
Project Artemis

Mickieshiro08 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Siren "Mickie" McKnight

Chapter 1

"I finally had done it! I had made a human being!" the woman in a lab coat shouted as she looks at the sleeping baby inside the observation cylinder. "I had finally have my own child!" she said rejoicing in the success of her experiment. "From now on I will call you Sirene. And you would do great things that can tip the balance of this world" she said as she press a few buttons on the pad below the cylinder that contains the baby. "But I'm not sure if this so called project Artemis is working. It might be just another failure like the first ones" a woman in a lab coat and was wearing eye glasses said to the doctor as she checked on the chart that she is holding but the doctor just wave her hand dismissing the idea "non-sense Sarah I know this will work, I can feel it. I know that this time project Artemis is a success. We had finally able to make a child without undertaking the process of giving birth to a child and a child that had not been conceived in a womb of a mother. This child will be our child. We, we are going to be it's parents" the doctor said as she continue to look at the baby proudly through the glass cylinder, "But then remember there are other problems" the woman said as she pointed at the baby in the cylinder. Then suddenly the office door burst open but the doctors didn't notice this, "Doctor! Doctor! They're here! They want to get experiment number two seven eight three six four seven." the doctor's assistant said as he pants from exhaustion. The doctor looked at him with worry. "No not yet. They won't take away the baby! John you must help me escape with Cyrene. They must not get the baby!" Doctor Sarah pleaded as she set the cylinder to release the child from the wires that was attached to it. "I will. Doctor McKnight please do hurry they are almost here!" John said to the doctor as he helps her gather the things that will help her and the baby from their escape while the other assistant of the doctor barricades the door. Then there was a distant crashing sound making the trio to halt momentarily with fear. John then looked at the doctor and hand her the bag. "Here now go Doctor, Sarah. Leave! I'll hold them off as you two escape." John said as he shoves the two doctors to a secret passage that only the three of them know. With this the doctor tried to protest but John just pushed her to the passage. "be careful doctor. And may God be with you" was his last words right before he shut the entrance to the secret passage. After walking in the dark passage for a few hours the doctor suddenly heard two loud bangs. In an instant she knew that her most trusted friend and colleague is now dead, but she can't fail now or the sacrifice of John will be in vain, no. She need to hide the child who was in spite of the dangers that is lurking was sleeping peacefully in her arms. This same child with unknown abilities, she must hide the baby in a safe place. As she finally had reached the end of the passage it was already dead of the night and at the same time it was raining heavily, which she was half grateful for. The heavy pour of the rain would help disguise her and Sarah from the people who were after them and the child but at the same time would make their escape to the forest impossible. She then heard footsteps deep within the passage; her pursuers had found the entrance. She have no choice but to pray that they won't find her and the baby and Sarah in the forest, "Sarah we have no choice we need to go deeper in to the forest" she said so then they quickly run to the forest, using her lab coat to cover the baby so that it won't get wet, the Doctor tried to see where they are going but with the heavy down pour of the rain and the fact that is it's the middle of the night and that the moon had hidden itself behind a cloud it is starting to get impossible to survive. "Captain. there I saw them!" she heard one of the people who was after her shouted then she heard a chorus of guns being fired, as she went deeper into the forest she heard less and less sounds from the ones who was following her. When she looked at her companion, Sarah was not there, "no Sarah." Was all the doctor could say before she heard another gun being fired so she has no choice but to continue escaping alone with the defenseless child in her arms. She had wandered in this part of the forest before and had memorized every twist and turn of this forest. As she was about to congratulate herself for escaping her pursuers she suddenly felt light headed, all her strength leaving her quicker than she thought, when she look down at her abdomen she saw this huge red ink that is quickly spreading through her shirt. 'Red ink? No not ink, its blood! Oh no please no, not now my baby needs me.' She thought but then what can a dying doctor do? That's when the lightning draw into the sky giving her enough light to see a hollow part in a tree two feet away from her. Even if she doesn't want to, she put the baby inside the tree along with the bag and a piece of paper with two words written on it: Sirene McKnight. But as she caress the face of the baby one final time three blots of blood fell on the paper making a stain on it. A two small blot on the upper outer corner of the bigger blot of blood then tuck it deep in the coat's pocket. "please be safe my child, I must join my lovely Sarah but worry not I'll watch you from the stars" was the last words of the doctor then kissed the baby's cheek for the first and final time before she run to the other direction hoping that she can lure away the men who were after her from her baby. The chaotic night had finally passed, there were now no armed men running around the forest, no wounded doctor trying to protect her child, not even the sound of the guns being fired and all that was left from that forsaken night was the sleeping child that was wrapped in a white lab coat and the bloody note saying the baby's name. And yet the child was still sleeping like a rock in the hollow part of the tree aware of the night that had come, the danger that had almost taken it's life and the lost life of the doctor who had given life to it and to the doctor's colleague who had died as he tried to save both the baby and the doctor.

Hours had passed before the child was found. Though it was not a human who first found the child it was a red fox, looking for something to eat. As it sniff the baby it lightly bite the coat that was wrap on the child and carried it along with the child, as the fox was about to return to it's home a hunter had shot it, with the fear of being killed it dropped the baby to the ground and fled with the hunter on it's wake leaving the defenseless child on it's own once again. The drop had woken the baby from it's sleep, but the child did not cry as it look up in the sky, fascinated by the color. Unknowingly to the child it was being watched by a ferocious pair of golden yellow eyes. As the owner of the eyes approach the child it licked it's furry lips, anticipating the taste of the child's blood but when the child sense that something is approaching it just clapped it's hands. As this happened a big wolf approach the child and licked it's cheek. From that the wolf had carried the child to it's lair. Then on the wolf had treated the child as it's own cub. It trained the child to defend it's self and to hunt for it's own food, at a young age of one the child was the master of hunt. The child, now one year of age had seek some thing to eat, leaving it's wolf mother on it's own. Being fascinated of the changing colors of the leaves, the child watched as the trees around it dance with the silent blowing of the winds and the soft sound of the nature, until a very unfamiliar yet completely familiar sound was heard, a sound that the last time the child had heard it was when it was still a baby. The sound of a gun being fired. So the child hurriedly return to it's wolf mother but it was too late. There just outside of their cave lay the wolf lying on it's own blood and was already dying and few feet away from it was a man the child had never seen before. He was holding a gun and pointing it at the child's wolf mother, instinctively the child rush to aid the dying wolf. At seeing this the hunter was then stunned at what he saw. "Come on kid it's dead. This dog wont 'urt ye any more. Say tell me where are yer parents? Tsk such irresponsible folks ye 'ave 'ere kid" the man said to the child but the child just stand there looking at it's wolf mother. "'ey kid do ye understand me?" the hunter said and yet still no answer from the child. "Tsk a mute, great! Say brat what yer name?" the hunter ask the child and the only response the child gave him is when the child handed the hunter the piece of paper that the child kept since it was given to it. "Sirene McKnight. eh, fitting name with those eye of yer kid yer can be a McKnight if yer want to" the hunter said as he saw the child glare at him but still no sound escaped from the child's lips. "Well then come with me I'll bring yer to the orphanage. There 'em sure that yer will know 'ow to speak" the hunter said as he picked up the child and as it cling into the lab coat. The child continue to look at it's dead wolf mother as the hunter walk away from the cave while carrying the child. They traveled in silence. As the hunter drove his old beaten pick up truck, Sirene sat in the shotgun seat quietly while hugging the lab coat. Once they have arrived in a small town they went in a small tavern but only to eat. This is all new to Sirene, the noise of the band, the sight of other people drinking and eating merrily, men showing off to others what they can do. "Say kid ye' want any thing to eat?" the hunter ask over the noise yet Sirene never answered. Then a man with a long shaggy beard approaches them. "Ey Albert! Long time, say whatcha doin 'ere in town, ohm! So ya' finally tied the knot eh. So whose the lucky girl ya' sly dog?" the man said as he clap the hunter's shoulder while looking at him and Sirene who was looking at him with a bored expression. "Louis long time me' friend oh this brat? It isn't mine I saw 'er in the woods though 'em takin' 'er to Lorelii, yer think she can still accept this one?" the hunter asked but his friend just shrug. "'ey Louis can yer' bring this kid somethin' to eat" the hunter said as he lead deeper into the tavern. After a few minutes later Louis returned with a tray that have a plate of a juicy red meat, a glass of milk and a goblet filled with beer. "There ya' go kiddy, eat well yer hear. Now Albert this one is in the 'ouse" Louis said as he ruffles the child's hair which earned him a growl from the child making the two grown man laugh. Right after the tavern owner left the child sniffed the food that was given by the man making the hunter laugh as he watch the child's actions. "go on eat" the hunter said with this the child grab the meat with it's bear hands and started to eat while completely ignoring the spoon and fork in the tray earning another burst of laughter from the hunter. As the hunter reach out to the child, Sirene growled and tried to bite the hunter's hand. "a feisty one 'ey. A wolf in a sheep's clothing. Either way 'ere kid let me teach yer 'ow to use this" the hunter said as he show to the kid the spoon and fork so the kid reluctantly put back the meat to the plate and get the spoon and fork from the hunter, look at the silver ware momentarily and within seconds the child is using both utensils with ease as if Sirene had been using it for a long time that amused the hunter.

"Louis! Where did you find her! Oh my, come in, come in" a Hispanic looking lady wearing a sundress said as she saw the hunter and the child once she opened the door. "Lorelii I won't be long, 'em just gonna drop this kid 'ere.'er name is Sirene McKnight. Oh and 'ere she gave it to me when I ask 'er name" the hunter said as he handed the piece of paper to the lady "I saw 'er in the forest when I was huntin' she was with a wolf and from the looks of it, it was 'er surrogate mother" the hunter said as he push the child towards the lady. "the wolf was this child's surrogate mother? Then what about the coat she is wearing?" the lady said as the two look at the child and as if sensing that they might take the coat Sirene then hugged it more closely to prevent them from taking the coat. "I ain't got no nothin' 'bout that, when I tried to ask 'er she won't even answer me. She don't even know 'ow to use spoon and fork but men ya should 'ave seen 'er, one look and she knows 'ow to use it, and by the looks of it and by 'er 'eight this kid is just a year old" the hunter said as the lady kneel down so that she was looking straight to the child's eye. "oh don't worry young one I won't take your coat but tell me do you know how old are you?" the lady asked which earned her a nod from the child making the lady smile at her then the child being questioned walk to the table in the office, look at the chair near the table then climb it with ease then from the chair she went to the top of the table then get the nearby pen and a piece of paper, again the child looked at the pen then write at the paper then handed it to the two adult who was watching her carefully and was shocked at what they saw then the lady begun to read what was written. "I was born on seventh day of the seventh month in a lab and this coat I am wearing was given to me by my mother who had died protecting me from the people who wanted to get me. My mother who had given me life had also given me the ability to learn anything that I can see, hear and touch". "So are you telling us that your mother was a doctor and that you were born last year?" the lady clarified which then earned her a nod from the young child. "Then tell us, why don't you speak?" the lady asked, the child just looked at her skeptically then sighted. "For I know that a child such as my age don't even speak yet. Also I know that it will freak you out" the child said as the two adult looked at the child and felt a wave of calmness hit them.

From that day on Lorelii had taken special care for the special child. But the hardship that awaits the child has not yet even begun. Lurking behind the watchful eyes of Lorelii are the other orphans who had envied Sirene. As Lorelii is away they would make sure that Sirene's life would be a living hell as long as Sirene stayed at the orphanage but she choose not to fight for the reason that the others can't accept that Siren is not like them and that they were uneducated bunch of people and mostly because Sirene was femininely handsome and no one could tell if Sirene is a girl or a boy. At the age of two Sirene had discovered that the wounds that was given by the other orphans heals faster than a normal person. "I guess this is expected since I am more different from them" Sirene thought out loud while looking at a new wound that the other kids gave Sirene. "Hey rat! Lorelii is looking for you downstairs. try to tell her something and you know what would happen to you" a boy about a year older to Sirene said and all Sirene could do was nod at him since Sirene never speak in front of anyone other than Lorelii herself, the others just thought that she communicates with the use of a pen and a paper. Rat? They never seem to cease in calling me names. But rat? Really I don't even have a pointed ears and a long snout. Mouse is much more appropriate. Sirene thought to herself. Once Sirene had entered the office of Lorelii in an instant Sirene saw that there was a girl with a long black hair sitting on the chair in front of Lorelii. A new one? And as I can see she is two years older than me. Sirene had thought while looking at the new kid, then the new kid pointed at the design of the white lab coat on Siren that Siren had made. "Mickey!" the kid said that made both Siren and Lorelii to look at the child with different meaning but mainly with confusion. Mickie? Now that I like. Siren thought then Lorelii cleared her throat. "now um Sirene this is Juliet, Juliet this is Sirene. Now I want the two of you treat one another as sisters is that alright with the two of you?" Lorelii ask the two which earned her a nod from Sirene and a yes from Juliet that made Lorelii to smile at the two "o.k. I'll leave the two of you to know each other" Lorelii said then left the two at this Juliet jump off the chair she was in and walk to Sirene. "hi my name is Juliet, what's your name and how old are you?" Juliet ask but Sirene did not speak, all Sirene did was show her the upper right corner of Sirene's shirt there was written Sirene's whole name then showed Juliet the two lines on the coat. "so your name is Sirene McKnight and your two years old? Hmmm I know from now on I'll call you Mickie, Sirene Mickie McKnight" Juliet said which made Sirene to look at her weirdly. "it's because of the shape you've drawn in you coat." Juliet said as she point at Sirene's coat, yet Sirene still looked at her confused with this Juliet hand her A small sticker of a mouse wearing white gloves a red shorts and yellow shoes and on the bottom of the picture was a lettering saying Mickey Mouse that looks like the name of the mouse also after the name is a drawing like the one in Sirene's coat. So Sirene fished out from the pocket of the lab coat a white paper and a pen then wrote something and hand it over to Juliet. "We can talk at the play ground if you like. I like the name Mickie, thanks" Juliet read that made her smile. From then on Mickie would only response when being called Mickie. By the age of three Mickie started to talk not only to Lorelii but also to others but never more than ten words also never did Mickie fight against those who bully Mickie, instead it hides in the basement or the attic or even in the closet. At the same age of three Mickie discover something that is highly unusual. a blood red tail had started to grow behind Mickie's back. But Mickie never informed anyone about this discovery and after the discovery Mickie said goodbye to a good friend since Juliet was adopted by a rich aristocrat. By the age of four, Lorelii had enrolled Mickie in a public school. Life outside of the orphanage wasn't any better for Mickie, in fact it had been more difficult than when Mickie was still kept inside the grounds of the orphanage. Other kids would throw stones to Mickie, others just laugh at the treatment that Mickie receive from the other students, but as always Mickie never did do anything about this kinds of matter. At play time Mickie would always sit on the farthest corner of the playground hoping that the no one would notice and that they would just mind their own business. This attitude of Mickie continued till Lorelii had enrolled Mickie in the nearby private school hoping that they would treat Mickie nicely.

"o.k. Kids we have a few new friends and I want you all to treat them kindly is that alright with you?" Miss. Goodwill said as she ushered in eight new kids, all of them are different from the other kids in the room. "Kids I want you to introduce yourselves to the class then after that you all can sit at the table with Mickie" Miss. Goodwill said that shocked Mickie. 'is she serious? She's mixing the new kids with me? What are you planning Goodwill. But I guess it's inevitable since my table have the last vacant seats here in class.' Mickie thought as the group started to introduce themselves. the first one to do so is the girl with long auburn hair, beautiful emerald green eyes and was wearing a white dress. once in front she smiled that somehow made Mickie blush. 'She's beautiful.' Mickie thought. "good afternoon my name is Angel Spirits, I am three years old" the girl said then went to sit at the empty chair on Mickie's table. Then a boy walk up front. "yo! name's Dealan Halight, three years old" he said then join in with Mickie. "our name is Arwin and Edwin Nova." the two twin boys said then bowed. "I am Arwin Alphonse Nova, I'm three years old" one of the boys with a longer blond hair said. "hi! I'm Edwin Edward Nova, I'm three years old, nice to meet you all" the other half of the twin boys said then both of the boys went and sit with Mickie. 'Goodwill I really don't think that this is a great idea' Mickie thought while looking at the faces of the new children, only then did Mickie realize that one of the twin boys looked more like a girl than a boy. "Hi my name is Nina Escaflone. I'm three years old" the girl with long coffee brown hair said then walk to join in Mickie's table. Then a boy with the pitches black eyes Mickie have ever seen walk up front, "Lyer Ellsing es Neon, three" the boy said. And lastly the two blond girls. 'Another pair of twins?' Mickie thought as the last pair of twin introduced themselves. "I am Ren Edwin Edogawa Nova, I'm three years old" the one on the left with a bright smile said. "my name is Ran Elias Edogawa Nova, three" then the twins joined the others and sit on the last empty pair of chair in the table of Mickie. After the introduction Miss. Goodwill left them for them to play which give the other kids chance to throw things at Mickie who just tried to evade almost everything that is being thrown at Mickie. Then a boy approach the new kids "I'm David, why don't you guys join us and leave that rat face freak" David said that made the other students to laugh at the name he called Mickie but Mickie just ignored the name calling and continue to read a thick book but at the same time was paying attention to the new kids wondering what they would do. The girl named Nina just smiled but shakes her head while the girl whose name is Angel looked at the boy then said "well, thank you but no thanks I like this place than the place where you stay and beside I like her company", "Nah! It's too troublesome to change places, how about you Eddy?" the boy with the brown hair that's name is Dealan said. But then Edwin and his twin just shakes their heads. "We don't like you" both Ren and Ran said at the same time. "Nope I don't like too" the boy named Dealan said. The actions of the new kids angered David so he left the group. "You should have gone with him. Now you'll be teased" Mickie said without looking at the group, Mickie waited for any one of the new kids to say something but nothing so Mickie look up and saw that the boys were smiling along with the twin girls which made Mickie look at them. "oh! Yes we can finally prank someone else other than boring old Dealan" Ren said to her twin making Dealan to twitch remembering the pranks he had received from the twins. "Wait we never did get what your name is" Nina said which made the others to stop from talking and look at Mickie. "It's Sirene Mickie McKnight but you can call me Mickie" Mickie said then smiled at the group.

"You freak! This is for humiliating me in front of the whole class!" David said as another punch landed on Mickie's face. In response Mickie just look at the side then spit blood, this action of Mickie just made David more angry so he once again raise his fist to punch Mickie who was on the other hand was waiting for another painful introduction to David's fist but it never came. "Man, you're disgusting. Hitting a defenseless girl. How low can you be David?" a familiar voice said and when Mickie looked up it was the new kids from earlier. Edwin was holding David's wrist stopping him from punching Mickie while Arwin, Dealan and the twins, Ren and Ran stood on the side waiting for David to initiate a fight. Then suddenly Mickie felt that both the grip of Ivan and Clark loosen so when Mickie looked at them, they were at the mercy of Angel and Nina. Seeing that their group was out numbered they instantly drop Mickie on the floor then left. Angel and Nina helped Mickie to stand up while the boys along with the twins pick up Mickie's things. "Mickie why are you letting them to beat you up like that? Have you told any teacher about this?" Angel asked as she wipe away the blood from Mickie's face with the use of her Handkerchief. "Look at what they did to you, oh and your coat. Man if I can have my way at them I'm going to teach those bullies a lesson they'll surely never forget" Nina said as she too wipe Mickie's bruises, "yes I did, but no one would listen to me, no one believed to the words I say. Also I don't want to burden Lorelii about this, so I just kept my mouth shut, that way they would beat me less, besides I'm use to this kind of settings." Mickie explained while patting the places that hurt and in an instant as Mickie looked at the paddle of water, all the bruises and cuts are already healed. "You are being beaten by your father?" Angel asked horror struck which made Mickie to look at her. "Father? No I don't have one. I live in an orphanage just two blocks from here. Tell me what are you all doing here?" Mickie asked while looking at them one by one. "Nothing we just want to hang out with you. So why did you say that what happened to you earlier is not new to you?" Nina asked Mickie as they walk back to the school. "I've been in the orphanage since I was one and since I am more younger than any of them they would then beat me up and threaten me that if ever I say anything to Lorelii they would only beat me more" Mickie explain as they enter an empty classroom. "Then tell us how did you do that? What I mean is how did your wounds heal so fast?" Edwin said as he examines Mickie's face. With this question of Edwin, Mickie instinctively take a step back then warily look at them. "Why are you all so interested in me? Look I'm grateful for the help earlier but I, I must go" Mickie said then grab the bag that Ren was holding and ran away.

'Dammit why did I let things go out of hand, why did I tell them that I was beaten at the orphanage.' Mickie thought while running back to the orphanage. Being engulf in thinking Mickie then slammed at one of the kids in the orphanage. "Sorry" Mickie said to the person that Mickie had slammed into accidentally. it was Alison, one of the most popular kid in the orphanage and this time she is with her group of friends. "ah! Arrr! If it isn't the little freak herself. Watch where you're going freak not because Lorelii favors you it doesn't mean that we'll give way to you! No way, not in your wildest dreams FREAK!" Alison said then pushes Mickie down from the steps then leave while laughing at Mickie who slowly stands up from the pavement then run up to the rooftop. Mickie had always loved looking at the vast blue skies. 'Someday I'll travel the world I'll see places I only see in the TV shows then I'll finally know who killed my parents.' Mickie thought while lying on the floor, "you are quite an adventurous child Sirene" the familiar voice of Lorelii said as she walk to Mickie who was lying on the ground. "but Lorelii how do you know that I was thinking of seeing the world?" Mickie ask as Lorelii sit besides Mickie. "it's written all over your face Sirene and besides didn't Louis found you in the forest." Lorelii said which made Mickie to look away, remembering the doctor and her assistants and the wolf mother. "Lorelii? I met some weird kids at school." Mickie said suddenly out of the blue that made Lorelii to look at Mickie and raise an eye brow waiting for Mickie to continue. "And?" Lorelii said to encourage Mickie to continue talking. "I don't know if I can trust them. I'm not like them. I'm different from the other kids, I might freak them out" Mickie said carefully not to tell Lorelii about the healing ability "then be friends with them but at the same time don't tell them more than necessary about yourself. oh and Sirene it's time for your show, you can watch it in my office" Lorelii said making Mickie smile. Then there is only one thing to do.

As Mickie is taking an afternoon nap on its room when something itchy had bothered Mickie on it's back and started to scratch it sleepily but then Mickie felt something unusual, a lump on its just above Mickie's natal cleft that had woken Mickie up, like some kind of sick joke, "great first the weird light ring above my head the freakish healing abilities and now this? Eh? What's next? Horns and wings?" Mickie shouted sarcastically as it look at it's reflection on the mirror, "hey if you don't want to sleep then at lease let me sleep!" Alicia said as she throw a pillow to Mickie that had hit Mickie square on the face then went back to sleep. how the heck am I going to hide this' Mickie thought while watching it's tail grow longer and longer till it was about a feet long so Mickie sit on the floor and think deeply how to solve the problem that's when the tail wrapped around Mickie's waist making it looked like just a ordinary furry belt. Well then, I think that should do the trick' Mickie thought while studying the way the tail looked. "Good morning Mickie" Angel greeted as Mickie entered the room that made Mickie to stop on walking and look around the room then saw that the kids from yesterday are already had sited themselves in their table. "you do know that if you hang around me you all will experience bad luck or be teased so if I were you, I'm going leave me alone and pretend that you don't even know me" Mickie said that made the whole room to gasp that didn't go un notice by the group on Mickie's table "what? why did all of you gasp?" Ren asked but at first no one answered her but when she glared at them "that frea- er I mean Mickie never did speak more than ten words to anyone" one of their classmate explained that made Mickie to face palm. "Grrrr just leave me alone" Mickie said then walk to the farthest corner of the room "Mickie, you can join us I promise we wont ask anything else except for the things you would tell us" Angel said as she lead Mickie back to their seat. "I still don't think this is right" Mickie said cautiously that made both Angel and Nina to giggle. "Oh don't you worry about us, here have some candy" Angel said then handed Mickie a pack of gummy bears. With this gesture made Mickie smile but then notice that both Angel and Nina suddenly have red faces which is totally new for Mickie. "Um sorry I didn't mean to" Mickie said then slowly back away from the two girls. This made the others laugh "oooh look at that both Nina and Angel are blushing!" Ren and Ran said in unison then laugh even louder. All of a sudden Mickie sense a strong sensation, a familiar sensation too, the sensation of bloodlust. 'That feeling, the last time I felt it was when. Oh no did they found me? But it's been four years ago!' Mickie thought while looking around. "Mickie are you alright? You're shaking and you look like you've seen a ghost" Edwin said as he saw the look in Mickie's face but Mickie was too focus on finding where the sensation is coming from. "Mickie?" Angel said worried about Mickie. "n- no I'm, I'm alright" Mickie said but still shivering from head to foot. The whole class did proceed but every single noise made Mickie jumpy which cause Mickie to loose concentration. Then Mickie suddenly felt that someone hugged from behind so when Mickie turned to look it was just Angel but then why? That is when Angel whispered "calm down, you need to calm down" and Mickie did but then Angel pulled Mickie out of the classroom to a janitor's closet. "Mickie, I know I promise not to ask you anything but you're making me worry. Tell me is there anything or anyone scarring you? You can tell me Mickie, I'm your friend you can trust me" Angel said that made Mickie to look left and right. "No one is scaring me?" Mickie said sternly but Angel just raised her brow at Mickie's answer and looking that there is no way out of the situation Mickie finally submitted to Angel. "Yes there is someone but I don't know who, the only thing I know is that this person might be the one responsible for my mother's death and the same reason for my untimely release." Mickie explained but Angel just looked confused so Mickie sighted "know what? why don't you just go to the orphanage where I live I'll tell you the things you want to know." Mickie said as Angel nodded.