
In The Middle Of Nowhere

A boy woke up from a highly secured pod. He felt like he had been sleeping for years, but he didn't. He felt dizzy and was sitting on the pod itself. Later he mustered up and started wandering the empty large tracts, it was as if he was the first thing to exist there. Soon enough the sun dropped and the stars arose. When he had wandered enough he saw a shelter below the horizon. He ran there as soon as he can and saw the traces for presence of others .His stomach was hurting very badly so he rested there. Moon rays fell on his face when a bold and beautiful girl opened the entrance of the shelter....she raised her ammunition against him. Even though he had hard time communicating he managed to say a few words - " sleep....pod.....stomach........h..hu.....hurts!!".

She realised that he was "one of them". She introduced herself as "Luna" and when she asked what his name was he was confused. She said that there will be a name written on the pod and that's how she got her name. When he reached his pod it was named as "Ethan_012".

Luna took Ethan to others and he was still confused about what was happening. Luna explained that everyone in there had no past memories like him. She continued that they are searching for a paradise namely "Heteropolis".

The sun rose once again, Luna and her band started moving and Ethan had no idea where they were going. Luna told him that they were going to south pole where the human base was located. When they were just miles away from the place where the human base was under the ground, they saw a mysterious object flying towards the place. They all ran there and saw a man with all of his clothes drenched in blood coming out of the flying object.He handed over a chip to Luna and said ,'Don't go for it'.