
Project Overworld

October 12, 2032, the game "Project Overworld" would release its first server to the public. Developed by the company "Advanced Simulations", this game aims to exploit the technologies behind virtual reality devices in order to simulate an entire universe. The players would all spawn on the same planet and try to survive with or against other players while building up stocks of resources and defenses. Eventually, they would be able to progress and exploit different resources to create technologies ranging from simple wooden spears to actual space rockets.

Cinerath · เกม
136 Chs

Technical limitations

For a couple of weeks, the situation did not change that much for the Spacol members. In fact, it seemed like nothing changed at all, excepting from the fact that Keith, Leyla, Michael and Tyler were all working at the same place.

Other than that, the frequency at which they gathered inside of Project Overworld was substantially the same and their projects could progress as much as before. After only three weeks the group managed to finally complete their Moon base with ten greenhouses being connected to it.

It was a huge milestone for them since it would be giving them a lot more free time to focus on more 'industrial' projects such as the construction of their ice factory and the pipeline supposed to bring water all the way to their base.

'Things are going really smoothly as of recently.' Keith meditated. However, his complexion darkened after remembering the constraints they would be going through during their future inside this game.