy jokingly said

"No, you probably just shoot slow." James replied before chuckling.

"Let's meet up with the captain and organize the next attack." Roger ordered over the radio.

Jacques informed Roger a few days before that he's planning on mounting a counter attack on the enemy to push them back and relieve the pressure on the Northern troops. Jacques already informed the Colonel about his plan and told him to hold the line before reinforcements arrive. With the Soviets using Poland as their foothold, it would be near impossible to push them back to their territory. For the 1st Autonomous task force however, it's going to be a different story.

"Major. Jacques will be here in a moment." Edward stated as he jogged towards the tank.

"He already told me about his plan. Prepare your company, mine will cover your assault." Roger ordered in response.

"Yes, sir." Edward replied before running back to his men.

James opened the hatch above his head and peeked outside. He watched as Tristan and the others rounded up the prisoners by the road. Timothy opened the side hatch and also watched as the prisoners lined up and sat down on the dirt.

"So major, what's the plan?" Timothy asked.

"Our company is gonna be pushing north to support the Colonel's forces. Jacques and his company will stay here to cover our advance." Roger explained.

"Speaking of Jacques, there he is." Timothy stated before pointing to Jacques.

"Roger, how was your trip?" Jacques asked.

"Very rough. With the rain pouring, our tracks have a hard time driving on mud." Roger replied.

Jacques climbed up the tank and brushes his wet hair back. Roger offered a cigarette but Jacques declined, complaining about a cold he has because of the bad weather. The clouds we're still dark, the rain continued to pour heavily and it slowed the heavy equipment down. The enemy would only take short breaks with their barrages, they kept disturbing the ground making it softer and harder to maneuver through.

"There's a forest 2 clicks north before we get to the Colonel. I'm worried that they're gonna be waiting there." Roger stated.

"I'll divide my company in half. I'll send Teresa and Johann north along the border while the others will take that hill." Jacques replied

"That's a good idea, divide and conquer. I know that you have two supersoldiers with you but still be careful." Roger reminded before sitting back down and closing the hatch.

Jacques jumped off and hurriedly gathered his company. He explained the plan to the officers and went to Tristan to use the radio. Roger and his company began rallying at the northeast corner of the town. The engines and voices of the men overwhelmed the pouring rain.

"Let's get moving. They'll soon find out about their frontline troops." Roger ordered over the radio.

"Major, what should I load in the breach?" James asked.

"Load AP shells. Report says that they're being attacked by both armor and infantry." Roger replied as he peered through the observation slot.

"The supersoldiers can take care of the infantry. We'll deal with their tanks." Timothy added.

James nodded and carried an armor piercing she'll to the breach before loading it in. Roger carefully watched the forest at the horizon, looking out for any signs of movement. Timothy also kept a close look at the tree line, ready to fire a round in case he sees the enemy.

"This battle is really taking everything we have. I wonder how much longer this will take, I want to take a bath already." James complained.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I haven't shaven in days." Roger added.

"I could also use a bath by now." Timothy smirked before looking over to James.

James looked Timothy in the eyes and looked away before blushing. Timothy chuckled and looked back down the scope. Roger ordered over the radio for the other tanks to open fire on the treeline just in case. As their heavy tanks approached the treeline, volleys of high caliber shells shot out of their barrels.

"I see movement! Firing!" Timothy shouted before stepping on the pedal.

"Reloading!" James exclaimed as he loaded a new round.

"Fire at will! Light them up!" Roger ordered over the radio.

The enemy tanks under the shadows of the trees began retreating while firing back at the advancing Lanstonian tanks. With their superior firepower and thicker armor, they were able to push the soviet tanks out of the forest. Johann and Teresa watched from afar, they were impressed at how fast Roger's tank fired a round out of their barrel. A truly perfect crew that Roger trained. With James' fast loading time partnered with Timothy's terrifyingly accurate shooting, they truly deserve the title of "White Devil".

"Once we get to the other side of the forest, I want everyone to focus their fire on those T-34s. Timothy, aim for their back most tanks." Roger ordered.

"Copy that, major. James, switch to APCR." Timothy stated.

"Already hot and loaded." James replied before preparing another round.

"I see, you're getting better at this. Attaboy!" Timothy commented before firing another round.

"Well, I had a great mentor." James added before giving Timothy a smug look.

"Let's wrap this up, we've already divided their forces. Time to finish the job." Roger said over the radio.

"Yes, sir!" James and Timothy said in unison.

Sorry for the delay on posting this chapter. I lost track of time while taking care of personal things. I will resume weekly posting and hopefully even thrice a week once my schedule is a little less busy.

Thanks again for those who are still reading up to this point. Thanks to the people who helped spread the word about the novel.

Lots of love,


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