

what will happen when a lion falls in love with a lamb??..what will happen when an extremely hot-tempered scientist falls in love with his insanely beautiful assistant?? he is like a fireball and she is like an ice cube.is it really possible for two completely opposite people to fall in love?? Christopher stone is a 29-year-old young scientist who left all his inheritance and CEO's position in his father's business empire for his research and lives on a remote island. This young genius is considered the god of science and worshiped by many science students. but he has only one problem, that is his anger management issues. Erika is a 21-year-old sweet science student and a big fan of Christopher stone who dreams to work in Christopher's team and learn from the science god himself. what will happen when Erika finally gets the chance to work with her idol Christopher stone only to find out that he hired her as a personal cook but not as his team member. read on to find out the sweet love story of a hot-tempered scientist and his cool assistant:)

dacy100 · สมจริง
34 Chs


Erika (p.o.v)

When I ran back to my room I saw that Mr.Billiards was still sleeping to my relief, I didn't want him to see me coming from Mr. Stones' room early in the morning because that would be embarrassing as hell...after going back to my room I took a shower and brushed my teeth...

Later I wore a simple white dress with peasant sleeves that I found in the closet, it reached my knees, it looked a little old-fashioned but it was beautiful, I just applied some moisturizer to my face, a little lip balm to my lips and tied my hair in a vintage half-pony style with a bow hair band I found on the dresser and I went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee...

Since there wasn't any modern equipment in the house I have to prepare everything in an old-fashioned way I guess...I prepared some green tea for myself, coffee for Mr.Stone, and some pancakes for breakfast, I made some strawberry jam with the berries I found in the garden...while I was cutting vegetables for stew Mr.Billiards entered the kitchen...

"Good morning dear...I see that you filled the house with delicious aroma in the morning .." he said pouring some coffee for himself, "I am sorry I have prepared breakfast without asking...hope you don't mind" I said feeling embarrassed for not asking his permission before entering his kitchen but I really didn't want to wake him up since he worked a lot yesterday...

"nevermind dear...how I wish Lydiya would wake me up like this one day..but you know she would rather throw something at me if I wake her up in the morning," he said smiling happily remembering his daughter, "umm..you seem to miss her a lot sir" I said refilling his cup with more coffee...

"Yeah..I miss her a lot, she went to Boston to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday, I don't know when she would be back" he said sighing sadly, my father must be missing me like this, I should call him once I get back to the research center I thought...

"umm..you said you are a herbalist so.. have you ever worked with Mr.stone??" I asked trying to change the topic...

"yeah...Mr.Christopher is a very interesting person with intense knowledge of plant science, he likes to develop different hybrids in his free time so sometimes I assist him in the process" he said walking into the backyard and I followed him holding my cup of green tea...

"He keeps his collection of plants and the hybrids he developed in a garden at his house, you should see that garden in spring...that's a spectacular site for eyes" he said proudly and I smiled.

"yeah...he doesn't allow anyone into his special garden, he warned me not to enter his garden on my first day itself so I never dared to step inside his garden," I told him feeling sad for not getting access to such a beautiful garden...

"Don't worry dear ... I am sure Mr.Stone would let you see it one day, how about I let you collect those flowers in my garden, I am curious to see how you would arrange them" he said tapping my shoulder, he is a really sweet person "Thank you...that's really nice of you sir" I said excitedly and got up...

I have collected as many flowers as I could from the garden and started arranging them in a vase"seeing you arrange these flowers reminded me of what Lydia did when she was a kid, you know...we use to have this beautiful horse at that time, she loved that horse so much that one day she collected all the flowers in the garden and tried to feed those to the horse" making me crack up ...that was really hilarious

"That was so funny Mr.Billiards, so did she feed those flowers to the horse??" i asked curiously to which he laughed"well the horse didn't eat them, she got so disappointed that she didn't eat anything all day," he said laughing out loud...

I heard a movement inside the house and turned to see what it was, there I saw Mr.stone standing at the door holding a camera in his unharmed hand with a small smile on his lips...he was wearing a loose black t-shirt and khaki shorts, he looked a little pale but he was still looking handsome like always...

Why did he get up from the bed ?? what if he catches a cold or something?? he was shivering with fever last night right!! so why is he walking around now I thought and felt a little worried...

I rushed to him"Sir why are you walking around?? you should be resting in the bed...you had a high fever last night" I told him holding his other arm and helping him walk to the table in the garden...

"How do you know that I had a fever last night??" he asked in amusement, suddenly I remembered what happened last night and blushed, what the hell...did he know that I was with him last night?? did he remember anything?? I wondered and observed him for any other reaction nervously...

"Morning Christopher...how is your arm?? do you feel any pain??" Mr.Billiards asked him to which he shook his head placing his wounded hand carefully on the table, "I am ok Simon.. I am just feeling a little weak but I must say I had a good sleep last night" he said with a small smile looking at my way...

I gulped nervously and looked away, "umm... I will serve the breakfast, it's a little cold in here I guess ...you guys carry on" I told them and rushed inside, why's he being weird ?? does he remember that i slept next to him?? oh god...how should i face him now?? he is my boss and teacher for god's sake it's so embarrassing I thought to myself and took out the breakfast I prepared...

While I was serving breakfast Mr.stone was staring at me continuously, i felt so nervous that my hands started shaking and my face must have turned red like a tomato with all the blushing"do you have cold dear?? your face is all red...are you ok Erika??" Mr.Billiards asked me with concern to which I nodded in return"umm.. the climate is a little cold here I guess..." I said looking down and covering my cheeks with my hands...

"Did you sleep well last night Erika since it's really cold here??" Mr.Stone asked me sipping his coffee and smirking, what's wrong with him?? does he really remember what happened last night, or is he just asking me out of concern?? he is giving me all these mixed signals making me look like a tomato with all the blushing I thought

"yeah..i ..i slept well sir..., thank you for your concern" I said still staring at the table while holding my cup of tea "I got some work at the hospital...you both can take care of each other right!!" Mr.BIlliards asked to which I nodded and Mr.Stone smiled still staring at me, oh god why's he staring at me for god's sake, what would Mr.BIlliards think if he notices all this?? I thought ...

Mr.BIlliards left leaving both of us alone, we both didn't talk to each other and stayed silent for some time, it was so awkward sitting in silence "Do you want anything else sir??" I asked getting up and trying to break the silence

"Why don't you look at me when you talk?? am I that scary??" he asked me out of blue, I didn't know how to react to his question so I just shook my head still staring at the ground like there was something interesting there...

He slowly walked up to me and lifted my chin making me look into his eyes, my heart started beating so fast being so close to him, "Thank you for taking care of me last night...you don't have to feel embarrassed before me" he said in his deep voice, I felt the sincerity in his words, there was some pure emotion in his eyes which made me feel lost in his deep eyes, words didn't come out of my mouth so I just nodded with a small smile...

Even though I felt less embarrassed after that I still felt nervous around him so I just collected the empty dishes on the table and walked into the kitchen sighing in relief, what's wrong with my heart when I am around him?? why does it beat so fast?? I should really get a grip I thought to myself ...

Why did Mr.Billiards leave us alone... it's really awkward to stay alone with Mr.stone in this small house, I thought...I remembered that its Mr.Stone's medicine time so I poured the medicine into a small glass and went to the living room where Mr.Stone was sitting...

He was reading some book seriously which he had taken from Mr. Billiards' study, I slowly walked up to him afraid of disturbing him"umm..Mr.stone you have to take your medicine" I said handing him the small glass. while taking the medicine from my hands his fingers brushed against mine making me gulp...Erika, he is just a patient you have to take care of for the time being, nothing more than that I told myself...

"Did you read the book I have given you in my office??" he asked me seriously all of a sudden, all the teasing tone gone, he went back to his usual self now I guess, I nodded slowly"Ye..yes sir... I took some notes also" I told him sincerely...

"Mr.Simon has a good collection of plants which you can practice for specimen collection, I will teach you the techniques in these three days since we have to stay here for some time" he said seriously to which I nodded excitedly with a grin, its a rare opportunity to learn directly from Mr.Srtone and its better when he is in his studious mode rather than his teasing mode I thought...

He stared at me for a moment and went back to his reading, when I got up to leave"get a notebook and pen from the study and come, I will explain specimen collection class which you didn't understand earlier" he said still staring at the book in his hands...

I took a small notebook and a cute purple pen from Mr.Biliards's study and went back to Mr.Stone, he was sitting on the couch in the center so I sat on another couch which was on the left side of him...

He gave me a side glance after I sat down and started explaining specimen collection techniques in simple terms which I can understand, he was so good at it that if he could teach me all day I would listen to him all day...

I noted down all the important points while he explained, at some point, he gestured for me to sit beside him while he drew the stem of a plant in my notebook and explained in detail to make me understand...at normal times I would hesitate to sit beside him but at that moment I was completely involved in what he was explaining that I didn't realize we were so close...

I observed him closely, he has a habit of scratching his beard while thinking which i find really hot, Seeing his injured arm made me realize how seriously he was wounded but he was still thinking of me and spending his time teaching me instead of resting.

This incident made me understand Christopher stone better, he might look like a rude and arrogant person to people who don't know him but he has a really good side that people fail to notice most of the time...and he doesn't sugarcoat words for people's approval, may be that's why the media portrays him as an arrogant person...

"You should concentrate on the topic Erika instead of staring..." he said still checking the points which I have noted, I immediately looked away, how does he know that I was staring he was not even looking up I thought...

When I saw the clock it was almost noon, I went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Mr.Stone, while I was cooking I saw Mr.Stone entering the kitchen, the kitchen was so small for a person like him who's almost 6'4' that it looked funny making me chuckle...

"What's so funny Erika??" he asked standing behind me, he was so close that I could feel his breath on my neck, I gulped nervously at the close proximity and tried to move away but he didn't let me by placing his hand on the counter, I slowly turned around and stared into his eyes...

"umm...nothing sir, it's just that the kitchen is so small for you...it..it kinda looked funny seeing you in here," I said suppressing my laugh, he too smiled rubbing his beard, I stared at him in surprise when he was smiling, he really looks like a different person when he smiles I thought...

He moved closer to me our bodies almost touching making me more nervous, I immediately looked down not knowing how to react, and he leaned closer making me hold the counter behind me tightly, he tilted his head and slowly kissed my cheek...

After that he left as if nothing happened, he left just like that...I didn't understand what has happened for a few seconds, did he just kiss me??